Well I can hardly believe that we only have one more week left in school before we break for the Summer! The children have continued to be hard at work this week and we look forward to next week when we can celebrate all their hard work with our trip to Ascent.

Our learning this week…

English - This week the focus has been persuasive texts. The children have been identifying the target audience and features of persuasion.

Maths - In maths we have continued to look at translation with coordinates.

Science - In science the children have been identifying which processes are best used to separate different combinations of mixtures.

Geography - This week the children have been analysing the results of field work questions about the local area and presenting their findings on pie charts.

Spanish - This week the children have been writing in sentences about family relationships.

PE - On Thursday the children had a game of rounders.

Computing - This week the children have used Sonic Pi to create a piece of music on the theme of Space.

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Theo

Maths Award - Sam

Writing Award -

Year 5 Star Winner - 

Bedrock Competition


Don’t forget the Bedrock competition for your last chance to win an amazing prize (see poster above). It wills also be your last chance to get on our TOP 5 leaderboard to win an in-class prize for the Year 5 who has the most points by the end of term. Come on Year 5!

Here is our TOP 5 on the scoreboard this week:

1 Olivia 219

2 Evie 198

3 Laciee 147

4 Eliza 124

5 Kayden 114

Well done and keep it up!

Our trip to Ascent…

Year 5 will need to wear their school PE kit on Wednesday and if they have Ascent socks already, please bring them in. Water bottles will be taken with us, so please ensure it is in school.

thank you.jpeg

A massive thank you to our wonderful PTA who have now said that they will fully fund the cost of this lovely end of year treat for the children. If you have already paid through ParentPay or through school, this will be fully refunded to you soon.


  • School finishes at 1.05pm on Fridays and at 3.10pm every other day

  • Please remember to bring sun hats and wear sun cream on sunny days as we do spend time outdoors during the school day. Please also ensure your child has a coat in school just in case it rains - not unheard of in Blackpool - so that we may still go outside for playtimes.

  • Please ensure the children bring their water bottles filled with fresh water daily.

Well done Year 5 for all your hard work this week. Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Connolly

AuthorKay McVey

On Wednesday the children took part in our Year 5 Sport’s day. It wasn’t the way any one of us would have liked to spend it, but nevertheless the children were amazing and made the most of it and were fantastic. It was lovely to see how the children worked together as a team and were so supportive of each other. In the end the results were amazingly close…

1st Newton 92🌟

2nd Clifton 86

3rd & 4th Layton & Marton 82

Well done to all the children but a big well done to Newton who won Year 5’s Sport’s day. Now we wait to see the overall results from KS1 and KS2 to see who the overall winners of Sport’s Day were. Goodluck everyone!

Our learning this week…

English - The children have begun to plan their free verse poem by playing with poetic techniques. Next week the children will be writing their poems.

Maths - The focus of our maths work this week has been identifying decimal sequences and multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.

RE - The children have reflected on the importance of prayer.

Geography - The children learnt to use four- and six- figure grid references on an ordnance survey map of Blackpool.

Spanish - This week the children have learnt to say and write what their siblings/friends are called and how old they are.

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Lila

Maths Award - Mia

Writing Award - Adam

Year 5 Star Winner - 

Bedrock Competition


Don’t forget the Bedrock competition for a chance to win an amazing prize (see poster above). There will also be an in-class prize for the Year 5 who has the most points by the end of term.

Here is our TOP 5 on the scoreboard this week:

1 Olivia 159

2 Evie 117

3 Declan 74

4 Nathaniel 73

5 Kourtney 65

Well done and keep it up!

Our Lady’s Year 5 Musician of the Year Winner

A massive congratulations goes to Grace who won Our Lady’s Year 5 Musician of the Year competition. A big well done also goes to Eliza, Elliot and Lila who were the runner ups. Well done to all of you, we are so proud of you! ♫♬🎶👏🏻



  • The children have come home today with a letter about a class visit to Ascent trampoline park. Thank you to our wonderful PTA who have very kindly contributed £200 towards the trip.

  • School finishes at 1.05pm on Fridays and at 3.10pm every other day

  • Please remember to bring sun hats and wear sun cream on sunny days as we do spend time outdoors during the school day. Please also ensure your child has a coat in school just in case it rains - not unheard of in Blackpool - so that we may still go outside for playtimes.

  • Please ensure the children bring their water bottles filled with fresh water daily.

  • Within the next couple of weeks, please can each child bring in a ‘bag for life’ (as they will hold more weight) with their name on it, in preparation for sending work home by the end of this term. Thanks to those who have already sent theirs in.

