Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

Remember, Bedrock’s competition will run till 18th December. Try to collect 140 points (at least 20 points each week) by that date to be in with a chance of winning their prizes. We’ll also have our own competition which runs till the end of half term. Good luck Year 5!

IXL - Maths
Add two three-digit numbers

B8. Add three or more numbers with up to three digits each

IXL - English

F1 Identify similes and metaphors

F2. Determine the meanings of similes and metaphors

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 11x. These will also include divisions e.g. 88÷11? How many 11s are in 44? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

extreme famous favourite February forward harass hindrance identity immediate. immediately

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 5/12/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

Remember, Bedrock’s competition will run till 18th December. Try to collect 140 points (at least 20 points each week) by that date to be in with a chance of winning their prizes. We’ll also have our own competition which runs till the end of half term. Good luck Year 5!

IXL - Maths

Q1 Use a rule to complete a number pattern

Q2 What is true about the addition pattern?

IXL - English

GG4. What does the modal verb show?

GG5. Use the correct modal verb

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 5x and 10x. These will also include divisions e.g. 80÷10? How many 5s are in 45? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

eighth          enough             exercise             experience              experiment     foreign         forty           

frequently               government              guarantee 

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 28/11/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

Remember, Bedrock’s competition will run till 18th December. Try to collect 140 points (at least 20 points each week) by that date to be in with a chance of winning their prizes. We’ll also have our own competition which runs till the end of half term. Good luck Year 5!

IXL - Maths

L1 Understanding integers

L2 Count on a number line - up to 10 in both directions

IXL - English

R1 Distinguish facts from opinions

R2 Identify an author's statement of opinion

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 9x. These will also include divisions e.g. 81÷9? How many 9s are in 36? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

difficult disappear early earth eight         exaggerate excellent existence explanation familiar

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 21/11/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

Remember, Bedrock’s competition will run till 18th December. Try to collect 140 points (at least 20 points each week) by that date to be in with a chance of winning their prizes. We’ll also have our own competition which runs till the end of half term. Good luck Year 5!

IXL - Maths

A15 Rounding puzzles

A17 Compare numbers up to one hundred thousand

IXL - English

X1 Choose the synonym

CC2 Order alphabetically based on the first two letters

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 8x. These will also include divisions e.g. 56÷8? How many 8s are in 64? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

consider     continue      decide      describe       different           embarrass environment         equipment      equipped      especially 

Moon watch - don’t forget to keep note of what the moon looks like each night - if it’s visible! 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘. Hand back in your completed lunar diary at the end of this week on the 11th November.

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 14/11/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

Moon watch - don’t forget to keep note of what the moon looks like each night - if it’s visible! 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘

Hand back in your completed lunar diary on the 11th November.

Other homework will resume from next week.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

Remember, Bedrock’s competition will run till 23rd October. Try to collect 140 points (at least 20 points each week) by that date to be in with a chance of winning their prizes. We’ll also have our own competition which runs till the end of half term. Good luck Year 5!

Moon watch - don’t forget to keep note of what the moon looks like each night - if it’s visible! 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated.

Science - October Moon watch. Check the shape of the moon each night (if visible) and record it on your lunar calendar. The calendar and phases of the moon wheel to help you identify the moon shape has come home today. 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘 Hand back in your completed lunar diary on the 11th November.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

Remember, Bedrock’s competition will run till 23rd October. Try to collect 140 points (at least 20 points each week) by that date to be in with a chance of winning their prizes. We’ll also have our own competition which runs till the end of half term. Good luck Year 5!

IXL - Maths

A12 Roman numerals

A14 Rounding: up to hundred thousands place

IXL - English

KK.3 Identify adjectives

KK.4 Order adjectives

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 7x. These will also include divisions e.g. 56÷8? How many 8s are in 64? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

circle         complete        consider         continue       decide                definite determined  develop             dictionary            disastrous 

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 17/10/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

Remember, Bedrock’s competition will run till 23rd October. Try to collect 140 points (at least 20 points each week) by that date to be in with a chance of winning their prizes. We’ll also have our own competition which runs till the end of half term. Good luck Year 5!

IXL - Maths

A18 Compare numbers up to one million

A20 Put numbers in order: up to one million

IXL - English

KK1 Does the adjective tell you what kind or how many?

KK2 Identify the adjective that describes the noun

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 7x. These will also include divisions e.g. 49÷7? How many 7s are in 28? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

community     conscience     convenience        curiosity       desperate     calendar           caught       centre          century          certain 

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 10/10/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at

Remember, Bedrock’s competition will run till 23rd October. Try to collect 140 points (at least 20 points each week) by that date to be in with a chance of winning their prizes. We’ll also have our own competition which runs till the end of half term. Good luck Year 5!

IXL - Maths

A9 Writing numbers up to one million in words: convert words to digits

A10 Writing numbers up to one million in words: convert digits to words

IXL - English

PP3 Capitalising the names of places and geographic features

PP4 Capitalising proper adjectives, nationalities and languages

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 6x. These will also include divisions e.g. 36÷6? How many 6s are in 48? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

awkward   bargain breath breathe bruise build busy business  cemetery  communicate 

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 3/10/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete. If there are any problems accessing either of our online sites, please email me at

Thank you for your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at IXL - Maths

A8 Writing numbers up to 100,000 in words: convert digits to words

A13 Rounding: up to thousands place

IXL - English

PP1 Capitalising the names of people and pets and titles of respect

PP2 Capitalising days, months and holidays

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 4x. These will also include divisions e.g. 36÷4? How many 4s are in 24? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

amateur        ancient           answer            apparent       appear           arrive            available             average           believe               bicycle

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 26/9/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey

Homework in Year 5…

Year 5 will mostly use online learning for their homework this year and on a Tuesday afternoon I will post the details of Year 5’s homework here. Homework should be completed by the following Monday ready for spelling and times tables tests on the Tuesday morning.

Websites we will use for homework…

IXL English and Maths - please see letter that children have brought home.

Bedrock Vocabulary programme- please see letter that children have brought home.

TT Rockstars

All logins to these sites can be found in the front of the children’s reading diaries.

Homework 13/9/22

Read regularly and get your diary signed. 

It is the expectation that Year 5 should read regularly (every night if possible) and parents please sign your child's reading diary each time they read so that they can collect their bookmark stickers. The children choose books from within their ZPD range and once these are finished they can quiz on their book and this helps us to assess their progress in reading. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Please note that reading diaries will be checked daily in school, however, please be patient with us whilst we get into routine - all diaries will be updated as soon as we can and children will be rewarded for their reading.

IXL  - Do each activity for at least 15 minutes (or score 100)


EE.1 Which word is a noun?

EE.2. Identify nouns

Maths :

A.5 Place value review

A.7 Writing numbers up to 100,000 in words: convert words to digits

Times tables  - x2  ready for a test next week. These will also  include divisions e.g. 14÷2?  How many 2s are in 24?  If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

Spellings  for a test next week.  These are taken from the Year 5 spelling list. A copy of this will be sent home and the children will need to be able to spell all of these by the end of Year 5.

accident accidentally accommodate accompany according achieve. actual actually address aggressive

Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 19/9/22 when I will check their results and house points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

Thanks for your support. If there are any problems, please catch me at the gate at the end of the day or email me at and I will respond as soon as possible.

Mrs McVey

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Bookmarks will be updated as soon as possible.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home. Don’t forget the Bedrock competition!

  • Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on all your times tables x2 to x12 again. These will also include divisions e.g. 144÷12? How many 6s are in 48? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    awkward         convenience            controversy    curiosity        privilege    pronunciation       sincere           sincerely        sufficient       symbol 

    Group 2:

    although      therefore       though       thought         through    queue

    recognise        rhyme          rhythm               secretary 

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 18/7/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

  • Geography homework - please hand in on Monday 11th July (ready for the lesson)

    I would like you to complete the geography questionnaire about the local area and also ask another member of your family, who does not live with you (they must live in the local area), to complete the questionnaire too. We will analyse this data next week in our geography lesson.

  • Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on all your times tables x2 to x12. These will also include divisions e.g. 144÷12? How many 6s are in 48? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    attached    available        controversy     lightning     privilege     sincere        sufficient          suggest           vehicle        convenience

    Group 2:

    straight        strange        strength        suppose         surprise     occupy 

    occur        persuade         physical        programme

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 11/7/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

  • IXL - Maths

    CC.9 Multiply fractions by whole numbers using models: complete the equation

    CC.10 Multiples of fractions: find the missing numbers

  • IXL - English

    Q.1 Identify time-order words

  • Q.2 Use coordinating conjunctions

  • Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 6x and 12x. These will also include divisions e.g. 144÷12? How many 6s are in 48? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    appreciate     conscious      leisure       muscle       nuisance       opportunity      prejudice          rhythm       signature        twelfth

    Group 2:

    leisure  lightning          muscle           neighbour         nuisance  reign       remember       sentence      separate       special     

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 4/7/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

This week instead of Maths and English work on IXL, I would like you to complete a piece of geography homework that we can use during our next lesson on digital mapping. It is really important that you complete this otherwise you will struggle in our next geography lesson.

Geography homework - please hand in on Monday 27th June (ready for the lesson)

I would like you to draw a neatly detailed map of your route to school (in pencil) labelling roads and important natural and human features along the way. It is not necessary to draw all houses/buildings along the way as there will be too many but I would include your house to show the start and the school to show the end of the route.

Man-made features you could include shops, parks, churches, school crossing patrols, bus stops, post boxes, etc.

Natural features could include trees, beach, hill, fields, etc. You will probably find that you have less natural features than man-made features.

A key of symbols used on your map should be included. These symbols could be in different colours using coloured pencils.

On the back of your work write down the name of the road you live on and the postcode , so you can easily identify where you live on an ordnance survey map. 

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 7x and 11x. These will also include divisions e.g. 55÷11? How many 7s are in 49? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    apparent      conscience         explanation        frequently     interrupt neighbour         occur   physical              rhyme        shoulder

  • Group 2:

    government        harass         individual         interfere         language  purpose    quarter question     recent      regular 

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 27/6/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

  • IXL - Maths

    CC.1 Multiply unit fractions by whole numbers using number lines

    CC.2 Multiply unit fractions by whole numbers using models

  • IXL - English

    II.11 Is the sentence in the past, present or future tense?

    II.12 Change the sentence to future tense

  • Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 5x and 10x. These will also include divisions e.g. 25÷5? How many 10s are in 40? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    amateur     ancient        competition       criticise       disastrous      existence         forty     hindrance      interfere      leisure

  • Group 2:

    existence          explanation           familiar       foreign        forty        possible       potatoes         pressure      probably         promise 

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 20/6/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

  • IXL - Maths

    AA.15 Add and subtract mixed numbers with the same denominator

    AA.17 Complete addition and subtraction sentences with fractions

  • IXL - English

    FF.10 Use relative pronouns: who and whom

    FF.11 Use relative pronouns: who, whom, whose, which and that

  • Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 3x, 6x and 9x. These will also include divisions e.g. 24÷3? How many 6s are in 36? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    aggressive community      dictionary        especially    exaggerate   foreign        guarantee      mischievous       restaurant      vegetable

  • Group 2:

    environment       equip       equipped       equipment       excellent  perhaps     popular      position     possess     possession 

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 13/6/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries will be updated once we’re back in school.

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson before we break up. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home. Remember, Bedrock’s competition will run till May 29th. Try to collect 120 points by that date to be in with a chance of winning their prizes. Good luck Year 5!

No IXL, spellings and times tables homework for over half term. Enjoy your time with your family!

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home. Bedrock has another new competition which will run till May 29th - prizes to be won!!! Good luck Year 5!

  • IXL - Maths

    BB.4 Subtract fractions with different denominators using models

  • BB.5 Subtract fractions with different denominators

  • IXL - English

    S.1 Show character emotions and traits

  • S.2 Revise the sentence using a stronger verb

  • Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on 2x, 4x and 8x. These will also include divisions e.g. 24÷8? How many 4s are in 32? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    achieve      communicate       develop      equipped        individual       persuade        programme secretary       stomach        thorough

  • Group 2:

    curiosity     desperate         determined         develop        dictionary  often     opposite    ordinary       particular       peculiar

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 16/5/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

  • IXL - Maths

    AA.3 Add fractions with the same denominator using bar models

    AA.4 Add fractions with the same denominator using number lines

  • IXL - English

    H.3 Draw inferences from a text

    H.4 Make predictions about a story

  • Times tables - Next week’s test will test you on all your tables from 2x to 12x. These will also include divisions e.g. 48÷12? How many 8s are in 96? Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    according       committee       determined         equipment  immediately     relevant     soldier     temperature      variety         yacht 

  • Group 2:

    cemetery      communicate       community      conscience  convenience     natural     naughty     notice      occasion      occasionally 

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 9/5/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey