Thank you so much for your wonderful stories, I am really looking forward to reading them!

This week please complete the reading comprehension work.

Also, keep up your spelling work and your times tables.

You are all doing really well, keep up the hard work!

Authorfiona ormerod

Over the half term I would like you to use the story of the 'skull' in Carrier's war and the story of the skull you heard at Lancaster Castle, as inspiration for you to create your own cautionary tale! Remember how stories are structured, think about your readers journey through the story, make sure you use your amazing descriptive skills and vocabulary choice to paint a detailed picture for your reader.

I have created you all a storybird login so that you can choose how you publish your work, either on line or as a paper copy. You can illustrate your work! Perhaps you could read it to your family at Halloween! Have fun!

Also, quick 10minute maths and literacy exercises.

Keep learning your spellings and times tables!

How many scary stories can you read over half term! I am going to read 'Legend of Sleepy Hollow'.

Authorfiona ormerod

Wow! Home work is coming in before I have had chance to post it! Keep up the great work!

Maths ( as voted by the class) p.4-7 Arithmetic

Reading: Chapter 6 Carrie's War

SPAG p. 11

Have fun!

Authorfiona ormerod


Reread chapter 1 of Carrie's War and fill in the information sheet for class discussion.

Read chapter 2, you can put this reading time in your reading log.

Write and practise your head boy/head girl speech for reading in assembly on Friday. Remember don't make it too long!

Learn your times tables ready for an improved score next week.

Back your WWII project book. If you need anything printing we can use the ICT room at lunch time. Have fun!

Authorfiona ormerod

Throughout year 6, the children will be using the CGP homework books for maths and literacy. Homework will be given on a Thursday and must be returned by the following Wednesday, in order for us to mark and discuss the work together in class. The children are expected to bring in their reading records daily as this will be used to record the weekly homework.

Reading is expected to be done on a daily basis in year 6 - if there is not clear evidence of this in the children's reading records then they will be spending some of their own time or Golden time reading in school. Reading every day is essential to success in comprehension and advancing your child's writing skills ( I am not just nagging!).

Please ensure your child brings in their homework on time with their reading records. If the children fail to bring in their homework they will be catching up during their Golden Time on Friday afternoons.

Authorfiona ormerod

I know what enthusiastic readers Year 6 are and I hope you maintain your love of reading throughout the year. Being able to hold your concentration while reading for 10 - 20 minutes is massively important for tackling your SATs papers. Reading every day will improve your reading fluency and expose you to knew and exciting vocabulary and writing ideas which will improve your own writing.

Reading a variety of texts, questioning their meaning and discussing aspects of the textwith someone else, will support your comprehension skills. Plus it's fun! 

Reading at home every night as homework is an expectation in year 6.

Please ensure that when your child does read at home, their reading record is signed to allow them to win their stickers. One last thing, if you can, try and discuss what your child is reading to support a deeper understanding of the text and encourage conversation around the authors choices. 

I appreciate your co-operation,

Mrs Ormerod

Authorfiona ormerod