Tomorrow, the leavers assembly is at 9.15 am

Summer begins at 3.15 pm

Authorfiona ormerod


Congratulations to all of the year six class. We worked so hard and the performance was a tremendous success.

The Golden Award was received by the whole class for their efforts.

Trip on Tuesday

Please ensure that the disclaimer forms are returned by Monday 15th July.

The year six team is excited to be taking the class to skateboarding and street art. Ralphy House is a special project set up by the House of Wingz team in Blackpool in remembrance of Ralph. Ralph’s House is a new skate facility designed to help beginners build their confidence and to give more advanced skaters a safe and creative space to hang out. Supported by Live like Ralph, the space is designed to encourage more young people to skateboard. Find out more here.

The year sixes have shown a keen interest in Art and I know they will enjoy letting their creative juices flow whilst producing some street art that they will bring home to show you.

Trust me… this is going to be great!


Tuesday 16th July 9.15 am Year 6 Leavers mass whole school and families in the church please wear school uniform

Tuesday 16th July 11.30am End of year trip an email will be sent detailing the information. Children will get changed into own clothes after Mass. Clothes need to be ones they do not mind getting dirty, no crocs, no shorts/skirts. We are doing a physical activity and joggers will be preferable.

Friday 19th July Leavers assembly 9.15am and 3.15 pm Break up for Summer ☀️

Authorfiona ormerod


This week we have focused on setting every scene in the production. It is coming together but it has been slow progress. Congratulations to every member of year six for showing determination, perseverance and resilience.

School Taster Days

We hope all students enjoyed their taster days! So far the students seemed to have enjoyed them and are feeling positive about their new schools.


The Golden Award: Congratulations Bobby!

Good News Gospel

To read this week’s Good News Gospel reading, please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home. Good News Gospel

Please also have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class liturgy…

TenTen Parent Newsletter

Wednesday Word

Diary Dates

Thursday 11th July Year Six End of year show 6 pm

Friday 12th July Summer Fair after school PTFA events

Tuesday 16th July 9.15 am Year 6 Leavers mass whole school and families in the church please wear school uniform

Tuesday 16th July 11.30am End of year trip an email will be sent detailing the information. Children will get changed into own clothes after Mass. Clothes need to be ones they do not mind getting dirty, no crocs, no shorts/skirts. We are doing a physical activity and joggers will be preferable.

Friday 19th July Leavers assembly and 3.15 pm Break up for Summer ☀️

At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters. 

Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.

This month’s online safety guide gives helpful advice about…

What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Palworld  This free guide explores the immensely successful game, Palworld, detailing the risks it may pose to younger players and offering advice on how to let them enjoy this title safely.

We hope you find this guide informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all.

Authorfiona ormerod


This week we have focused on setting every scene in the production. It is coming together but it has been slow progress. Congratulations to every member of year six for showing determination, perseverance and resilience.


This week we have continued with our new topic Faith in Action. We enjoyed our visitor on Monday and had a lively discussion about the book we are studying, Unstoppable by Dan Freedman.

Good News Gospel

To read this week’s Good News Gospel reading, please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home. Good News Gospel

Please also have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class liturgy…

TenTen Parent Newsletter

Wednesday Word

Sports Day

Congratulations to Year 6 for taking part in Sports Day. I was very proud of everyone’s exceptional behaviour. I was also really proud of students joining in, who maybe didn’t feel as confident about taking part. We celebrated with ice lollies. Congratulations also to any dads who took part too!


Congratulations to William who won the Golden Award.

Diary Dates

Thursday 11th July Year Six End of year show 6 pm

Friday 12th July Summer Fair after school PTFA events

Tuesday 16th July 9.15 am Year 6 Leavers mass whole school and families in the church

Friday 19th July Leavers assembly and 3.15 pm Break up for Summer ☀️

At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters. 

Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.

This month’s online safety guide gives helpful advice about…

What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Palworld  This free guide explores the immensely successful game, Palworld, detailing the risks it may pose to younger players and offering advice on how to let them enjoy this title safely.

We hope you find this guide informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all.

Authorfiona ormerod

What will the next few weeks look like?

As you are aware we are putting on our year six play in a few weeks. Our current classwork involves rehearsals, set design, singing and dancing. The class have adapted to a more loose schedule really well. They have all been working hard and putting in 100% effort which has been very impressive. Keep up the hard work year 6!


This week we continued our new unit called Faith in Action. We have been discussing what it means to belong to a community.

PSHE: Every Monday this term we will have a visitor discussing our book Unstoppable by Dan Freedman.

Unstoppable Review

Secrets and lies . . . secrets and lies . . .
Fourteen-year-old twins, Kaine and Roxy, used to be close, but now they can hardly bear to be in the same room. Roxy hates the way her brother behaves - Kaine might be brilliant at football but he's always in trouble and cares nothing about his family. And Kaine despises the way his supposedly-perfect sister, dominates their parents in her ambition to reach Wimbledon.
But the twins are both hiding dangerous secrets of their own, secrets that could destroy everything they are working towards - and both Roxy and Kaine's survival hangs precariously in the balance.
Gripping, twisting, and real, this book is UNSTOPPABLE.


