SATs Mornings Monday-Thursday
Next week, on the four mornings of our SATs tests, I will be inviting the class to come into school early, if they wish to. I will open the doors to the classroom from 8.15am on these four mornings, so the children can come in that little bit earlier. We will have some milk, play some relaxing music and just have the chance to calm any nerves and answer any questions, before we begin our tests. If they do not choose to come in earlier, they MUST be at school by 8.45am promptly, as we will be sitting our tests in the morning.
SATs Celebration-Friday 13th May
Good news: our persuasive letters to Miss Haggerty worked! She has given us permission to have a little celebration in class on Friday 13th May: the end of SATs week! We will be having a lunchtime ‘party’ in class, including a buffet. We are going to do a Jacob’s Join style buffet, therefore each child in the class has come home today with a letter detailing which item we would like them to contribute to the buffet. Any ‘non-fresh’ items (such as crisps) can be brought in any time from Monday, but we please ask that any fresh items, with short expiry dates, are brought in on Friday morning. Thank you.
Water Park Parent/Child Meeting-Friday 13th May
Water Park Parent/Child Meeting-this will be held on Friday 13th May @ 3.30pm, in the PE hall. This will be a chance for the teachers to go over important information about the residential and answer any questions you may have.
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee-Friday 20th May
Key Stage 2 will be holding a ‘Street Party’, on the KS2 Yard, on FRIDAY 20TH MAY 2022 to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. On this day the children will be asked to wear red, white and blue clothes for the day. We are asking parents for a contribution to PTFA funds of £1 for each child. The rest of the afternoon will be spent engaged in playground games, craft and fun activities all relating to the Platinum Jubilee. Please keep your fingers crossed for lovely weather and keep an eye out for the PTFA letter which will be sent home soon with further details! Many thanks.
This will also be my last day in school before I go on maternity leave-what a great way to celebrate it together! After half term, Mrs Ormerod will take over in Year 6.
KS2 Sports Day-Monday 27th June
KS2 Sports Day will be held on the AFTERNOON of MONDAY 27th JUNE. Further details to follow. Parents will be invited to watch their child take part in our activities and races - this date is subject to the weather - but again look our for further details. Just wanted to give you advanced notice!
Blackpool Beating Bullying Bronze award
Further to the appointment of 8 new anti-bullying ambassadors in school, we are now working hard to achieve the Bronze award for Blackpool Beating Bullying. In order to achieve the relevant threshold, school needs to carry out surveys on different groups of people in school. There will be 4 surveys/questionnaires aimed at the following groups:
All questionnaires are on line and only live for 2 weeks from the 3rd May.
Here is the survey link for parents, we would very much appreciate it if you could complete the survey to enable us to make steps forward to receiving the Bronze award for school. Thank you for your support.