Year 4’s Learning this week:

English: Year 4 have written and edited their twisted fairy tale endings this week.

Year 4 have also continued working on their Shakespeare learning for Mrs Ormerod. Year 4 have been exploring The Taming of the Shrew through English and Drama. This week we explored how Kate is treated in the play by Petruchio. This raised the topic of how people should be treated and how it made us feel that women were historically treated as less than men. Year 4 raised some very thoughtful and interesting opinions and questions around this topic.

Maths: Year 4 have been exploring Time this week, practising telling the time as well as their problem solving.

RE: This week, Year 4 have been learning about the different colours, signs and symbols used throughout the Church’s liturgical year and their deeper meaning.

PE: Year 4 have continued taking part in their tag rugby sessions.

Spanish: Year 4 have continued identifying and translating the important objects within their classroom this week.

DT: Year 4 have carried on designing their mindfulness timer and turning this into a prototype.

Computing: Year 4 have continued transferring their website designs onto a virtual platform this week, using teamwork to create their final product with care and pride.


Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.

Please make sure you are still practising times tables on TT Rock stars and The Daily Ten on Topmarks regularly. Hit the Button on Topmarks is also a fantastic resource for times tables practise.

Another good resource for times tables is the Pinpoint Mathematics times tables check:

School reports will be given out on Monday 17th July, if you wish to discuss your child’s report please contact the Year 4 class email.

At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters. 

Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.

This month's online safety guides give helpful advice about…

  • Rumble - This free online safety guide profiles Rumble, a video-sharing platform which features some outspoken influencers and, frequently, uncompromising political views.

We hope you find these guides informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all.

Congratulations to our award winners this week!

Golden Award - Gabriel

Maths Award - Corben

Writing Award - Dominic

A big thank you from Miss Whitehead, Mrs Dunford and Mrs Connolly!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

Year 4 can hardly week there are just two weeks left of the academic year! How time has flown!

Year 4 demonstrated exemplary behaviour this Monday at St Bede’s RE and Retreat Day. During Mass, the mixed group workshops and our singing session, Year 4 displayed great respect and willingness to learn in their new environment for the day. I could not have been more proud!

Year 4’s workshops consisted of social justice, making our own rosary inspired bracelets and reflective chapel activities.

Year 4’s Learning this week:

English: Year 4 have been working hard on analysing their example texts for their twisted fairy tales topic this week and have been thinking about writing from the perspective of one of their chosen fairy tale characters.

Maths: Year 4 have continued with decimals this week, including dividing by 10 and 100.

RE: This week, we have been exploring St Teresa and some of her significant work and the reasons behind it. We studied in detail Mother Teresa’s impressive lifetime achievements as well as gathering vocabulary we believed best described St Teresa.

PE: As well as continuing to participate in the rugby/reading programme, Year 4 have been practising their running and relay skills ready for sports day next Friday!

Spanish: Year 4 have continued identifying and translating the important objects within their classroom this week.

DT: Year 4 have carried on designing their mindfulness timer, focusing on their theme, product design and target audience.

Computing: Year 4 have been transferring their website designs onto a virtual platform this week, using teamwork to create their final product with care and pride.

PSHE: Year 4 have been exploring the topic of bullying this week and its true meaning. Bullying is a strong term that can fall under different categories such as physical, verbal and emotional. Year 4 are now ready to educate others about signs of bullying and take a no tolerance stance against it.


Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.

Please make sure you are still practising times tables on TT Rock stars and The Daily Ten on Topmarks regularly. Hit the Button on Topmarks is also a fantastic resource for times tables practise.

Another good resource for times tables is the Pinpoint Mathematics times tables check:

KS2 sports day will take place on the afternoon of Friday the 14th July.

Year 3/4’s Summer disco will be on Friday 14th July at 4.45-5.45pm, with thanks to the PTA.

School reports will be given out on Monday 17th July, if you wish to discuss your child’s report please contact the Year 4 class email.

At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters. 

Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.