A big shout out to Oscar Op for his kindness and honesty this week. Frankie helped Jacob up off the floor in football and he also helped him during rehearsals. Amy has been kind to all her classmates as has Joshua. Amelia spilt her tray and at least five people stopped to help her.

There have been some people arguing and having disagreements this week which has been such a shame. Myself, Mrs Owen and Ms McCooey are on the look out for more acts of kindness from year six next week.


Writing: Mickey

Maths: Oscar O’c

Golden: Amy

Congratulations to our award winners!

A special congratulations to Emma who won Musician of the Year and treated us all to a song on the drums during today’s assembly.

Diary Dates

Friday 28th June (am) KS2 Sports Day - provisional subject to weather🤞🏻. Please note KS1’s will be the day before (subject to weather). Alternative dates have been arranged for Sport’s day if the weather is poor.

Thursday 11th July Year Six End of year show 6pm

Friday 12th July Summer Fayre after school PTFA events

Tuesday 16th July 9.15am Year 6 Leavers mass whole school and families in church

Friday 19th July Leavers assembly and 3.15pm Break up for Summer ☀️

Good News Gospel

To read this week’s Good News Gospel reading, please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home. Good News Gospel

Please also have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class liturgy…

TenTen Parent Newsletter

Wednesday Word

At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters. 

Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.

This month’s online safety guide gives helpful advice about…

What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Popups  This free information guide addresses the online safety risks of pop-ups, letting you know how to make children aware of this prominent marketing technique.

We hope you find this guide informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all.

Authorfiona ormerod

Welcome back Year 6

We hope that you all had a wonderful half-term. I have enjoyed hearing about everyone’s favourite days out or activities.


This week we have been using our maths knowledge and applying it to real life problems. Which Supermarket is better to shop in? Which offers are better? If I have three different quantities of butter at different prices how do I know which is cheaper to buy? How do I apply my knowledge of percentages to offers found in the supermarket?

The class have found it very tricky but have persevered and shown true resilience in their learning this week.


Firstly we wrote accounts of our half-term activities and year six took turns to share what they had written with the class. Then we moved on to our project combining science and research with writing an argumentative piece of writing. The class is just completing their research on a topic of their choice about the Environment. Next week we will examine the language used when presenting two sides of an argument.


This week we started a new unit called Faith in Action. We have been discussing what it means to have been made in God’s image. We have discussed how we can reflect God’s image in our actions and daily lives.

PSHE: Every Monday this term we will have a visitor discussing our book Unstoppable by Dan Freedman.

Unstoppable Review

Secrets and lies . . . secrets and lies . . .

Fourteen-year-old twins, Kaine and Roxy, used to be close, but now they can hardly bear to be in the same room. Roxy hates the way her brother behaves - Kaine might be brilliant at football but he's always in trouble and cares nothing about his family. And Kaine despises the way his supposedly-perfect sister, dominates their parents in her ambition to reach Wimbledon.
But the twins are both hiding dangerous secrets of their own, secrets that could destroy everything they are working towards - and both Roxy and Kaine's survival hangs precariously in the balance.
Gripping, twisting, and real, this book is UNSTOPPABLE.

Please help

With our end of year show approaching please help your child practice their lines at home.

Please note that if your child has no lines or a small part it is because they asked for this and we do not want to put any child under any extra pressure.

With the exception of Ayson who is our stage manager and will be running the whole production on the night, every other child will be in the play singing and dancing.

If you have any questions or issues please catch me at the end of the school day and I will be happy to discuss these issues.

Also does anyone happen to have a silver space outfit age 12/13 or adult size that we could borrow before we buy one?

Please ensure you have handed in your Poster Competition entries

 Smoke-Free Parks Campaign

Since 2012, Blackpool Council have implemented voluntary bans in Blackpool parks. The introduction of smoke-free parks provides an opportunity to help create a cultural shift towards ‘not smoking’ being the norm.  This establishes fewer public spaces where people can smoke, challenges the myth that smoking is a normal activity that most people do, and helps children and young people realise that it is not normal for people to smoke.  We will be implementing new and improved smoke-free park signs across Blackpool play parks and need your help to support this campaign which will empower children across Blackpool to reclaim their spaces.

Poster Competition

We would like to invite Blackpool Primary Schools Key Stage 2 to take part in a Public Health competition to design an A4 poster for Blackpool Smokefree Parks.  The winner will hopefully get to see their poster in Play Parks across Blackpool  and will also win £250 in vouchers for their school.  Please hand in your posters to school.


As always we are on the look out for kindness and how we can reflect God’s image through kindness. This week Ayson helped Jacob when he was upset, Frankie also helped Jacob on a separate day. Mickey helped Jacob during Maths, Emma helped Amy during RE, Josh helped William during RE. Oscar O’c helped Chase during Maths, Hallie helped Elsie during Maths. This week I have been really impressed with our kindness - YEAR SIX PLEASE KEEP IT UP. When we are kind and caring it helps us have a more nurturing and loving classroom environment which is what I always strive to create, but it is only created if we work together as a team.


Writing: Emma and William

Maths: Hallie

Golden: Ayson

Congratulations to our award winners!

Diary Dates

Friday 28th June (am) KS2 Sports Day - provisional subject to weather🤞🏻. Please note KS1’s will be the day before (subject to weather). Alternative dates have been arranged for Sport’s day if the weather is poor.

Thursday 11th July Year Six End of year show 6pm

Friday 12th July Summer Fayre after school PTFA events

Tuesday 16th July 9.15am Year 6 Leavers mass whole school and families in church

Friday 19th July 3.15pm Break up for Summer ☀️

At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters.

Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.

This month’s online safety guide gives helpful advice about…

What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Helldivers 2 This free Wake up Wednesday guide discusses the online safety risks of the video game Helldivers 2 and offers advice on how to safeguard younger players.

We hope you find this guide informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all.

Good News Gospel

To read this week’s Good News Gospel reading, please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home. Good News Gospel

Please also have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class liturgy…

TenTen Parent Newsletter

Wednesday Word

Authorfiona ormerod

We made it!

Congratulations to all of year six as this was a tough term. Mrs Owen, Mrs Mckewie and I are all so proud of you, I hope you are immensely proud of yourselves.

Project Work

This week we explored aviation we completed computing, history and design based on this theme. Year six loved taking part, thinking of questions and researching their answers.


We have been completing writing tasks for our SATs writing assessment. The class chose someone who altered the course of history, researched them and made information leaflets about these people. Students chose to research many interesting figures such as; Martin Luther King Jr, The Wright Brothers and Ebenezer Morley.


This week we have been deepening our understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. We have been studying the Early Christian Community, the effect of the Holy Spirit and God sending angels to help those imprisoned. The class then looked into ways they could be a disciple of Jesus.

Drug Talk

On Thursday Lancashire Constabulary visited our class to inform us about drugs and how to stay safe as we grow up. PCSO Savage was very informative and provided us with lots of information and examples of what was illegal and how to protect ourselves.

Poster Competition

 Smoke-Free Parks Campaign

Since 2012, Blackpool Council have implemented voluntary bans in Blackpool parks. The introduction of smoke-free parks provides an opportunity to help create a cultural shift towards ‘not smoking’ being the norm.  This establishes fewer public spaces where people can smoke, challenges the myth that smoking is a normal activity that most people do, and helps children and young people realise that it is not normal for people to smoke.  We will be implementing new and improved smoke-free park signs across Blackpool play parks and need your help to support this campaign which will empower children across Blackpool to reclaim their spaces.

Poster Competition

We would like to invite Blackpool Primary Schools Key Stage 2 to take part in a Public Health competition to design an A4 poster for Blackpool Smokefree Parks.  The winner will hopefully get to see their poster in Play Parks across Blackpool  and will also win £250 in vouchers for their school.  Please hand in your posters to school.


Writing: Lexi and Oscar O’c

Golden: Mickey

Head Teacher Award: Jacob and Chase

Diary Dates

Monday 10th June School reopens for pupils

Friday 14th June Non-uniform for PTFA theme EUFA Euros wear football Kit / a team colour and bring

an unopened bottle 🍾 (KS2) for summer fayre bottle tombola.

Friday 28th June (am) KS2 Sports Day - provisional subject to weather🤞🏻. Please note KS1’s will be the day before (subject to weather). Alternative dates have been arranged for Sport’s day if the weather is poor.

Friday 12th July Summer Fayre after school PTFA events

Tuesday 16th July 9.15am Year 6 Leavers mass whole school and families in church

Friday 19th July 3.15pm Break up for Summer ☀️

At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters.

Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.

This month’s online safety guide gives helpful advice about…

What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Helldivers 2 This free Wake up Wednesday guide discusses the online safety risks of the video game Helldivers 2 and offers advice on how to safeguard younger players.

We hope you find this guide informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all.

Good News Gospel

To read this week’s Good News Gospel reading, please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home. Good News Gospel

Please also have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class liturgy…

TenTen Parent Newsletter

Wednesday Word

Authorfiona ormerod

SATS is over!!

Every student in year six worked extremely hard and tried their best. I am so proud of them and more importantly, I hope they are proud of themselves.

Our days this week were filled with exams and treats. Each day we had cakes, ice lollies and biscuits to celebrate the completion of another exam. In the afternoons we completed Art projects and got messy, we stayed outside for longer and played on the trim trail and played football, we completed team games and even built structures out of marshmallows and cocktail sticks. Every student excelled and achieved.

We rounded off the week with a SATs Party which was a great success. Thank you to everyone for contributing food.

Also, parents and guardians, thank you for supporting your child/children on their year six journey. We couldn’t do it without your endless support.

Photos of the week

Week beginning 20th May

This week students will be completing writing tasks for the writing part of the SATs assessment. The writing will be completed in a relaxed atmosphere and I will try to make it as interesting as possible.

Authorfiona ormerod

English and Math

This week we have spent our time preparing for SATs. Year six have worked exceptionally hard and been extremely focused.


This week in RE we have been discussing Peter the Apostle and the miracles he performed. The class have enjoyed these discussions and has been thinking about what miracles they might perform in today’s world.

Wednesday Word

TenTen Parent Newsletter

SATS Information

SATs begin on Monday, please ensure your child/children arrive promptly to school. Breakfast club will be open to year six, please drop off your child/children from 8.20-25am. It is a worrying and stressful time please try to ensure students get an early night. They do not need any extra equipment as this is all provided. Sometimes students fail for various reasons (mind block, paper was harder than usual, panic) and that’s okay. All we ask of them is to try their best. We are so proud of them and how far they have come. The hard work they have shown is second to none.


Oscar Op has been extra kind and supportive of Jacob, Bobby has been kind to the class. Lexi helped Izzy when she dropped her tray. Avie helped Chase pick up his rubbish. Avie helped Izzy and Ason sort out a disagreement. Ola has been kind to the class too.

Student Awards

Golden Award: Ola

Math Award: Amelia

English Award: Jacob


The class have brought all their practice SATs papers home to read over the weekend in preparation for next week.

SATs Party

Bring in food on Friday 17th May only please.

After SATs are over we will be celebrating with a SATs party on Friday 17th May. We are having a jacob joint.

Each child has chosen what they would like to bring, they can bring additional items to share if they want to but can we ask that they please bring what they have chosen. If there are any problems or concerns please let us know after school on Monday.

Rules: No fizzy drinks please

Bread: Mrs Owen

Butter: Joseph

Ham: Avie and Emma and Amy

Cheese: Izzy and Charlotte

Tuna: Ayson (x4 tins)

Chicken (for sandwiches): Mickey and Jacob

Egg Mayo: Mrs Crizbasan

Crisps: Oscar and Oscar

Cakes: Hallie, Elsie and Frankie

Sausage Rolls: William, Mr Wells

Pork Pies: Amelia, Mrs Bland

Salad: Mrs Crizbasan

Mini Sausages: Ola

Mayo: Joseph

Cordial for juice: Chase and Bobby

Quiche: Lexi

BBQ Sauce: Joshua


As we approach SATs please remember SATs don’t measure everything. Here is a poem that went viral in 2019.

SATS don’t measure sports,

SATS don’t measure art,

SATS don’t measure music

Or the kindness in your heart.

SATS don’t see your beauty,

SATS don’t know your worth,

SATS don’t know the reason

You were put upon this Earth.

SATS don’t see your magic,

How you make others smile,

SATS don’t time how quickly

You can run a mile.

SATS don’t hear your laughter,

Or see you’ve come this far,

SATS are just a tiny glimpse

Of who you really are.

So sitting at your table

With your pencil and your test,

Remember SATS aren’t who you are,

Remember you're the best!

I read a letter on a blog, a mum wrote to her child after they had failed an important exam in school, I thought I would share an extract of it with you. I am a mum of two and sometimes I forget how stressful exams can be and how difficult growing up can be. It is easy for me to correct my children on their behaviour, sometimes I forget to tell my children just how wonderful they are and how proud of them I am.

I thought I would share it with you because I am proud of every child in year six. I have enjoyed getting to know them and helping them on their year six journey, they have each made so much progress and again I am just so proud of them.

A Letter to My Child Who Has Failed

January 2, 2024//  by Kari Patterson

I want you to learn.

I want you to learn that nothing could ever make me love you more, or less.

I want you to learn that you can always come to me with your tears, your shame, your guilt.

I want you to learn that there is Light that extends to the farthest reaches of any dark hole you ever find yourself in.

I want you to learn that everyone has felt this.

I want you to learn that you are never alone.

That God’s grace is bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger…

I want you to learn to courageously and humbly take responsibility for your part.

I want you to learn never to pass blame.

I want you to learn never to hide.

I want you to learn that everywhere there is failure, there is also forgiveness. 

I want you to learn that my love for you is deeper, wider, and fuller than you could ever fathom.

That I am so proud of you I can’t even pull together the words to express it to you.

Thank you to every parent and guardian for supporting your children on their SATs journey. All we ask is that you try to encourage a good night’s sleep.

Authorfiona ormerod

English and Maths

This week we have been fully focused on filling our knowledge gaps for our SATs. Every single year six pupil has worked hard and improved. I am extremely proud of year six and their approach to their learning.


This week in RE we have studied Pentecost and written an article for a newspaper. Year six has enjoyed discussing what speaking in tongue means, how they would react if suddenly God gave us the gift of speaking many languages and how we would utilise that gift in today’s world.

Wednesday Word

TenTen Parent Newsletter

Pupil Awards

Golden Award: Hallie

Writing: Joseph

Maths: Frankie

Take note:

In preparation for the SATs we will be focusing on the students weaker areas of the curriculum. Year six will hopefully have a bit more free time outside (where possible) because of the intense learning taking place in the classroom.


SATS begin on: Monday 13th May, please look out for information about breakfast next week.

Authorfiona ormerod


Details in the homework section of the blog


Spellings and IXL


Times tables and IXL

Class Awards

Star Writer: Chase and Jacob

Star Mathematician: Amelia

Star of the Week: Oscar O’c

Congratulations to all of Year 6 for their effort and teamwork.

Week 1 post Water Parks

We have spent the week adjusting back to normal life. I have been exhausted and the children have too but their determination to succeed in their work has been second to none. The teamwork and resilience they learnt last week have certainly carried us through this week.


This week we have been focusing on GPS and inference for our SATs. We also recapped how to write a diary entry ready for a cross-curricular unit in RE. Rounding off the week with spelling tests and reading tests.


This week we have been finishing off revising decimals and recapping fractions. We also learnt about pie charts and how to read the information presented in them. We rounded off the week with three math tests in preparation for SATs.


We used our diary knowledge from English and we wrote a diary entry from the point of view of being a disciple on the day that Jesus ascended into heaven The year six work was outstanding, they all enjoyed getting back into our RE work after the week break we had at Water Parks.


Year six had mixed feelings about PE this week as cricket is not the sport for everyone. Having said that they all tried hard and worked well as a team during the class. Erin was pleased with their teamwork and kindness.


As always we are looking for students who are kind and caring towards each other. The whole school has noticed a positive change in the year six behaviour since returning from Water Parks. Oscar Oc has been exceptionally kind towards Jacob this week, Amelia saw a year five being mean to someone and she stepped in to sort the situation out, Joshua has been kind to Hallie in class, Lexi has been kind to her classmates who were feeling left out, Emma has been kind to William and Josh.

Keep it up Year 6! Kindness is so important.

As Lexi and Oscar Oc have told me:

Enemies has seven letters, so does friends.

Liars has five letters, so does truth.

Hate has four letters, so does LOVE.

Authorfiona ormerod


We met our group leaders and we decided to climb the high ropes. We climbed to the Leap of Faith and each child faced their fears and jumped off the platform attempting to hit a large floating ball. Mickey had a wobble on the pole on Tuesday yet here he climbed up and jumped off the platform without hesitation, we were all so proud of him. We climbed the tallest tree on the grounds, all pushing ourselves and achieving great things. Lexi froze at the top and after a little coaxing, let go of the tree to abseil down. Avie needed coaxing up to the top and made it, Hallie and Ameilia were both at the top in a blink of an eye. Joseph climbed till he felt comfortable then we coaxed him up five move bars which was amazing!


Our last day has sadly arrived. The weather was glorious even though it was a little chilly. We put on our waterproofs and got ready to canoe across the lake. We worked as a team and canoed to Peel Island where we ventured out of the canoe to have an explore. We played some games our favourite was sardines, we had so much fun. Time flew by and suddenly it was time to canoe back to Water Park to have lunch.

Swirl Howe

This morning was dry and sunny. The last activity we took part in was kayaking. We played games and a few of us fell into the lake including Miss Evans. After showers for those who fell in, we had an early lunch and waited for the other groups to meet and discover who had won the cleanest changing rooms.

Star of the Day

Coniston: Avie for pushing herself to climb to the top of the tree

Wetherlam: Shout out to Chase whom we missed very much

Swirl Howe: Oscar Oc for perseverance and helping others who were struggling

Star of the Week

Coniston: Joseph for getting stuck in, facing his fears, staying positive when he was struggling, persevering and pushing on with a smile

Wetherlam: Frankie for trying everything, persevering, helping others when they were scared

Swirl Howe: Izzy, who had a wobble at the start of the week, put it behind her and through determination shone in all she did

Winner of cleanest room

Water Park staff said everyone had kept their rooms tidy so congratulations to you all. Teachers chose one room in particular… Congratulations to Jacob and William.

Winner of cleanest changing room

For five years the boys have won this title…. this time it went to the girls! Congratulations to all the girls!

The end of the trip

We all had a wonderful time. It was an absolute pleasure to take this group to Water Park.

Thank You

On behalf of all of us who went thank you to each student for adhering to the school values of; care, learn and respect. You were all amazing and we all had so much fun.

Authorfiona ormerod


Today we enjoyed our breakfast of cereal and toast followed by sausages and eggs. We needed it as we knew we were in for a wet day. In the morning we went sailing on fun-boats. It was fantastic once we made it to the middle of the lake because the wind picked up. All the children had to chase Mrs Bland back and forth across the lake. We had some near collisions and by the end of the session we were all pros! We then had lunch back at the house and got kitted out in wet suits and water proofs ready ghyll scrambling. After a short mini-bus ride we began the long journey up to the top of the waterfall. The group showed great teamwork, determination and perseverance. We all fell over many times but it didn’t stop us as after an hour and a half we finally made it to the top of the waterfall. By the time we got home we were all ready for a hot shower and dinner - burger and chips!


Today we’ve had such a fun day. We started by kayaking in the lake. We then did seal launches off the jetty which was amazing. Mrs Owen fell off her kayak playing kayak football too! Again there was lots of perseverance and encouragement. We kayaked back to the shore and jumped off the jetty. We were so cold by this point. We all had a hot shower and then lunch. In the afternoon, the children abseiled down the big tree and then spent some time on the indoor climbing wall.

Swirl Howe

Well the weather hasn't been great today. This morning we did high ropes on Water Park’s ground, we did the floating ladder and the leap of faith. We then had lunch and got ready. We put so many layers on we could hardly walk to the Ghyll for Ghyll Scrambling. The group worked hard and had a lot of fun! We were falling in water, swimming, climbing up waterfalls and sliding on rocks. It was very cold but we just got on with it and enjoyed it so much.

Evening Activities

The talent show was a huge success I had no idea we were all so talented! Congratulations to all who chose to take part.

3rd place: Oscar Oc on piano

2nd place: Emma drawing

1st place: Lexi dancing

The disco was another successful event. The children enjoyed dressing up in their disco clothes and showing off their dance moves.

Star of the Day

Coniston: Amelia for not giving up, and having such a positive attitude

Whetherlam: Ola for perseverance and resilience in the face of completing tasks she struggled with

Swirl Howe: Oscar Op for helping everyone who was struggling and being so kind

Authorfiona ormerod


Today we canoed to the other side of the lake. We hiked 300 meters up Beacon Fell (Cumbria). Half way up we stopped and climbed the rock face with harnesses and helmets. We then continued the long climb to the top of the Fell. We had many stops along the way and it was really hard work. The children persevered and we all made it to the top! The climb down was much more fun. The canoeing home was hard as we were all exhausted and hungry. I think we will all sleep well tonight.


What an amazing day at Waterpark. Firstly, went out on the ‘big cat’ round the lake. The children absolutely loved it. Then we went on the fun boats sailing. Again, the children worked so well together and showed great resilience. We then had lunch. This afternoon we went to do ghyll scrambling. All of the children said this was the highlight of their week so far. Before the Ghyll we also stopped off at the Bluebird Cafe for an ice cream and to feed the ducks. One of the swans nipped Charlotte on the bum and through her laughter she said ‘I’m so lucky I have so many layers on because I didn’t even feel it!’

Swirl Howe

Today has been another dry day with the sun shining, We started with a team game this morning by the lake, then we took a minibus to a place called Humphrey Head with a beach and sheep. We headed over a hill doing sausage rolls back down. After we stopped for lunch we went rock climbing, They all did amazing, crawling under rocks and going such a long way not to mention scrambling over them too. We are all tired but had a fun day!

Evening Activites

This evening we all played hide and seek. Mrs Bland and Mrs Heim-Sarac were expert at this game and won the first round… we will never reveal our hiding place either ha ha!

We then went down by the lake and had marshmallows by the fire, followed by hot chocolate in our PJs. The perfect end to a perfect day!

Star of the Day

Coniston: Lexi for never giving up or complaining about how long or far things were

Wetherlam: Bobby for positivity and politeness

Swirl Howe: Elsie for resilience

Authorfiona ormerod

Just letting you all know we all had a peaceful night and we are all okay. We are getting ready for the day and will have breakfast at 8am. Some of the children are up, dressed and already playing the piano.

We will update the blog at the end of the day.


Today we worked on our listening skills and ensuring we had our clothes ready for the day as we knew we were having a wet morning. We got kitted out in wetsuits and waterproofs and spent the morning kayaking on the lake. We played games and had races and even climbed out on the jetty. We then spent a lot of time jumping in the lake.

After lunch we did some orienteering then more climbing. Today we all climbed on the high ropes to the top of the pole. We have had a fantastic day.

Hallie: My happiest time was jumping off the jetty, I am really proud of Joseph for getting in the lake, I learnt how to kayak, I am proud of myself for not panicking when I fell in the lake out of my kayak.

Avie: My happiest time was climbing the pole, I am proud of Joseph for standing on the platform, I learnt not to be scared of heights, I am proud of myself for jumping off the jetty.

Lexi: My happiest time was jumping off the jetty, I am proud of Mrs Bland for climbing to the top of the pole because she doesn’t like heights, I learnt to jump off the jetty, I am proud of myself for standing on top of the pole and waiting for Joseph to climb up to me.

Joseph: My happiest time was climbing the pole, I am proud of everyone for getting to the top, I learnt to not give up and to keep trying until I succeed, I am proud of myself for standing on the pole.

Mickey: My happiest time was speeding off in the kayak, I am proud of everyone getting to the top, I learnt how to kayak and that I am quite good at it, I am proud of myself for being on the water because I don’t like fish.

Amelia: My happiest time was holding hands and leaning forward, I am proud of Avie for being the first up the pole, I learnt to kayak and I am proud of myself for jumping off the jetty.


Our first full day at Water Park has been busy and very memorable. We started the day sailing on the darts. Some of the children also had the chance at driving the speed boat. It was perfect weather for sailing! We then came back to the house for a shower and lunch. We spent the afternoon on the low and high ropes. The children were incredible and really pushed themselves out of their comfort zones. They have shown great team work and have been encouraging each other throughout the day.

Swirl Howe

Today the sun was shining, so we got the fun sail boats out, did Low ropes, took a mini bus to the cafe and skimmed stones. In the sail boats we played a game and it was the first to get to the balls, Ozzie & O’C won and got all 3. We stopped at the side of the lake to have lunch, we split up into groups some did a bit of hiking while listening to music whilst others sailed on their own, then we swapped over. We all got back on our boats and sailed 5 miles back with our partners to Water Parks, we got back safely with rosey cheeks. We all had a great day!


We played a treasure hunt picture game followed by two games of camouflage. We then had hot chocolate and biscuits. We have all gone upstairs to bed exhausted from the day but excited for tomorrow.

Stars of the Day

Every single child has worked hard and persevered with their own individual challenges.

Coniston: Hallie for falling in the water pulling herself out and never complaining or panicking, just being such an inspiration to us all.

Wetherlam: Jacob for mastering sailing and then facing his fears on the high ropes. A huge shout out to his team for being great cheerleaders and encouraging him to keep going.

Swirl Howe: William for persevering with sailing when he found it tricky, so much so he sailed solo back to the bay!

Authorfiona ormerod

We arrived safely and had a brief meeting with Annie. We then had lunch and moved into our rooms for the week.

After lunch, we unpacked and had a fire drill. We then split into our groups and all took part in various activities.

Coniston Group

Our group leader is Vicki. First, we went on the low ropes outside until it rained. Then we climbed the indoor climbing wall.

Mickey was encouraging Lexi and Joseph during bouldering and was demonstrating how to be a great teammate. Joseph entertained us all with his tiny scream of excitement at everything new. We enjoyed playing bouldering statues, Avie won the first round and Lexi the second round, Mickey was runner-up in both rounds, and in the final round Mickey won with Lexi close on his heels.

Hallie kept slipping off the wall but improved her technique and mastered her fears through sheer determination. Joseph and Avie were the only two to complete the orange bouldering path without falling off.

We moved on to climbing to the top of the wall with harnesses. The group built up their techniques and resilience all climbing blindfolded and on the overhang. Amelia is a natural at climbing too!

It was then our turn to clean up and set up for dinner, their teamwork and communication were second to none.

Wetherlam Group

The instructor of this group is Alex. The weather was crazy! One minute it was sunny, the next we had a hailstorm! The teamwork was incredible and everyone had fun and worked together. We had a pit stop and played some games too.

Swirl Howe Group

This group’s instructor is called Steve. We got caught in the hail in the middle of the lake whilst canoe rafting. Resilience is our middle name! We accidentally might have rowed into another boat. We persevered and completed our tasks and had so much fun. We were all looking forward to a hot shower afterwards.

Extra photos of the day below

Evening Activities

From 7 pm till 8.15 pm we took part in a dinosaur treasure hunt around the grounds. We then put PJs on, had hot chocolate and chilled out. It is now 9 pm and all the children are in their rooms exhausted. Hopefully, we will all have a good sleep ready for the excitement tomorrow will bring.

Students of the day:

Mickey - being the first to show great teamwork by encouraging others.

Charlotte - being fearless, dunking her head in the freezing lake numerous times and doing a starfish in the lake too!

Emma - fighting through freezing hail without batting an eyelid.

Authorfiona ormerod

Friday 12th April

This week year 6 worked hard at looking through their SATs papers, making changes and targeting the gaps in their knowledge.

Well done year six for showing resilience and determination.

Online Safety

At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters.

Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.

This month’s online safety guide gives helpful advice about…

What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Township This free information guide breaks down the popular online game Township: highlighting some online safety risks and offering tips on how to help children avoid them.

We hope you find this guide informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all.

Year 6 Dates to remember

Waterparks: 15th - 19th April

Year 6 awards


Golden Award (Respect) - Frankie

Writing Award - Emma

Maths Award - Avie


As always in year six I am on the lookout for kindness and respect. This week Emma helped Frankie when he was injured. Lexie helped Ayson during class. Oscar Op was kind to Jacob. There were many other examples too, keep it up year six!

Year 6 Homework:

Finish off the SATs papers sent home during Easter to return by Monday 15th April. If you have already completed them then you have a weekend off.

Authorfiona ormerod

Thursday 28th March

Every day this week Year 6 completed mock SATs. They have all worked hard to complete their tests and I have been impressed with their efforts.


Reports will be sent home the first day back after Easter.


Today Year six shone bright during assembly. Our job was to inform the rest of the school about the Resurrection …and inform them we did! Each member of the class sang, danced and performed their lines. Mrs Owen, Mrs Mccooey and I were all so happy and proud of each class member. A huge congratulations to each of them!

Year 6 awards


Golden Award (care) - Chase and The whole class for their exceptional performance and hard work with SATs.

Writing Award - Lexi Rose

Writing Award - Bobby

Maths - Everyone for completing two SATs maths papers in one day.


Congratulations to all of year six for their hard work this week. We are working together as a class on kindness and being a good friend. Mickey has been encouraging people on the football pitch, Ayson has been kind and caring for classmates when they were upset and has been coaching those struggling at football and giving them help and tips, Joshua for checking how my day has been and Emma for making sure I had water at break. Thank you to all of year six for all the kindness you bring to the school.

Dates to remember:

Back to school: 9th April

Waterparks: 15th-19th April

SATS: 13th-16th May

Year 6 Homework:

Please complete the SATs tests that have been sent home.

Try and complete them like you would under test conditions, within the time. Then anything you didn’t know circle the question and ask a parent or look it up and see if you can then answer the question. Just be honest and make a note of what you had help with. This is revision, it is to help you. Please do not stress over your tests, have an easter egg and a drink and practice your SATs work.

At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters.

Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.

This month’s online safety guide gives helpful advice about…

What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Clickbait This free information guide addresses clickbait – a widespread digital marketing strategy which carries several significant online safety risks for impressionable youngsters.

We hope you find this guide informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all.

Happy Easter to you all!

To read this week’s Good News Gospel reading, please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are child-friendly resources to share at home. Good News Gospel

Please also have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class worship…

TenTen Parent Newsletter

Authorfiona ormerod

Friday 22nd March


This week we have continued our learning about co-ordinates. We have practised translation and reflection. We have practised long multiplication, decimals and ended the week pushing our learning with multi-step word problems. Every student has shown resilience and perseverance in their learning.


This week the outcome stays the same: To write an explanation of how an animal has adapted to its environment, however, our focus shifts to finishing our first draft and presentation. The students have chosen to make a poster or newspaper article or leaflet. This will hopefully be completed next week.


PE: Our wonderful coach Erin had a great lesson on Wednesday with our new topic rounders.

Sports Champions: On Fridays, year 6 are fortunate enough to have a visit from Sports for Champions. It is a wonderful opportunity for year six to access this extra knowledge about sports and what it takes to become a champion. As a class, we are all working hard to complete the tasks of doing more exercise and eating healthily. We finished counting our stickers and we will wait to see what prises we won. Congratulations year six.

Waterparks: Please ensure you have a Waterparks information pack and that the medical consent form is filled and returned.

Year 6 Dates to remember

Waterparks: 15th - 19th April

Year 6 awards


Golden Award - Hallie

Writing Award - Ola

Maths Award - Mickey


As always in year six I am on the lookout for kindness and respect. This week I was recovering from an operation and some students made me cards, throughout the week I have had various students help me and check if I am okay, which is so kind and thoughtful. Thank you year 6.

Year 6 Homework:

More information in the homework section

Spellings: please practice your spellings, some children get full marks each week because they practice. Come on year six, you can do this.

IXL English: Nouns - see Homework section

IXL Maths: Fractions - see Homework section

TT Rock stars: Let’s improve our mental maths

English comprehension: Please complete the new comprehension tests. Time yourself, see how long it takes you to do test 1 and test 2. It should only take 20 minutes, but do not panic if it takes longer, be honest and record it.

Authorfiona ormerod

Friday 15th March


This week we have been focusing on coordinates, plotting in all four quadrants and solving problems. This is preparing us for next week when we will be revisiting reflections and translating shapes. We also revised fractions and used this as an excuse to eat cake in maths.


This week we have moved on to developing our plan to be more specific enabling us to successfully use our animal research in our writing. The outcome stays the same: To write an explanation of how an animal has adapted to its environment, however, our focus shifts to writing the first draft of our introduction and paragraphs 1 and 2.


Cake in Math: Any excuse to have cake is a good one. We explored simplifying and equivalent fractions.

PE: Our wonderful coach Erin struggled this week with the rain which meant PE was inside. Year six had a fantastic lesson and as always we are focusing on working as a team and what makes a good team player.

Sports Champions: On Fridays, year 6 are fortunate enough to have a visit from Sports for Champions. It is a wonderful opportunity for year six to access this extra knowledge about sports and what it takes to become a champion. As a class, we are all working hard to complete the tasks of doing more exercise and eating healthily.

Waterparks Meeting: Thank you to those who attended the meeting for those who were unable to attend you were missed. Please ensure you have a Waterparks information pack and that the medical consent form is filled and returned.

Year 6 Dates to remember

Waterparks: 15th - 19th April

Year 6 awards


Golden Award (care) - Ayson

Writing Award - Jacob

Maths Award - Chase


As always in year six I am on the lookout for kindness and respect. This week I witnessed a student stand up to his best friends who were in the wrong. It is harder to do the right thing when it means standing up to our friends. This act showed incredible strength and moral understanding. This student was praised and rewarded, they know who they are and I am incredibly proud of them and I hope they are proud of themselves too.

Year 6 Homework:

More information in the homework section


IXL English: Homophones, Nouns

IXL Maths: Fractions

TT Rock stars: Let’s improve our mental maths

English comprehension: Please complete the new comprehension: Stone Age

Authorfiona ormerod