Season of Creation
If you have read either Y5 or Y6 class bogs you will have heard about the work our children have been undertaking during this Season of Creation. They have been considering climate change through the CAFOD “Eyes of the World” Campaign. The eyes of the world are on us this year as Britain hosts world leaders for the United Nations' climate change talks – COP26. They will make important decisions that will shape the future of our global family. Our Lady’s is joining the campaign to call on the Prime Minister to support the world's poorest communities affected by the climate crisis.
Last week our new Head Boy and girl joined an extremely wet group as they joined members of CAFOD who are spanning the country with a banner highlighting the issues for creation. The banner will conclude it’s journey in November in Glasgow for the conference.
Keeping each other safe
It was so lovely to have a little sense of ‘normailty’ again last week with the photographer visiting us in school to take the children’s pictures. These are small steps as we still need to remain very aware that we are still very much at a very difficult point in the year with infection rates still rising nationally. We are (and we know we will continue) to experience further cases within our school community. As other germs like colds and flu are also present with similar symptoms, navigating guidance can seem like a minefield. Please if you are unsure always email or ring to check and remember we always here to help as you are making those decisions.
Within school we continue to teach the children about how we can each play a part in reducing germs spreading. Just like us, the children forget and little reminders are helping them to remember how their actions make a difference.
We planned our school organisation carefully for September to enable us to revert to bubbles if the need arose. We will be closely monitoring cases and will make any changes that are necessary based on Blackpool Public Health Advice.
Parents’ Day
As with everything else we are having to make decisions based on the current situation.
This term we would like to invite you to a virtual parents’ meeting on Parents’ Day (Friday October 22nd) with class teachers. We are using a video and booking system which is part of the Teachers2Parents text system to connect parents and teachers by video call.
This platform has no app for you to install, you simply use your web browser, and you will be automatically connected to the teacher at the time you have booked in the appointment schedule.
All appointments will be ten minutes and start at the allotted (booked) time. You will then see the time and count down on the screen. Please note: when the countdown ends, the meeting is automatically closed and the next appointment is started, the teacher has no control over this. We would recommend that you login and check the audio and visual before your appointment starts.
The facility unfortunately has no format to add a note when you book. If there is something specific you would like to discuss, or any particular concerns you would like to discuss with your child’s class teacher please use your class email to communicate it to the teacher before the meeting.
The available appointments will generally be between 8:45am and 4:30pm. Appointments will be able to be booked once we confirm your class teachers available times. This will be done by the end of the coming week (wb 4th October)
If you have more than one child, the system will automatically enable you to book more than one appointment by bringing up the names and classes of your other child/children on the screen. Before booking your other child’s appointment, you will simply need to ensure the times do not overlap.
There is a button below which provide support on booking an appointment and how to access the virtual meeting. Please click to find out more.
You will be alerted by text and email (if you have provided school with an email address) when the booking system is open. 24 hours before the Parents Day you will be sent a link for the video call which you will open to speak to your child’s class teacher.
If you are struggling once the system is open, please contact school and we can help.
Let’s hope that next week is a little drier; fingers crossed! An Indian summer would be hugely welcomed and, as the days shorten, getting out into that fresh air and having a brisk walk can be so good for all of us. I just hope that, whatever the weather, you get chance to have some relaxing time and some fun with your families athe weekends.
Miss Haggerty