In RE we looked at an example of injustice that happened back in 2000 when a wealthy gold mining company set up work in Honduras, which hugely affected the local residents in the area. Not only did they have to move from their homes and life in (very poorly made) houses, they also had no land to plant their crops, were inflicted with air and noise pollution and had no clean water to drink so had to resort to drinking unsafe, contaminated water from the gold mine company. We linked this injustice to Pope Francis' and Jesus’ teachings and discussed how this company were not playing their part to be stewards of God’s creation-this also linked in nicely with Pope Francis’ words from Laudato Si.

Here is what else we have been up to….

In Maths this week we started the week on percentages and ended the week with ratio. We looked at comparing two quantities using ratio sentences and then went on to using the ratio symbol. I was impressed with how quickly the class picked this up!

In English we finished and copied up our descriptive cyclone poems. I was so impressed with the standard of these poems and so were the class. So much so that we made three copies-one to display in the classroom, one for our books and one to take home! We then moved on to looking at the introduction of one of the main characters in The Wizard of Oz : Scarecrow. We compared the introduction of Scarecrow in the novel with the film version, noting any similarities and differences. We then looked in more depth at the description of Scarecrow and innovated Frank L Baum’s description from the book.

In Science we continued with our topic on ‘Evolution and Inheritance’. Our focus this week was on adaptation.

In Geography we were identifying different towns and cities of the UK, on a map. We then chose a town and/or city to research and write up about.

In HRSE our focus was on Cyber bullying. We looked at the power of words and the impact they can have on others, whether they are spoken or typed. Quite often, cyber bullying takes place because the person on the keyboard cannot see the person they are targeting in person, which gives a sense of action without consequence. We talked about how important it is to report (and not reciprocate!) any instances of cyber bullying we may encounter when accessing the digital world.


A HUGE! congratulations to our Year 6 girls Under 11s 6 aside! They came first place in thr BFCCT Utilita Girls Cup Tournament! We are all very proud!


The Golden Award went to Hallie for being an inquisitive learner who is not afraid to ask questions when she does not understand.

The Writing Award went to James for his effective choices of vocabulary.

The Maths award went to Olivia W for her great work on ratio.


  • ⚽ PE day- Wednesdays.

  • 📝Homework- I have set homework this week, details of which can be found on the Year 6 Homework Page.

  • 📩 Contact information- if you need to contact me for any reason, please email using

  • 📆 Thursday 13th February The school council has decided to run 'What I would like to be when I leave school' day in order to raise funds for CAFOD. They are asking children to dress up as someone they would like to be when they grow up This can be anything so please do not feel like you have to buy a costume for this occasion, props from home or a simple paintbrush in hand (if they wish to be a painter) will do perfectly. 

    A contribution of £1 is now live to pay on ParentPay and will go towards raising money for CAFOD.

  • 📆 We break up fro helf term on Thursday 13th February (normal finishing time) and return on Tuesday 25th February.

✝Wednesday Word and TenTen Newsletter

Please have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class worships…

TenTen Parent Newsletter

WEDNESDAY WORD Please follow this link below to access the Gospel Readings for the forthcoming week, there are also some fun activities to complete, this is a fantastic family resource to share and celebrate with your child at home.

Wednesday Word

🖥Online Safety at Our Lady’s

At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Murphy, Mrs Ormerod & Mrs Owen

AuthorCatherine Slater