Another great week Year 5, well done! Hope you all have a lovely weekend! Your homework is now on the homework page. This week it is a piece of geography homework which will need to be completed and handed in by Monday ready for our geography lesson.

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Connolly

AuthorKay McVey

Well, where has the time gone? I can’t believe we’re already in our final half term of the year. However, they do say that time flies when you’re having fun and I really have enjoyed teaching your lovely children this year. The children have all come back, unsurprisingly, enthusiastic and ready to work and we have had a really good week. Well done Year 5!

Our learning this week…

English - This week the children have begun focusing on poetry. They have been reading poems about cities and are beginning to pick out poetic features such as personification and metaphors..

Maths - The focus of our maths work this week has been solving problems using decimals.

RE - The Resurrection has been the focus of our RE lessons this week.

Science - In Science this week the children have been investigating materials which will dissolve.

Geography - We’ve started looking at our local area and have used an atlas to locate Blackpool on various maps.

Computing - This week the children were presented with a micro-bit already containing code. The children then needed to work together to work out the algorithms needed to code the programme.

Spanish - We’ve begun our new unit on family this week. The children have started to look at the Spanish Royal family and are learning to say and understand family words.

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Molly

Maths Award - Declan

Year 5 Star Winner - Lennon


  • School finishes at 1.05pm on Fridays and at 3.10pm every other day

  • Please remember to bring sun hats and wear sun cream on sunny days as we do spend time outdoors during the school day. Please also ensure your child has a coat in school just in case it rains - not unheard of in Blackpool - so that we may still go outside for playtimes.

  • Please ensure the children bring their water bottles filled with fresh water daily.

  • Own clothes day is on Friday 18th June and we ask for the children to bring £1 for this. The theme is ‘Dress the colour of the rainbow’.

  • Within the next couple of weeks, please can each child bring in a ‘bag for life’ (as they will hold more weight) with their name on it, in preparation for sending work home by the end of this term.

What a great first week back Year 5, well done! Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Connolly

AuthorKay McVey

I can’t believe that we’re already at this point in the year. When we return to school, we will only have six more weeks together and then the children will be moving on to begin their final year at Our Lady’s in Year 6. I’m so proud of how hard the children have worked so far this year and I know they will continue to work hard in their final half term of Year 5. 👏🏻🌟

This Sunday, May 23rd, the Church celebrates Pentecost, one of the most important feast days of the year that concludes the Easter season and celebrates the beginning of the Church. Pentecost occurs 50 days after the death and resurrection of Jesus, and ten days after his ascension into heaven. When the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles, they preached the Good News of Jesus Christ. Miraculously, people of many different languages and nations could understand the Apostles in their own languages. This miracle reflected God’s desire for the Gospel to be preached to all, and for all the peoples of the earth to be united in faith.

Our learning this week…

English - This week the children have been looking at the features of recounts and have written a newspaper recount of a heroic teenager for a Year 3 audience.

Maths - The focus of our maths work this week has been adding and subtracting decimals.

RE - This week we the children have been recounting Jesus’s Resurrection and have written it in the style of a newspaper report.

History - This week the children have been finding out what the Maya writing system consists of, how words are constructed and what codices are.

Computing - This week the children finished off their coding of a pedometer.Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t that good so the children were'n’t able to go out and try them out, so they’ll try them after half term.

Spanish - The children practised their cafe role plays and showed off their great accents to order items from a menu.

PSHE - Today we focused on what hope means and reflected on how being grateful and hopeful can make us more resilient. We made positivity glasses to remind us to have a positive outlook on things when we face challenges and to bounce forward through tough times.

PE - The children continued navigating around a grid of cones using different maps and adding up as they went along. They’re all getting really good at this.
ART - We’ve taken part in a couple of competitions this weeks. The first was the Royal Mail’s Heroes Stamp Design Competition, honouring the heroes of the coronavirus pandemic (See the children’s entries below). The second one was Broomhead’s Estate Agents competition - they are celebrating their 40th birthday - where the children had to design their dream house.

Year 5 Achievements

Our Reading Champions…

Well done to our reading champions this half term who all completed bookmarks for reading regularly at home. I won’t be setting homework over half term but as reading is so important, I ask parents to continue to encourage your child to read regularly at home (at least 20 minutes per day) and get their diary signed.


When the children read regularly, golden tickets are given out and then we do a draw at the end of each half term. Well done to Brodie and Lennon who are our golden ticket winners and have won a prize.


Bedrock Competition

Well done to all of Year 5 who achieved 120 points or more on Bedrock over this last half term. I wish you all luck for the Bedrock prize draw! A big congratulations goes to our Bedrock Champion, Hallie, and all the other children on our TOP 5 scoreboard. Well done!

Here is our TOP 5 on the scoreboard this week:

1 Hallie 273 points ⭐️Bedrock Champion ⭐️

2 Declan 247 points

3 Eliza 236 points

4 Elliot 231 points

5 Theo 229 points

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Hallie

Writing Award - Sam

Maths Award - Laciee

Year 5 Star Winner - Laciee


  • School reopens on Monday 7th June at the normal start time of 8.40am

You’ve all worked so hard this week Year 5, well done! Hope you all have a lovely half term holiday!

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Connolly

AuthorKay McVey

Yesterday was the Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus’s ascension into heaven, which is celebrated forty days after his Resurrection. As a whole school, we took part in this special celebration by joining in with Father Jim’s Mass via video link from our classrooms. I am so proud of how Year 5 joined in with the mass so respectfully. Well done Year 5!

Our learning this week…

English - This week the children have been writing, and editing, their diary entries from the point of view of Billy, the main character of the story ‘Bling!’.

Maths - The focus of our maths work this week has been finding equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages.

RE - This week we have been reflecting on what it means to experience forgiveness. We have looked at stories from the Bible which tell us about Jesus’s teachings on forgiveness and have looked at events where Jesus showed us how to forgive.

Science - The focus of our Science lesson this week was electrical conductors. The children identified materials that were electrical conductors and insulators and then they investigated different types of metals to see which was the best electrical conductor. The children then presented their findings to the class.

History - This week the children have identified a range of evidence sources, both primary and secondary, to help them understand more about the Maya civilisation.

Computing - Using their growing knowledge of the code blocks within the micro-bit editor, the children have programmed their micro-bit to make a pedometer.

Spanish - This week the children have been writing sentences in Spanish related to our Café theme. ¡Bravo Year 5!

PSHE - During this lesson we talked about the power of positivity and how it can make us more resilient. The children thought about all the things they are grateful for.

PE - The focus of our orienteering this week was to learn the skill of map orientation using basic diagrams. The children navigated themselves around a grid of cones using their map and adding up as they went along.

Bedrock Competition


Don’t forget the Bedrock competition for a chance to win an amazing prize (see poster above). There will also be an in-class prize for the Year 5 who has the most points by the end of term.

Here is our TOP 5 on the scoreboard this week:

1 Hallie 200 points

2 Declan 175 points

3 Eliza 154 points

4 Laciee 145 points

5 Elliot 144 points

Well done to our TOP 5 who have already made it into the Bedrock prize draw. This next week is your last chance to ensure you’ve earned your 120+ points to be entered into the prize draw above. Let’s see how many points you can earn this week! Who will be our Bedrock Super Star?

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Sienna

Writing Award - Cianna

Maths Award - Brodie

Year 5 Star Winner - 


  • Year 5 finish school at 3.10pm Monday - Thursday and at 1.05pm on a Friday

  • Reading books and diaries must be brought into school daily. Diaries get checked everyday so that we can reward the children for their reading. I would expect Year 5 to read at home daily for at least 20 minutes.

  • Homework will need to be completed before Thursday, when I will check your results. Please see the homework page for this week’s homework. Parents will be informed if this is not complete.

  • PE days continue to be on a Tuesday and Thursday. No earrings please.

You’ve all worked so hard this week Year 5, well done! Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Connolly

AuthorKay McVey

Our learning this week…

English - This week the children have been developing their sentences and description to prepare for their diary writing.

Maths - We’ve been rounding decimal numbers to the nearest tenth and to the nearest whole number. We’ve also been using place value to compare and order decimal numbers and have started looking at percentages.

RE - From our work on the Sacrament of Reconciliation last week, the children have been writing their own guide to this very important Sacrament aimed at children in Year 3 and 4.

History - This week the children learnt that the Ancient Maya civilisation had developed a complex number system and they have been learning how to write and identify the numbers.

Computing - This week the children were presented with code for a micro-bit and they had to predict what the program did - I was very impressed with how well some children did this. The program was a polling program to record the number of different responses to a question. The children then built the code, downloaded it to the micro-bit and then had fun testing it out on each other.

Spanish - In our lesson this week the children role played at being waiter and customer in our Café Olé and showed off their language skills in Spanish. ¡Bravo Y5!

PSHE - This week the children discussed what helps make them happy and then they made their own Feel Good Check List that the children can use to help them become more resilient and bounce forward from tough times.

Bedrock Competition


Don’t forget the Bedrock competition for a chance to win an amazing prize (see poster above). There will also be an in-class prize for the Year 5 who has the most points by the end of term.

Here is our TOP 5 on the scoreboard this week:

1 Hallie 133 points

2 Eliza 125 points

3 Declan 121 points

4 Laciee 119 points

5 Theo 101 points

Well done and keep it up!

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Isabella

Writing Award - Hallie

Maths Award - Grace

Year 5 Star Winner - 

Congratulations also goes to Grace and Lila who achieved their Silver music medals for the clarinet. Well done girls!



  • Year 5 finish school at 3.10pm Monday - Thursday and at 1.05pm on a Friday

  • Reading books and diaries must be brought into school daily. Diaries get checked everyday so that we can reward the children for their reading. I would expect Year 5 to read at home daily for at least 20 minutes.

  • Homework will need to be completed before Thursday, when I will check your results. Please see the homework page for this week’s homework. Parents will be informed if this is not complete.

  • PE days continue to be on a Tuesday and Thursday. No earrings please.

Coming up…

Virtual Pop Idol - Miss Benson sent home letters to those children interested in taking part in the Virtual Pop Idol competition. Please read the letter carefully and send entries by 14th May at 2pm to the email address on the letter. Good luck Year 5!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend Year 5!

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Connolly

AuthorKay McVey

We’ve had another busy week this week and I’m pleased and proud of how hard the children continue to work. They’ve shown resilience in the things they have found difficult and have overcome some difficult challenges which have left them feeling proud of themselves. Well done Year 5!

Our learning this week…

English - We’ve explored how the main character of Bling! has changed over the course of the story this week and have looked at how language in writing can be altered to show status. The children have also been working on creating vivid images that use description and comparison.

Maths - This week we’ve looked at how multiplying fractions and finding fractions of amounts give us the same answer and we have been solving problems involving fractions.

RE -This week the children have been discussing what sin is and how we can show that we are truly sorry for the wrong we do.

Science - Our new topic is all about properties and changes of materials. This week the children have identified the properties of different materials. They have explored the meaning of different properties and have sorted and classified materials based on their properties through testing whether they are: magnetic, transparent, flexible, permeable or hard.

History - This week the children started our unit on the Ancient Maya Civilisation. They placed events of the Maya on a timeline showing their understanding of chronological order through BC and AD and have used atlases to label the area on a map to show where in Central America the Maya used to live

Spanish - This week the children have continued to develop their speaking and listening of words and phrases that can be used when ordering food and drink in a cafe.

PE - This week the children took part in relays as part of a team, which developed their understanding of basic orienteering symbols using a map key. They worked really hard and all teams successfully completed the challenge.

Bedrock Competition


Don’t forget the Bedrock competition for a chance to win an amazing prize (see poster above). There will also be an in-class prize for the Year 5 who has the most points by the end of term.

Here is our TOP 5 scoreboard so far:

1 Isabelle 66points

2 Hallie 62 points

3 Eliza 57 points

4 Laciee 51 points

5 Declan 49 points

Well done and keep it up!

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Nathaniel

Writing Award - Theo

Maths Award - Isabelle

Year 5 Star Winner - Cianna

Congratulations also goes to Eliza who has achieved her Bronze music medal for the clarinet. Well done Eliza!



  • Year 5 finish school at 3.10pm Monday - Thursday and at 1.05pm on a Friday

  • Reading books and diaries must be brought into school daily. Diaries get checked everyday so that we can reward the children for their reading. I would expect Year 5 to read at home daily for at least 20 minutes.

  • Homework will need to be completed before Thursday, when I will check your results. Hope you all have a great weekend. Please see the homework page for this week’s homework. Parents will be informed if this is not complete.

  • PE days continue to be on a Tuesday and Thursday. No earrings please.

  • Music tuition is on a Thursday, so please ensure your instrument is in school ready to have your lesson with Miss Benson.

  • As the weather starts to get warmer, please ensure your child brings in their water bottle each day. I would also advise that coats still come into school each day as the weather can be unpredictable and we will all still go outside even on those cold/rainy days.

