Year 4’s learning this week:
In our RE and Liturgy learning this week, Year 4 have been revising the events of Pentecost; when the disciples were all together in a room and were startled by wind and flame suddenly appearing to them. The Holy Spirit came upon them as tongues of flame, landing on their heads and blessing them with the ability to speak all languages so that they could go on and spread The Good News of Jesus Christ.
Year 4 then thought in depth about what this Good News was. The news that Jesus was the Son of God, sent to show us the way, the truth and the life so that we could be granted eternal life in heaven with God. We thought about how the Bible shared The Good News with us in passages, telling us to “love one another” as Jesus loved us and to “go and make disciples of all of the nations”. We then thought about the different ways in which we could spread The Good News of Christ by; being a good example to others, showing our school values of Care, Learn and Respect and helping those less fortunate than us through acts of charity. Another way in which we thought we could live out and spread The Good News of Christ was through attending Mass regularly, as Jesus told us to receive the Eucharist “in memory of me”.
Year 4 then linked their RE learning into their PSHE, thinking about how the disciples spread The Good News to the world and how they can follow this principle in our community, going out and helping others around them.
English: Year 4 have finalised their Creation stories, working hard to demonstrate their Year three and four Writing skills.
Maths: Year 4 have been working hard to practise simplifying fractions, using their times tables knowledge to help find the largest common factors for the numerators and denominators.
Year 4 have also started to explore fractions bigger than one, recognising when a fraction becomes bigger than a whole and turns into a mixed number.
Geography: Year 4 have been exploring the services in their local area that are needed to survive such as our supermarkets, police and fire services, medical services and even recreational services (as we know from COVID 19, entertainment is just as vital for our mental wellbeing!)
Spanish: Year 4 have been continuing checking their written emails this week, presenting themselves including their name, age and how they are feeling.
Art: Year 4 have been retelling the Creation stories they wrote in English through Aboriginal style painting, capturing moments of their story with appropriate colours and shapes.
PE and PSHE: Year 4 have continued working hard this week on being a team, particularly taking part in activities that requires every individual to do their bit and work together in order for a task to be completed successfully.
Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.
Please make sure you are practising times tables on TT Rock stars and The Daily Ten on Topmarks regularly. Hit the Button on Topmarks is also a fantastic resource for times tables practise.
Another good resource for times tables is the Pinpoint Mathematics times tables check: a simulation for the Year 4 check in June.
Times tables booster club will continue weekly on Fridays until 4:10pm.
Congratulations to our award winners this week!
Golden Award - Emilia
Maths Award - Tommy
Writing Award - Peter
A big thank you from Miss Whitehead, Mrs Dunford and Mrs Connolly!