Group 1:

  • adorable

  • adorably

  • applicable

  • considerable

  • considerably

  • changeable

  • forcible

  • dependable

  • comfortable

  • enjoyable

  • horrible

  • horribly

  • incredible

  • incredibly

Group 2:

  • irresponsible

  • irrelevant

  • intercity

  • interact

  • international

  • interrelated

  • anticlockwise

  • antiseptic

  • antisocial

  • autobiography

  • autograph

IXL maths:

D. Multiplication

13. Multiply 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers

14. Multiply 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers: word problems


KK. Adjectives and Adverbs

1. Identify adjectives

3.Identify adverbs

Daily reading - remember to bring in your Reading Diary each day


AuthorCatherine Leahy

Group 1:

  • independence

  • independent

  • innocence

  • innocent

  • obedience

  • obedient

  • observance

  • observant

  • substance

  • tolerance

  • tolerant

Group 2:

  • disappoint

  • disagree

  • disobey

  • inactive

  • incorrect

  • illegal

  • illegible

  • immature

  • immortal

  • imperfect

  • impossible

  • impatient

From now on, I will also ask you to spell a random selection of words from the Year 5/6 statutory word-list so have a look over this each week too!

IXL Maths:

B. Addition and Subtraction

1) Add and subtract whole numbers up to millions

4) Fill in the missing digits

IXL English:


Z. Homophones

1) Use the correct homophone



2) Choose between subject and object personal pronouns

Daily reading - please remember to bring your Reading Diary in each day


AuthorCatherine Leahy

Head boy/Head girl speech

If you are interested in putting yourself forward for this role, please complete your speech by Monday 26th September. You will then present this to the school during assembly on Tuesday 27th September, after which there will be a vote. Remember to think carefully about our values: Care - Learn - Respect.

Good luck!

Spellings - group 1:

  • expectant

  • hesitant

  • hesitancy

  • decent

  • decency

  • frequent

  • frequency

  • confident

  • confidence

  • assistance

  • assistant

Spellings - group 2:

  • country

  • young

  • touch

  • double

  • trouble

  • couple

  • courage

  • cousin

  • rough

  • tough

IXL - maths:

A - Place values and number sense

1) Convert between standard and expanded form.

3) Convert between place values

Remember your login details are in the front of your school diary

TT Rockstars times tables

IXL - English

Grammar and Mechanics

Adjectives and adverbs

4) Use relative adverbs

5) Choose between adjectives and adverbs

Remember login details are in the front of your school diary

Bedrock - Literacy

Login details are in the front of your school diary

Daily reading - please bring your reading diary to school each day

AuthorCatherine Leahy

Homework must be completed by the following Thursday.

Spelling tests will be completed each Friday.

Spellings - Group 1:

  • official

  • special

  • artificial

  • partial

  • confidential

  • essential

  • beneficial

  • commercial

  • crucial

  • social

  • initial

  • potential

Spellings - Group 2:

  • myth

  • gym

  • Egypt

  • pyramid

  • mystery

  • dynasty

  • symbol

  • synagogue

  • mysterious

  • mystical

IXL - maths:

A - Place values and number sense

2) Place Values

6) Place value word problems

Login details are in the front of your school diary

TT Rockstars times tables

Login details are in the front of your school diary

Bedrock - Literacy

Login details are in the front of your school diary

Daily reading - please bring your reading diary to school each day

AuthorCatherine Leahy

Spellings w/c 12/09/22: words ending -cious and -tious for a test on Friday

Grammar: CGP SATS Question Book, pages 46 and 47 (colons, semi-colons and dashes) for Friday

AuthorCatherine Leahy

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 4th May (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 27th April (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


    GG.4 Compound subjects and objects with 'I' and 'me'

    X.4 Find antonyms in context


    Y.5 Create line graphs

    Z.8 Find the mean (To find the mean/average you need to add all the values together and divide by the number of values)

    REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

  • Spellings:

    GROUP 1

    You will now be tested on 20 random spellings from Year 3,4,5 & 6 statutory spelling lists. The checklists for both of these sets of spellings are below:

    Year 3 & 4 Spellings

    Year 5 & 6 Spellings

    GROUP 2

    You will now be tested on 20 random spellings from the Year 5 & 6 statutory spelling lists. The checklist is below:

    Year 5 & 6 Spellings

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 6th April (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


    FF.6 Form and use plurals: review

    FF.9 Identify and correct errors with plural and possessive nouns

    REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

  • *NEW* Maths


    This week, I have set the class a test named ‘SATs Buster - Decimals and Percentages’. All of the class have their user name and logins in their reading records, and the test will come up on their profile as soon as they login.

  • Spellings:

    GROUP 1

    You will now be tested on 20 random spellings from Year 3,4,5 & 6 statutory spelling lists. The checklists for both of these sets of spellings are below:

    Year 3 & 4 Spellings

    Year 5 & 6 Spellings

    GROUP 2

    You will now be tested on 20 random spellings from the Year 5 & 6 statutory spelling lists. The checklist is below:

    Year 5 & 6 Spellings


    This week the class were set homework by Miss Benson. This needs to be completed and returned to school by Tuesday 5th April.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 30th March (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


    K.1 Read fantasy with illustrations

    K.2 Read realistic fiction with illustrations

    REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

  • *NEW* Maths


    This week, I have set the class a test named ‘SATs Buster - Fractions’. All of the class have their user name and logins in their reading records, and the test will come up on their profile as soon as they login.

  • Spellings:

    GROUP 1

    You will now be tested on 20 random spellings from Year 3,4,5 & 6 statutory spelling lists. The checklists for both of these sets of spellings are below:

    Year 3 & 4 Spellings

    Year 5 & 6 Spellings

    GROUP 2

    You will now be tested on 20 random spellings from the Year 5 & 6 statutory spelling lists. The checklist is below:

    Year 5 & 6 Spellings

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 23rd March (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


    EE.7 Identify dependent and independent clauses

    EE.10 Order the words to create a sentence

    REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

  • *NEW* Maths


    This week, I have set the class a test named ‘SATs Buster - Multiplication and Division’. All of the class have their user name and logins in their reading records, and the test will come up on their profile as soon as they login.

  • Spellings:

    GROUP 1

    You will now be tested on 20 random spellings from Year 3,4,5 & 6 statutory spelling lists. The checklists for both of these sets of spellings are below:

    Year 3 & 4 Spellings

    Year 5 & 6 Spellings

    GROUP 2

    You will now be tested on 20 random spellings from the Year 5 & 6 statutory spelling lists. The checklist is below:

    Year 5 & 6 Spellings

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 16th March (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


    U.5 Words with un-, dis-, in-, im- and non-

    U.6 Words with -ful

    U.7 Words with -less

    REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

    *NEW* Maths

  • (

    As mentioned last week, I will now set tests for the class to complete each week, for their Maths homework. This week, I have set the class a test named ‘SATs buster-Addition and Subtraction’. All of the class have their user name and logins in their reading records, and the test will come up on their profile as soon as they login.

    I have also left a test on there that I set last week on Place Value. Only a few children in the class managed to get logged on and complete this in class, so if anyone would like to also complete this test, they can-this is not a homework requirement for this week, however.

    **NEW** Spellings:

    This term there is a change to spellings for BOTH groups 1 & 2. The class are expected to know most KS2 (Yr3-6) spellings by the end of Year 6. Details of the new spellings are below:

    GROUP 1

    You will now be tested on 20 random spellings from Year 3,4,5 & 6 statutory spelling lists. The checklists for both of these sets of spellings are below:

    Year 3 & 4 Spellings

    Year 5 & 6 Spellings

    GROUP 2

    You will now be tested on 20 random spellings from the Year 5 & 6 statutory spelling lists. The checklist is below:

    Year 5 & 6 Spellings

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 9th March (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


    W.5 Objects on a coordinate plane - all four quadrants

    W.6 Graph points on a coordinate plane - all four quadrants


    GG.5 Compound subjects and objects with personal pronouns

  • GG.6 Use possessive pronouns

    REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

    **NEW** Spellings:

    This term there is a change to spellings for BOTH groups 1 & 2. The class are expected to know most KS2 (Yr3-6) spellings by the end of Year 6. Details of the new spellings are below:

    GROUP 1

    You will now be tested on 20 random spellings from Year 3,4,5 & 6 statutory spelling lists. The checklists for both of these sets of spellings are below:

    Year 3 & 4 Spellings

    Year 5 & 6 Spellings

    GROUP 2

    You will now be tested on 20 random spellings from the Year 5 & 6 statutory spelling lists. The checklist is below:

    Year 5 & 6 Spellings

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 2nd March (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


    L.4 Equivalent fractions

    L.5 Patterns of equivalent fractions


    NN.2 Contractions with 'not'

    PP.1 Correct capitalisation errors

    REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

    **NEW** Spellings:

    This term there is a change to spellings for BOTH groups 1 & 2. The class are expected to know most KS2 (Yr3-6) spellings by the end of Year 6. Details of the new spellings are below:

    GROUP 1

    You will now be tested on 20 random spellings from Year 3,4,5 & 6 statutory spelling lists. The checklists for both of these sets of spellings are below:

    Year 3 & 4 Spellings

    Year 5 & 6 Spellings

    GROUP 2

    You will now be tested on 20 random spellings from the Year 5 & 6 statutory spelling lists. The checklist is below:

    Year 5 & 6 Spellings

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 9th Feb (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


    AA.5 Convert between 12-hour and 24-hour time

    CC.9 Parts of a circle


    FF.3 Form plurals of nouns ending in f, fe, o and y

    FF.4 Form and use plurals of nouns ending in f, fe, o and y

    REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

  • Spellings:

    From now on, each group will be tested on 15 random spellings from their spelling list. Below I have attached ALL spellings for each group with space next to them to be tested on and a checklist to see if you got it rights (R) or wrong (W). This spelling sheet, which I have sent home with each child, is a really good way to see which spellings you are more/less confident with. I would strongly advise being tested on ALL of the spellings at home, as part of you spelling practise, to see which ones you need to focus on most.

    GROUP 1 ALL Spellings

GROUP 2 ALL Spellings


    It is really important that the class are reading regularly at home, and having their records signed. This should be a minimum of 3/4 times per week.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 2nd Feb (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


    BB.3 Choose the appropriate metric unit of measure

    BB.4 Compare and convert metric units of length


    JJ.5 Correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense

    JJ.6 Use the progressive verb tenses

    JJ.7 Form the progressive verb tenses

    REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

  • Spellings:

    From now on, each group will be tested on 15 random spellings from their spelling list. Below I have attached ALL spellings for each group with space next to them to be tested on and a checklist to see if you got it rights (R) or wrong (W). This spelling sheet, which I have sent home with each child, is a really good way to see which spellings you are more/less confident with. I would strongly advise being tested on ALL of the spellings at home, as part of you spelling practise, to see which ones you need to focus on most.

    GROUP 1 ALL Spellings

GROUP 2 ALL Spellings


    It is really important that the class are reading regularly at home, and having their records signed. This should be a minimum of 3/4 times per week.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 26th (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


  • DD.2 Measure angles with a protractor

  • DD.3 Draw angles with a protractor


  • JJ.3 Form and use the irregular past tense

  • JJ.4 Form and use the simple past, present and future tense

    REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

  • Spellings:

    From now on, each group will be tested on 15 random spellings from their spelling list. Below I have attached ALL spellings for each group with space next to them to be tested on and a checklist to see if you got it rights (R) or wrong (W). This spelling sheet, which I have sent home with each child, is a really good way to see which spellings you are more/less confident with. I would strongly advise being tested on ALL of the spellings at home, as part of you spelling practise, to see which ones you need to focus on most.

GROUP 1 ALL Spellings

GROUP 2 ALL Spellings


    It is really important that the class are reading regularly at home, and having their records signed. This should be a minimum of 3/4 times per week.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 12th (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


  • ͦDD.4 Find a missing angle - vertical angles

  • DD.7 Find a missing angle - vertical, adjacent and supplementary angles


  • FF.7 Identify plurals, singular possessives and plural possessives

  • FF.8 Form the singular or plural possessive

    Here is a video link to an explanation on singular and plural possessive, if you need to revise it first:

    REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

  • Spellings:

    From now on, each group will be tested on 15 random spellings from their spelling list. Below I have attached ALL spellings for each group with space next to them to be tested on and a checklist to see if you got it rights (R) or wrong (W). This spelling sheet, which I have sent home with each child, is a really good way to see which spellings you are more/less confident with. I would strongly advise being tested on ALL of the spellings at home, as part of you spelling practise, to see which ones you need to focus on most.

GROUP 1 ALL Spellings

GROUP 2 ALL Spellings


    It is really important that the class are reading regularly at home, and having their records signed. This should be a minimum of 3/4 times per week.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 12th (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


  • DD.1 Types of angles

  • DD.5 Find a missing angle - adjacent angles


    Right angle-90 ͦ

    Acute angle-1-89 ͦ

    Obtuse angle- 91-179 ͦ

    Straight angle- 180 ͦ

    Reflect angle- 181-356 ͦ


  • Q.1 Distinguish facts from opinions

  • R.1 Show character emotions and traits

    REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

  • Spellings:

    From now on, each group will be tested on 15 random spellings from their spelling list. Below I have attached ALL spellings for each group with space next to them to be tested on and a checklist to see if you got it rights (R) or wrong (W). This spelling sheet, which I have sent home with each child, is a really good way to see which spellings you are more/less confident with. I would strongly advise being tested on ALL of the spellings at home, as part of you spelling practise, to see which ones you need to focus on most.

GROUP 1 ALL Spellings

GROUP 2 ALL Spellings


    It is really important that the class are reading regularly at home, and having their records signed. This should be a minimum of 3/4 times per week.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 15th December (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


  • HH.6 Area of parallelograms

  • HH.8 Area of right angle triangles


    The area of parallelogram= base x perpendicular height

    The area of a right angle triangle = (base x perpendicular height) ÷ 2


  • LL.1 Identify prepositions

    LL.3 Identify prepositional phrases

    Here is a revision video on prepositions:

    REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

  • Spellings:

GROUP 1 Spellings

GROUP 2 Spellings


    It is really important that the class are reading regularly at home, and having their records signed. This should be a minimum of 3/4 times per week.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 8th December (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


  • HH.1 Find the perimeter of rectangles using formulas

  • HH.4 Area of squares and rectangles


  • area of a rectangle/square= length x width,

  • perimeter of a rectangle= 2x length + 2x width


  • II.1 Use the correct subject or verb

  • II.2 Use the correct subject or verb – with compound subjects

  • REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

  • Spellings:

GROUP 1 Spellings

GROUP 2 Spellings


    It is really important that the class are reading regularly at home, and having their records signed. This should be a minimum of 3/4 times per week.

AuthorCatherine Slater