You have all made me so incredibly proud!
Good Morning Year 5 (Year 4 please scroll to the bottom of this blog)
Well I can’t believe that we’re already only two weeks away from the end of this Summer term and the end to your time in Year 5. Normally we would be reflecting on the year that we’ve had, looking forward to your new class and you would have had a transition or “Moving up” day as we call it in school. This year we are unable to do this but today, as well as all the work that I have set for you for this week, you will need to visit the bottom of today’s Year 6 blog to see a special transition task that Miss Slater has set for you which will need to be completed and sent to her by the end of this week. I will also be doing a similar thing for Year 4 to virtually welcome them into Year 5.
As usual Year 5, you have made me very proud with all the hard work that you continue to do whilst at home and I thank you for working hard and I thank your parents for continuing to support you and for keeping me informed of all the great things you are doing. I would also like to say a big thank you this week to all of you who took part in the Times Tables Rock Star competition against Year 6 last Wednesday. We didn’t win this time but it was great to see so many of you trying so hard to earn your points. See below for some more TTRS battles I’d like to see you get involved in this week.
Lastly, I would also like to express how proud I am of all those children who took part in the virtual Pop Idol and Blackpool Musician of the Year competitions. I was so impressed with all your entries and I’m so glad that I didn’t have to judge them because it really would have been such a difficult decision to make. I am however proud to say that going through to the main competitions are some children from our class. Well done to Megan for getting through to the Pop Idol competition 🎤 and well done to Claire and Reuben for getting through to the Blackpool Musician of the Year competition 🎷. I wish all of you, and Alana from Year 6, the best of luck in the finals.
Take a look at what some of Year 5 have been up to this week…
Sports Day 2020 - Get involved for your house!
This year’s 'Sports day' will take place starting today, Monday 6th July, until Wednesday 8th July. If you have not already done so, please take a look at the sports section of our school website for further information about our sports day from home and school. It is important that everyone participates as you will contribute to your house team possibly winning! You will need to complete the challenges within those days and email me your entry with one photo of yourself completing a challenge by 4pm on Wednesday. Any after 4.00pm will not be counted. After the event, photos will be displayed on the Sports page of our website.
This week’s learning focus:
Keep up with your daily reading. Aim to read for at least 20 minutes a day.📚
Free Ebooks can be accessed at Click on “My class login” and enter the username and password I sent to you previously. Through this login you can also access Oxford Owl Spelling, which is the same as the Read, Write, Inc spelling scheme we have used in class. You’ll find the spelling activities in the Extra Practice Zone when you first log in. See parent guide for support.
Bedrock - Complete at least three times this week.
Writing task - Due to the transition task that Miss Slater will be setting you this week (see the bottom of Y6’s blog for details), I will not expect the Pie Corbett Talk for Writing Pack (unit 5) ‘The Ultimate Guide to Elves and Sprites’ to be finished until the end of next week. For your writing task this week, please prioritise Miss Slater’s transition to Y6 task/s instead. 📝
Education City - Reading & Spelling tasks have been set.
White Rose Maths - The videos for this week’s lessons can be found at Download this week’s worksheets .
The answers for the worksheets can be accessed here: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.
MyMaths & Education City - I have set tasks on these sites which reinforce the White Rose Resources and allow you to practise the skills.
TT Rockstars - Daily for 10 minutes. Also, this week we have two TTRockstar battles that I would like you all to get involved in. The first is on Monday 10am till 12pm against Year 6 - this will be our second chance to try and win against them! The second battle will be against Year 4 on Thursday 10am till 12pm. Good luck Year 5 and please make sure you all get involved with the battles and do your bit for Team Year 5.
Additional work/resources:
• Week 13 Learning Projectt The theme of the project this week is all about Celebrations. Please note that the Learning Project themes may be a little out of synch with other classes over the next few weeks. However, if Year 5 have siblings in other classes and you prefer to work on the themes using their project theme, that’s fine.
• This week’s new challenge from Oddizzi is Physical Features
• #OnlineSafetyAtHome pack 8 from ThinkUKnow. This week’s theme is all about keeping safe online whilst gaming.
• Father Jim continues to update his website for the children. If you have any questions for Father Jim, please look at the Children’s page on the Church Website. He’s looking forward to all your questions.
• ¡Aquí se habla Español ! If you want to continue learning Spanish, a lovely fun app called Duolingo (free version) is a great place to start. Why not try 10 minutes a day and see how much you can learn. Let me know how you get on!
Hope you all have a lovely week and don’t forget to visit the Year 6 blog to find out about your transition task for Miss Slater.
Mrs McVey🙋🏻
Year 4 - Welcome to Year 5
Good Morning Year 4,
Firstly I just want to welcome you all to Year 5 and tell you how excited I am to be teaching you from September. On Thursday I met with Mrs Cunningham-Kay to talk about you all and it was lovely to hear how hard you have all worked this year and how proud she is of how you’ve all continued to do this at home over these last few months. It has been an unusual end to this school year and although we are not able to meet in the Year 5 classroom for our usual transition or moving up morning, it’s lovely that we get the chance to do this virtually.