Another great week Year 5, well done! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Connolly

AuthorKay McVey

Welcome back after the Easter holidays. I hope you all had a wonderful Holy week and enjoyed your time together. We’ve had a lovely week back in school and the children have worked really hard…

Our learning this week…

English - This week we have begun a new unit, which is a modern retelling of a myth. We’ve looked at the similarities and differences between the stories and have been working on complex sentences with relative clause.

Maths - The focus this week has been on multiplying fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers and finding fractions of amounts.

RE - In the parable of the Lost Son, the children have identified the important message and have explored who the Father and the Son represent and what the the story tells us about them.

Geography - This week the children have learnt about the cause of floods and its impact on people and the environment. The children have also used an atlas to locate and name the largest rivers in the world and have identified the source and the mouth of each river.

Computing - The children have had fun this week learning about a device called a Micro:bit. They explored the blocks within the code editor to create a simple animation.

microbit image.png

Spanish - Our new unit is El cafe and we’ve started to learn new words and phrases that can be used when ordering food and drink in a cafe.

PE - This week the children used their orienteering skills to navigate around a course to find the names of Greek Gods.

Resilient moves

Thank you for sharing your resilient moves this week…

Please continue to send in photos of yourselves making resilient moves to year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk so we can see what you’ve been up to.

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Kayden

Writing Award - Lennon

Maths Award - Adam

Year 5 Star Winner - 

Bedrock competition


As you can see, Bedrock have launched this new prize draw competition with some fantastic prizes. You have all been entered into this competition and for a chance of winning, you just need to collect 120 or more points using Bedrock. If you go to the dashboard on your Bedrock account, you will find details of how you can collect points. Remember, you need to complete at least one Bedrock lesson for homework but to earn more points you can do more. However, please do not complete more than one lesson per day to ensure vocabulary retention. In addition to Bedrock’s competition, we will also have our own in class Bedrock competition too. The member of our class who has the most Bedrock points by the end of half term will win a prize. Good luck Year 5!

Well done Year 5, you’ve made a good start to this half term! Please see the homework page for this week’s homework. Homework will need to be completed before Thursday, when I will check your results. Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Connolly

AuthorKay McVey

We have had the most delightful week with our ducklings this week. It has been a joy for all of us to watch our four wonderful ducklings, Puck, Titania, Demetrius and Lysander grow and play this week. Watch our video to see how much they’ve grown and how much they love water!

Year 5 have been very busy this week charting the ducklings growth for our Science work and they’ve learnt quite a bit more of their life cycle . Sadly, the ducklings have now gone to their new home on a farm where they will be able to wander freely with other ducklings. We really are going to miss them as they all have such loveable characters.

Our other learning this week…

English - This week the children have continued to work on the Greek myth Pandora’s box and are now in the process of planning their version of the story from the point of view of Pandora.

Maths - This week we’ve continued to work on adding fractions and also adding mixed numbers.

RE - This week the focus was on how Mary, our Mother, can help us untangle knots of sin.

Geography - We’ve identified how a river changes along its course and we’ve used an atlas to locate the longest rivers in the British Isles.

PE - On Tuesday the children ran the daily mile on our KS2 playground. On Thursday the children played a fast paced Easter themed game called Carrot Quest which uses attacking and defending skills.

Holy Week

Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week with Palm Sunday. Normally we would mark this very special celebration, lead by KS1, in Church and then each day each KS2 class would then lead an assembly each morning to tell the special events of the week. Instead, next week we will explore a part of the Easter story each day next week. We have also been challenged to create two Stations of the Cross which will go into Church next week. I will post photos on the blog next week when they are finished.

Lent Reading Challenge

book challenge.jpg

I’ve been delighted with how Year 5 have taken on our reading challenge over the last few weeks. It’s been wonderful to see how enthused they’ve been and I’m impressed with how many children have read more than one of our challenge books. Well done Year 5!

Next week is our Book club celebration and we’re really looking forward to having a discussion and sharing our thoughts . Please encourage your child to finish their chosen challenge book if they have not already done so, so that they are able to fully join in. Thank you.

Resilient moves

Thank you for sharing your resilient moves this week…

Please continue to send in photos of you making resilient moves to year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk so we can see what you’ve been up to.

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Kourtney

Writing Award - Nevaeh

Maths Award - Cianna

Year 5 Star Winner -

It’s been a great week Year 5, you’ve continued to work hard and I hope you all have a great well deserved weekend.

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Connolly

AuthorKay McVey

What a lovely week it has been! It has felt really good to have the class back together and I’ve been really impressed with how the children have come back positive and ready to learn. They’ve done really well this week and it’s like they’ve never been away. Well done Year 5, we’re so proud of you!

