The RSC are coming to Blackpool with their First Encounters performance of Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors and we are very excited that they will also be performing twice in our school hall on the 6th of November. Even more amazing is that a small number of Our Lady’s children will have the opportunity to perform as an ensemble alongside the RSC actors in one scene. This week many of the children expressed their interest in auditioning to be part of the ensemble and took away part of the script to prepare. If your child expressed an interest then please read the attached letter regarding the audition process that will take place next week in school.

Thank you.

Audition letter

AuthorKay McVey

It has been a great year for our Shakespeare work! 

Since becoming the lead Associate School for Blackpool, we’ve worked in partnership with the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Grand Theatre leading primary and secondary schools across Blackpool.  Across our Associate Schools, we’ve shared good practice in using active approaches and live theatre to engage the children in the works of William Shakespeare to improve attainment in literacy. 

This year all our hub schools have taught Shakespeare’s Macbeth. In our school our KS2 classes have gained understanding of the play and the characters’ motives using the active approaches and they have produced some amazing pieces of writing. 

In March our Associate Schools each performed three scenes from Macbeth at the Grand Theatre. Twenty-four children in Our Lady’s Shakespeare club rehearsed for months to get ready for their performance. The children were amazing and spoke Shakespeare’s words with such clarity and understanding. DVDs are now on sale for £5 from Our Lady’s school. See the promotional video from the Grand Theatre…

At the beginning of July, our Associate Schools’ hub took part in the RSC’s Playmaking Festival in Stratford-Upon-Avon. Our hub performed four scenes from Macbeth in the Royal Shakespeare Theatre alongside other Associate School hubs from around the country. We chose three outstanding performers from our school - Oliver Fallon, Gracie Frost and Archie Allan-Ford – along with twelve other talented performers from schools in our hub. The children came together to rehearse with such enthusiasm and commitment and were fantastic in their performance. The RSC have given these children the experience of a lifetime - one that they all embraced and one that I’m sure will live with them forever! 

AuthorKay McVey

Congratulations to Eva in Year 5 who represented our school in the Blackpool Music Service Pop Idol competition on Tuesday night at Montgomery High School. Eva auditioned against a number of children in school over the last month and then went on to win our in school semi-final, performing in front of the whole school. The competition at Montgomery on Tuesday was fierce with lots of talented performers across Blackpool. Eva gave the most beautiful and confident performance, singing "Hallelujah", and we're so very proud of her achievements. Eva was presented with a medal from the judges, Radio presenters Ged Mills and Scott Gallagher.  Watch out for Eva in the future, she's going to be a star!


It was so lovely to see so many of Eva's friends and their families who came to support her - Eva certainly had the biggest fan club! Thank you to all of you who came and a special thank you to Jessica for the wonderful banners.

AuthorKay McVey

We can hardly believe we are now halfway through Lent! The children have been trying very hard with their Lenten Promises - and I wonder if those of you who have given something up are managing to stick to it? I know I'm finding it hard! Well let's hope we can all stick at it for a wonderful celebration at Easter.  To prepare us, KS1 will be presenting their Palm Liturgy on Friday 23rd March at 2.30pm and KS2 classes will be leading a special reflection each morning of Holy Week from 26th - 29th March at 9.15am. We hope some of our parents might be able to join us for these.

We also begin our Lent Challenge Masses each Friday - starting tomorrow at 8.10am in the school hall. Then we will have 2 more masses on Friday 16th and Friday 23rd March. We hope you can all come along to these and are welcome to join us for tea and toast in the hall afterwards.

We are still working hard at our "100 Million Minutes of Reading Challenge" and are encouraging the children to 'read, read, read' as much as they possibly can and record how long they have read - don't forget that being read to, also counts towards the amount.  On Friday 16th March we are encouraging the children to bring in their favourite books to read throughout the day to try to build up those minutes and we have suggested (although it is only a suggestion) that if children want to dress up as their book character - or come in their PJs/onesies for a 'day of reading' then they are more than welcome to! NB: please note - it is enough just to bring in your favourite book - you do not have to wear anything different if you do not want to!

Just a quick reminder that we break up at 2pm on Thursday 29th March for Easter.

Many thanks for all of your support

AuthorGuest User

The children have been incredibly busy in this first week back following half term. We have all been thinking about Lent and classes have been making their Lent Promises; considering what special things they will do during this season. 

Some children will be participating in a Lent Service at St John Vianney Catholic Church on Tuesday evening at 6pm. This is a celebration of all the Blackpool Catholic Schools and all families are welcome to join us for this reflective service.

We have also participated in the Blackpool 'Young Seasiders' exhibition for 2018 and our children's art work will be on display in Blackpool and the Fylde College; Gateway Campus, Park Road Blackpool from Monday 28th February until 20th March. Again families are welcome to come and view all of this and artwork from other Blackpool Schools.

A very successful internet safety talk was held in our school hall on Thursday evening. 2 police officers came along to deliver a short presentation regarding the dangers to look out for if allowing your children access to the internet and also some essential safeguarding controls which can be put in place to protect your children. One of the officers will be returning on Wednesday to deliver a talk to Year 6 children and their parents. We hope to hold more of these information sessions in the future.

As you will be aware, it is World Book Day on Thursday 1st March. This year we will be really focusing on the children's reading diet and ways that we can support and encourage them to read more engaging texts. We will not be dressing up this year, but will have lots of events and activities for the children to participate in. You will also be given book vouchers as usual and the children will also have the opportunity to buy nearly new books (for very small amounts) at the end of the school day.

We have also just heard that we will be receiving a Diocesan Religious Education Inspection on Thursday 15th March. As part of these inspections, the Diocese asks for parents views about Religious Education in each school; therefore questionnaires will be sent out next week to each family which can be completed anonymously and returned either directly to the Diocese or in an envelope posted in a box in our school office. We thank you all for your support with this.

AuthorGuest User

A very Happy and Holy New Year to all of our wonderful community here at Our Lady of the Assumption. 

As usual, with the Christmas Season nearing its end, it marks the beginning of a new chapter at school and lots of new challenges and opportunities for us to embrace - and embrace them we certainly will!

A huge thank you to everyone who supported school in our recent Ofsted inspection in December. Your help and prayers were with us as they recognised Our Lady's as a good school, stating that... "The school is a family-oriented and caring community where everyone is valued. The school’s Catholic ethos and motto, ‘caring, learning and respect’, underpin all that the school does. These strong values contribute to the positive attitudes of pupils and staff and enable pupils to shine."

What a wonderful way to end 2017! - You can read the full letter HERE, or in our Parent s section of the website.

We wish everyone a wonderful start to 2018 and hope it brings many blessings to you all.

A reminder that school starts for our Spring Term at 8.45am on Monday January 8th.

AuthorGuest User

The children were treated to the amazing music duo, Travelling by Tuba, today. The whole school joined together for the first part of the morning to watch their concert, which the children thoroughly enjoyed, and then each class was given an opportunity to take part in a music workshop with the duo. What a wonderful way to start our Christmas celebrations!

AuthorKay McVey

Last night we had the opportunity to join with children and families from our Catholic Cluster of schools at St Bernadette's catholic Church Blackpool.

We celebrated a really beautiful Advent reflection based on 'The Jesse tree' in which all the schools represented one of the characters who led the way to Jesus through the Old Testament.

Our Lady's had the first reflection upon the wonder of God's Creation. The whole school had made beautiful boxes representing each day of the Creation Story (these are in our entrance if you want to come and have a look!) and last night 5 children sang (and signed) a lovely hymn about .. 'The Wonders We See'.

We were so proud of how well they represented Our Lady's. A huge well done to Reece, Liliana, Chloe, Ellie and Alana.

AuthorGuest User