Please do not forget to bring in your homework completed each Wednesday.

Maths- page 66-69 coordinates, reflection and translation

English-page 27-29 formal and informal 

Reading 15 minutes minimum each day.

IXL- maths coordinates

      - English -choose an area you wish to improve. 

Authorfiona ormerod

Mathematics red book page 70 and 71

Times tables


English purple book page 24, 24, 26.

Spelling list 6 for test on Wednesday


Authorfiona ormerod

English: page 18, 22 and 23.

Maths: page 24,25,26 and 27.

IXL: decimals and %



Authorfiona ormerod

Lets try something new this week- a kahoot homework challenge. You can play this via a mobile app or on your lap top. The game pin is :054108 or the link is

See how you get on!

IXL- fraction practise.

Spelling- next list

Reading- 15 minutes a day and be ready to quiz.


Authorfiona ormerod

Purple KS2 English, page 11-15

Red KS2 Maths book, page 18-22

Reading and spelling as usual


Authorfiona ormerod

Purple English book: page 19 to page 21

Spellings list beginning with lightening.

Maths: Test base question sheet on shape.

IXL for English : Tenses

IXL for maths: choose your weakest area to practice.

Read for pleasure

Authorfiona ormerod

Spellings: Revise your next spelling list for quiz on Wednesday.

IXL: BB1 to BB9

History : Continue to work on your project for the sharing event on Friday 17th.

Reading: At least 20minutes a day.

Authorfiona ormerod

This week your homework is:

IXL: You can choose which concepts you need to practice the most.

Reading and spelling.

Battle of Britain Project: You need to answer the research question-'If Britain was only a few days away from defeat in August 1940 why did she win the Battle of Britain?'

You need to research the clues given in class and then present your answer in any way you please: power point, presentation, poster, essay or a drama. You may even want to interview Grandparents about the events!

Remember that you need to demonstrate an understanding of the reasons why, for example: the differences between the planes, attitudes of the pilots, inventions, Hitlers decision to attack London; consider all the aspects that could result in a British victory.

We will be presenting this to parents and school on Wednesday 15th November. letter to follow.    


Authorfiona ormerod


Times tables 

Purple Grammar, Punctuation and spelling book: page 4,5,6,7.

Maths red book: page 14

IXL: Subtraction N.B. Do not stay on IXL for extremely long periods of time! This is supposed to be fun. 

Read so that you can quiz next week.

Authorfiona ormerod


Grammar: p.5 and p.6 Literacy and language book. Consolidation exercises p.60-p.63 targeted question book.

Maths: IXL I.1 and I.2 ( decimals), p.10 multiplication.


Authorfiona ormerod

This weeks homework:


Maths: Targeted question book page 6 to 9 and then IXL place value and addition practise.

English:Literacy and language page 4: Noun phrases.

Read as much as possible.

Homework to be brought into school for Wednesday 27th for us to go over as a whole class.

Authorfiona ormerod

Spelling test dates.

The children will be given spelling lists to learn each week and the expectation is that they use the learnt vocabulary in their writing. They will also be tested on their spellings in preparation for the end of key stage tests.

A list of spellings will be sent home in a spelling pack, please do not loose it. This pack will contain a practice book and the children will also use this book for their weekly tests so that you can view their progress.

Thank you for your support.

Please remember that we will constantly be using the vocabulary you have learnt in your writing.

Date of Spelling Test                   List to Learn

Wed  12. Sept                               1- 

Wed 19.Sept                                 2 - 

Wed 26. Sept                                3 - 

Wed 3. Oct                                    4 - 

Wed 10. Oct                                   5 - 

Wed 17. Oct                                 6 - 

Thurs.24. Oct                                  SPELLING-BEE ON ALL LISTS so far

Home work will go out on Friday and will be due in the following Thursday. We will have a homework club on a Monday lunch for those who might need clarification or support.  

This week home work is : reading, IXL place value and head boy or head girl speech.

Authorfiona ormerod

Please complete the word work on active and passive, then choose two sections that you find interesting to do.

Reading: please continue reading for at least 15 minutes each day. I have sent home the reading paper that the children completed in class for them to improve.

Mathematics: Continue on your IXL

Also remember that you have revision books at home to work through.

Thank you

Authorfiona ormerod

Please continue to work through your revision books.

Practise your spellings.

IXL: Time: V8 & V9

Fractions and Mixed Number: J: 1 -15

Percentages: O.2, O.3 & O.4

Please make sure you keep reading for at least 15 minutes a night.

Authorfiona ormerod

The children have been sent home with a selection of revision books in preparation for their SATs. Please ensure that they work through these little and often, alongside the IXL programme.

This week I would like the children to use the IXL to focuson mixed operations ( L.1-L.6) and problem solving (M.1- M.5).

In the grammar please ensure they understand subordinate clauses, subordinating conjunctions.

Reading:- 15 minutes everyday to improve reading fluency and word recognition. Please can you discuss the book your child is reading to ensure comprehension.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Authorfiona ormerod

For those who missed it :

Grammar p.8 -p11

IXL : V.1 - V.10Time.    IXL English : Greek and Latin root words ( Don't worry if this doesn't work)

For over the holidays:

Use your IXL to celebrate your mistakes, choose an area you feel you need to work on.

Read every day and note any vocabulary that is new to you or you want to use in your writing.

Plan an exciting story ready for when we return!


Authorfiona ormerod

IXL maths and keep reading. Keep up the hard work learning your spellings!


Spelling test dates.

Please remember that we will constantly be using the vocabulary you have learnt in your writing.

Date of Spelling Test                   List to Learn 

Wed.11.Jan                                       5 and 6

Wed.18.Jan                                     2-Lighting

Wed.25.Jan                                    3-Nuisance

Wed.1.Feb                                       4-Persuasive

Wed.8.Feb                                     5-Mispronunciation

Wed.22.Feb                                  SPELLING-BEE ON ALL LISTS






Authorfiona ormerod

Maths P. 44-45

GPS p.16-19

IXL Long division

Spellings, we are still on the second week of list 3 and 4, we will have a test on Wednesday focusing on these list but we will also add in some words from list 1and 2 to extend our knowledge.

Spelling quizzes will not always be in the form of a written list, they may be in the form of games, word searches, peer assessment etc.

Keep up the reading and well done to everyone for their amazing Charles Dickens posters and creating Marley's chain using your spellings!

Authorfiona ormerod

Reading for pleasure, remember to write down any unfamiliar vocabulary to share with the class and use in your writing.

Mathematics p.36-38

Spelling quiz on Wednesday.

If you are going on IXL please do the unit on fractions, decimals and percentages.

Homework club has been set up for Thursday lunch time, for children who need the time or tasks explaining.

If you want to keep writing stories on story bird, feel free, you do not need to wait for an assignment. If you get the urge to write then write!

Authorfiona ormerod

Thank you so much for your wonderful stories, I am really looking forward to reading them!

This week please complete the reading comprehension work.

Also, keep up your spelling work and your times tables.

You are all doing really well, keep up the hard work!

Authorfiona ormerod