Our Lady’s would aim to provide happy, secure and exciting learning opportunities and I hope that we can work together to achieve the best for your child, and look forward to working in partnership with you.
— Mrs Mannix, Head Teacher

Our school places Christ at the centre of all that we do and we hope that, with your help and support, we can encourage and inspire all our children to grow in the image of Christ using His example as our model. We hope to work together as a community of faith in achieving this.

You are most welcome to call in to school with any queries you might have, either to see myself or Mr G Smith our Chair of Governors.

If you need to speak to one of the teachers, the end of the day is usually more convenient than first thing in the morning, when children need help to get themselves organised, but if you have an urgent query, the office will do their best to help.

Please do think about joining the P.T.F.A. It’s an excellent way to learn more about school, and to meet other people, their work really reflects the mission and aims of our school and everyone in school benefits from the community spirit and the
fun, well organised fund-raising activities undertaken.

Click on the images below to visit areas on our website that you might find useful.

All about us



Holidays 24/25

Vision & values



Holidays 25/26



Before and After School Club
