A very apt quote for a very fitting time. We have all certainly ‘weathered the storm’ this past 12 months but it seems that we may (hopefully) be coming out of the other end. So long as we continue to practise caution and care.
I cannot begin to express my delight that all children will be able to return to school on the 8th March and that my little classroom will be full again! I am looking forward to hearing your stories and sharing the joy we will all feel in seeing sorely-missed friends! It is WONDERFUL!
Once again, I have been so grateful for the hard work from those of you at home who have kept your children’s learning going through this difficult time. Our return is nearly here but please don’t give up yet! I still need to see your home learning work and it is still so important to complete the tasks as much as physically possible. Please keep going for one last push!
I am certain the children in school are also delighted to be welcoming back their friends and I want to extend a thank you to all those children who have been in school who’ve also continued to work so hard under these most challenging circumstances.
Upcoming Dates
World Book Day is next Thursday (4th March). With the school not yet fully open, it will be an unusual Book Day this year. However, those critical worker children are welcome to come into school dressed as a book character (if they can manage this) or even decorate a teddy, spoon, egg etc as their favourite book character. Please keep loose items to a minimum though to avoid damage, loss or extra risk of covid.
Those at home are also welcome to dress up as their favourite book character and send me pictures of yourself in your costume. Again, if you prefer you can dress up your teddy, spoon, egg as your favourite book character instead.
Competition - There will be a design a bookmark competition on World Book Day. Copies of these will be included in next week’s home learning folder and we ask you to complete them on Thursday 4th, in line with World Book Day. THere will be a winner from each class but also a KS1 and KS2 winner. These two children will have their bookmark published to use. Those in school will decorate their bookmark on Thursday 4th as well.
Reading -I have also uploaded a video of me reading a story and the link to this will be included in next week’s home learning folder.
Home Learning
Due to our full reopening on March 8th, after next week our Home Learning Google Drive folder will be scaled down. Therefore, I will not be recording lesson videos or included as much work. The children will all be back at school and the home learning folder will return to its function as an emergency education tool in the event of self-isolation being necessary. Thanks for your understanding.
Award Winners
School Learner Award - Peter - for fabulous money work and an improved attitude towards his learning.
Busy Bee Award - Mia - for working so hard both in school and at home (especially in trying to improve her handwriting!)
Home Learner Award - Lola Mae - For continuing to give her all, even when she has found things challenging.
Shining Light Award - Teddy - for always helping others to smile and shine with his kind and cheerful nature.
Have a lovely weekend and we can’t wait to see you all again in just over a week’s time.
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Gibbons.