This Sunday, 26th November, marks the feast day of Christ the King. This represents the end of the church’s year. Christ the King is one of the most important titles of Jesus. Even though Jesus Christ was not a king in the earthly sense, He is the divine King of the Universe, who unites all of creation with the Father. I am so proud of the children for how well they are starting to understand our faith. They will now talk confidently about how God made us because we are special, and that we are all different. They are also enjoying learning about the Christmas story, and this week we will begin to talk about the Annunciation.

Our Learning this week

Phonics - we have learnt four new sounds this week: ‘v’ down a wing, up a wing, ‘y’ down a horn, up a horn and curl under his head, ‘w’ down up, down up and ‘th’ thankyou (down the tower, across the tower and down the horses’ neck to his hooves, over his back). The children are making great progress with their sounds. We are definitely on track to learn all our phase 1 sounds by Christmas.

Maths - we have been reinforcing our counting and subitising skills this week.

UTW - we learnt about healthy eating and lifestyles.

EAD - the children have been busy with Mrs Debowska making winter art.

Fine motor - we have now introduced daily number and letter formation practice.

Communication and Language - we have been practising the three songs we know with sign language. The children are becoming very good at it!

RE - we have spoken about Baptism this week. We went over to church where Father Frank conducted a mock Baptism for us so that the children could see exactly what happens during this special sacrament.

Our theme next week is Stickman.

Award winners

Our award winners this week are:

Golden - Ava

Writing - Isabella

Maths - Alfie


Catholic Life of our School

The following resources are a great way of keeping you all informed of our current liturgy themes and of the weekly Gospel scripture, with some activities that the children can complete at home. We hope you find these resources useful and that they help you to support prayer and worship in your own homes.

Important dates for your diary

29.11.23 - School Nurse drop ins in the school hall. The drop in is for any parent who might have an issue they wish to discuss, no appointment is necessary and they will be in the hall from 9am to 10am. 

8.12.23 - follow up from the successful SEND afternoon and this session will focus on deciding what professionals parents would like to hear from and areas that they need support in. Mrs Ormerod will speak about how to navigate the FYI directory and how the APDR/graduated response works in school. There will also be members of the Blackpool parent forum in attendance. We will also look at support around the cost of living. Church hall 2-3.10pm.

13.12.23 - Reception nativity! 2pm in the school hall. We look forward to seeing you there!

At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters

Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.

This month’s online safety guide gives helpful advice about…

Smart TVs As these internet-enabled entertainment systems rapidly become standard, find out how to guide children in using such devices safely.

We hope you find these guides informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all.

I hope you have had a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac & Mrs Debowska

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac