Golden Award

Ollie: for a consistent effort and reflective attitude towards his learning.

Star Writer

Sophie: for a great effort when writing her Discovery Narrative. Well done for using rhetorical questions, figurative language and dashes for additional detail.

Maths Award

Jayden: for having more self-belief and sharing his answers and strategies.

AuthorCatherine Leahy

Golden Award

Livia: for her responsible attitude and respectful manners.

Star Writer

Ebony: for her ‘aim high’ attitude when completing planning for her Discovery Narrative.

Maths Award

Idana: for superb work when converting fractions to percentages - including when data is presented in graphs.

AuthorCatherine Leahy

Golden Award

Maisy: for her excellent ‘have a go’ attitude and for supporting others in their learning.

Star Writer

Summer: for a superb effort with our incidental write based on a setting description featuring the character Charles Darwin.

Maths Award

Gabriella: for a great ‘aim high’ attitude during our unit on decimals.

AuthorCatherine Leahy

At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters. 

Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.

This month’s newsletter gives helpful advice about…

  • the online game Minecraft, a game that remains popular amongst children,

  • how to set up parental controls on your WIFI/broadband - most providers include these for free as part of your broadband package.

  • WhatsApp, a free messaging app that allows you to send messages, voice notes, photos and videos. You must be at least 16 years old to register for and use WhatsApp; however, we are aware in school that many of our older children use this app and so the guide will give helpful advice about its features.

  • and links to further information regarding online safety.

We hope you find this Newsletter informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all.

Online Safety Newsletter January 2023

AuthorCatherine Leahy

Golden Award

All Year 6 for their superb behaviour and reading in church. Keep this up!

Star Writer

Lillie S: for consistently high spelling scores and for transferring this knowledge to all written pieces of work.

Maths Award

Tyler: for resilience when using reasoning and problem solving skills. Great progress made - especially in division!

AuthorCatherine Leahy

Just a reminder that our new PE day is now Tuesday.


Golden Award

Franchesca: for reflecting on her own learning and developing her resilience. Keep this up!

Star Writer

Izzy: for a great spelling score in her recent SATS GPS practice paper.

Maths Award

Maisy: for increasing her arithmetic raw score by 10 marks.

AuthorCatherine Leahy

Golden Award

Lily K for her ‘aim high’ attitude and reflective approach towards learning.

Star Writer

Gabriella for beautifully presented writing in all subjects.

Maths Award

Idana and Evie for full marks in their geometry end of unit assessment.

Merry Christmas!

Have a lovely Christmas Y6! See you all in the New Year!

AuthorCatherine Leahy

At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters. 

Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.

With Christmas nearly here and perhaps with presents including new technology or related games being received, we thought we’d share some helpful advice in setting up appropriate parental controls. Parental controls can help to protect your child from seeing something that they shouldn’t – although it is important to emphasise that no system is effective all of the time so it is important to engage with your child and talk to them about their online life regularly.

We hope you find this Newsletter informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all.

Online Safety Newsletter December 2022

AuthorCatherine Leahy

Golden Award

Millie: for encouraging her friends to make the right choices.

Star Writer

Livia: for a high standard of writing across all subject areas.

Maths Award

Kyran: for super progress with fractions - finding the LCM to add and subtract fractions with different denominators.

AuthorCatherine Leahy

Golden Award

Maia: for demonstrating excellent Growth Mindset.

Maths Award

Vinny: for improving his arithmetic raw score by 16 marks this term.

Star Writers

Ebony, Idana, Malachy and Ollie!

For excellent Flashback Narratives which include trigger and transitional sentences demarcated with ellipses. Well done!

AuthorCatherine Leahy

Golden Award

Jayden-Thomas: for making a concerted effort to demonstrate our school values.

Star Writer

Franchesca: for a good effort analysing transitional sentences used in Flashback Narratives.

Maths Award

Alisha: for a resilient attitude towards solving calculations mentally.

AuthorCatherine Leahy

Golden award

Maisie: for showing compassion and kindness towards others.

Maths award

Kyran: for making great progress with identifying the order of mathematical operations.

Star Writer

Samuel: for trying hard to develop his understanding of writer’s knowledge. Great progress!

Remembrance Assembly

Well done to Year 6 for leading our special assembly today. You all read beautifully.


We have enjoyed using concrete materials this week to investigate square and cube numbers.


We have been busy creating our Blitz skyline art using pastels and silhouettes.

AuthorCatherine Leahy

Golden Award

Max: for setting a great example and being a good friend.

Maths Award

Maia: for super progress with identifying common factors and multiples.

Star Writer

Vinny: for an excellent effort with his Bravery Award speech.

AuthorCatherine Leahy

Golden Award:

Summer - for her attitude, kind-nature and always having a smile on her face!


Max for superb focus during daily morning maths activities


Sophie for excellent effort with her Bravery Award speech

Half term

What a busy first half term!

Have a lovely break everyone. See you soon, Miss L :)

AuthorCatherine Leahy

We have produced some fabulous diary entries using features such as adverbials, rhetorical questions, parenthesis and emotive language.

We have started analysing Bravery Award Speeches and look forward to planning our own next week.

We have loved our new Computing topic based on Bletchley Park. We have learnt about code breaking and we are now Caesar Cipher experts!

In science, we have planned an investigation to explore the effect of different exercises on our heart rate.

Weekly Awards!

Golden Award:

Lillie S for always demonstrating a positive attitude towards her learning.


Abigail for showing resilience when working on challenging division calculations - and keeping a smile on her face!

Star Writer:

Lily for making a huge effort to work independently when analysing the structure and language features of a text.

AuthorCatherine Leahy

Well done to Max and Maia - you will do a superb job!

Deputy Head Boy and Girl

Well done, Vinny and Maisy!

Weekly Awards!

Golden Award:

Leo, for a consistently respectful attitude towards adults and peers alike.


Sam, for being resilient in order to achieve his target with multiplication.

Star Writers:

All Year 6 have made excellent progress during our unit on diary entries!

A special well done to Tyler, Dainton and Livia for creating atmosphere through emotive vocabulary choices.

Dates for the diary

  • Thursday 20th October: Own clothes day - £1 per child for PTA funds

  • Friday 4th November 6-7pm: KS2 Bonfire Night Disco - £3 a ticket

  • Sunday 4th December: Christmas Fair. More details to follow!

AuthorCatherine Leahy

Year 6 have been busy planning our diary entries based on ‘Rose Blanche’. We have completed our Maths unit on Place Value and we have started problem solving using written methods of addition and subtraction.

Head boy and Head girl

Well done to all the children who delivered their speeches on Tuesday. They were all fabulous and we are all very proud of you. KS2 have now voted…Results to follow!


Well done to Year 6 for becoming our school prefects on Monday during our lovely assembly.

Premier League Primary Stars

We really enjoyed a visit from referee, Ollie Langford, who gave us lots of information about his role and he showed us the equipment he uses during a match. He then set us a challenge to create a design for a product to make his job easier! We heard some great ideas including those of Ebony and Lily K, who thought of a goal post which flashes different colours if the ball crosses the line, and Vinny who designed some fabulous football boots to help the Ref keep up with the players!

Our Lady’s Royal Shakespeare Associate School

We watched a superb performance of Twelfth Night on Wednesday, starring some of our very own Year 6 children! They then performed at The Grand on Thursday and Friday. What a superb opportunity!

Weekly Awards!

Golden Award:

Millie for being so helpful and considerate.

Star Writer:

Gabriella for making a great effort in her work and remembering to reflect a high standard of written work in all subjects.


Lily K for excellent daily arithmetic work in Morning Maths.

AuthorCatherine Leahy


A huge well done to our stars this week:

Golden award:

Idana for always trying her best to make the right choices - in her learning, attitude and in how she treats others.

Star writer:

Malachy for making a concerted effort to improve a diary extract - including the use of parenthesis and sentences of three.


Evie for her focus and effort, particularly when using STEM sentences to explain how she calculated an answer.

AuthorCatherine Leahy