All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 1st December (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

  • Spellings:

GROUP 1 Spellings

GROUP 2 Spellings


    It is really important that the class are reading regularly at home, and having their records signed. This should be a minimum of 3/4 times per week.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 24th November (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


  • T.8 Percent of a number

  • T.9 Percent of a number: word problems


  • NN.1 Pronoun-verb contractions

  • OO.2 Commas with compound and complex sentences

  • REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

  • Spellings:

GROUP 1 Spellings

GROUP 2 Spellings


    It is really important that the class are reading regularly at home, and having their records signed. This should be a minimum of 3/4 times per week.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 17th November (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


  • F.9 Divide 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers


  • H.3 Draw inferences from a text

  • GG.3 Replace the noun with a personal pronoun

  • REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

  • Spellings:

GROUP 1 Spellings

GROUP 2 Spellings


    It is really important that the class are reading regularly at home, and having their records signed. This should be a minimum of 3/4 times per week.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 10th November (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


    L.9 Convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers

    M.11 Add fractions with different denominators


    H.1 Use actions and dialogue to understand characters

    H.2 Compare and contrast characters

  • REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

  • Spellings:

GROUP 1 Spellings

GROUP 2 Spellings


    It is really important that the class are reading regularly at home, and having their records signed. This should be a minimum of 3/4 times per week.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 20th October (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


    D.14 Multiply 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers: word problems

    J.3 Multiply a decimal by 10, 100 or 1,000


    JJ.1 Is the sentence in the past, present or future tense?

    JJ.2 Form and use the regular past tense

  • REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

  • Spellings:

GROUP 1 Spellings

GROUP 2 Spellings


    I sent home a letter formation handwriting sheet for join up letters. It is important, in Year 6, that the children are joining their letters correctly (many are not!). Please practise your handwriting at home, as regularly as possible.


    It is really important that the class are reading regularly at home, and having their records signed. This should be a minimum of 3/4 times per week.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 13th October (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


    D.5 Multiply by a multiple of ten

    D.13 Multiply 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers


    E.5 Choose between adjectives and adverbs

    M.1 Choose the synonym

  • REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

  • Spellings:

GROUP 1 Spellings

GROUP 2 Spellings


    Last week I sent home a letter formation handwriting sheet for join up letters. It is important, in Year 6, that the children are joining their letters correctly (many are not!). Please practise your handwriting at home, as regularly as possible.


    It is really important that the class are reading regularly at home, and having their records signed. This should be a minimum of 3/4 times per week.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 6th October (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


    D.1 Multiply by 1-digit numbers

  • D.2 Multiply by 1-digit numbers: word problems


    C.9 Identify relative pronouns

    C.11 Use relative pronouns: who, whom, whose, which and that

    Check the table below to remind yourself you the different relative pronouns and when they are used.

    REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

  • Spellings:

GROUP 1 Spellings

GROUP 2 Spellings


    Today I have sent home a letter formation handwriting sheet for join up letters. It is important, in Year 6, that the children are joining their letters correctly (many are not!). Please practise your handwriting at home, as regularly as possible.


    It is really important that the class are reading regularly at home, and having their records signed. This should be a minimum of 3/4 times per week.

    Blank Timetable Template

relative pronouns.png
AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 29th September (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

GROUP 1 Spellings

GROUP 2 Spellings


    It is really important that the class are reading regularly at home, and having their records signed. This should be a minimum of 3/4 times per week.

    Blank Timetable Template

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 22th September (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


    H.3 Understanding decimals expressed in words

    H.4Place values in decimal numbers


    B.2 Identify common and proper nouns

    C.1 Identify personal pronouns

    Here’s short video to revise pronouns:

    REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

  • Spellings:

GROUP 1 Spellings

GROUP 2 Spellings


    It is really important that the class are reading regularly at home, and having their records signed. This should be a minimum of 3/4 times per week.

    Blank Timetable Template

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 15th September (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on your times tables.

  • IXL (


    A.2 Place values

    A.5 Writing numbers up to one million in words: convert words to digits


    B.1 Identify nouns – with abstract nouns

    E.1 Identify adjectives

    REMINDER: you should be spending at least 20 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

  • Spellings:

GROUP 1 Spellings

GROUP 2 Spellings


    It is really important that the class are reading regularly at home, and having their records signed. This should be a minimum of 3/4 times per week.

    Blank Timetable Template

AuthorCatherine Slater

Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Although Bedrock are not running their competition this half term, I will still be running the in-class competition. A prize will be given in the last week, for the pupil who earns the most points!

  • Spellings -25.06.21-We will continue to practice ALL of the spellings, and you will be tested again, on Friday, on 20 new random spellings.

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on other facts, derived from your knowledge of your times tables, up to 12 x 12. For example, I might ask what 30 x 7 is, rather than 7 x 3.

  • Reading-please keep up with regular home reading. Let’s see how many quizzes you can take before the end of Year 6!

  • IXL

    From now on I will not be setting weekly IXL units. The class will have access to all of the English and Maths units for the next 5 weeks, so they are free to revise and complete any of the units they wish from home. We will also be completing some of the units in class time, to make the most of the last few weeks of their access to this resource.


    Part of the weekly homework for the next few weeks will be to practice and rehearse any songs/lines from home. The more you can practice at home, the better!

    Click here for all of the song lyrics.

    Click here for the presenters’ script.

    Here is the Google Drive link to all audios:

    These Days

AuthorCatherine Slater
  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Although Bedrock are not running their competition this half term, I will still be running the in-class competition. A prize will be given in the last week, for the pupil who earns the most points!

  • Spellings -18.06.21-We will continue to practice ALL of the spellings, and you will be tested again, on Friday, on 20 new random spellings.

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on other facts, derived from your knowledge of your times tables, up to 12 x 12. For example, I might ask what 30 x 7 is, rather than 7 x 3.

  • Reading-please keep up with regular home reading. Let’s see how many quizzes you can take before the end of Year 6!

  • IXL

    From now on I will not be setting weekly IXL units. The class will have access to all of the English and Maths units for the next 5 weeks, so they are free to revise and complete any of the units they wish from home. We will also be completing some of the units in class time, to make the most of the last few weeks of their access to this resource.


    Part of the weekly homework for the next few weeks will be to practice and rehearse any songs/lines from home. The more you can practice at home, the better!

    Click here for all of the song lyrics.

    Click here for the presenters’ script.

    Here is the Google Drive link to all audios:

    These Days

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 12th May (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • Spellings -14.05.21-We will continue to practice ALL of the spellings, and you will be tested again, on Friday, on 20 new random spellings.

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on other facts, derived from your knowledge of your times tables, up to 12 x 12. For example, I might ask what 30 x 7 is, rather than 7 x 3.

  • IXL (


    X.3 Compare and convert metric units of length

    X.4 Compare and convert metric units of mass


    B.7 Identify plurals, singular possessives and plural possessives

    B.8 Form the singular or plural possessive


    Although I do not usually put reading under the homework tab, it is really important that the class are reading regularly at home, and having their records signed. I have noticed a rapid decline in the number of children reading regularly at home. This should be a minimum of 3/4 times per week.

    Blank Timetable Template

    REMINDER: you should be spending at least 20 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 12th May (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • Spellings -07.05.21-We will continue to practice ALL of the spellings, and you will be tested again, on Friday, on 20 new random spellings.

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on other facts, derived from your knowledge of your times tables, up to 12 x 12. For example, I might ask what 30 x 7 is, rather than 7 x 3.

  • IXL (


    U.15 Pie charts

    F.4 Place values in decimal numbers


    G.3 Identify subordinating conjunctions

    M.10 Use the correct frequently confused word


    Although I do not usually put reading under the homework tab, it is really important that the class are reading regularly at home, and having their records signed. I have noticed a rapid decline in the number of children reading regularly at home. This should be a minimum of 3/4 times per week.

    Blank Timetable Template

    REMINDER: you should be spending at least 20 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 5th May (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • Spellings -30.04.21-We will continue to practice ALL of the spellings, and you will be tested again, on Friday, on 20 new random spellings.

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on other facts, derived from your knowledge of your times tables, up to 12 x 12. For example, I might ask what 30 x 7 is, rather than 7 x 3.

  • IXL (


    D.11 Divide by two-digit numbers: word problems


    D.5 Use the correct subject or verb – with compound subjects

    D.6 Is the sentence in the past, present or future tense?


    Although I do not usually put reading under the homework tab, it is really important that the class are reading regularly at home, and having their records signed. I have noticed a rapid decline in the number of children reading regularly at home. This should be a minimum of 3/4 times per week.

    Blank Timetable Template

    REMINDER: you should be spending at least 20 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 28th April (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • Spellings -23.04.21-We will continue to practice ALL of the spellings, and you will be tested again, on Friday, on 20 new random spellings.

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. Next Thursday, you will be tested on other facts, derived from your knowledge of your times tables, up to 12 x 12. For example, I might ask what 30 x 7 is, rather than 7 x 3.

  • IXL (


    C.16 Multiply a two-digit number by a three-digit or four-digit number: word problems


    E.7 Use adjectives to compare

    E.10 Use adverbs to compare


    Although I do not put reading under the homework tab, it is really important that the class are reading regularly at home, and having their records signed. I have noticed a rapid decline in the number of children reading regularly at home. This should be a minimum of 3/4 times per week.

    Blank Timetable Template

    REMINDER: you should be spending at least 20 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 21st April (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • Spellings -16.04.21-We will continue to practice ALL of the spellings, and you will be tested again, on Friday, on 20 new random spellings.

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly (Times Tables test next Thursday)

  • IXL (


    CC.10 Volume of figures made of unit cubes

    O.1 Determine the ratio


    L.1 Order alphabetically based on the first two letters

    L.2 Order alphabetically based on the first three lettersBlank Timetable Template

REMINDER: you should be spending at least 20 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 31st March (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • Spellings -26.03.21-Continue practicing ALL of the spellings, as you will be tested again, on Friday, on 20 new random spellings.

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly (Times Tables test next Thursday)

  • IXL (


    U.1 Read tables

    U.2 Interpret Line Graphs


    B.4 Form and use plurals of nouns ending in f, fe, o and y

    B.5 Form plurals: review

Blank Timetable Template

REMINDER: you should be spending at least 20 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 22nd March (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • Spellings -19.03.21-Continue practicing ALL of the spellings, as you will be tested again, on Friday, on 20 new random spellings.

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly (Times Tables test next Thursday)

  • IXL (


    L.13 Multiplying two fractions

    G.1 Add and subtract decimal numbers


    J.5 Words with un-, dis-, in-, im- and non-

    M.3 Choose the antonym

    Suggested Timetable- this has been updated with specific homework set this week.

Blank Timetable Template

REMINDER: you should be spending at least 20 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 17th March (I check that homework has been completed on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Remember the more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and will be entered into the competition!

  • Spellings -12.03.21-Continue practicing ALL of the spellings, as you will be tested again, on Friday, on 20 new random spellings.

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly (Times Tables test next Thursday)

  • IXL (


    K.5 Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators

    K.6 Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators: word problems

    Here is an audio of me recapping the methods for addition and subtraction of mixed numbers:


    C.6 Use possessive pronouns

    C.7 Choose between personal and reflexive pronouns

    Here is a video, to remind you of personal and reflexive pronouns:

Suggested Timetable- this has been updated with specific homework set this week.

Blank Timetable Template

REMINDER: you should be spending at least 20 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

AuthorCatherine Slater