math page: 1,2,3,4,5 and 13
Plus week 15 5-a-day.
GPS: 8,9,10,11,12 and 13
Writing task given out in class.
Spellings please learn!
math page: 1,2,3,4,5 and 13
Plus week 15 5-a-day.
GPS: 8,9,10,11,12 and 13
Writing task given out in class.
Spellings please learn!
GPS: nouns page 2 -7
Maths: page 9, 10, 11 and 12 geometry and measure book.
Spelling ( test for Wednesday)
GPS: page 24 and 25
Maths: 6,7,8,and 33
Week 11 on five aday.
reading and spelling.
New spelling lists given out.
Maths: Blue KS2 Geometry, measure and statistics- page 29 to 32 inclusive
IXL Section CC.1 to CC.11 ( this is a 2 week challenge)
English: IXL H.1 and H.2
Bedrock twice a week at home.
Any issues with ICT at home work can be completed in school on our WiFi system.
Homework club as usual.
Maths: I have given out ‘5 a day’ reasoning sheets, these are designed to give short bursts of maths over 7 days. Please do 5 questions each day , there is only one weeks worth so you can spread them out. This should keep your brain ticking over.
IXL: choose your weakest area to practice.
English: Reading. I have given out books to read over the holidays, there are three to choose from. Once you have read one please return it to class and then take another. We will be discussing all three in class.
IXL: Root words (K:1 - K:5) also prefixes and suffixes ( J:1 - J:8)
Maths: adding and subtraction page 19 to 21
Continue with the fraction practice on IXL
English: Purple book page 16-17
Bedrock ( 3 a week please)
Mathematics: IXL continue working through the fraction section. J 1 onward this will be ongoing until Christmas.
SAT buster book: pages 10,14 and 15.
English: Spellings
Targeted question book ( purple) : pages 12 to 15 inclusive.
IXL: G1 to G5
Reading 15 minutes everyday.
Research Charles Dickens
Use your research notes to write a biography about Charles Dickens.
You might like to use these headings:
• Childhood/Early Life
- where and when was he born, his family life, school and first job
• The Writer
- some of the books he wrote and the inspiration for his stories
• Later Life
- his children, the train accident, his final novel and his death
• Legacy
- his quotes, Dickensian language we still use today, his face on the
£10 note, the amount of books sold
Maths IXL: fractions
English IXL: free choice, focus on your weakest area.
Reading: make sure you are reading 15 minutes each day. Please read a book with a ZPD.
Remember we have a homework club on Tuesday lunch time, in the year 6 classroom if you have any questions. Please use this time to clear up any issues you have with topics we have covered; I am there to help!
Maths: Page 9- percentages
IXL:- P1 to P5
GPS book Page 5,6,7,8,9.
IXL:- C1 to C5
Reading for quiz. This week we will begin our reading champions. Will you have read enough to be a winner!
Spelling for quiz on Wednesday: list 1 and 2 , starting with the words: accommodate-accompany.
Just a quick note, please remember to access BEDROCK through chrome, according to the company this will eliminate any technical issues. You can also contact them directly by clicking the support tab. It is essential that you do 2 sessions of bedrock at home and in school we cover a session on Wednesday. research has shown that if used correctly your child’s vocabulary and comprehension will increase. If you would like to read the report please let me know.
Maths: Sat buster page 10,14,15,16 (not page 11,12.13)
English: Reading comprehension-’An Underground City’ Please answer all the questions and pay attention to what type of question you are answering.
Spelling: We are now working on the new lists, so please learn list number 1 for our test next Wednesday. There will also be some random spellings from your previous lists.
Times Tables:
Choose any IXL section to perfect.
Bedrock. Please make sure you can do a Bedrock session on Wednesday in school as we will now do a Bedrock session in class every Wednesday, this means you have the option to do three sessions a week.
Maths: IXL fractions F1 and the others in this block if you can. Don’t give up too soon!
English: IXL prepositions F! ( try the whole block)
Bedrock : At least twice a week.
Writing task: Please can you write a newspaper article, remembering to use the who, when , where, what, why technique, to tell your readers about the mysterious man in green. Use the interview recorded by Bill Weaver as your source, remember the questions he asked Robin:
Why do you think it is acceptable to steal?
Are you responsible for the ambush on the Sheriff’s gold convoy and the wounding of his men?
Are wedding bells ringing for you and Lady Marion? She was spotted leaving Friar’s Fish Restaurant with you clutching a copy of Wonderful Weddings!
Set the tone of your piece by the type of language you choose, entice your reader in with a snappy strap line, use repetition for effect- remember that you want your readers to buy next weeks copy!
Good luck- enjoy the task. be creative-you can present your article in any format. Most of all make it interesting and engaging whilst using correct grammar and punctuation.
IXL: on going from last week.
Spelling list 6
Writing task: Please complete the writing task given: imagine you are a fighter pilot - describe your battle using similes, emotive language. Use the example to see the level of writing I expect. You have 6 days to finish this work so I expect to be blown away by the standard of your writing. Please do at least one side of A4.
Maths: sat buster book: pages 21 and 26. Remember for division - KFC ( keep, flip, change). IXL: fractions start at J;1 and over the next 2 weeks complete this section. remember if you do not understand let me know.
History: family tree activity to show who in your family was touched by the second world war. Around your family tree give as much information as you can. I have given you an example to follow but feel free to improve on this.
Writing: if you have not finished your letter or your Robin Hood narration finish this at home please.
Spelling: List, 5
Reading: please make sure you are quizzing! do this in the morning before your 5-aday.
Maths : SAT buster book pages 7&8. IXL B.1. to B.9. if you can-please try and complete at least 3.
English: Complete the nouns section on IXL B.4-B.9.
Spelling: List 4 for a quiz on Wednesday, remember to revise the other lists too.
Reading : Carrier's War chapter 4&5 , your own book as well.
Home work
Spelling list 3 for quiz on Wednesday 26th September. Remember to refresh your previous spellings as we always go over past lists! Try and use your new vocabulary at home and in conversation - impress your family!
English IXL nouns - B.1 B.2 B.3 are essential but if you want to carry on in the noun section feel free!
Maths: SAT buster book pages 3&4, ‘Ordering Numbers and Rounding’, pages 5&6 ‘Decimals’. If you want to play on IXL try F.11. F.12 F.14 ( you will need to think about F.14 but once you have got it wrong and looked at the explanation I am sure you will puzzle it out!
Reading for pleasure 15 minutes everyday. i am reading ‘A Thousand and One Nights’ , what are you reading?
Home work tasks:
Read Carries war chapter 3.
Spelling week 2 learn.
Maths task in book page 1 and 2.
Continue with IXL
Spelling test dates.
The children will be given spelling lists to learn each week and the expectation is that they use the learnt vocabulary in their writing. They will also be tested on their spellings in preparation for the end of key stage tests.
A list of spellings has been sent home in a spelling pack, please do not loose it. This pack will contain a practice book and the children will also use this book for their weekly tests so that you can view their progress.
Thank you for your support.
Please remember that we will constantly be using the vocabulary you have learnt in your writing.
Date of Spelling Test List to Learn
Wed 12. Sept 1- sincere
Wed 19.Sept 2 -
Wed 26. Sept 3 -
Wed 3. Oct 4 -
Wed 10. Oct 5 -
Wed 17. Oct 6 -
Maths: The question booklet given on problem solving.
IXL choose what you need to practice
English: IXL choose what you need to practice.
Bedrock vocabulary
Spelling: List 5 for a test on Friday
English page 36 to 39
Bedrock Learning: Thursday, Saturday, Tuesday
IXL Maths Decimals
Spelling list 4
Maths page 42 to 45
Mathematics: IXL Z-I to Z-12
SPAG IXL: K-1 to K-5
English page 30 to 35
Spelling list 3
Reading 15 minutes everyday.
If you have not completed your 500 words then please do so and email it to school: