The Eyes of the World on are Us!

The last couple of weeks I have chosen Pope Francis quotes as the titles of the blogs. Pope Francis really does articulate the importance of taking care of our world better than any other. He uses Christ’s examples to highlight the reasons why we need to ‘protect God’s creation’, and this has never been more relevant. This week our Head Boy and Girl braved the elements (it was pouring it down!) and represented our school as part of the CAFOD campaign ‘The Eyes of the World’. I was so proud to see them take our art work and gather with other schools to highlight the dangers that Global Warming is posing on our planet and the adverse effects it has on our world, particularly the poorer countries (who, ironically, contribute the least to problems leading to Global Warming!). Well done Isabella & Declan (and Mrs Hodgekiss) for having Our Lady’s voices heard on this matter….

Here’s what else have been up to…

In Maths we have been focusing on mental strategies for subtraction and the addition and subtracting of decimal numbers, including amounts of money.

In English we have been using Usain Bolt’s biography to retrieve/infer information, identify relative clauses and plan for our guided write. We have now completed a class plan on Usian Bolt, ready to start our guided write: a biography. This is a great opportunity for us to share ideas and model a high quality biography, before we write one independently.

In RE we have continued to look at the life of Maximilian Kolbe and how he selflessly lived his life fulfilling Christ’s missions. We have had in depth discussions about where he got his courage from and how he used his gifts for God.

In Science we have continued to look at the different parts of the circulatory system and today we even made models of this. We will now be looking at heart rate and planning an investigation on how different physical activity can effect our heart rate.

In History we have focused on the key events and dates of the Battle of Britain, looking at the chronology of these events.

In our Sports4Champions PE lesson this week, we did fruit tasting! We were given the opportunity to sample a variety of fruits; some of which we had tried before and others we tried for the first time!


The Golden Award went to Onalee for being such a kind and considerate member of this class. Onalee helps to spread the Kingdom of God every day!

The Maths Award was given to Theo for his superb work on addition and subtraction this week.

The Writing Award was given to Isabella for her consistently beautiful presentation.


Once again, I hope you have a lovely weekend. I cannot believe how fast the weeks are whizzing by…they do say time flies when you’re having fun!

Mrs Murphy & Mrs Owen

AuthorCatherine Slater


The eyes of the world are on us this year as Britain hosts world leaders for the United Nations' climate change talks – COP26. They will make important decisions that will shape the future of our global family. Our Lady’s is joining the campaign to call on the Prime Minister to support the world's poorest communities affected by the climate crisis. Hopefully, next Tuesday our Head Boy and Girl will be undertaking their first responsibility and representing our school as Blackpool schools gather in the town centre, in support of this campaign! In class we have been designing our own ‘Eyes of the World’ art, and the Head Boy and Girl will be taking these with them. We need to have our voices heard!

Here’s what else we have been up to this week…

In Maths, we have been focusing on addition. We have looked at what metal methods we can use to help us work our calculations quickly in our heads and also been solving word problems by picking the most efficient method for addition.

in English, we have continued looking at biographies, identifying cohesive devices and using evidence from a text to support our ideas. We have also completed our first assessed piece of writing: a formal letter of application. We took on the role of Walt Disney and applied for a job at Pixar. I will enjoy spending time over the next few days reading through all these letters. This will help to establish our writing targets for our next piece of writing too!

In RE, we have been reading the biography of Maximilian Kolbe. He was a man who lived out the Word of God through his selfless actions, and helped to spread the Kingdom of God. This was our focus: looking at the ways he showed that the Kingdom of God was within him, and helped him to live a life following Christ’s example. We actually saw many parallels between Kolbe’s life, and the life of Jesus.

In History, we have been reading all about the Battle of Britain. We now know much more about what this Battle was, why it took place, and how significant it was. The class made information booklets all about the Battle of Britain.

In Computing, we started to look at coding. We discussed different types of cipher and codes, and why they are used: often to conceal a secret message. In small groups they ten had a go at cracking several different ciphers…I was very impressed!

In PE, we played some team games. Both myself and the Sports4Champion leaders were very impressed with the great teamwork skills shown by all of the class-great communication and strategies.


This week’s Golden award went to Jensen for being an incredibly hard worker and superb listener. He is also such a polite and kind young man.

The Writing Award was given to Eliza for her well-written letter in RE. It was beautifully presented too!

The Maths Award was given to Adam for his great work on metal/written addition.

Thank you

Once again, thank you Year 6 for another great week. I know I have put this on every update so far, but I really am so proud of how hard this class work. It is because of this that we manage to cover so much in the week and, most importantly, learn so much!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Murphy & Mrs Owen

AuthorCatherine Slater

We have had another great week in Year 6. The class have continued to work incredibly hard, and I am so pleased with how much we have managed to cover. On top of this, we have also appointed our Head Boy and Girl! I cannot express how proud I was of every single one of those who shared their speeches with the rest of the school, outlining why they think they should be chosen for Head Girl/Boy. It made the decision for teachers and pupils extremely difficult, and the voting was very close. However, I can now announce…

congrats 2.jpg

Head Girl- Isabella Deputy Head Girl- Eliza

Head Boy- Declan Deputy Head Boy- Jacob

Congratulations to you all! I know you will all help to lead our school in the right direction and represent Our Lady’s wonderfully.

Well done to all of those who applied too! This afternoon, a role of responsibility was given to every child in the class. I cannot wait to see this Year 6 class take on these responsibilities and show the rest of the school what great role models and leaders you all are!

Here is what we have been learning this week….

In Maths we have continued with our focus on place value. We have been look at 3-decimal place value and converting between fraction/decimal equivalents.

In English we have continued with our Biography unit. In the first few weeks of this unit we truly immerse ourselves in the text type, and apply several different reading skills, whilst exploring different biographies. This week we have been scanning texts for key information, summarising texts, exploring key vocabulary and identifying cohesive devices.

In RE we have continued with our Kingdom of God unit. This week, we have been responding to the questions ‘Is the Kingdom of God in Heaven. If not, where can I find it?’ We have written a letter response to this question, using Jesus’ parables, Pope Francis’ views and our own views to form our response.

In Science we have been looking at the functions of the different parts of the heart and how they play a key role in the circulatory system. Last week, we recapped a few other ‘systems’ we have learnt in Science, and had a go at drawing what we though the heart looked like. It was interesting to compare what the heart actually looks like, and what we thought it did.

In PE, we completed an agility test in our Sports4Champions lesson. We had two attempts on each activity and put our best attempt in our booklets. These activities included: speed bounce, balance beam, long jump, relay and target aim. The class thoroughly enjoyed this and I was so impressed with their effort and behaviour!

In History, we drew and labelled our own timeline of some of the key events of WW2. We made sure to make an extra note of when the Battle of Britain occurred as this will be our main focus over this topic.

Please click here to view this week’s homework expectations.


The Golden Award went to Nevaeh for showing what a helpful and caring young lady she is.

The Maths award was given to Molly for showing great resilience with her Maths this week.

The Writing award was given to Cianna for her well-written and beautifully presented work.

Thank you, Year 6, for yet another superb week. Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Murphy & Mrs Owen

AuthorCatherine Slater

We have had a wonderful week, in Year 6. Last week, I had the chance to get to know the class personally, learning more about who they are and their interests. This week, I have been getting to know the class academically. They have all been working so incredibly hard, and I am very impressed with their work ethos in the classroom! Every single child in the class has listened so attentively in every lesson and worked so hard, using their Growth Mindset, when necessary-I truly have hit the jackpot with this class! Keep it up, Year 6! They also showed exemplary behaviour as we went over to church to celebrate Our Lady’s birthday. This was a special occasion as it is the first time we have been able to go over to church, with our class, in over 18 months. It was also extra special as it was Fr. Jim’s last Mass with the children…we had a little presentation for Fr. Jim at the end-it was very emotional!

Here is what else we have been up to this week….

In Maths we have been focusing on place value. We have been reading and writing 6-digit numbers, understanding the importance of zero as a place holder as well! There is a big difference between 604, 521 and 64,521!! We have also looked at multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000. On Monday, we will begin to look in more depth at decimal place values.

In English we have focused of punctuating writing. They had to edit a piece of writing that had no capital letters, full stops or commas in lists. Overall, the class were very good at this and they had the chance to edit any they had missed in the following lesson. Using full stops in our writing, I had noticed, was a big target for this class. We have also had discussions about what nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs are…we will do more on this in our GPS lesson next week. We also made a start on our first English unit, Biographies. We looked at the what a biography was and watched a mini-biography on Walt Disney, making notes on key dates and events in his life.

