We look forward to welcoming everyone back on Tuesday 7th November and have a busy half term ahead of us...
Many thanks to you all for your support with our fundraising for Cafod - through your 50p for the hot chocolate (School Council loved making all the drinks for you!) and also for raising money for extra reading books through your amazing (and very creative...) silly socks. A great day was had by all!
Ballot for a new Parent Governor
Following the notification of a space for a Parent Governor on Our Lady of the Assumption Governing Body, we are delighted that we have had 2 candidates apply for the position. This means that we will be holding a ballot to elect one of the candidates upon our return after half term. Look out for the letter and ballot forms!!!!
We would appreciate your feedback...
Thank you to all the parents who came into school on Thursday 26th October to speak to your child's class teacher. We hope you found this helpful and we would very much appreciate your further feedback and views on school.
Did you know that Ofsted have a site dedicated to this for every school? You can answer some simple questions about your child's school online. The site is called 'Parent View'. You can access the site HERE - or it can also be accessed on our school website on the Parents area on the 'Ofsted Reports & Assessment Results' button (The picture/box right in the middle) There is a leaflet explaining more about the site and the questions you can respond to - Parent View Leaflet
If you do have the time - please take 5 mins to answer the questions. Feedback is always useful and can help us to change/improve things for our whole community!
Athletics Competitions - Stanley Park
Our children who have been attending athletics clubs in the mornings will have the opportunity to take part in the Blackpool Athletics Tournaments at Stanley Park on: Tuesday 28th November - Y3 & Y4 Tuesday 12th December - Y5 & Y6
The events begin at 4pm and end at 6pm when parents will collect their children to take them home. Good Luck to everyone taking part!
Christmas Events at Our Lady of the Assumption