This Sunday marks the third week of advent, when the Hope candle will be lit. During the third week of Advent we are filled with joy for the near arrival of Jesus on Christmas day. This Sunday is often called ‘Gaudete Sunday’ as we reflect on the joy the shepherd’s felt at the birth of Jesus.
We have continued opening our class advent calendar, which has been taking us on a journey to the birth of Christ. In our RE lesson we were reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas and Jesus as the Incarnation: God made man. God sent Jesus, who is truly God and truly human, as the fulfillment of His promise to send us a Saviour.
We also had the privilege of watch Reception’s and KS1’s nativities this week, when they showed us the story of Jesus’ birth through song, dance and acting!
Here’s what else we have been up to this week…
In Maths we have had another go at an arithmetic and reasoning paper. This will give me a good insight as to where each child’s strengths/areas of development are.
In English we have finished our shared write and the class have begun their independent write. Next week, we will be using every English lesson to complete this extended piece of write.….I am determined to read all of their completed stories before my last day! We also had another go at a reading and GPS SATs paper.
In Science we have completed our experiment!
The Golden Award went to lilly Ch for her caring attitude towards others.
The Writing Award went to James for working incredibly hard on his independent writing.
The Maths award went to Olivia W for trying so hard with her maths, even when she finds it challenging. Her hard work is paying off!
Dates for your diary:
🗓 Tuesday 17th December - Christmas meal & Christmas jumper day.
Children are invited to wear their own clothes for the day, and this can include Christmas jumpers, dresses or accessories if they would like - but please don't buy anything especially. We would like to support Save The Children with the Christmas jumper day, and will add a voluntary contribution of £1 to Parentpay for donations to this charity nearer the time.
🗓 Thursday 19th December @ 2.00pm - KS2 Advent Service in Church.
Parents are invited to celebrate the KS2 Advent Service over at Our Lady’s Church in the afternoon of the 19th December. We will be singing some Christmas carols as we tell the story of the Nativity. We do hope you can make it.
🗓 Thursday 19th December - we break up for Christmas at usual finishing time, 3.15pm.
PE day- Wednesdays.
Contact information- if you need to contact me for any reason, please email using
Wednesday Word and TenTen Newsletter
Please have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class worships…
WEDNESDAY WORD Please follow this link below to access the Gospel Readings for the forthcoming week, there are also some fun activities to complete, this is a fantastic family resource to share and celebrate with your child at home.
Almost there….
As this term nears the end, so does my journey with my Year 6 class as their teacher. I can hardly believe how fast these past four months have gone. In spite of this, we are still not ready to take our foot off the accelerator….we have plenty to fit into our last four days! I am so impressed with what each and every child has personally achieved so far and I will certainly be making the most of our last week together. I have already promised the class that I will give them ALL of me, and they need to give me ALL of them, before we break up for Christmas. Thank you to all of my Year 6 parents for your continued support this year and I look forward to giving them my continued support when Mrs Murphy returns in January.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Ormerod, Mrs Owen