In RE we started our first unit ‘The Kingdom of God’. We talked about what we thought the Kingdom of God was. Some said it was in heaven, others said on earth and we discussed it being within us….as we work our way through this unit we will think about whether it is actually all of these! We looked at some important values of the Kingdom of God and the class wrote about which values they believed were the most important, in their opinion, and why.

In History we started our topic on ‘The Battle of Britain’ by using our concept map vocabulary to show what we already know about the BoB and WWII. We then ordered some key events from WWII chronologically. Next week, we will use these to create a timeline in our books….

In PE we had our first Sports4Champion lesson. We spent the first half of the lesson in the classroom discussing the 6-week programme and filling in some information in our S4C booklets. The S4C coaches then told us all about how we earn point to win prizes! We then went down to the hall and played a team game of ‘noughts and crosses’….

In our Art lesson we used our critical thinking skills and had a ‘silent debate’. We had 6 pieces of WW2 art spaced around the classroom and we had to go around silently writing down our thoughts and opinions, We also commented on other people’s opinions if we agreed/disagreed. The class were brilliant at this….


This week’s Golden Award went to Mia for her amazing work ethos. She listens so attentively and works so hard in class. She has settled in beautifully in Year 6!

The Maths Award was given to Kayden for his participation in class discussions and superb work multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1000.

The Writing Award was given to Isabelle for trying so hard with her written work, this week!


  • I have sent a letter home today about the Sports4Champions after school club. Please return this by Tuesday if you would like your child to attend

  • Head Girl/Boy speeches will take place on Monday morning-do not forget to bring your speeches in on Monday

  • Homework for this week is up on the Homework page. Your child will have been informed of the group for spellings beforehand

  • If your child is having to isolate for any reason and needs to access home learning, this will be accessible from the Year 6 Home Learning Page. On the day we are informed of any child needing to isolate, it may mean that it will not be until the end of the day that a full timetable of home learning will be available the on Home Learning tab. In this instance, please complete a Bedrock lesson, practice times tables on TT Rockstars, and practice their group spellings

  • If you need to contact me for any reason, please email

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Murphy & Mrs Owen

AuthorCatherine Slater

This week, I have spoken to the class about preparing their speeches for Head Boy/Girl, should they wish to apply for the role.

As soon as they have written/drafted their speech, I have said they can bring it into school for myself or Mrs Owen to proof read, if they wish. If they have typed their speech up at home but do not have a printer, please feel free to email it to, and I will print it here in school.

This year we are able to read the speeches in front of KS2-these will take place on Monday (13th) morning. We will also record their speeches and send them to KS1 classes so the teachers and pupils can still watch and have their vote. Please ensure you have your speeches perfected and at hand on Monday morning!

I am so pleased at the number of children in Year 6 that are applying for the Head Boy/Girl role….reading publicly, in front of an audience, is a huge skill and confidence boost in itself. In Year 6 ALL pupils will be given a role of responsibility, so even those who are not selected for the role of head girl/boy or deputy head girl/boy, and those who did not apply, will have a duty within the school. This could be digital leader, sports leader, prefect, classroom monitor, for example. We find that it is really important, and valuable, for the Year 6’s to be given roles of responsibility as part of the preparation for High School.

Here are some top tips for when you are writing your speech….

  • Introduce yourself-not all children in school will know you by name!

  • Talk about your time at Our lady’s so far-What responsibilities have you had? What have you achieved? What good qualities will you bring to the role?

  • Talk about why you want the position

  • What suggestions do you have to make Our Lady’s an even better place?

  • How has the ethos at Our Lady’s help to shape you into the person you are? How will you inspire others in the school? (Growth Mindset-resilience?)

Good luck to all applicants…remember to speak eloquently and confidently and try not to look down at your speech-engage with the audience as must as possible.

AuthorCatherine Slater

It has been so lovely to welcome my new Year 6 class back into school this week. We have spent the past couple of days getting to know each other, and learning all about the Year 6 routine and expectations. I have had the most wonderful couple of days, and this class have made a great first impression….I am very excited for the year ahead! I can already see what a resilient, hard-working bunch they are, and I cannot wait to see them all thrive in their last year of primary school!

Today they all completed their first Star Reading test of the year, and have been given their new ZPD. They will be coming home today with a reading book, which is within their ZPD range. Let’s get our first stickers on our bookmarks and get reading this weekend! Below are a few important notices, and from next week I will be able to fill you in on all the learning we have been doing in each subject, when we begin our first units of work.


  • PE will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays so please send the children into class in the PE kits on those days. No earrings can be worn for PE so please ensure that they are taken out at home.

  • Water Bottle-the children need to bring their water bottle in daily, already filled with water. They will take their water bottle home at the end of each day to be cleaned.

  • Homework will be mainly set online. This will be set via Bedrock, IXL and TT Rockstars. Spelling and times tables practise will also be a weekly expectation, as they will be tested on these every Thursday morning. I will set homework on a Friday (starting from next Friday), which will be due for the following Wednesday.

  • Home Reading-the class have their new ZPD for Autumn 1 and have taken their books home today. It is so important that the children are reading regularly at home! Please can you ensure their reading records are signed at home so they can get their stickers on their book marks too.

  • Home Learning-if your child is having to isolate for any reason and needs to access home learning, this will be accessible from the Year 6 Home Learning Page. On the day we are informed of any child needing to isolate, it may mean that it will not be until the end of the day that a full timetable of home learning will be available the on Home Learning tab. In this instance, please complete a Bedrock lesson, practice times tables on TT Rockstars, and practice these spellings.

  • If you need to contact me, please send me an e-mail to:

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I look forward to our first full week together!

Thank you,

Mrs Murphy & Mrs Owen

AuthorCatherine Slater

The theme of our shared worship this week was ‘families’, hence the above quote. We looked at what the word ‘family’ meant in many different ways. Family is our blood relatives, those close to us that love and support us, our friends, mother/father figures in our lives….and what we all have in common, is that we are all part of The Family of God. It was so lovely discussing what the class would describe as family. One response was ‘those who love us’. I thought this was a lovely thought, rather than just thinking about those we love, it is those who show love to us.

In Maths this week we have continued with our arithmetic work. We have looked at long division, adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators and find fractions of amounts.

In English, we have drafted and copied up our letters to our future teachers. This was a lovely transition task, and not only will their future teachers get to read all about themselves and their concerns/excitements about high school, they will also get a chance to see what superb writers they all are!

In PE this week we had our Sport’s Day! This was lots of fun, and although it was not quite the same without our parents, I made sure to take lots of photographs! These can be viewed at the bottom of this page. When all classes have completed their Sport’s Day we will be totaling all the house team points and will announce a KS1 and KS2 winning house in due course!


This week’s Golden Award went to Leo for his resilience this week. Even in the face of a challenge, I have watched you persevere!

The Maths Award went to Sophie for impressive arithmetic work!

The Writing Award went to Angelo for his beautifully presented letter.

A huge well done to Reece & Tom, who received the Bronze medal awards for their drumming today!

Lastly, a huge congratulations to Reuben who was selected as a Year 6 winner of the ‘Musician of the Year’ competition!


  • Please send your child in with a ‘bag for life’, so we can prepare to send work home

  • We have been through what costumes we are hoping to provide from the production and which ones we are hoping the children can bring in from home. Please can they start to bring those in as soon as the can

  • As mentioned in previous blogs, we will begin filming the production the week beginning 5th July. We may even record one decade on Friday 2nd if we have the costumes we need. As we do not have a live audience we are going to be filming over the course of the week, rather than all the way from start to end. We will record in separate decades to ensure we get their best performances on camera, and Fr Jim has kindly offered to help us merge all these videos together! We are hoping to have the video of the production ready to send to parents and other classes, by Thursday 15th July

  • Thank you to all who have sent their Ascent Waiver form back already. I do need them all back before the day of the trip

  • We have been reminded of the prevalence of Covid this week with our Reception bubble going down. Please keep to the guidance and if you are at all concerned about the health of your child (even with headaches or flu-like symptoms!), or a member of your household, PLEASE keep your child at home and get a test. We want to enjoy these last few weeks in school together and not with us having to isolate at home. Many thanks for your continued support with this matter - we cannot afford to let our guard down.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Take care.

Miss Slater & Mrs Murray

Sport’s Day Pictures:

AuthorCatherine Slater

As we enter the last half term (where has the time gone?!), we are using this time wisely to do plenty of revision to consolidate our Maths and English learning. This half term we are also using our time to rehearse for our production, which we will be recording during the week beginning 5th July. The class have made such a great start with this, with many of them already know all the words to their songs and their lines!

In Maths this week, we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. Specifically, we have been looking at angles in regular polygons (ask us what a regular polygon is!) and nets of 3D shapes. We have also been continuing to consolidate our arithmetic with our usual morning Maths! Next week, we will be looking at time!

In English, our main focus has been spelling and reading comprehension. Every day this week we have completed an independent comprehension, which we have then marked together. In spelling we have been revising our Read, Write, Inc spelling units, that we have completed over the year, and giving our partners mini spelling tests. Next week, we will begin our transition writing unit!

Much of our afternoons this week have been spent familairising ourselves with the production songs and scripts. Here are the words to the lyrics so the class can be practising at home too, and here is the presenter’s script. Below is a Google Drive link, which contains most of the audios for the songs too. The audio for ‘These Day's’ would not upload in the folder so I have put a separate link for this below. Any songs which will need to be sung with just a backing track, I have uploaded the ‘karaoke’ version, for the class to get used to practising without the singing in the background.

These Days


This week’s Golden Award went to Reece for taking on much responsibility this week and really stepping up to the mark !

The Maths Award went to Audrey for her superb Maths work, particularly when working out what amount we started with, when solving fractions of amounts.


  • School finishes at 1.05pm on Fridays and at 3.15pm every other day

  • Next Friday 18th June is own clothes day, with the theme ‘Dress like a rainbow’. We ask for a £1 donation from each child, which will go towards gardening tools and equipment

  • Within the next couple of weeks, please can each child bring in a ‘bag for life’ (as they will hold more weight) with their name on it, in preparation for sending work home by the end of this term

  • As mentioned in previous blogs, the recording of our production will take place over one or two days during the week beginning 5th July. When the video has been fully put together I will send it to all parents for you to watch from home

We hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Slater & Mrs Murray x

AuthorCatherine Slater

I hope you all managed to have a wonderful Easter. I can hardly believe we have now entered into our last term of the school year, and, of course, the last term of Primary School for Year 6. They have certainly hit the ground running this week, and we have managed to cover so much! I am so proud of how hard they are all working, and I can tell they are ready to give this last term their all, in preparation for High School.

Here is what we have been up to this week…

In Maths, we started the week looking at ratio and ended the week calculating the volume of cuboids. Their work on ratio really impressed me, especially as this was a brand new concept for them. All of the class now understand what ratio is, and how to represent ratio. We are developing our calculation of ratio, which proved to be trickier for some. We will look at lots of problems involving ratio, over the coming weeks. They were all superb at finding the volume of cuboids, and used the formula, volume= l x w x h, to solve many problems.

In English, we have had a huge reading focus! We have looked over a reading paper that we did before we broke up, and really focused on those questions we found tricky-especially P.E.E questions! Point, Evidence, Explanation! We will do plenty more of these questions, to ensure we know how to answer them in depth.

In RE, we have been showing an understanding of Jesus being the source and summit of life, for Christians. This was why I found the quote from St. John Paul II so fitting this week. It is not the easiest thing to explain so we spent a lot of time discussing what it meant when we refer to Jesus and the Eucharist as the source of life. We compared Jesus to electricity, which powers electrical appliances…in the same way Jesus is our source of spiritual strength, and He empowers us to live out the values of the Kingdom of God.

In PE, we have been developing our throwing and catching skills, through a series of small group games. Next week, we will be applying these skills to teams games.

In Science, we started a new topic on Light. We looked at different light sources, and then identified which were natural sources of light. We had an interesting discussion about the moon being a source of light…ask us at home what our opinion is on this! We then looked at home light travels, to enable us to see things. We now know that light travels in a straight line to an object and the light reflects (or bounces off) the object, and travels in a straight line to our eyes. Ta dah! That’s how we can see the object! Here are our representations of this concept…..


The Golden Award went to Grace B for working so incredibly hard in class-I am very proud!

The Writing Award went to Mya for her beautifully written piece of RE work.

The Maths Award was given to Angelo for his superb work on volume of cuboids.

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe!

Miss Slater & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater