Year 6 Dates to remember

Thursday 7th March World Book Day Children can come into school dressed as their favourite book characters and will need to bring in their favourite book to share and enjoy. Please note: There is no need to go out and buy anything new for the day, it’s more important to bring in a favourite book and enjoy it.

Friday 15th March Dress up for Brian House Children can come in to school in something bright, something comfy, something stripy, whatever you want to wear and remember a contribution to our charity.

Year 6 awards


Golden Award (care) - Charlotte

Writing Award - William

Maths Award - Oscar Op


Congratulations to all of year six as we grow and develop our caring school community. I have seen many examples of kindness this week. From William and Hallie supporting other students successes, to Lexi and Ayson working together and creating cubes to sell for Brian House. Well done everyone!

Year 6 Homework

(More information in the homework section of the blog)

IXL English: Inference H. 1

IXL Maths: Angles, DD. 4, 5, 6

TT Rock stars: Let’s improve our mental maths

English comprehension: Please complete the next one in the booklet - Orangutans

AuthorKay McVey