Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at 

Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home. 

IXL - Maths

Y12 Create rectangles with a given area

Y15 Find the missing side length of a rectangle

IXL - English

Z1 Which definition matches the sentence?

Z2 Which sentence matches the definition?

Times tables  - Next week’s test will test you on 12x . These will also  include divisions e.g. 96÷12?  How many 12s are in 144? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings  Learn your spellings for a test next week.

suppose surprise therefore though although

amateur ancient apparent appreciate attached

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 26/6/23 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at 

Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home. 

IXL - Maths

Y13 Find the area of rectangles and squares

Y14 Compare areas of rectangles and squares

IXL - English

AA1 Describe the difference between related words

AA2. Positive and negative connotation

Times tables  - Next week’s test will test you on 12x . These will also  include divisions e.g. 96÷12?  How many 12s are in 144? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings  Learn your spellings for a test next week.

separate          special           straight             strange              strength 

accommodate     accompany        according       achieve     aggressive

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 19/6/23 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at 

Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day.

Times tables  - After half term, you will be tested on your 11x . These will also  include divisions e.g. 55÷11?  How many 11s are in 66? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings  Learn your spellings for a test after half term.

recent            regular           reign          remember         sentence separate          variety              vegetable             vehicle          yacht

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at 

Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home. 

IXL - Maths

Y1 Find the perimeter of rectangles using formulas

Y2 Perimeter of rectilinear shapes

IXL - English

KK10. Use adjectives to compare

KK11. Spell adjectives that compare

Times tables  - Next week’s test will test you on 5x 10x . These will also  include divisions e.g. 50÷5?  How many 5s are in 60? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings  Learn your spellings for a test next week.

probably       promise          purpose         quarter       question     symbol            system      temperature      thorough       twelfth

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 22/5/23 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at 

Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home. 

IXL - Maths

E3 Multiply by multiples of 10, 100 and 1,000

IXL - English

EE4 Identify common and proper nouns

Times tables  - Next week’s test will test you on 9x . These will also  include divisions e.g. 45÷9?  How many 9s are in 81? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings  Learn your spellings for a test next week.

possess possession possible potatoes pressure                       sincerely. soldier stomach sufficient suggest

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 8/5/23 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at 

Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home. 

IXL - Maths

O5     Interpret bar graphs

O6     Interpret bar graphs: multi-step problems

IXL - English

X5     Which sentence uses an antonym?

X6.    Find antonyms in context

Times tables  - Next week’s test will test you on 7x . These will also  include divisions e.g. 35÷7?  How many 7s are in 49? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings  Learn your spellings for a test next week.

particular               peculiar                perhaps                       popular                         position                        sacrifice      secretary                     shoulder                  signature                  sincere

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 1/5/23 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

IXL - Maths

K9 Highest common factor

K10 Square numbers

IXL - English

X5 Which sentence uses an antonym?

X6. Find antonyms in context

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 5x and 10x. These will also include divisions e.g. 35÷5? How many 5s are in 55? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

occasion occasionally often opposite ordinary recommend

relevant restaurant rhyme rhythm

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 24/4/23 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Don’t forget our Lent reading challenge, you will need to have finished your Lent challenge book by next week so that you can be part of our Book Club celebration! Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

IXL - Maths

K6 Prime and composite numbers: up to 20

K7 Prime and composite numbers: up to 100

IXL - English

S1 Show character emotions and traits

S2 Revise the sentence using a stronger verb

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 4x and 8x .These will also include divisions e.g. 40÷4? How many 8s are in 64? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

apparent appreciate attached available average suppose surprise therefore though although

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 3/4/23 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Don’t forget our Lent reading challenge! Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

IXL - Maths

K3 Identify factors

K4 Find all the factor pairs of a number

IXL - English

JJ1 Use the correct article: a or an

JJ2 Use the correct article: a, an or the

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 3x and 6x .These will also include divisions e.g. 36÷6? How many 3s are in 33? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

according      achieve          aggressive       amateur          ancient    separate          special           straight           strange           strength 

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 27/3/23 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Don’t forget our Lent reading challenge! Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

IXL - Maths

O12 Interpret frequency charts

O13 Create frequency charts

IXL - English

MM1 Identify coordinating conjunctions

MM2 Identify subordinating conjunctions

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 2x and 4x .These will also include divisions e.g. 24÷2? How many 4s are in 48? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

recent            regular               reign                remember        sentence  variety         vegetable      vehicle   yacht   accommodate

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 20/3/23 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Don’t forget our Lent reading challenge! Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

IXL - Maths

O10 Interpret line plots

O11 Create line plots

IXL - English

NN1 Pronoun-verb contractions

NN2 Contractions with 'not'

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 12x .These will also include divisions e.g. 84÷12? How many 12s are in 144? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

probably          promise          purpose           quarter               question  symbol         system              temperature           thorough         twelfth

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 13/3/23 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Don’t forget our Lent reading challenge! Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

IXL - Maths

O3 Interpret line graphs

O4 Create line graphs

IXL - English

HH3 Pronoun-verb agreement

HH4 Use the correct subject or verb – with compound subjects

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 11x .These will also include divisions e.g. 55÷11? How many 11s are in 121? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

possess         possession       possible          potatoes                pressure 

sincerely              soldier             stomach         sufficient             suggest

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 6/3/23 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

IXL - Maths

O1 Read a table

O2. Interpret tally charts

IXL - English

HH1 Is the subject singular or plural?

HH2. Use the correct subject or verb

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 9x .These will also include divisions e.g. 45÷9? How many 9s are in 54? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

particular peculiar perhaps popular position sacrifice      secretary           shoulder           signature            sincere

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 27/2/23 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home. Don’t forget to earn your points towards the Bedrock Competition - try to collect 120 points (at least 20 points each week) by the 12th February to be in with a chance of winning their prizes. We’ll also have our own competition, which runs till the end of half term. Good luck Year 5!

IXL - Maths

D6 Choose the multiples of a given number up to 10

D8 Multiplication facts up to 12: find the missing factor

IXL - English

BB1 Find words using context

BB2 Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 4x and 8x .These will also include divisions e.g. 32÷8? How many 4s are in 40? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

occasion occasionally often opposite ordinary recommend relevant restaurant rhyme rhythm

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 6/2/23 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home. Don’t forget to earn your points towards the Bedrock Competition - try to collect 120 points (at least 20 points each week) by the 12th February to be in with a chance of winning their prizes. We’ll also have our own competition, which runs till the end of half term. Good luck Year 5!

IXL - Maths

D3 Choose the multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10

D7 Multiplication facts to 12

IXL - English

CC3. Order alphabetically based on the first three letters

CC4. Order alphabetically: challenge

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 7x. These will also include divisions e.g. 35÷7? How many 7s are in 49? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

mention         minute        natural         naughty               notice                profession                 programme                pronunciation           queue                recognise

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 30/1/23 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home. Don’t forget to earn your points towards the Bedrock Competition - try to collect 120 points (at least 20 points each week) by the 12th February to be in with a chance of winning their prizes. We’ll also have our own competition, which runs till the end of half term. Good luck Year 5!

IXL - Maths
Balance subtraction equations: three-digit numbers

C11 Estimate differences: up to six digits

IXL - English

X2. Which sentence has the same meaning?

X3 Find synonyms in context

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 5x and 10x. These will also include divisions e.g. 30÷5? How many 10s are in 40? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

learn length library material medicine parliament persuade physical prejudice privilege

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 23/1/23 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

IXL - Maths
Complete the addition sentence: three-digit numbers

B7 Balance addition equations: three-digit number

IXL - English

KK6 Identify adverbs

KK8 Choose between adjectives and adverbs

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 3x and 6x. These will also include divisions e.g. 27÷3? How many 6s are in 42? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

increase important interest island knowledge neighbour  nuisance      occupy       occur   opportunity

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 16/1/23 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Happy New Year!

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

IXL - Maths
Estimate sums: up to four digits

B15 Estimate sums: up to six digits

IXL - English

GG1 Use action verbs

GG2. Identify action verbs

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 2x and 4x. These will also include divisions e.g. 44÷4? How many 2s are in 12? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

heard heart height history imagine

lightning marvellous mischievous muscle necessary

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 9/1/23 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

Remember, Bedrock’s competition will run till 18th December. Try to collect 140 points (at least 20 points each week) by that date to be in with a chance of winning their prizes. We’ll also have our own competition which runs till the end of half term. Good luck Year 5!

No IXL this week. Please focus on reading and Bedrock.

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 19/12/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

Remember, Bedrock’s competition will run till 18th December. Try to collect 140 points (at least 20 points each week) by that date to be in with a chance of winning their prizes. We’ll also have our own competition which runs till the end of half term. Good luck Year 5!

No IXL this week. Please focus on reading, Bedrock, spelling and times tables.

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 12x. These will also include divisions e.g. 96÷12? How many 12s are in 144? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

fruit grammar group guard guide individual   interfere   interrupt language   leisure

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 12/12/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey