Good afternoon everyone,
It will be quite a short but sweet post this week I’m afraid as many of you will be aware I’ve had a few days off for my wisdom tooth. From what I can see, the children have been working hard, as usual, and have produced some lovely work! Mrs Gibbons has had nothing but praise for the class and has really enjoyed her time in Year 2.
In English, we have been in our Read Write Inc groups and have been practising our phonics skills, ready to undertake our phonics screening check next week. Please don’t worry about this, we have only been in school for such a small period of time and as long as the children try their best, I cannot ask for anymore! (we have had a practice too so the children know what to expect.)
In Maths, we have looked at number bonds to 100, both in multiples of ten and in ones. We learned that we can use a hundred square to help us with bonds in ones and our number bonds to solve bonds in multiples of 10, e.g. if we know 3+7=10 then we know 30+70=100.We will continue to practise our bonds to 100 in ones next week.
In Science, we have continued to explore habitats and have focused upon urban habitats and the living things we find there.
In RE, we have continued our work on symbols of the Holy Trinity and we finished painting our models. We then began to write about why we chose each symbol. We will finish this off this week.
In Geography, we looked at the oceans of the world and labelled them using an atlas. Mrs Gibbons was very impressed with the childrens’ atlas work!
Upcoming Events
Friday 11th December will be our Christmas Jumper Day. Please come into school wearing a festive jumper on this day, alongside normal uniform - for us it will be PE tracksuit bottoms and a white tshirt.
Friday 18th December - The PTA are organising treats and crafts for the children to complete in class, alongside a mini class Christmas party.
Monday 30th November onwards - I will be taking the children to complete their phonics screening check in class. This will hopefully be completed within the week but may extend into next week. Please don’t worry, the children have practised hard and know what it will be like.
Award Winners
Golden Award - Oscar - for having the confidence to seek help when he needs support.
Writing Award - Olivia W - for writing beautifully about the Holy Trinity.
Maths Award - Hallie - using number bonds accurately to calculate more difficult sentences,
Finally, we are fast approaching the first week of Advent (can you believe it?) which falls this Sunday, 29th November. Please have a chat with your child about why Advent is so important and how we can prepare for the coming of Jesus. You could perhaps write a little prayer - the first week of Advent is focused upon hope.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Gibbons.
Here are some pictures of the childrens’ Holy Trinity Models.