Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

  • IXL - Maths

    AA.1 Decompose fractions multiple ways

    AA.2 Add fractions with the same denominator using area models

  • IXL - English

    H.1 Use actions and dialogue to understand characters

    H.2 Compare and contrast characters

  • Times tables - x12 ready for a test next week. These will also include divisions e.g. 48÷12? How many 12s are in 148? If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    accompany      bruise       cemetery       desperate         environment      foreign       immediate      mischievous         persuade         recommend

  • Group 2:

    available      average          awkward          bargain         bruise        library            material       medicine        mention          minute  

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 2/5/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

  • IXL - Maths

    Z.21 Order fractions with the same numerator or denominator

    Z.22 Order fractions with different denominators

  • IXL - English

    JJ.2 Use the correct article: a, an or the

    JJ.3 Identify articles

  • Times tables - x11 ready for a test next week. These will also include divisions e.g. 22÷11? How many 11s are in 99? If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    harass    identity     language         marvellous       necessary      occupy     parliament          queue          recognise         sacrifice

  • Group 2:

    amateur        ancient       apparent          interest       island       knowledge     learn        length       twelfth       vegetable  

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 25/4/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Please note that due to staff absences, these will now be updated after half term.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

  • Times tables - x3 and x9 ready for a test after Easter. These will also include divisions e.g. 21÷3? How many 9s are in 54? If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test after Easter.

    Group 1:

    accommodate      bargain        category      definite       embarrass    familiar       government         vegetable        vehicle           yacht

  • Group 2:

    height history imagine increase important secretary  shoulder  soldier  stomach  temperature  

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 18/4/22 . Spelling and times table tests will take place on Tuesday 19/4/22.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

  • IXL - Maths

    Z.1 Fractions review

    Z.5 Find equivalent fractions using area models

  • IXL - English

    II.9 To be: use the correct form

  • II.10 To have: use the correct form

  • Times tables - x7 ready for a test next week. These will also include divisions e.g. 21÷7? How many 7s are in 49? If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    soldier    stomach    sufficient    suggest    symbol    system    temperature     thorough   twelfth     variety 

  • Group 2:

    group    guard    guide    heard     heart    recommend     relevant restaurant     rhyme     rhythm  

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 4/4/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

  • IXL - Maths

    H.13 Divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers

    H.15 Divide 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers

  • IXL - English

    II.7 Form and use the irregular past tense: set 3

    II.8 Form and use the irregular past tense: set 4

  • Times tables - x5 and x10 ready for a test next week. These will also include divisions e.g. 20÷10? How many 5s are in 55? If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    relevant    restaurant    rhyme    rhythm    sacrifice    secretary    shoulder    signature     sincere sincerely 

  • Group 2:

    February     forward     forwards     fruit     grammar     persuade physical          programme         queue           recognise 

  • Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 28/3/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

  • IXL - I’ve not set IXL this week.

    Times tables - x4 and x8 ready for a test next week. These will also include divisions e.g. 24÷4? How many 8s are in 64? If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    persuade     physical      prejudice       privilege        profession        programme        pronunciation        queue         recognise      recommend  

    Group 2:

    experience        experiment        extreme       famous        favourite        muscle         neighbour       nuisance            occupy           occur 

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 21/3/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

  • IXL -


  • F.11 Box multiplication

  • F.13 Multiply 2-digit numbers by 3-digit or 4-digit numbers: complete the missing steps


  • II.5 Form and use the irregular past tense: set 1

  • II.6 Form and use the irregular past tense: set 2

    Times tables - x3 and x6 ready for a test next week. These will also include divisions e.g. 18÷3? How many 6s are in 48? If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    marvellous mischievous muscle necessary neighbour nuisance occupy occur opportunity parliament 

    Group 2:

    earth     eight      eighth    enough    exercise   individual  interfere   language  leisure    lightning

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 14/3/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

