I’m delighted with the children’s response to the reading challenge so far, we’ve really got off to a great start! Each day this week, we’ve had children coming in having read their book and have requested to move on to their next book. This is amazing Year 5, keep it up! Please continue to encourage your child to read their chosen book to enable them to enjoy our book club at the end of term.
Well done to those who have already completed some of the books!🤩👏🏻
Our award winners:
Golden Award (CARE) - Charles Emanuel
Writing Award - Corben
Maths Award - Henry
Our learning this week…
In English we have begun to explore William Shakespeare’s play A Midsummer Night’s Dream. This week we have begun to explore the different ‘worlds’ of the play and have begun to look at some of the main characters.
In maths the children have been working on finding cube numbers and have been using the inverse operation to solve some problems.
In RE we read how Jesus described a true disciple, using Scripture from the Bible. The children then designed their own membership card for the “True disciple club” with the required rules to follow. The children then looked again at the life of Saint Damien and had to find evidence to show that he qualified to be a true disciple of Christ.
This week’s prayer and liturgy was planned and led by Hayley Marie, Lilly C and Mia. Their liturgy was on the theme of The Transfiguration based on the reading from Mark 9: 2-10, which is a beautiful one to read and reflect on during Lent. In it we see Peter, James and John experience something incredible, which deepens their understanding of who Jesus really is. Their lives are changed and they experience a new beginning!
“Then a cloud appeared and covered them, and a voice came from the cloud: “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!” Mark 7
In Science the children have compared the lifecycle of a reptile and a bird. The children have then looked at and labelled the parts of an unfertilised egg.
In geography the children are working with Mrs Mannix and have begun looking at their new topic on latitude and longitude.
In PE the children are working with PE specialist Erin from Blackpool Football Club Community Trust. The focus of their lessons this half term is rounders.
In computing the children have continued to explore using a micro-bit to execute code.
Thursday 7th March World Book Day Children can come into school dressed as their favourite book characters and will need to bring in their favourite book to share and enjoy. Please note: There is no need to go out and buy anything new for the day, it’s more important to bring in a favourite book and enjoy it.
Friday 15th March Dress up for Brian House Children can come in to school in something bright, something comfy, something stripy, whatever you want to wear and remember a contribution to our charity.
Thursday 21st March School trip - Year 4 & 5 visit to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-Upon-Avon. Please see the letter that has come home today. A copy is attached here in case you haven’t received it. RSC visit letter.
To read this week’s Good News Gospel reading, please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home. Good News Gospel
Please also have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class worship…
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mrs McVey, Mrs McCooey and Miss Evans