Well year 4 you have been amazing this week, once again, not only have you been keeping on track with your blended learning you have found the time to give it your all in music. Well done!

The children in school have really enjoyed seeing you during the live lessons and we hope that we can all be together again soon, but until then keep tuning in to our remote classroom. See you Monday.


From 1-7 February 2021, we’re taking part in Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week. This year’s theme is Express Yourself. Place2Be has created activities and resources to help children (and adults) to explore the different ways that they can share their thoughts, feelings and ideas. These can be found at this address ;


So year 4 are going to EXPRESS themselves during our Monday 1st February live lesson, feel free to dress to express how you are feeling that day and be ready to share your ideas about self expression and how it can help you feel better. During this session we will explore the theme of 'express yourself’ in all its different forms, make links between healthy self-expression and good mental health and explore healthy ways of expressing ourselves. Throughout the week I will share activities so that we can share our thoughts.i am sure we will have fun while we learn how to be able to EXPRESS YOURSELF!

Authorfiona ormerod