Good afternoon everyone,
This Friday marked the beginning of Easter in school as Year 2 (along with the rest of KS1) performed their Palm Liturgy, ready for Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week this Sunday.
Year 2 have been looking at how we can live out Jesus’ message of love and how we, too, can celebrate the arrival of Jesus in our own lives and hearts. What can we lay down in front of Him to welcome Him into our lives?
English - This week we have planned and written our diary entries based on the Night Gardener. I have been so impressed by the language and sentences used in these!
Maths - In Maths we have solved problems involving the 10 and 3 times tables and have now begun our work on division by looking at how we can share but also use our times table facts to support us.
Science - This week we have learnt about, sorted and created food chains for various habitats. We explained the impact of changes in these food chains.
RE - In RE, we learned about the dismissal as part of the concluding rites in Mass. We learned how the Priest gives us a command to live our lives for Jesus and we have thought about how we may do this.
Geography - No geography this week due to Palm Liturgy practise.
PE - Our Wednesday PE saw us play small games of rounders. No Friday PE due to Palm Liturgy.
Computing -
Please continue to practise counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.
Please practise the year 1 and year 2 common exception words sent home before half term. The children need to be able to read and write (spelling correctly) each one of these by the end of year 2.
Mr W’s group - ly suffix words - add the suffix to each root word. Copy the suffix word each day.
Mrs B’s group - next set of Y2 common exception words.
Palm Sunday reading comprehension.
Division by sharing.
Golden Award -
Writing Award -
Maths Award -
Year 2 PE lessons will take place on Wednesday and Friday. Please come to school in PE kit on these days.
Water bottles - all the children were given a new school bottle. This will come home each night to be cleaned and re-filled. Please only use the school bottles and ensure your child brings theirs each day. Lost water bottles can be replaced at the school office, but I am afraid you will have to pay for those. Year 2 have green tops.
I will not be in class on a Thursday afternoon, as it is my release time. This will be covered by Mrs Bowdell and Miss Andrew and is also when the children will have Music with Mrs Watson.
Party Invitations - I am afraid that Mrs Bowdell and I will not be able to give out party invitations in class. Please do not send your child into class with them for them to give out - it creates upset and fuss about something that takes place outside of school.Thank-you for your understanding with this matter.
Key Rings - please do not put key rings onto your child’s school bag, it creates fuss in class and then upset if they are lost.
School bags - please continue to use the red book bag that your child was given in Reception, we don’t not have the room to store large bags. Many thanks for your help with this matter.
Thank you for your attendance on Year 2’s Open Day on Tuesday. We hope you got a lot from seeing what your children have been up to!
Wednesday 27th March - Year 2 Lenten Reflection in church - You are very welcome to join us in church at 2.40pm for a lenten reflection being led by Father Frank. The children will be bringing their bags and coats into church so if you attend they can be picked up from church, rather than returning to school.
Those not able to attend, please be aware that, due to parent pick ups in church, we may be quite late returning to school. I advise you to check in the church building first before going to collect your child from school on this date. After school club will run as normal for those needing to attend.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Hall