SATs Practice

This week, Year 6 have completed some practice SATs papers. I am so incredibly proud of each and every single one them, and their attitude towards these tests! I can see how hard they are all working and the effort they are putting in. Mrs Ormerod and I are using these tests to help gauge each child’s strengths and areas for development and it will certainly help us to plug any gaps in learning. After half term, we will be arranging intervention groups and each group will spend time focusing on each of the three papers. This will give them all an opportunity to focus on the areas they find trickier and ask questions! We will be doing this every Tuesday and Thursday for the whole of the morning. I will also be leading a SATs booster class (after half term), after school, for any children in the class that would like that extra little bit of help. A letter will be sent home about this shortly. I really want to prepare the children as much as possible, without overwhelming them or applying too much pressure. I want to get that balance just right! But again, a huge well done to all of the class for the work and effort they have put in this week.

Here is what else we have been up to….

In Maths this week we continued our work on ratio, followed by scale drawing and scale factors. We made the link between these two concepts. We now know that if something has been enlarged and doubled in size, is has been enlarged by scale factor two. If a shape was three times a big as the original, we can say it has been enlarged by scale factor three, etc….

In English we looked at formal letters and took on the role of Scarecrow. Our task was to write a letter to the Wizard of Oz, requesting a new brain. We had to ensure we kept the tone very formal, and used accurate punctuation. Later in the week we went on to comparing the introductions of four classic fiction texts and highlighting what devices/punctuation/clauses were commonly used in all of them. This then helped us to compile a list for our Classic Fiction Introduction toolkits.

In RE we looked at the life and actions of Salvadorian Archbishop, Oscar Romero. He was a strong, courageous man who stood up for what he believed in when he saw how unjustly the poor were being treated by the government. He was sadly killed for this but he did not fear death as he know he was doing the right this, and what God would want him to do, and he sought comfort in the knowledge that he would receive eternal life in heaven. We responded to questions about Oscar Romero, including how his actions were influenced by his beliefs.

In Science we continued with our topic on ‘Evolution and Inheritance’. Our focus this week was on adaptation. We pick a couple of animals of our choice and researched what adaptations they had that helped them to survive in their natural habitat.

In Geography our focus was on mountains in the UK. We researched the elevation of several mountains in the UK and used this data to create our own barcharts.

In Computing we used Logo to create nesred loops. We used coding to repeat a pattern/shape and lesrnt shortcuts to save us from writing out repeated linds of code over and over again.


The Golden Award went ALL of Year 6. I am so proud of how they have all conducted themsleves this week. They have shown so much self-respect and respect for each other.

The Writing Award went to Harriet for her beautiful piece of RE wiritng.

The Maths award went to Rosanna for the huge improvement in her arithmetic skills.


  • ⚽ PE day- Wednesdays.

  • 📝Homework- I have set homework this week, details of which can be found on the Year 6 Homework Page.

  • 📩 Contact information- if you need to contact me for any reason, please email using

  • 📆 Thursday 13th February The school council has decided to run 'What I would like to be when I leave school' day in order to raise funds for CAFOD. They are asking children to dress up as someone they would like to be when they grow up This can be anything so please do not feel like you have to buy a costume for this occasion, props from home or a simple paintbrush in hand (if they wish to be a painter) will do perfectly. 

    A contribution of £1 is now live to pay on ParentPay and will go towards raising money for CAFOD.

  • 📆 We break up fro helf term on Thursday 13th February (normal finishing time) and return on Tuesday 25th February.

Science Week Year 6 Project

Mrs Ormerod was explaning to the class that we will be par-taking in a science fashion show based around the theme ‘Change and Adapt-reduce, reuse and recycle.’ She has explained that if anyone would like to be involved in this event, the project is to create a fashion garment that is wearable, using recycled/reused materials. This would need to be created at home and brought into school after half term. All entries will then be fashioned on a ‘catwalk’ in school, and the two winning garments will be taken to a fashion show at SJV with all other winning entires from the Trust. An overall winner will then be selected! This is optional however, the more entries we have, the better! So get your creative/eco thinking caps on!

✝Wednesday Word and TenTen Newsletter

Please have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class worships…

TenTen Parent Newsletter

WEDNESDAY WORD Please follow this link below to access the Gospel Readings for the forthcoming week, there are also some fun activities to complete, this is a fantastic family resource to share and celebrate with your child at home.

Wednesday Word

🖥Online Safety at Our Lady’s

At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Murphy, Mrs Ormerod & Mrs Owen

AuthorCatherine Slater