Our learning this week…

English - This week we have begun our unit on Greek Myths and have been exploring the story of Pandora’s box.

Maths - We’ve continued to work on fractions this week. We started by recapping the work that was completed over the last two weeks of home learning and have moved onto comparing and ordering fractions greater than 1.

Geography - We’ve looked in detail at the water cycle to follow up with the work from Kingfisher education workshops last week.

Art - This week we have looked at sculptures from the artist Alberto Giacometti. Then to link in with our work on the Ancient Greeks we have started making our own 3D sculptures, in the style of Alberto Giacometti, on the theme of the Ancient Greek Olympics. The children started by sketching each other in poses of Olympic sports and then they chose one and created the pose out of dowling and masking tape. Afterwards, the children applied modroc to complete the sculpture. Next week the children will paint them.

PE - This week the children have run the daily mile out on the playground and in our second session this week the children have played a Greek themed tag game - Spartans versus Athenians.

PSHE - We began our week reflecting on the lockdown and it gave the children the opportunity to talk about their lockdown memories and how they have felt about the last few months. We also began our ‘Think Good, Feel Good’ sessions of Bounce Forward which link to the Coping and Core Self Potion of the resilient framework. Using Disney’s Inside Out film, we explored all the emotions the children might feel and reinforced that it is ok to feel different at times and that is ok to feel sad, angry etc. It’s how we cope with it that helps us to be resilient.


Resilient moves

What resilient moves will you make this week? Please email me your resilient move photos to year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk

Lent Reading Challenge

We have decided as a class to take on a class reading challenge for Lent. By the end of term, we - Year 5, Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Connolly - will read one of three books (chosen by the children). In the last week before we break up, we will celebrate our reading achievement by sharing our thoughts on the book with a book club party. Please encourage your child to read their chosen book to enable them to enjoy our book club at the end of term. You never know, some children might even go the extra mile and end up reading all three (Now there’s a challenge!).

book challenge.jpg

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Sam

Writing Award - Kayden

Maths Award - Evie

Year 5 Star Winner - Evie

Congratulations to Kourtney who was the overall Year 5 winner for the World Book Day 📚bookmark competition. Thank you and well done to everyone who took part.


Congratulations to Sam for achieving his Bronze Music Medal on the flute this week. He scored an amazing 100% on his exam. Well done Sam!

Well done Year 5, we hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Connolly

AuthorKay McVey

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday, I am delighted and I am looking forward to welcoming you all back to school on Monday 8th March. It’s the news we’ve all been waiting for and it’s a sign of hope that better things are to come. The safety measures that have been in place since September will remain to ensure that we all stay safe in our own little year group bubble. If you haven’t already, please see Miss Haggerty’s post on the main news page of the website for details of the reopening. 

Our Lenten adventure begins…

Last Wednesday marked the beginning of Lent, which is a season of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter. By observing the 40 days of Lent, or 46 if we count Sundays, we replicate Jesus Christ's sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert for 40 days. It is a time to refocus on Jesus as we look ahead to his death on the Cross at Easter and rejoice over his miraculous return. It is a time for reflecting on what we could do differently or maybe what we could do more of or less of during this time. Thank you for sharing your Lenten promises with me this week. In school the children also made their Lenten promises which we have put on display. When we get back to school we will think of a Lenten challenge that we can do together as a class.


World Book Day

On Thursday it is World Book Day and we are asking children who are in school to dress as their favourite book character and if you’re at home, I would still like you to get involved and send me your photos. All the World Book Day activities, including a whole school bookmark competition, are detailed on the timetable and this will take place instead of our English work for the day.



You should have all received an email regarding Bikeability which will take place on Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th March. This activity is limited to 12 children who are competent riders. Forms will need to be completed and sent in on Monday 8th March. Places are first come first serve basis.

Resilient moves

Thank you to those who shared their resilient moves this week. What resilient moves will you make this week? Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make this week to year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk  I look forward to receiving them.

Thank you once again Year 5 for the great work I’ve received this week. Next week’s home learning will be available on the home learning page later today ready for next week. As this will be our last week of home learning before we all return to school, please email work to me by 1pm on Friday 5th March so that I am able to feedback to the children before the end of the school day. Any work sent after the school day on Friday 5th March will go into your child’s lockdown portfolio of work but as we are all back at school on MONDAY 8TH MARCH I will not have time to go through it and feedback. Thank you for your continued support with this.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Connolly

AuthorKay McVey