Although I have taught you Spanish for the last two years and we’ve already been able to get to know each other, there are still so many things that I would like to know about you. If we had been in school together I would have started by sharing some things about myself and I would have shown you my “Me” box. Instead, I’ve created a little video to help you get to know me a bit better…
Now that you know a little more about me, I’d like you to tell me about you. Below are some things that I would like to know about you and it is up to you how you respond to them. I have attached a booklet that I made that you can write in, or you may prefer to write a letter, make a poster or even a video - there are few templates below which you may use if you wish. If possible it would be lovely if you could send a photograph of yourself with your work, which I can then share on the Year 5 blog at a later date. However you choose to respond to my questions and share your thoughts and feelings about you, I would like you to send these to me at my email address by Friday 10th July.
1) Tell me about you. Describe yourself. What do you like/dislike? What hobbies and interests do you have? What are your strengths? What are your ambitions?
2) What have you been doing while school has been closed? How have you found home learning? What fun things have you been doing? Have you tried anything new?
3) Your Year 4 achievements/areas for development. What did you enjoy most? What did you find difficult?
4) What are you looking forward to in Year 5?
5) Do you have any worries/concerns about coming back to school or being in Year 5?
Thank you Year 4. I look forward to hearing from all of you and I will be in touch with you again soon.
Mrs McVey 🙋🏻
All about Me booklet (with lines)
Good Morning
Today (Monday 29th June) is the Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. Over the weekend, Father Jim celebrated this Feast with a Mass which you can watch here on the church website. Father Jim has also put together a mass (as he did for Ascension) especially for the children which should be available today on the children’s page. It features readings, drawings, hymns etc from children across all Blackpool Catholic Schools.
I’m extremely proud of all your efforts during the TTRS battle between the boys and girls last week. It really was neck and neck all week and when I had a look at the results just before the competition ended, the girls were actually in the lead. However, a big effort from the boys in the closing minutes meant that they were able to overtake the girls and win. Well done boys! Please see details below of another TTRS battle planned for Wednesday and I’d very much like to see all members of Year 5 working as part of a team to do their part.
Have a look at what else some of Year 5 did this week…
This week’s learning focus:
Keep up with your daily reading. Aim to read for at least 20 minutes a day.📚
Free Ebooks can be accessed at Click on “My class login” and enter the username and password I sent to you last week. Through this login you can also access Oxford Owl Spelling, which is the same as the Read, Write, Inc spelling scheme we have used in class. You’ll find the spelling activities in the Extra Practice Zone when you first log in. See parent guide for support.
Bedrock - Complete at least three times this week.
Writing task -Pie Corbett Talk for Writing Pack (unit 5) The Ultimate Guide to Elves and Sprites is the final Talk for writing unit that I will be asking you to complete. It can be printed off if you can, or just use from the screen with a note book if not. When you have finished this unit, please send me a copy of your completed writing. 📝
Education City - Reading & Spelling tasks have been set.
White Rose Maths - The videos for this week’s lessons can be found at Download this week’s worksheets .
The answers for the worksheets can be accessed here: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.
MyMaths & Education City - I have set tasks on these sites which reinforce the White Rose Resources and allow you to practise the skills.
TT Rockstars - Daily for 10 minutes. This week I have set up a Times Tables Battle between Year 5 and Year 6. The battle commences at 9am and will end at 3.30pm on Wednesday 1st July . I’ll be checking on the progress of this battle throughout the day and I’ve told Miss Slater that we will definitely win. So Year 5, work as a team because WE NEED TO WIN! 😉Good luck everyone!
Note about Sumdog - Our subscription to Sumdog ends this week so I have not set any activities on Sumdog this week. You will find that once the subscription ends, some access to premium games and content will disappear.
Additional work/resources:
• Week 12 Learning Project The theme of the project this week is all about Under the Sea. 🐠 🐙 🐳 🐋 Please note that the Learning Project themes may be a little out of synch with other classes over the next few weeks. However, if Year 5 have siblings in other classes and you prefer to work on the themes using their project theme, that’s fine.
• This week’s new challenge from Oddizzi is Global Knowledge
• #OnlineSafetyAtHome pack 7 from ThinkUKnow. If you haven’t already, take a look at these activities.
• Father Jim continues to update his website for the children. If you have any questions for Father Jim, please look at the Children’s page on the Church Website. He’s looking forward to all your questions.
• ¡Aquí se habla Español ! If you want to continue learning Spanish, a lovely fun app called Duolingo (free version) is a great place to start. Why not try 10 minutes a day and see how much you can learn. Let me know how you get on!
Coming up next week…
This year’s 'Sports day' will take place between Monday 6th July - Wednesday 8th July. Please take a look at the sports section of our school website for further information about our sports day from home and school. It is important that everyone participates as you will contribute to your house team possibly winning! Children will need to complete the challenges within those days and email me their entry by 4pm on that Wednesday. Any after 4.00pm will not be counted.
