Good afternoon everyone,
It has been lovely to see you all again and we hope you had a peaceful and joyous Easter break. This week we have been focusing on Easter. We have learned about the promise and hope it brings and how it rejuvenates our relationship with God through the sacrifice of His Son.
Our class worship has focused upon our role as disciples of Jesus and how we can spread the Good News of Jesus like confetti to all we meet. If our actions are kind, helpful and joyous then we can pass on Jesus’ love to others.
English - We continued our work on the Bog Baby by finally revealing and reading the story. We explored the use of conjunctions to link sentences and recognised that coordinating conjunctions cannot move spaces in a sentence but subordinating conjunctions can be placed at the beginning of sentences. We also explored the key vocabulary from the text and wrote our own definitions, using thesauruses to find synonyms. We also wrote a setting description all about the Bluebell Wood from the story.
Maths - In Maths we have been working on division. We have been exploring the links between division and multiplication by creating fact families and related facts. We have also been solving problems involving dividing by 2 and recognising odd and even numbers.
Science - In Science, we begun our topic on plants. We planted a sunflower seed and a sparaxis bulb and will observe them as they grow. We also learned about the four main parts of a plant, labelled them and wrote about their function.
RE - In RE, we focused upon a part of the Easter story - the garden of Gethsemane - and retold this story with a view to analyse its significance next week.
History - We began our new topic on Grace Darling and the history of lifeboats. We learned about the modern RNLI and explored how their equipment and vessels have changed in their 200 years of existence.
PE - Due to a wet Wednesday we did dance in our PE lesson. On Friday our PE hall time was spent developing our rolling skills in gymnastics.
Art - We have been exploring Pop Art in the style of Andy Warhol and have created our own Pop Art.
Computing - We explored Scratch Jr and learned how to create simple algorithms.
Please continue to practise the Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words - both reading and spelling!
Please practice learning the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables as later this half term we will be having times table tests on these.
Other Tasks
Times Table Test
Please practise the related tens times table division and multiplication facts. We will be having a test on Friday for the 10 times table division facts (e.g. 60 divided by 10 = 6 but also 60 divided by 6 = 10)
There are no formal SATS papers for Year 2 children to complete this year. However, our school has decided to take the optional SATS-style papers to help us gain a vision of the children’s knowledge and skills.
Please have a go at the practise 2017 SATS reading paper to give your child some experience of these kind of activities.
Golden Award -
Writing Award -
Maths Award -
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Hall