This month's online safety guides give helpful advice about…

  • Rumble - This free online safety guide profiles Rumble, a video-sharing platform which features some outspoken influencers and, frequently, uncompromising political views.

We hope you find these guides informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all.

Congratulations to our award winners this week!

Golden Award - Kurt

Maths Award - James

Writing Award - Isaac

A big thank you from Miss Whitehead, Mrs Dunford and Mrs Connolly!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

This week, some of the Year 4’s have been helping with the school’s gardening. The children have been monitoring, watering and harvesting different kinds of plants in the school’s garden and polytunnel. Some of the harvested goods are even going to be used in the school kitchen to contribute towards school dinners.

Year 4’s Learning This Week:

English: Year 4 have started exploring their new vehicle text today of “The Lost Happy Endings”. We have been predicting what we think the story will be about based on the images and words on the front cover before beginning to explore the spooky setting of the story and how that makes the main character feel in the narrative.

Maths: Year 4 have been concentrating on converting improper fractions into mixed numbers this week to aid them in adding and subtracting fractions.

RE: Year 4 have been exploring and describing in detail the different roles within our local Parish community.

Science: This week, the class have been exploring evaporation and condensation before we begin learning about the process of the water cycle.

PE: Year 4 have been playing rounders today to aid them in their throwing and running skills that will be needed during athletics and sports day!

E-Safety: Year 4 have been learning all about what is acceptable and unacceptable about online gaming.

PSHE: Year 4 have been working hard on exploring their emotions in a safe and healthy way this week, recognising that it is ok to share their thoughts and opinions in a positive way.

DT: Year 4 are concentrating on mindfulness and exploring products on the market that help us participate in mindfulness activities.


Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.

Please make sure you are still practising times tables on TT Rock stars and The Daily Ten on Topmarks regularly. Hit the Button on Topmarks is also a fantastic resource for times tables practise.

Another good resource for times tables is the Pinpoint Mathematics times tables check:

Times tables booster club will continue weekly on Fridays until 4:10pm.

KS2 sports day will take place on the afternoon of Friday the 14th July.

School reports will be given out on Monday 17th July, if you wish to discuss your child’s report please contact the Year 4 class email.

Congratulations to our award winners this week!

Golden Award - All of Year 4!

For their excellent listening and have a go attitude during our class Mass. Father commented how “great” they were and what a wonderful time he had with Year 4!

Maths Award - Ronnie

Writing Award - Harriet

A big thank you from Miss Whitehead, Mrs Dunford and Mrs Connolly!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

I have had the pleasure of teaching Year 4 while Miss Whitehead has been away with the Year 6’s on their residential. I must begin by saying how impressed I have been with the behaviour of the class and the work they have produced. We have had a busy week too….times table checks, science investigations, open air masses and more!! They have certainly done Miss Whitehead proud in her absence and I have no doubt you parents would be so proud of them too. Here’s some more detail of our week…

In Maths we started the week focusing heavily on our times tables, in preparation for the times table check. Naturally, a few of the class were nervous about these tests but they all managed to hold their heads high before and after the test, knowing they tried their very hardest….what more can we ask for?! The second part of the week we focused on finding fractions of amounts and adding fractions with the same denominator, including calculations that were great than 1. The class did really well with this, some using visual aids to help them to understand.

In English we’ve been getting descriptive and using our imaginations to create a wonderful narrative. We used a video called ‘Bubbles’ to inspire us to plan and write our own fantasy story, which all started with a stroll along the beach and a bottle of bubbles…. I was really impressed with some of the vocabulary the class were using to really paint images in their readers mind. We had a big focus on expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials too. On Monday they will get a chance to read over their draft and edit.

In RE we have been looking at the life and work of St. Paul. We were shocked to learn that St. Paul (formerly named Saul) was actually a Jewish Pharisee, who after Jesus’ death, was on a mission to eradicate Christianity and imprison and Christians! So how did he go on to become a Saint??? Well something very special happened to Paul on the road to Damascus which would change his life forever…Jesus spoke to him and chose him to help His mission to spread the Good News! This then made us think about how powerful God’s mercy is. The class did a wonderful job of describing Paul’s life and work in their own words!

