We have produced some fabulous diary entries using features such as adverbials, rhetorical questions, parenthesis and emotive language.

We have started analysing Bravery Award Speeches and look forward to planning our own next week.

We have loved our new Computing topic based on Bletchley Park. We have learnt about code breaking and we are now Caesar Cipher experts!

In science, we have planned an investigation to explore the effect of different exercises on our heart rate.

Weekly Awards!

Golden Award:

Lillie S for always demonstrating a positive attitude towards her learning.


Abigail for showing resilience when working on challenging division calculations - and keeping a smile on her face!

Star Writer:

Lily for making a huge effort to work independently when analysing the structure and language features of a text.

AuthorCatherine Leahy

Well done to Max and Maia - you will do a superb job!

Deputy Head Boy and Girl

Well done, Vinny and Maisy!

Weekly Awards!

Golden Award:

Leo, for a consistently respectful attitude towards adults and peers alike.


Sam, for being resilient in order to achieve his target with multiplication.

Star Writers:

All Year 6 have made excellent progress during our unit on diary entries!

A special well done to Tyler, Dainton and Livia for creating atmosphere through emotive vocabulary choices.

Dates for the diary

  • Thursday 20th October: Own clothes day - £1 per child for PTA funds

  • Friday 4th November 6-7pm: KS2 Bonfire Night Disco - £3 a ticket

  • Sunday 4th December: Christmas Fair. More details to follow!

AuthorCatherine Leahy

Year 6 have been busy planning our diary entries based on ‘Rose Blanche’. We have completed our Maths unit on Place Value and we have started problem solving using written methods of addition and subtraction.

Head boy and Head girl

Well done to all the children who delivered their speeches on Tuesday. They were all fabulous and we are all very proud of you. KS2 have now voted…Results to follow!


Well done to Year 6 for becoming our school prefects on Monday during our lovely assembly.

Premier League Primary Stars

We really enjoyed a visit from referee, Ollie Langford, who gave us lots of information about his role and he showed us the equipment he uses during a match. He then set us a challenge to create a design for a product to make his job easier! We heard some great ideas including those of Ebony and Lily K, who thought of a goal post which flashes different colours if the ball crosses the line, and Vinny who designed some fabulous football boots to help the Ref keep up with the players!

Our Lady’s Royal Shakespeare Associate School

We watched a superb performance of Twelfth Night on Wednesday, starring some of our very own Year 6 children! They then performed at The Grand on Thursday and Friday. What a superb opportunity!

Weekly Awards!

Golden Award:

Millie for being so helpful and considerate.

Star Writer:

Gabriella for making a great effort in her work and remembering to reflect a high standard of written work in all subjects.


Lily K for excellent daily arithmetic work in Morning Maths.

AuthorCatherine Leahy


A huge well done to our stars this week:

Golden award:

Idana for always trying her best to make the right choices - in her learning, attitude and in how she treats others.

Star writer:

Malachy for making a concerted effort to improve a diary extract - including the use of parenthesis and sentences of three.


Evie for her focus and effort, particularly when using STEM sentences to explain how she calculated an answer.

AuthorCatherine Leahy

Golden award:

Henri for excellent independent work and focus

Star Writer:

Isobel for a superb contrast poem


Ollie for superb explanations of the mathematical strategies he uses

AuthorCatherine Leahy

It has been an extremely busy week for year 6. Not only have we begun our rehearsals for our end of term production, which we are excited about, but we have started our enterprise project. You may have seen us on the play ground at the end of the day selling lolly pops or in school selling book marks, along with setting up a box office to sell tickets to our production. Through this project we are learning; business skills, marketing, money sense and how to keep accounts, so please support our business venture by buying our products.

Thank you to all parents who came to cheer us on during sports day. It was lovely to have the Our Lady community together again and the beautiful sunshine made it even more enjoyable.

