Friday 8th March


This week we have been targeting our weaknesses and revising mean, fractions, long multiplication and division, as well as finishing off our last topic - shape. Year six have persevered and worked hard to close the gaps in their knowledge and turn their weaknesses into strengths.


We are preparing for our big write on the animal of our choice. We are focusing on factual writing and our writing outcome is: To write an explanation of how an animal has adapted to its environment. Year six have individually chosen an animal and spent this week gathering facts and planning their writing.


World Book Day was a wonderful success. The class voted for their favourite costumes our winners were: Bobby, Joseph, Joshua and Oscar Op. Thank you to all our parents for your support with this day. (Photos will follow in the gallery.)

Sports Champions: Last week we did fruit tasting and this week we played tag rugby. It is a wonderful opportunity for year six to access this extra knowledge about sports and what it takes to become a champion. As a class we are all working hard to complete the tasks of doing more exercise and eating healthily.

Year 6 Dates to remember

Friday 15th March Dress up for Brian House Children can come in to school in something bright, something comfy, something stripy, whatever you want to wear and remember a contribution to our charity.

Year 6 awards


Golden Award (care) - Lexi-Rose

Writing Award - Mickey

Maths Award - Ola


Congratulations to all of year six for their hard work this week. We are working together as a class on kindness and being a good friend. I have seen lots of examples this week: Frankie congratulating certificate winners, Ayson checking his friends are okay, Bobby and Lexi excelling at team sports, Emma including people in her games at break time, Izzy taking turns with her friends.

Year 6 Homework:

More information in the homework section


IXL English: H2. Inference

IXL Maths: DD. Angles 7, 8, 9

TT Rock stars: Let’s improve our mental maths

English comprehension: Please complete the next one in the booklet - Penguins

Authorfiona ormerod