In Science we recapped the three states of matters (solid, liquid & gas) and talk about their characteristics. We then planned an investigation to see whether our chosen solids would change state when heat was applied and if so, at what rate did this change happen. We chose to use chocolate, rubber, wax, butter, ice and blue tack and placed them in some hot water. We then started a timer to see how long if took them to change states, if this did happen at all. We recorded all of our results and observations and had some interesting things to discuss by the end. Here are some pictures…..

This week we also attended the open-air mass at St. Mary’s Catholic College. This was such a lovely celebration and a chance for other Blackpool Catholic schools to come together in shared worship. I was so proud of how the class conducted themselves…they did Our Lady’s proud!

This week’s Golden Award went to Lilly T for the kindness she has shown others this week. She has definitely demonstrated how much she cares about others.

The Writing Award was given to James for his wonderful use of descriptive language.

The Maths Award was given to Emilia for her great work adding fractions.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and manage to make the most of this amazing weather we have been having. Thank you again to Year 4 for making my first full week of teaching, since returning from maternity, such a pleasurable one!

Mrs Murphy

AuthorCatherine Slater

Year 4’s learning this week:

In our RE and Liturgy learning this week, Year 4 have been revising the events of Pentecost; when the disciples were all together in a room and were startled by wind and flame suddenly appearing to them. The Holy Spirit came upon them as tongues of flame, landing on their heads and blessing them with the ability to speak all languages so that they could go on and spread The Good News of Jesus Christ.

Year 4 then thought in depth about what this Good News was. The news that Jesus was the Son of God, sent to show us the way, the truth and the life so that we could be granted eternal life in heaven with God. We thought about how the Bible shared The Good News with us in passages, telling us to “love one another” as Jesus loved us and to “go and make disciples of all of the nations”. We then thought about the different ways in which we could spread The Good News of Christ by; being a good example to others, showing our school values of Care, Learn and Respect and helping those less fortunate than us through acts of charity. Another way in which we thought we could live out and spread The Good News of Christ was through attending Mass regularly, as Jesus told us to receive the Eucharist “in memory of me”.

Year 4 then linked their RE learning into their PSHE, thinking about how the disciples spread The Good News to the world and how they can follow this principle in our community, going out and helping others around them.

English: Year 4 have finalised their Creation stories, working hard to demonstrate their Year three and four Writing skills.

Maths: Year 4 have been working hard to practise simplifying fractions, using their times tables knowledge to help find the largest common factors for the numerators and denominators.

Year 4 have also started to explore fractions bigger than one, recognising when a fraction becomes bigger than a whole and turns into a mixed number.

Geography: Year 4 have been exploring the services in their local area that are needed to survive such as our supermarkets, police and fire services, medical services and even recreational services (as we know from COVID 19, entertainment is just as vital for our mental wellbeing!)

Spanish: Year 4 have been continuing checking their written emails this week, presenting themselves including their name, age and how they are feeling.

Art: Year 4 have been retelling the Creation stories they wrote in English through Aboriginal style painting, capturing moments of their story with appropriate colours and shapes.

PE and PSHE: Year 4 have continued working hard this week on being a team, particularly taking part in activities that requires every individual to do their bit and work together in order for a task to be completed successfully.


Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.

Please make sure you are practising times tables on TT Rock stars and The Daily Ten on Topmarks regularly. Hit the Button on Topmarks is also a fantastic resource for times tables practise.

Another good resource for times tables is the Pinpoint Mathematics times tables check: a simulation for the Year 4 check in June.

Times tables booster club will continue weekly on Fridays until 4:10pm.

Congratulations to our award winners this week!

Golden Award - Emilia

Maths Award - Tommy

Writing Award - Peter

A big thank you from Miss Whitehead, Mrs Dunford and Mrs Connolly!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

Year 4 have been working very hard in their DT and Science work today, building their very own torches. Year 4 have been evaluating different torches recently, investigating the features that make a torch a useful piece of equipment such as being lightweight, brightly coloured and a small size.

Year 4 exceeded all expectations in creating their own, unique torches, independently creating fantastic pieces of equipment that could be used to produce and reflect a source of light.

Year 4’s Learning This Week:

English: Year 4 spent this week gathering powerful verbs and nouns as well as a broad range of adjectives and adverbs to aid in writing an independent, powerful creation story.

Year 4 then started to write their introductions to their creation stories, including introducing their creator character and their first setting.

Maths: Year 4 have started to explore tenths and hundredths this week, demonstrating how to represent tenths and hundredths pictorially as well as comparing the two concepts.

Year 4 then went on to explore equivalent fractions towards the end of the week, using fraction walls to prove that some fractions have different numerators and denominators however they have the same value as one another.

RE: Year 4 have been revising the different pieces of scripture that show us Peter’s denial of Jesus three times. The class then compared it to other stories in the Bible that show us Peter’s love for Jesus to truly understand how truly sad Peter’s denial was after loving Jesus so deeply for so long.

Science: This week, Year 4 started thinking about their new Science topic; States of Matter.

Year 4 have been exploring and grouping different examples of solids, liquids and gases. The class then learnt all about the different ways in which particles move and behave.

Spanish: Year 4 have been practising how they can ask someone how old they are and give a response according to their age.

PE: Year 4 have continued playing games that develop their trust in one another, their team work and their communication skills.

PSHE: Year 4 have been working hard on exploring their emotions in a safe and healthy way this week, recognising that it is ok to share their thoughts and opinions in a positive way.


Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.

Please make sure you are practising times tables on TT Rock stars and The Daily Ten on Topmarks regularly. Hit the Button on Topmarks is also a fantastic resource for times tables practise.

Another good resource for times tables is the Pinpoint Mathematics times tables check: a simulation for the Year 4 check in June.

Times tables booster club will continue weekly on Fridays until 4:10pm.

Congratulations to our award winners this week!

Golden Award - Mia and Alexander

Maths Award - Corben

Writing Award - Hallie

A big thank you from Miss Whitehead, Mrs Dunford and Mrs Connolly!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

Everyone in Year 4 hopes that you all had a very happy and restful Easter. Let’s crack on with the summer term!

Year 4’s learning this week:

English: Year 4 wrote their own, independent biographies this week with a particular focus on using fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases to make their pieces more sophisticated. Myself and Mrs Dunford have enjoyed learning facts all about some famous figures from Paul O’Grady to Marie Curie to Elizabeth I.

Year 4 have been working really hard on increasing their concentration during their writing, to maintain their focus and stamina for their independent work.

Maths: Year 4 have been working hard on dividing two and three digit numbers by a one digit number, using part whole models to partition numbers effectively.

RE and Liturgy: Year 4 have been formulating questions on how the disciples would have felt before and after Easter Sunday.

We discussed how Jesus’ followers would have felt mixed emotions of anger, fear, sadness, disbelief and joy over the course over Jesus’ arrest, death and resurrection. Year 4 then used their Bible skills to find, use and reference quotes that backed up their opinions on how the disciples would have been feeling at different times.

Science: Year 4 have been exploring how a switch opens and closes a circuit therefore determining whether an electrical current can flow from its source of power to light up a bulb.

Year 4 explored a circuit they were familiar with before working out how to insert a switch into their circuit and seeing if they could prove a switch’s role to turn a bulb on and off.

Year 4 have been using their knowledge of electrical circuits and useful materials to design their own torches in DT. Year 4 thought about who the target audience for their torch was, what it would look like and the features that would make it useful depending on their audience such as being brightly coloured, glow in the dark and lightweight.

Geography: Year 4 have begun to explore and evaluate their local area this half term. This week, we explored our locality of Blackpool. We thought about the region of the country we occupy and the county we live in before working out how we could move around our locality using points of a compass; north, south, east and west.

Computing: Year 4 have been researching the coming forecast in our locality of Blackpool so that they can prepare a weather broadcasting script to create their own virtual weather forecast using a map background and present this to be filmed.

Spanish: Year 4 have been practising recognising reading and writing their Spanish numbers up to twenty as part of presenting themselves in a Spanish translation.

PE: Year 4 have started exploring their orienteering topic this week, concentrating this week on the importance of building trust and active listening between themselves and their classmates.

PSHE: Year 4 have been working hard on exploring their emotions in a safe and healthy way this week, recognising that it is ok to share their thoughts and opinions in a positive way.


Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.

Please make sure you are practising times tables on TT Rock stars and The Daily Ten on Topmarks regularly. Hit the Button on Topmarks is also a fantastic resource for times tables practise.

Another good resource for times tables is the Pinpoint Mathematics times tables check: a simulation for the Year 4 check in June.

Please make sure your school instruments are practised regularly at home for our weekly Wider Opportunity lessons on Thursdays, fifteen minutes a day makes all the difference!

Times tables booster club will continue weekly on Fridays until 4:10pm.

A message from the school SENCO:

Please find attached details of the Being a Parent groups running next term.  There will be two 9 week groups starting on Tuesday 25th April

10.00am-12.00pm      The HealthWorks, 1 Clifton Street, FY1 1JD

6.00pm-8.00pm          Online using Google Meet.

The group is suitable for parents of children aged 18 months – 11 years (priority is given to parents with children under 4 years) and is led by parents.  It looks at communication, behaviour management and listening techniques.  The group is free and childcare can be paid for to attend the group.

Parents can book their place by contacting Blackpool Learning Rooms on 01253 478131 or .

Congratulations to our award winners this week!

Golden Award - Peter

Maths Award - Olivia W

Writing Award - Zahra

A big thank you from Miss Whitehead and Mrs Dunford!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

Year 4’s learning this week:

English: Year 4 have been immersing themselves in the life and genius of Sir David Attenborough this week. As part of Year 4’s new Writing topic all about biographies, the class have been learning all about one of England’s most loved national treasures and familiarising themselves with examples of biographies written about Attenborough.

Year 4 will eventually go on to write their own biography about Jacques Cousteau, another incredible famous figure in recent world history.

Maths: Year 4 have continued to work hard on their multiplicative skills and are now moving on to work on a more formal, written method of multiplication using their well practised partitioning and times tables fluency.

History: Year 4 have continued learning about Alfred the Great as well as his victory at the Battle of Edington against the Viking, King Guthrum. We examined the sequence of events that led up to the battle, including a story of King Alfred burning a peasant woman’s cakes! (Year 4 found this story very amusing but questioned how true the legend really was). Year 4 then examined the different reasons which granted Alfred’s success in battle and used their reasoning skills to deduce whether or not the reasons were important or not.

PE and PSHE: Year 4 have continued working hard this week on being a team, particularly taking part in activities that requires every individual to do their bit and work together in order for a task to be completed successfully.


Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.

Please make sure you are practising times tables on TT Rock stars and The Daily Ten on Topmarks regularly. Hit the Button on Topmarks is also a fantastic resource for times tables practise.

Please make sure your school instruments are practised at home for our weekly Wider Opportunity lessons on Thursdays.

Times tables booster club will continue weekly on Fridays until 4:10pm.

Our Fairhaven Lake trip will be on Tuesday 21st March for a full day. Please remember to send your child in their PE hoodie, comfy/waterproof trousers and their wellies/waterproof shoes. Please also bring a spare change of clothing and a carrier bag. Packed lunches will also be required for this day.

Year 4 will be completing their walk for CAFOD while on our Fairhaven Lake trip on the 21st March.

A message from the school SENCO:

Please find attached details of the Being a Parent groups running next term.  There will be two 9 week groups starting on Tuesday 25th April

10.00am-12.00pm      The HealthWorks, 1 Clifton Street, FY1 1JD

6.00pm-8.00pm          Online using Google Meet.

The group is suitable for parents of children aged 18 months – 11 years (priority is given to parents with children under 4 years) and is led by parents.  It looks at communication, behaviour management and listening techniques.  The group is free and childcare can be paid for to attend the group.

Parents can book their place by contacting Blackpool Learning Rooms on 01253 478131 or .

Congratulations to our award winners this week!

Golden Award - Jana

Maths Award - Connie

Writing Award - Kurt

A big thank you from Miss Whitehead and Mrs Dunford!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

Despite not having a white Christmas this school year, Year 4 have managed to enjoy a school snow day (even if it is in March)!

Year 4’s learning this week:

English: Year 4 have written their own newspaper reports all about a deep sea creature! The class made sure they were inserting speech correctly into their writing as well as changing the voice of the text from third person to first person and back again, a challenging skill to master!

Maths: Year 4 have continued working hard on their multiplication and division skills, this week focusing on multiples of 7, 11 and 12.

RE and Liturgy: Year 4 have continued to explore the example Jesus gives us during our Lenten period.

Science: Year 4 have been investigating circuits and the different components that work together to make a complete circuit. The class then worked very hard to build their own circuits using a bulb, wires and a battery as a source of electrical power.

Year 4 then tested out the scientific question; what would happen if two batteries were inserted into a circuit with one bulb?

We also considered how the plastic coating around the wires meant that we were able to safely build our circuits that produced an electrical current.

Our Science learning has also come in handy for our new DT topic in which we will design and build our own torches through creating a successful, complete circuit to power a light source.

History: Year 4 have continued learning about Alfred the Great and have gathered all of the evidence they could that supported the narrative that Alfred truly was great.

Spanish: Year 4 have started learning about how to present themselves in a conversation. This week, we concentrated on being able to greet others formally and informally, ask people how they are as well as how to respond based on how we are feeling.

PE and PSHE: Year 4 have been working hard this week on working harmoniously as a team, being resilient and honest team players as well as showing our care and compassion for others during ball games.


Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.

Please make sure you are practising times tables on TT Rock stars and The Daily Ten on Topmarks regularly. Hit the Button on Topmarks is also a fantastic resource for times tables practise.

Please make sure your school instruments are practised at home for our weekly Wider Opportunity lessons on Thursdays.

Times tables booster club will continue weekly on Fridays until 4:10pm.

Our Fairhaven Lake trip will be on Tuesday 21st March for a full day. Please remember to send your child in their PE hoodie, comfy/waterproof trousers and their wellies/waterproof shoes. Please also bring a spare change of clothing and a carrier bag. Packed lunches will also be required for this day.

Year 4 will be completing their walk for CAFOD while on our Fairhaven Lake trip on the 21st March.

A message from the school SENCO:

Please find attached details of the Being a Parent groups running next term.  There will be two 9 week groups starting on Tuesday 25th April

10.00am-12.00pm      The HealthWorks, 1 Clifton Street, FY1 1JD

6.00pm-8.00pm          Online using Google Meet.

The group is suitable for parents of children aged 18 months – 11 years (priority is given to parents with children under 4 years) and is led by parents.  It looks at communication, behaviour management and listening techniques.  The group is free and childcare can be paid for to attend the group.

Parents can book their place by contacting Blackpool Learning Rooms on 01253 478131 or .

Congratulations to our award winners this week!

Golden Award - Emilia

Maths Award - Peter

Writing Award - Olivia W

A big thank you from Miss Whitehead and Mrs Dunford!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

Congratulations to our Young Seasiders nominees for 2023 whose work is currently displayed in Blackpool and the Fylde College. A big well done to Corben, Zahra, Harriet and Olivia Welsby who were nominated from Year 4.

Year 4’s learning this week:

English: Year 4 have been practising their newspaper article writing this week, taking a piece of narrative text written in the first person and turning it into a recount of interesting events.

Year 4 also worked hard at inserting speech into their newspaper report, using inverted commas to slot in eye witness reports within their newspaper report.

Maths: Year 4 have continued working hard on their multiplication and division skills, this week focusing on multiples of 6 and 9.

RE and Liturgy: Year 4 have been trying to understand Jesus’ shining example and how he shows us the way to live through love, forgiveness and strength.

Science and PSHE: Year 4 had a visit from The Life Bus this week! Not only did did Year 4 get to see Harold the Giraffe again but they learnt about how great it is to be themselves. Year 4 spent their time learning all about how they are unique from their physical body to their personality.

History: Year 4 started learning about Alfred the Great this week. The class looked at a portrait of King Alfred and came up with lots of different adjectives they thought described him.

Year 4 then thought about the question; How great was Alfred the great? .


Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.

Please make sure you are practising times tables on TT Rock stars and The Daily Ten on Topmarks regularly.

Please make sure your school instruments are practised at home for our weekly Wider Opportunity lessons on Thursdays.

Times tables booster club will continue weekly on Fridays until 4:10pm.

Our Fairhaven Lake trip will be on Tuesday 21st March for a full day. Please remember to send your child in their PE hoodie, comfy/waterproof trousers and their wellies/waterproof shoes. Please also bring a spare change of clothing and a carrier bag. Packed lunches will also be required for this day.

Congratulations to our award winners this week!

Golden Award - Lola Mae

Maths Award - Elsie

Writing Award - Rosanna, Dominic and Jana

A big thank you from Miss Whitehead and Mrs Dunford!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

Everyone in Year 4 hopes you all have a happy and restful half term!

Year 4’s learning this week:

English: Year 4 have continued using their vehicle text of ‘The Whale’ to inspire their Writing and English learning. This week we have been gathering more banks of vocabulary including powerful adjectives and nouns related to the story to prepare us for our writing.

We moved on to using this vocabulary to create different expanded noun phrases so they will be ready to slot into our final piece of Writing when we come to it. We added these expanded noun phrases into full sentences ensuring we were including a determiner, adjectives and nouns linked to our story. The children did so well with this that they were challenged to add prepositional phrases onto their expanded noun phrases. Year 4 felt very grown up and scholarly!

Maths: Year 4 have gone back to exploring how to calculate the perimeter of rectilinear shapes after mastering more efficient ways of counting last week. Last week’s interlude of practising our fluency in counting really helped us when adding up measurements to calculate the perimeter.

Year 4 then progressed to calculating the lengths of sides of a rectilinear shape. This is something the class found tricky at first and still need to practise over time but their hard work and resilience has resulted in clear progress!

Science: Year 4 had a fantastic Science lesson testing the hypothesis ‘The further the distance, the quieter the sound’. Our experiment consisted of making an old-styled cup and string telephone to communicate with each other and find out if sound is quieter or louder depending on the distance the sound waves have to travel.

RE/RSHE: This week, Year 4 were aiming to recognise the words of the Gospel and chose their favourite Bible passages, writing them in a bright and colourful way to celebrate the word of God.

History: Year 4 have been learning about the story of Saint Cuthbert this week. Saint Cuthbert was a Monk, who in the 670s travelled to the Monastery in Lindisfarne. In the year 687 AD Cuthbert died and after eleven years had passed, the Monks discovered his body had not decayed.

As well as exploring what is deemed to be a miracle to Christians around the world, Year 4 investigated how this story serves as evidence that by the 7th Century, Christianity was a prevalent religion within Anglo-Saxon Britain.

Art: Year 4 have been creating more landscape pieces inspired by the artist John Brunsdon. This week we incorporated oil pastels into our drawings to bring out strong and bold colours that contrasted with one another in the same paintings.

PSHE: Year 4 have been looking at the way our brains work and how they are responsible for the emotions we feel. Together we worked hard to come up with strategies that will help us be in charge of our emotions and prevent us from making wrong choices in challenging situations.

PE: Year 4 have continued progressing in creating routines to perform for their class to close off their Gymnastics topic before half term.


Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.

Please make sure you are practising times tables on TT Rock stars regularly.

Please make sure your school instruments are practised at home for our weekly Wider Opportunity lessons on Thursdays.

Times tables booster club will continue weekly on Fridays until 4:10pm.

Congratulations to our award winners this week!

Golden Award - Corben

Maths Award - Tommy

Writing Award - Grace

A big thank you from Miss Whitehead and Mrs Dunford!

AuthorKatie Whitehead