All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 9th December (I check that homework has been completed, on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

Suggested Timetable- this has been updated with specific homework set this week.

Blank Timetable Template

REMINDER: you should be spending at least 20 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 9th December (I check that homework has been completed, on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

Suggested Timetable- this has been updated with specific homework set this week.

Blank Timetable Template

REMINDER: you should be spending at least 20 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 25th November (I check that homework has been completed, on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

Suggested Timetable- this has been updated with specific homework set this week.

Blank Timetable Template

REMINDER: you should be spending at least 20 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 25th November (I check that homework has been completed, on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

Suggested Timetable- this has been updated with specific homework set this week.

Blank Timetable Template

REMINDER: you should be spending at least 20 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 18th November (I check that homework has been completed, on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

Suggested Timetable- this has been updated with specific homework set this week.

Blank Timetable Template

REMINDER: you should be spending at least 20 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 11th November (I check that homework has been completed, on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

Suggested Timetable- this has been updated with specific homework set this week.

Blank Timetable Template

REMINDER: you should be spending at least 20 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 21st October (I check that homework has been completed, on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Do feel free to complete more than one lesson before Weds-I would encourage it!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly (Times Tables test next Thursday)

  • Spellings:

    Please click here to view this week’s spellings. We will have our spelling test next Thursday (as we are not in next Friday).

  • IXL (

    Maths: J.4 (Equivalent Fractions)

    If you need to revise equivalent fractions first, here is a good video to watch:

    English: C.9 (Identify Relative Pronouns) & I.3 (Correct Capitalisation errors)

Suggested Timetable- this has been update to fit with all three IXL units.

Blank Timetable Template

REMINDER: you should be spending at least 20-30 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 14th October (I check that homework has been completed, on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Do feel free to complete more than one lesson before Weds-I would encourage it!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly (Times Tables test next Thursday)

  • Spellings:

    Please click here to view this week’s spellings. We will have our spelling test next Friday.

  • IXL (

    Maths: C. 15 (Multiply a two-digit number by a three-digit or four-digit number)

    English: I.2 (Commas with compound and complex sentences)

Suggested Timetable

Blank Timetable Template

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 7th October (I check that homework has been completed, on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Do feel free to complete more than one lesson before Weds-I would encourage it!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly (Times Tables test next Thursday)

  • Spellings:

    Please click here to view this week’s spellings. We will have our spelling test next Friday.

  • IXL (

    Maths: C.1 (multiply by a one-digit number)

    English: M.1 (choose the synonym)

This week, I have sent the whole class home with a suggested timetable, that I have filled in, with a blank timetable on the back. I want to encourage the class to manage their time effectively, and avoid last minute ‘cramming’ . They can either choose to follow the suggested one or create their own timetable, that works best for them. Below I have attached both the suggested and blank templates, should they wish to reference them in weeks to follow.

Suggested Timetable

Blank Timetable Template

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 30th September (I check that homework has been completed, on Thursday Morning, so it must all have been completed by then)

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Do feel free to complete more than one lesson before Weds-I would encourage it!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise regularly (Times Tables test next Thursday)

  • Spellings:

    Please click here to view this week’s spellings. We will have our spelling test next Friday.

    Please note that paper copies of spellings will no longer be sent home, for the same reason we are not sending homework books home. They can be accessed only by the link above. I would advise you get your child to copy them down at home.

  • IXL (

    Maths: B.2 (add and subtract whole numbers word problems)

    English: C.11 (Use relative pronouns: who, whom, whose, which and that)

    Please note: you do not HAVE to reach 100 score on each IXL unit. This is the goal, but if you have spent a sufficient amount of time (about half an hour) on each unit, and have still not achieved a 100 score, you are okay to leave it there. Of course, if you would like to spend more time on the unit to achieve the 100 score, you can!!

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 23rd September.

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Do feel free to complete more than one lesson before Weds-I would encourage it!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise daily for 20 minutes

  • Spellings 17.09.20

    Please click here to view this week’s spellings. We will have our spelling test next Friday, 25th September.

    Please note that paper copies of spellings will no longer be sent home, for the same reason we are not sending homework books home. They can be accessed only by the link above. I would advise you get your child to copy them down at home.

  • IXL (

    Maths: B.1 (add and subtract whole numbers up to one million)

    English: C.3 (Replace noun with personal pronoun)

    Please note: you do not HAVE to reach 100 score on each IXL unit. This is the goal, but if you have spent a sufficient amount of time (about half an hour) on each unit, and have still not achieved a 100 score, you are okay to leave it there. Of course, if you would like to spend more time on the unit to achieve the 100 score, you can!!

  • Regular Home Reading

AuthorCatherine Slater

All homework is due to be completed by Wednesday 16th September.

  • Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson. Please do feel free to complete more than one lesson before Weds-I would encourage it!

  • TT Rockstars ( practise daily for 20 minutes

  • IXL (

    Maths: A.1 (Place values I) & A.2 (Place values II)

    English: B.1 (Identify nouns- with abstract nouns) & B.2 (Identify common and proper nouns)

    Please note: you do not HAVE to reach 100 score on each IXL unit. This is the goal, but if you have spent a sufficient amount of time (about half an hour) on each unit, and have still not achieved a 100 score, you are okay to leave it there. Of course, if you would like to spend more time on the unit to achieve the 100 score, you can!!

  • Regular Home Reading

AuthorCatherine Slater

Maths-Page 21 (Multiples)

English-Pages 37 & 38 (Suffixes

Mixed Spellings

Mixed Times Tables


AuthorCatherine Slater

Maths-Pages 31 & 32 (Area & Perimeter)

English-Page 6 (Articles)

Mixed Spelling & Times Tables


AuthorCatherine Slater

Maths- pages 29 & 30 (Shape)

English (Fiction)- pages 18 & 19 (Inference Questions)

Mixed spellings

Mixed Times Tables

Bedrock 2 times over the week.

AuthorCatherine Slater

Maths-pages 48 & 49 (Graphs and Charts)

English (fiction)-Pages 16 & 17 (Retrieval Questions)

Mixed Spellings

Mixed Times Tables


AuthorCatherine Slater

English (Reading Fiction)-Pages 10 & 11

Maths-Page 52 (Mean)

MIxed Spellings-test next Friday 7th Feb


AuthorCatherine Slater

English (Reading-Fiction) Pages 8 & 9- Inference questions

Maths-Page 18 (Percentages)

Mixed Times Table Practise

BEDROCK-Friday, Saturday or Sunday

AuthorCatherine Slater

Maths-Page 16 (Fractions)

English-Fiction Reading-Page 6 & & (Retrieval questions)

NO Grammar homework this week.

Times Tables

Spellings 17.01.20

Bedrock-please complete a lesson on Friday, Saturday or Sunday!!

AuthorCatherine Slater

Maths-Pages 22 & 23 (Factors & Prime Numbers)

English-Page 2 (Singular and Plural Nouns)

Spellings 10.01.20

Mixed Times Tables


AuthorCatherine Slater