Results of KS2 Sports day…

1st Layton 500 points Champions!🏆👏🏻

2nd Marton 473 points

3rd Clifton 470 points

4th Newton 469 points

Authorfiona ormerod

Please see below for the remainder of the photos from our time at Water Park. I hope the children have all managed to rest over the weekend and that they have told you all about their time away. We have made such wonderful memories and I know I speak for all the teachers present when I say that we feel so grateful that we had the opportunity to spend this time with your fantastic children! When I reflect on everything we achieved I feel such a great sense of pride.

I hope the children enjoy their last few weeks as Our Lady’s pupils!

Miss Heim-Sarac, Mrs Ormerod, Mrs Owen, Miss Evans and Miss Murray

P.S. There was one camera (Mrs Owen’s group I think) that I can’t seem to get the photos off. I will keep persevering!

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

We are so sad to be coming to the end of our final full day at Water Park! The week has flown by and we are all so proud of the children for how they have conducted themselves. Not only have they behaved beautifully, they have ALL shown great resilience, independence and teamwork.

We have finished today with our talent show…our winners were:

1st place - Laciee

2nd place - Molly

3rd place (joint) - Onalee/Eliza, Isabella and Brodie

The children were all fantastic - we were so impressed with the effort they put in to their performances. The children are currently enjoying their last night disco. There has already been lots of dancing and games!

Here is what the children have done today in their groups:

Wetherlam - sailing on the dart boats and kayaking

Swirl How - journey day (to peel island and part of top o selside) and kayaking

Coniston - orienteering and sailing

Brown Pike - canoeing, rock climbing, sailing

For tea we had a roast dinner followed by banoffee pie.

I am sure you are all looking forward to seeing the children tomorrow and I know they are looking forward to seeing you too. Personally, it has been so lovely to spend this week with the children as the last time I spent time with them properly was in Year 3. They have all grown in to such lovely, mature and kind children.

The photos from today will be available on the blog tomorrow.

Miss Heim-Sarac, Mrs Ormerod, Mrs Owen, Miss Evans and Miss Murray

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Here are the photos from Day 3 (Wednesday)…

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

We have had another wonderful day in the beautiful surroundings of Water Park. The children are currently having some hot chocolate before heading to bed. Each day we have been awarding prizes per group for those children who we think have really shown great progress in terms of their independence, resilience or teamwork skills. Ask your child when they are home if they received a prize!

I hope you can all see the pictures in the blog post below from days 1 & 2. I am having the same issues as yesterday connection wise so I will upload today’s photos tomorrow! The weather was quite gloomy this morning but it really perked up this afternoon and we even had some sunshine!

Here is what each group has been up to today:

Swirl How - sailing, orienteering and low ropes

Coniston - sailing and problem solving

Wetherlam - canoeing, climbing, abseiling

Brown Pike - ghyll scrambling and orienteering

Phew! We are all tired and looking forward to a good nights sleep. For tea we had chicken burgers and chips followed by apple crumble and custard. We then went outside to play some games and sit around the fire. A lovely day was had by all.

Miss Heim-Sarac, Mrs Ormerod, Mrs Owen, Miss Evans and Miss Murray

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Hello parents!

We apologise for the delay in getting this blog to you - yesterday was such a hectic day that before we knew it we were getting ready for bed! When we first arrived the children had a tour of the site and were introduced to the Water Park staff. We then had a yummy lunch and were shown where we were sleeping. This was the part the children were most excited for - their bedrooms! We then split in to our groups for the week - Coniston, Brown Pike, Swirl How and Wetherlam. The activities for yesterday afternoon were ghyll scrambling, kayaking and canoeing.

The children were all brilliant and had a fantastic time. We then came back to the house and had our tea - pizza followed by lemon cheesecake. We had a fun game of manhunt in the grounds and hot chocolate before bedtime.

Water Park is set in such beautiful surroundings - on the shores of Consiton Water - and we all feel very lucky to be here taking part in activities we would never usually do. We are really pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones and at the same time learning how to be more independent and resilient. As teachers, we couldn’t be prouder of them all. Here is what the different groups got up to today:

Wetherlam - orienteering, low ropes, leap of faith, sailing

Coniston - rock climbing, kayaking, canoeing and low ropes

Swirl How - ghyll scrambling and climbing

Brown Pike - Journey Day

After the activities above we had a tea of lasagne, salad and sticky toffee pudding! We then played a game called Dino Quest outside followed by hot chocolate. As I write this, the children are currently playing an intense game of Uno in the lounge!

We have tried to take photos where we can, but we are having some connection issues. We will get them uploaded as soon as possible for you to see. We hope you enjoy seeing what your children have been up to and we will post another blog tomorrow for you. Please don’t worry - your children are all fine and having a great time.

Miss Heim-Sarac, Mrs Ormerod, Mrs Owen, Miss Evans and Miss Murray

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

My Year 6 Leavers 2022!

Today brings me to the end of my year with my wonderful Year 6 class. I want to thank my class, from the bottom of my heart, for working so hard this year. They have all shown such resilience, determination and focus, particularly these past few weeks, and I could not be any prouder of them. Every single child in this class has been an absolute delight to teach and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know them all personally.

Year 6, I will certainly miss each and every one of you, and I wish you all the best at High School. You are all stars, so make sure you shine bright! ⭐

Thank you also to you parents for your continued support throughout the year. Together we have helped to see your children through their last year in Primary School and they will all be leaving with so many achievements and successes to their name-this would not have been possible without the encouragement, love and support you have shown them at home. I must also thank you for all of the kind words and gifts I have been showered with today. I am extremely overwhelmed and grateful! Thank you. ❤

Our Platinum Jubilee Celebrations!


  • PE days: After half term, our PE days will remain on WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS. If for any reason this changes, we will send a text to let you know.

  • Monday 6th June Morning Arrangements: On our return to school (6th June), Year 6 will be going to Water Park. On this morning, the class can come into school as usual: 8.45am arrival through the Thornhill Close entrance. They will line up as usual, on the playground, and take their suitcases straight into the PE hall. Here they will be registered etc, before getting on the coach and setting off at about 9.30am.

Our Lady’ Leavers 2022…….

I hope you all have a lovely two weeks break. I will be spending the majority of mine preparing to welcome a new addition to the Murphy family!

It will not, however, be the last time I see the class. I fully intend to pop back in again and introduce them to Baby Murphy, at some point!

Take care!

Mrs Murphy xx

AuthorCatherine Slater

Well done Year 6!!

I am struggling to find the words to express how much pride I have been filled with this week. Your amazing children have come in each day this week, filled with determination and positivity and have given each SATs paper their absolute all! They have taken each day in their stride and truly shown the SATs who’s boss!! Myself, Mrs Owen, Miss Haggerty and Mrs Ormerod could not be any prouder of all of our Year 6’s. Parents, they are an absolute credit to you! We all gave a massive sigh of relief at the end of our last paper yesterday and today has been a lovely way to celebrate the end of SATs week: we enjoyed a little party in the classroom with food, drink and music and it was lovely to see many teachers in the school pop along to celebrate with us too. Again, well done Year 6!

Believe it or not, we have also been up to much more this week. Here’s what else we’ve been up to…..

In Maths we were looking at 3D shapes and their nets.

In Computing we used publisher to create personalised invites to our SATs celebration. These were printed off and one was given to each teacher in the school.

In PE we continued with our orienteering. We had different activities on each cone, and as a team, we had to complete the activity on the cone we had. The aim was to complete all the activities in as quick a time as possible.

In Music we have been learning the National Anthem in preparation for our Jubilee celebration next week.

In HRSE our lesson was very apt: it was all about being under pressure! What better week to look at this subject! We looked at the different types of pressure we can be put under, some good and some bad. In small groups we were given a scenario to act out that involved a particular type of pressure and the other groups had to guess which pressure was being acted out. Here are some freeze frames from our re-enactments….

Water Park Parent/Child Meeting-Friday 13th May

Water Park Parent/Child Meeting-this will be held TODAY @ 3.30pm, in the PE hall. This will be a chance for the teachers to go over important information about the residential and answer any questions you may have. All the teachers that will going on the residential (Mrs Ormerod, Mrs Owen, Miss Heim-Sarac and Miss Evans) will be present at this meeting too.

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee-Friday 20th May

Key Stage 2 will be holding a ‘Street Party’, on the KS2 Yard, on FRIDAY 20TH MAY 2022 to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. On this day the children will be asked to wear red, white and blue clothes for the day. We are asking parents for a contribution to PTFA funds of £1 for each child. The rest of the afternoon will be spent engaged in playground games, craft and fun activities all relating to the Platinum Jubilee. This will also be my last day in school before I go on maternity leave-what a great way to celebrate it together! After half term, Mrs Ormerod will take over in Year 6.

A letter about this, along with details about some changes to drop off/pick up arrangements after half term, went home yesterday.

KS2 Sports Day-Monday 27th June

KS2 Sports Day will be held on the AFTERNOON of MONDAY 27th JUNE. Further details to follow. Parents will be invited to watch their child take part in our activities and races - this date is subject to the weather - but again look our for further details. Just wanted to give you advanced notice!

One week to go……

I can hardly believe next week will be the last week with my Year 6 class, before my maternity leave begins. I will be sad to end the year earlier than planned, but happy that I had the privilege of teaching this wonderful class for the most-part of the school year. And of course, they are in the capable and safe hands of Mrs Ormerod and Mrs Owen when they return after half term! I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching this class and I will most certainly be making the most of our last week together! They have all already given me their predictions on whether Baby Murphy will be a girl or a boy!


  • PE days this half term are on WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS. These days may change after half term. We will let you know as soon as we know ourselves.

  • Only a watch and plain stud earrings may be worn to school. Some children have been coming in wearing bracelets, necklaces and even rings-these items of jewellery are not permitted.

  • Long hair must be tied back.

  • I have not set any homework this week.

  • Please take a look at the attached letter about the achievements of the Shakespeare Programme within school and the award we have received! Many congratulations to all those involved. Award Letter

I hope you all have a well-deserved rest this weekend.

Mrs Murphy & Mrs Owen

AuthorCatherine Slater

In RE this week we have been looking at the story of Jesus’ Transfiguration. It was at this time that Jesus revealed his true identity to Peter, James and John. They saw Jesus glorified and heard God introduce Him as His son. This was the first time Jesus had revealed Himself as the Son of God. Our written task in this lesson was to write a diary entry from the point of view of one of the disciples, detailing the events and emotions of the day.

This week in class we have also been going over our Mock SATs papers from last week. It has been a great way to recap concepts as well as identify any last-minute gaps any of the class may have. I hope the class have found this useful. We have now done all that we can in preparation for next week, and I just know they are all going to make me so incredibly proud. I know I have mentioned this a lot, but Year 6 please do NOT put too much pressure on yourselves next week. Use this weekend to relax and enjoy yourself and make sure you get plenty of sleep on Sunday night, and each night next week. A good night’s sleep is SO important! Due to the intense week we have coming up, I have not set any homework this week. They certainly deserve a break from any additional work at home!

SATs Mornings Monday-Thursday

Next week, on the four mornings of our SATs tests, I will be inviting the class to come into school early, if they wish to. I will open the doors to the classroom from 8.15am on these four mornings, so the children can come in that little bit earlier. We will have some milk, play some relaxing music and just have the chance to calm any nerves and answer any questions, before we begin our tests. If they do not choose to come in earlier, they MUST be at school by 8.45am promptly, as we will be sitting our tests in the morning.

SATs Celebration-Friday 13th May

Good news: our persuasive letters to Miss Haggerty worked! She has given us permission to have a little celebration in class on Friday 13th May: the end of SATs week! We will be having a lunchtime ‘party’ in class, including a buffet. We are going to do a Jacob’s Join style buffet, therefore each child in the class has come home today with a letter detailing which item we would like them to contribute to the buffet. Any ‘non-fresh’ items (such as crisps) can be brought in any time from Monday, but we please ask that any fresh items, with short expiry dates, are brought in on Friday morning. Thank you.

Water Park Parent/Child Meeting-Friday 13th May

Water Park Parent/Child Meeting-this will be held on Friday 13th May @ 3.30pm, in the PE hall. This will be a chance for the teachers to go over important information about the residential and answer any questions you may have.

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee-Friday 20th May

Key Stage 2 will be holding a ‘Street Party’, on the KS2 Yard, on FRIDAY 20TH MAY 2022 to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. On this day the children will be asked to wear red, white and blue clothes for the day. We are asking parents for a contribution to PTFA funds of £1 for each child. The rest of the afternoon will be spent engaged in playground games, craft and fun activities all relating to the Platinum Jubilee. Please keep your fingers crossed for lovely weather and keep an eye out for the PTFA letter which will be sent home soon with further details! Many thanks.

This will also be my last day in school before I go on maternity leave-what a great way to celebrate it together! After half term, Mrs Ormerod will take over in Year 6.

KS2 Sports Day-Monday 27th June

KS2 Sports Day will be held on the AFTERNOON of MONDAY 27th JUNE. Further details to follow. Parents will be invited to watch their child take part in our activities and races - this date is subject to the weather - but again look our for further details. Just wanted to give you advanced notice!

Blackpool Beating Bullying Bronze award

Further to the appointment of 8 new anti-bullying ambassadors in school, we are now working hard to achieve the Bronze award for Blackpool Beating Bullying. In order to achieve the relevant threshold, school needs to carry out surveys on different groups of people in school. There will be 4 surveys/questionnaires aimed at the following groups: 

  • children - Year 6’s will complete theirs in class.

  • parents - below is a link and we invite you to complete the survey.

  • teachers

  • governors

All questionnaires are on line and only live for 2 weeks from the 3rd May.

Here is the survey link for parents, we would very much appreciate it if you could complete the survey to enable us to make steps forward to receiving the Bronze award for school. Thank you for your support.




The Golden Award went to ALL of the class for the hard work they have put into their SATs work last week and this week. They ALL deserve to be acknowledged and praised for this!

The Maths Award was given to Isabella for her great Maths results over these past few weeks.

The Writing Award was given to Theo for his well-written letter to Miss Haggerty.

I hope you all have a well-rested weekend. Do not be worrying, just enjoy yourself and get plenty of sleep. I shall see you all on Monday morning!

Mrs Murphy & Mrs Owen

AuthorCatherine Slater

Keep up the hard work!

I have to begin by expressing how happy I am with the hard work and efforts Year 6 have put into their work this week. It has been an intense week as they have completed a full week of Mock SATs, including two in the PE Hall. The class have in no way let this phase them, and they have continued to give their all. I honestly could not have asked for them to try any harder-I am so proud of how every single on of them have worked this week and I can see progress being made by each and every one of them! As SATs week nears, I want the class (and parents) to know that you are all amazing and all you can do on the day is your very best (which I know you all will!). Please do not put too much pressure on yourselves these next couple of weeks. We will use next week to go over our Mock papers and you will all have the chance to tell me any concepts/areas you would like to go over again. Regardless of the outcome of these tests, I can confidently say that every single child in my class has made me incredibly proud and I honestly could not have asked for any more from them! Thank you.

Here is what else we have been up to this week….

In Maths we have continued to look at ratio and in our SATs rotation lessons we have continued to focus on reasoning questions. We have also revised roman numerals!

In English we have written up our persuasive letters to Miss Haggerty, asking her to consider allowing us to have a celebration on the Friday (13th) of SATs week. I have given Miss Haggerty these letters and we are now eagerly awaiting her response! If our letters work and she does say yes, we will be doing a Jacob’s Join style buffet. Next week, each child will come home with a letter about this, which will outline the item we would like them to contribute to the buffet.

In HRSE we had the chance to share some strategies we use to help us when we are feeling particularly angry or frustrated. Together, as a class, we filled the whiteboard with so many different strategies and had the chance to write down any we might want to trial out, to see if it works for us.

In PE we have continued with orienteering and cricket. We are really enjoying these lessons, particularly as we have not done either oft these sports before. The orienteering lessons will definitely prove to be helpful when we go to Water Park!

In Science we started our new topic: Electricity. We completed our concept map, linking any vocabulary that we already know. We then had an introductory lesson on this topic.

International Dance Day! This was a huge success! Thank you so much for all the effort that was put into the costumes for this day! We took part in a Zumba lesson and did some country dancing on the field. We also had the chance to watch other children from the school showcase their dancing talents. Here are some pictures from the day…


The Golden Award went to Grace for her positive attitude towards her learning.

The Maths Award went to Kourtney for her hard work and progress!

The Writing Award was given to Elliot for his formal choices of language.

This week we also had 2 Bedrock Champion winners: Lila & Eliza! They each received a £10 Amazon voucher for their consistent scores and usage/ Congratulations girls!!


  • SATS week is From Monday 9th May-Friday 13th May. Please do not take your child out of school this week.

  • Water Park Parent/Child Meeting-this will be held on Friday 13th May @ 3.30pm, in the PE hall.

  • This week we welcomes another teacher to our class: Miss Mills. Miss Mills will be with us on an 8 week placement. She has been very impressed with how the class have worked this week, and I know she will be even more impressed when she teaches them for herself!

  • PE days this half term are on WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS.

  • I will leave these SATs resources up, just in case anyone would like to access them from home:

    Arithmetic/Reasoning Practice

    GPS mini tests

  • Only a watch and plain stud earrings may be worn to school-no other jewellery. Some girls in the class have been wearing ‘hoop’ earrings-these are not appropriate for school.

  • Long hair must be tied back.

  • Please take a look at the attached letter about the achievements of the Shakespeare Programme within school and the award we have received! Many congratulations to all those involved. Award Letter

    I hope you all have a lovely (long) weekend!

    Mrs Murphy & Mrs Owen

AuthorCatherine Slater

Welcome back to Summer term! I hope you had a wonderful Easter…He is Risen!! We have a very busy half term ahead of us, and I just know, from these first few days back, that Year 6 are ready to rise to any challenges they may face. They have come back to school fully focused and ready to work hard…I am very pleased! We also started our SATs booster lessons this week ; I hope they have found them useful! I have been very impressed with how much we are managing to get through in these extra lessons.

Here’s what else we have been up to this week…

In Maths we have been focusing on ratio. We have looked at the language of ratio, linking fractions with ratio and using the ratio symbol. The class seem to have picked this up very quickly!

In English we have been revising lots of areas in GPS, including: determiners, prepositions, word classes and apostrophes. In our writing lesson we have been identifying features of a formal letter to help us create a toolkit for when we write our persuasive letter to Miss Haggerty next week.

In RE we have shown an understanding that Jesus truly was Human and is God. Using scripture references, we identified times in the bible when Jesus showed that he was human, like everyone else, and times when he showed that he was also God. In pairs, we have created posters on this, on the laptops.

In Spanish we have been building on our knowledge of days and months to write sentences about our own and other people’s birthdays.

In PE we started two new sports. On Tuesday we had our first lesson on Orienteering and on Friday we had our first cricket lesson.


This week’s Golden Award went to Laciee for being a hard-working and considerate member of our class.

The Maths award was given to Elliot for being a great problem solver, and being able to explain the methods he has used.

Well done to CLIFTON who won the house points from last half term. They received their reward today!


  • SATS week is From Monday 9th May-Friday 13th May. Please do not take your child out of school this week.

  • An email was sent to all parents this week to inform you of a Water Park Parent/Child Meeting-this will be held on Friday 13th May @ 3.30pm, in the PE hall.

  • Don’t forget it’s International Dance Day next Friday 29th April! On this day we invite the children to dress up to represent their favourite dance style or dance icon and bring in a £1 donation.

  • PE days this half term are on WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS.

  • I will leave these SATs resources up, just in case anyone would like to access them from home:

    Arithmetic/Reasoning Practice

    GPS mini tests

  • Only a watch and plain stud earrings may be worn to school-no other jewellery. Some girls in the class have been wearing ‘hoop’ earrings-these are not appropriate for school.

  • Long hair must be tied back.

Have a lovely weekend…let’s hope we get more of this sun!

Mrs Murphy & Mrs Owen

AuthorCatherine Slater

This week in RE we have looked at the events of Holy Week, leading up to the death and resurrection of Christ. We have describe what happened and reflected on the meaning of these events for us. Jesus' death and resurrection is such a poignant moment for Christians as it was through His sacrifice that we were all offered eternal life with God. By dying and resurrecting, Jesus opened the gates of the Kingdom of God for all of us! What better time to celebrate such a joyous occasion?! I have attached the Holy Week mass times below for those wishing to follow Jesus on His journey through Holy Week. Please note that not all masses are at Our Lady’s: The Maundy Thursday and Good Friday service will be at St. John Vianney’s.

Thank you, Year 6!

As we come to the end of another term, I must acknowledge and praise the hard work and efforts of my amazing Year 6 class. These past few months they have worked so incredibly hard, showing such resilience and determination, in the preparation for their SATs. Their sheer focus and positive attitude towards their learning is admirable, and I am so proud of every single one of them! We still have a few weeks on our return before they sit the SATs, and I am confident they will all do so well with attitudes like theirs! Just remember not to put too much pressure on yourselves Year 6-all you can do is try your very hardest! What more can I ask for?!

Here’s what else we have been up to this week…

In Maths, aside from continuing with reasoning questions in our rotation, we have continued to focus on pie chard. We have look at percentages in relation to pie charts and used protractors to draw our own pie charts to represent data.

In English we have started to plan for our persuasive letter to Miss Haggerty. We believe that after all of our hard work, we have earned a party on the Friday at the end of SATs week-we just need to persuade Miss Haggerty to get on board with this too. Fingers crossed our letters work! In GPS we have focused on expanded noun phrases and conjunctions.

In HRSE we used the ‘STOP’ approach to think of strategies to use before we act, when we feeling particularly frustrated/angry/upset. It was so lovely to hear the class sharing their personal strategies that they use to prevent a situation from escalating. Some like to listen to music, some take time out, some like to speak to a trusted adult and others spoke about using creative approaches such as art to help them clam and soothe.

In PE we had our final archery lesson of the term. The class really enjoyed combining Maths with archery this week, as they have to solve calculations and then aim for that number on their target board. We also had our last tag rugby lesson, where a few of the other groups had the chance to deliver their lessons to the other half of the class.


The Golden Award went to Molly for her amazing growth mindset this week-she has shown such resilience in the face of a challenge.

The Maths Award was given to Mia for her superb efforts with her maths papers this week.

The Writing Award was given to Sam for the detailed writing in his RE work.

The winner of the World Book Day bookmark competition was Laciee -well done!

Other Notices:

  • We return to school on Tuesday 19th April (this is also the first day of our after school SATs Booster Lessons).

  • PE days after half term are on WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS.

  • I have not set any homework for half term, however, if anyone fancies a little more SATs practice (who wouldn’t?!) there are some resources below:

    Arithmetic/Reasoning Practice

    GPS mini tests

  • Only a watch and plain stud earrings may be worn to school-no other jewellery. Some girls in the class have been wearing ‘hoop’ earrings-these are not appropriate for school.

  • Long hair must be tied back.

  • Blackpool Council hold a variety of events for families. Below I have attached a leaflet with descriptions of the activities they hold and a timetable of where and when events are taking place:

    Activity Descriptions-Blackpool Better Start

    Event timetable

I hope you all have a happy and holy Easter-Year 6 have definitely earned themselves a break after all of their hard work this half term! I can hardly believe we will be entering the Summer term on our return; Year 6’s last term in primary school! And of course, for me, I will just have the half term on our return left with the class, before my maternity leave! I will be sure to cherish every day of the next half term with my wonderful class!

Mrs Murphy & Mrs Owen

AuthorCatherine Slater


The title quote above was from a parable that Jesus told to his disciples. His message to his disciples was that when we do good deeds for others, and show love, we are showing love to Him. This week we raised money to help feed hungry children in poorer parts of the world, through our sponsored walk…Year 6, by doing this you have also shown love and helped Jesus! This week we undertook our sponsored ‘Walk Against Hunger’ walk. We had beautiful weather for it and I was so incredibly proud of how the class conducted themselves. We managed to raise so much money, as a class, for CAFOD and Brian House…thank you so much for all of your generous donations. Here are some pictures of us on our walk….

Here is what else we have been up to this week…

In Maths we started to look at pie charts, at the beginning of the week. We have also completed the 2017 Arithmetic and Reasoning SATs papers in class. When all the papers have been marked, the children will get there overall maths score back and they will be able to see where their gaps are.

In English have been looking at different word class: nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. We also looked at words that could be a noun or a verb, and how to use them in two different sentences. For example, words like walk, point or jump.

In Geography we have been looking back at what we have learnt about the UK so far. We completed a little geography quiz and then re-visited our concept maps to add on any new learning.

In PE a couple of groups had the chance to deliver the rugby lesson that they had planned a few weeks earlier. The class were split in half and one group delivered to one half of the class and the other group to the other half. Erin and I were VERY impressed with both the ‘teachers’ and the ‘students’. They had planned such great lessons and their peers really enjoyed playing their games. Next week, the other groups will have chance to deliver their lessons.

In HRSE we watched the next episode of ‘Paradise Street’ which was all about Emotional Changes. We talked about how as we grow up we can start to feel new emotions as well as heightened emotions. We talked about times we have felt really angry or frustrated about something and perhaps we have reacted in a way that we have regretted after. In our next lesson, we will be looking at strategies to use when we feel this way, using the ‘STOP’ approach before we act.

In Science we made periscopes! Last week we were looking at the science behind periscopes, and how light is reflected, so this week we had chance to put that science into action!


This week’s Golden Award went to Cianna for her incredibly hard work, especially with preparation for SATs.

The Maths Award was given to ALL of Year 6-you have all worked so hard on your maths tests this week-well done!

The Writing Award was given to Kayden for the effort he has put into his written work this term.

Congratulations to the winners of the World Book Day quiz, last week: Laciee, Onalee, Cianna & Sienna. They all received a little winning treat today!

Other Notices:

  • PE days are on Tuesdays and WEDNESDAYS.

  • Only a watch and plain stud earrings may be worn to school-no other jewellery. Some girls in the class have been wearing ‘hoop’ earrings-these are not appropriate for school.

  • Long hair must be tied back.

  • Nail varnish and/or false nails must NOT be worn to school-I had to speak to few members of the class about this, this week.

  • Please ensure water bottles are brought in daily. I have had many children who have not been bringing them into school, and we do not have class spares. If they have lost their water bottle, you can buy a new one through the office.

  • I will update the Home Learning Page if there are any members of the class having to isolate due to Covid, and are well enough to complete work. It is not expected for those who are off with other illnesses to complete Home Learning, hence why it is only updated for those isolating.

  • We break up for Easter on Friday 8th April at 2pm and return to school on Tuesday 19th April.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Murphy & Mrs Owen

AuthorCatherine Slater