We have a message from the Director of Youth Services at Castlerigg Manor:

‘‘Since Masses have been cancelled due to lockdown, the annual National Youth Sunday is going to be taken online. The proceeds will go to support Castlerigg Manor and the Youth Service, which have suffered a great deal this year with Covid and the lock down. If you can spare any money for this importantt cause, please head to castleriggmanor.co.uk/nys or alternatively you can send donations to ‘Castlerigg Manor, Manor Brow, Keswick, Cumbria, CA12 4AR’.

Thanks so much for all your support and help. It’s very much appreciated. We are very much hoping that life will return to normal before too long and we can once again start visiting schools more regularly and welcoming groups back to Castlerigg.’’

AuthorGlynis Wilson