  • IXL -


  • F.9 Multiply 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers

  • F.14 Multiply 2-digit numbers by 3-digit or 4-digit numbers


  • II.3 Form and use the regular past tense

  • II.4 Identify the irregular past tense

    Times tables - x2 and x4 ready for a test next week. These will also include divisions e.g. 24÷2? How many 4s are in 48? If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    hindrance identity immediate immediately individual interfere interrupt language leisure lightning 

    Group 2:

    describe different difficult disappear early familiar  foreign      forty    government       harass 

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 7/3/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

  • IXL -


    E.15 Multiply 1-digit numbers by 4-digit numbers

    F.8 Multiply 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers: complete the missing steps


    II.1 Which sentence is in the regular past tense?

  • II.2 Identify verbs in the regular past tense

  • Times tables - x12 ready for a test next week. These will also include divisions e.g. 60÷12? How many 12s are in 96? If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    excellent existence explanation familiar foreign forty frequently government guarantee harass 

    Group 2:

    circle complete consider continue decide equipped      equipment   excellent     existence         explanation

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 28/2/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

  • IXL -


    Y.4 Perimeter with decimal side lengths

    Y.5 Perimeter: find the missing side lengths


    NN.1 Pronoun-verb contractions e.g. ‘they would’ becomes ‘they’d

    NN.2 Contractions with 'not' e.g. ‘has not’ becomes ‘hasn’t

  • Times tables - x11 ready for a test next week. These will also include divisions e.g. 88÷11? How many 11s are in 22? If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    determined develop dictionary disastrous embarrass environment equipment equipped especially exaggerate 

    Group 2:

    calendar      caught      centre      century      certain      determined      develop      dictionary     environment     equip

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 7/2/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

  • IXL -


    Y.1 Find the perimeter of rectangles using formulas

    Y.2 Perimeter of rectilinear shapes


    HH.3 Pronoun-verb agreement

    HH.4 Use the correct subject or verb – with compound subjects

  • Times tables - x3 x9 ready for a test next week. These will also include divisions e.g. 81÷9? How many 3s are in 21? If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

    This week you have been challenged to a Times Tables Battle with Year 4. The battle commences at 3.15pm today (25/1/22) and will end at 6pm on Sunday (30/1/22). I’ll be checking on the progress of this battle throughout the week. Good luck everyone!

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    competition conscience conscious controversy convenience correspond criticise curiosity definite desperate

    Group 2:

    breath      breathe      build      busy      business      community      conscience      convenience    curiosity     desperate 

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 31/1/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

  • IXL -


    E.3 Multiply by multiples of 10, 100 and 1,000

    E.4 Multiplication patterns over increasing place values


    HH.1 Is the subject singular or plural?

    HH.2 Use the correct subject or verb

  • Times tables - x7 ready for a test next week. These will also include divisions e.g. 70÷7? How many 7s are in 28? If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    available     average     awkward     bargain      bruise       category cemetery     committee    communicate     community 

    Group 2:

    answer     appear     arrive      believe      bicycle      awkward      bargain      bruise  cemetery    communicate 

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 24/1/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

  • IXL -


    J.1 Understand square and cube numbers

    J.2 Evaluate indices: squares and cubes


    X.1 Choose the synonym

    X.2 Which sentence has the same meaning?

  • Times tables - x5 and x10 ready for a test next week. These will also include divisions e.g. 60÷10? How many 5s are in 30? If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    accommodate accompany according achieve aggressive amateur ancient apparent appreciate attached 

    Group 2:

    accident accidentally actual actually address amateur     ancient     apparent     available     average

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 17/1/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey

Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home.

  • No IXL or Education City this week.

  • Spellings Next week, we will have another spelling test of random spellings from the list you have been working on weekly over the Autumn term. This will allow me to see whether groups need to be reorganised.

  • Times tables - x4 and x8 ready for a test next week. These will also include divisions e.g. 40÷8? How many 4s are in 24? If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 10/1/22 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey
  • Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home. Don’t forget Bedrock’s competition for this half term ends on 19th December and our in class competition will end on 16th December.

  • No IXL or Education City this week.

  • Spellings Next week, we will have a spelling test of random spellings from the list you have been working on weekly over the last term.

  • Times tables - x3 and x6 ready for a test next week. These will also include divisions e.g. 36÷3? How many 6s are in 24? If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 13/12/21 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey
  • Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home. Don’t forget Bedrock’s new competition for this half term - prizes to be won!!! Good luck Year 5!

  • IXL -


    O.12 Interpret frequency charts

    O.13 Create frequency charts


    GG.1 Use action verbs

    GG.2 Identify action verbs

  • Times tables - x2 and x4 ready for a test next week. These will also include divisions e.g. 36÷4? How many 2s are in 24? If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    awkward conscience convenience curiosity existence explanation persuade queue twelfth vegetable

    Group 2:

    knowledge separate though although thought through various weight woman women

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 6/12/21 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey
  • Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home. Don’t forget Bedrock’s new competition for this half term - prizes to be won!!! Good luck Year 5!

  • IXL -


    O.10 Interpret line plots

    O.11 Create line plots


    CC.3 Order alphabetically based on the first three letters

    CC.4 Order alphabetically: challenge

  • Times tables - This week you’ll need to practise all your times tables ready for a mixed times tables test next week. As usual these will also include divisions e.g. 144÷12? How many 6s are in 48? Use TTRockstars . This week I have set up a Times Tables Battle between the boys and the girls to help you practise for the test. The battle commences at 3.15pm today (23/11/21) and will end at 6pm on Sunday (28/11/21). I’ll be checking on the progress of this battle throughout the week. Good luck everyone!

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    available average communicate community dictionary equipment excellent occur rhythm stomach

    Group 2:

    remember sentence separate special straight strange strength suppose surprise therefore

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 29/11/21 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey
  • Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home. Don’t forget Bedrock’s new competition for this half term - prizes to be won!!! Good luck Year 5!

  • IXL -


    O.3 Interpret line graphs

    O.4 Create line graphs


    F.1 Identify similes and metaphors

    F.2 Determine the meanings of similes and metaphors

  • Times tables - x12 ready for a test next week. These will also include divisions e.g. 144÷12? How many 12s are in 108? If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    apparent cemetery develop equipped forty lightning nuisance physical rhyme shoulder

    Group 2:

    potatoes pressure probably promise purpose quarter question recent regular reign

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 22/11/21 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey
  • Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home. Don’t forget Bedrock’s new competition for this half term - prizes to be won!!! Good luck Year 5!

  • IXL -


    C.10 Estimate differences: up to four digits

    C.11 Estimate differences: up to six digits


    KK.6 Identify adverbs

    KK.8 Choose between adjectives and adverbs

  • Times tables - x11 ready for a test next week. These will also include divisions e.g. 121÷11? How many 11s are in 77? If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    ancient bruise cemetery determined equip foreign government harass interfere leisure

    Group 2:

    opposite ordinary particular peculiar perhaps popular position possess possession possible

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 15/11/21 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey
  • Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.

  • Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson each day at home. Please see the poster below for details of Bedrock’s new competition for this half term - prizes to be won!!! Good luck Year 5!

  • Education City - Log in to find your maths and English homework on the homework tab. You will need to use your log in details that are in the front of your reading diary - the laminated one that you have at home no longer works.

  • Times tables - x9 ready for a test next week. These will also include divisions e.g. 45÷9? How many 9s are in 81? If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.

  • Spellings Learn your spellings for a test next week.

    Group 1:

    occupy persuade programme queue recognise rhythm secretary soldier temperature vegetable

    Group 2:

    material medicine mention minute natural naughty notice occasion occasionally often

    Homework will need to have been completed by Monday 8/11/21 when I will check their results and points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

AuthorKay McVey