Maths-Page 16 (Fractions)
English-Fiction Reading-Page 6 & & (Retrieval questions)
NO Grammar homework this week.
Times Tables
Bedrock-please complete a lesson on Friday, Saturday or Sunday!!
Maths-Page 16 (Fractions)
English-Fiction Reading-Page 6 & & (Retrieval questions)
NO Grammar homework this week.
Times Tables
Bedrock-please complete a lesson on Friday, Saturday or Sunday!!
Maths-Pages 22 & 23 (Factors & Prime Numbers)
English-Page 2 (Singular and Plural Nouns)
Mixed Times Tables
English-pages 25 & 26 (Phrases)
Maths-Page 17 (percentages)
BEDROCK-Friday, Saturday or Sunday
Maths-Page 12 (Mental Arithmetic)
English-Pages 27 & 28 (Clauses)
BEDROCK-Please access from home on Friday, Saturday or Sunday
Maths-Page 15 (Fractions)
English-Pages 29 & 30 (Conjunctions)
Mixed times tables (test next Friday)
Bedrock-please go on and complete a lesson on either Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
The class should be completing at least 2 lessons a wekk, on Bedrock. We go on Bedrock in school on a Wednesday morning, so the children MUST access the other lesson at home at least once a week.
Maths-Page 11
English-Pages 3 & 4
Spellings-’Test 5’:
equipped, neighbour, stomach, cemetery, familiar, persuade, conscious, harass, pronunciation, amateur, develop, lightning, secretary, average, especially, nuisance, committee, foreign, physical, equipment
Mixed Times Tables
Maths-page 10 (rounding)
English-pages 17 & 18 (prepositions)
Spellings -Test 4 (test next Friday)
'Test 3’ Spellings. They are as follows:
according, definite, interrupt, rhyme, appreciate, embarrass, muscle, sincere, bruise, existence, opportunity, system, competition, government, profession, critic, sincerely, twelfth, thorough, temperature.
Mixed times table
Access IXL and bedrock as often as possible from home
Keep up with home reading!!
Maths-Page 9 (decimals)
English-Pages 9,10 & 11 (verb tenses)
Mixed times tables-test next Thursday
NO spellings this week.
Maths-Page 7 (Division)
English-Page 5 (Pronouns)
Spellings- ‘Test 2’
Spellings are in a separate little wallet. Please keep these separate to your homework folder, as they do not need to be brought back into school until Friday and homework folders are handed on by Wednesday! You need as much practise as possible with your spellings, so keep hold of them until the day of the test!
No times table test next week but please do still keep practising them! I have been very impressed with the times tables scores to far!
Bedrock and IXL-please try and access as regularly as possible at home (two times a week would be preferable!)
Maths-Page 6 (Multiplication)
English-Pages 15 & 16 (Adverbs)
Spellings-’Test 1’ in the pack of spellings sent home
Times Tables-MIXED
Both spelling and times tables tests will be next Friday.
Here is a link to a good times tables website, that focuses on speed as well as recall….
Maths-Page 4 (Subtraction)
English-Pages 7 & 8 (verbs)
Practise your times tables!! I will be giving the class 30 MIXED times tables questions next Friday. There are many FREE times tables apps you can get on tablets/ipads. ‘Hit the Button’ is a good website for quickfire times tables questions as well. Another way to practise is to get someone at home to give you a mock test and see how well you do!
Sumdog and Bedrock usernames and passwords have been sent home today. Please access these from home regularly…I can see in school how often each pupils is accessing it at home, and the progress that is being made. (Sumdog will be great to help revise for the times tables test as well!)
Maths-page 3 (addition)
English-Pages 13 & 14 (Adjectives)
Spelling test on Friday 20th September (only tested on the yellow highlighted spellings)
This week I have only set book homework.
Maths-pages 1 & 2 (‘number stuff’)
English-page 1 (nouns)
Please keep up with your reading over the weekend too!
Home reading-please keep up with regular home reading! I do please ask that reading records are signed by an adult at home, when they have read. We keep a record in school to see how regularly everyone is reading, and how many quizzes are being taken!
Book homework- I will send homework, from the Maths and English books , home on Fridays. This work is due back in on the following Wednesday.
Online programmes that can be accessed at home- In the coming weeks I will be sending home logins and passwords for Bedrock, IXL and Sumdog. All of these programmes can be accessed from home. This class had access to Bedrock and Sumdog in year 5 so will already know how these programmes work-they should access these regularly at home. We will be doing IXL in school as well, so they will soon become familiar with this programme too.
Spellings & Times tables - throughout year 6, we will have weekly spelling and/or times tables text. I will let the class know what they need to practise when I set the book homework on a Friday.
Revision packs have been sent home please try and do 15 minutes a day.
Reading 20 minutes each day.
Go over spellings.
Revision: Please choose a selection of topics and revise.
Reading: 15 minutes a day
Spelling: Revise all of the spellings you have covered so far
Revision on IXL for both English and M.aths
Just to let you know that IXL is now back online so please use this as much as possible to strengthen your weakest areas.
This week are focusing on our English skills:
Punctuation Buster Book: page 12 to 15
English SAT book: pages 12 to 15
Spelling SAT book 2 page 2 to 5
Comprehension: Please complete the next story in your book.
Remember that if you have any problems please come and see me.
Remember to complete your Bedrock so that you have done a session before Wednesday.
Spelling next list. Don’t forget to read!
As we are away at waterpark there will be no official homework set but the expectation that Bedrock, times tables and spelling practice continues.
I apologize for the technical issues surrounding IXL, we are aware of this and our doing our very best to resolve the situation.