Advent 2017
Advent is now here and all classes have been preparing by making their Advent Promises and thinking about how we can really prepare ourselves for Christ's coming at Christmas.
As you will be aware, our Reception and KS1 classes are busy rehearsing for their nativities - a beautiful way to really reflect upon what Christmas really means for us. We look forward to sharing in their joy when they perform these for us.
For parents, we know this can be a particularly stressful time of year for any family, particularly those in difficult circumstances and we hope you can find time to share in Christ's message of love together. One of the resources we use in school has put out a newsletter for December which you can read here. - 'Life to the Full' December 2017
Y3 & Y4 Athletics Event
Our Year 3 and Year 4 children who attended athletics club this year took part in a very exciting competition at Stanley Park on Tuesday. They were all very enthusiastic and made us so proud by the supportive way they cheered all their teammates on in every event. Well Done all of you.
Here they are receiving their certificates in assembly