It has been a lovely week all back together again and once again the children have settled back into their work routine nicely. We began the week taking part in Father’s virtual mass celebrating All Saints Day and this lead us nicely into our RE lesson where we learnt all about Saint Martin de Porres and considered what Teresa of Avila meant by, “Jesus has no body now on Earth but yours.” The children recognised how St Martin de Porres lived his life by doing the work of Jesus and they thought of ways in which they could carry on Jesus’ mission in the same way that Saint Martin de Porres did too. One of the ideas the children came up with is to help others by contributing to the Samaritan’s shoebox appeal that school is currently collecting for (press link for more information). Year 5 have been asked to donate school supplies such as pens, pencils, notepad or solar powered calculators. Thank you so much to those children who have donated already, it’s very much appreciated. Last year school were able to send off 30 shoeboxes filled with gifts for children in need around the world, and we hope to be able to do the same again this Christmas. If you’d like to donate some items for the appeal, then please send them in on Monday - thank you.
Year 5 donations for the Samaritan’s shoebox appeal.
In English we began our new unit of work on stories from other cultures and we are focusing on stories from China. The children read three stories, The origin of the kitchen god, The Dragon King’s daughter and Dragon Slayer, and investigated what they could find out about the culture, customs and features of Chinese stories.
In maths this week the children have been looking at multiples of numbers and have used division rules of numbers to work out whether a number is a multiple or not. They have also investigated factors of numbers and discovered that numbers with two factors are prime numbers and numbers with an odd number of factors are square numbers.
This week in Science we started our new Forces topic and the children have identified and explained the different forces acting on objects.
In geography the children have been reading the climate graphs of several destinations within North and South America and have identified the different climates using what they learnt from our last geography lesson.
During our Bounce Forward session we focused on the Basics potion of the Resilience framework (click on link to see the framework) and considered which of the ‘ingredients’ we can take responsibility for. We then focused in on getting enough sleep and thought about what helps us get to sleep and what prevents us getting to sleep at night. Year 5 all agreed that when they don’t get enough sleep it makes them less resilient and they aren’t as happy. It is recommended that children of their age should be getting between 9 and 10 hours sleep at night.
On Tuesday Year 5 resumed their yoga lessons - we all look forward to these as it gives us all the chance to feel calm and relaxed. Year 5 are certainly getting better at balancing!
Our PE lessons this half term will focus on communication and teamwork. This week, the focus of the lesson was working together to move and throw whilst also obeying two new rules.
More reading champions
Last half term some children were missing when we took the last photograph of our reading champions who had finished completing their first bookmark for reading at home. Well done, keep up the great work!
Our award winners:
Golden Award - Lennon
Writing Award - Isabelle
Maths Award - Nathaniel
Year 5 Star Winner - Adam
Great work this week Year 5, keep it up! We hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Keep safe
Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Connolly