This week, Our Lady’s celebrated the feast of St Peter and St Paul, two important men in Jesus’ adult life. Year 4 considered the fact that both Peter and Paul were two of Jesus’ closest friends and yet they both often made the wrong choice during their time as Jesus’ followers. Peter denied knowing Jesus three times before his crucifixion and Paul, previously Saul, had persecuted followers of Christ.
Therefore, this feast day shows us the power of forgiveness and learning from our mistakes. This also shows us the power of Christ’s love for us, that it will withstand all of the hardships we face.
Year 4 behaved beautifully at Mass, representing the school in a reflective and respectful way.
Year 4’s Learning this week:
English: Year 4 have worked hard continuing to immerse themselves in their class vehicle text The Lost Happy Endings this week and analyse the language, grammar and themes within the text.
Maths: Year 4 have been tackling decimals this week including dividing whole numbers by ten.
RE: Year 4 have been preparing for their St Bede’s RE day on Monday by thinking about Laudato Si’ (caring for our common home). We interpreted this message in different ways thinking about our planet and more specifically our own individual communities and families. We then wrote prayers all around the theme of our families.
Science: This week, the class have been examining and exploring the water cycle and focusing on the different stages such as; evaporation, condensation and precipitation.
PE: Year 4 have spent the last term taking part in a rugby/reading programme which thinks about combining the two polar opposite subjects into one afternoon. Year 4 have shown their enthusiasm for tag rugby, working with Fylde Rugby Club to improve their resilience and team work.
Spanish: Year 4 have been identifying and translating the important objects within their classroom this week.
DT: Year 4 have started to design their mindfulness timer, focusing on their theme, product design and target audience.
Computing: Year 4 have been selecting one of their specialist subjects to create their own simple informative website about, designing a home page as well as separate sub pages of information.
Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.
Please make sure you are still practising times tables on TT Rock stars and The Daily Ten on Topmarks regularly. Hit the Button on Topmarks is also a fantastic resource for times tables practise.
Another good resource for times tables is the Pinpoint Mathematics times tables check:
Times tables booster club will continue weekly on Fridays until 4:10pm.
Monday 3rd July will be Year 4’s RE retreat day at St Bede’s, please remember to bring a packed lunch and a coat in case we have more bad weather!
KS2 sports day will take place on the afternoon of Friday the 14th July.
School reports will be given out on Monday 17th July, if you wish to discuss your child’s report please contact the Year 4 class email.
Congratulations to our award winners this week!
Golden Award - Mia
Maths Award - Grace
Writing Award - Kurt
A big thank you from Miss Whitehead, Mrs Dunford and Mrs Connolly!