Take care, miss you all!
Mrs McVey🙋🏻
Good Morning Year 5
How have we got to week 11 of home learning? These weeks just seem to be flying by and I can hardly believe it! What I do know though, is that you all continue to amaze me with your hard work and for that I am so proud of you all!
Thank you to those of you who sent me updates of what you have been doing. I love receiving these and so if you haven’t yet done so, please ask your parents to send me a quick email and a photo of something you have been doing. ( )
Have a look at what some members of Year 5 have been doing…
This week’s learning focus:
Keep up with your daily reading. Aim to read for at least 20 minutes a day.📚
Free Ebooks can be accessed at Click on “My class login” and enter the username and password I sent to you last week. Through this login you can also access Oxford Owl Spelling, which is the same as the Read, Write, Inc spelling scheme we have used in class. You’ll find the spelling activities in the Extra Practice Zone when you first log in. See parent guide for support.
Bedrock - Complete at least three times this week. A really big well done to those children who are completing this every day! 👏🏻🌟
Writing task - The new Pie Corbett Talk for Writing unit has not yet been released so this week I would like you to have a go at the story below, which was also released by the Talk for Writing company. Please work on this over the next week and send me a copy of the completed writing once you have finished it. The Cloud Swing is a lovely short story written by Eithne Gallagher, which tells of a young child’s magic journey on a cloud swing around Italy under lockdown. Once you’ve read the story, I’d like you to plan and write your own trip through lockdown. You could choose a magic carpet or have your own cloud-swing or microlight to magic you to wherever you want to go. Please use your best joined handwriting and check your spellings.📝
Education City - Reading & Spelling tasks have been set.
Sumdog - a Spelling assessment has been set this week. (Please see note about Sumdog below)
White Rose Maths - The videos for this week’s lessons can be found at Download this week’s worksheets .
The answers for the worksheets can be accessed here: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.
MyMaths & Education City - I have set tasks on these sites which reinforce the White Rose Resources and allow you to practise the skills.
TT Rockstars - Daily for 10 minutes. This week I have set up a Times Tables Battle between the Year 5 boys 👦and girls 👧. The battle commences at 9am today and will end at 3.30pm on Friday. I’ll be checking on the progress of this battle throughout the week. Good luck!
Note about Sumdog - Our subscription to Sumdog is ending this month so I have not set any maths (or grammar) activities on Sumdog this week. I would prefer you to prioritise MyMaths & Education City once you’ve done your White Rose Maths lessons. However, you will still be able to use Sumdog and have access to premium games at the moment if you wish. Once the subscription ends, you will find that some access will disappear.
Additional work/resources:
• Week 11 Learning Project The theme of the project this week is all about Transport.🚗 🏍 🚋 ✈️
• This week’s new challenge from Oddizzi is Food and Farming
• #OnlineSafetyAtHome pack 7 from ThinkUKnow
• Father Jim continues to update his website for the children. If you have any questions for Father Jim, please look at the Children’s page on the Church Website. He’s looking forward to all your questions.
• ¡Aquí se habla Español ! If you want to continue learning Spanish, a lovely fun app called Duolingo (free version) is a great place to start. Why not try 10 minutes a day and see how much you can learn. Let me know how you get on!
Take care, miss you all!
Mrs McVey🙋🏻
Good Morning Year 5
Well I’m really impressed! Last week you got off to a flying start with all your learning , I’m so proud of you all! Thank you to parents for continuing to update me of your child’s work and other activities they are doing. Keep up the great work Year 5!
Have a look at what your friends have been up to…
Please keep sending photos of what you are all doing, it’s a wonderful way for us to stay connected.
This week’s learning focus:
Keep up with your daily reading. Aim to read for at least 20 minutes a day.📚
Free Ebooks can be accessed at Click on “My class login” and enter the username and password (This will be sent by text Monday morning). Don’t forget you can also borrow Ebooks from your local library.
Bedrock - Complete at least three times this week. A really big well done to those children who are completing this every day! 👏🏻🌟
Pie Corbett Talk for Writing Pack (unit 4) I would like you to continue with this unit you started last week. You should have completed this work by the end of this week. It can be printed off if you can, or just use from the screen with a note book if not. Please send me a copy of your writing when you’ve finished (by 19th June). 📝
Sumdog & Education City - Spelling, reading and grammar tasks have been set on these sites (but please prioritise Bedrock and Pie Corbett).
White Rose Maths - The videos for this week’s lessons can be found at Download this week’s worksheets .
The answers for the worksheets can be accessed here: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. Once you’ve completed your maths lesson, self mark your work to check that you’ve got the answers right. Don’t forget that Friday’s maths lesson is a challenge which you will find on the above link - there are no worksheets for this.
Sumdog, MyMaths & Education City - I have set tasks on these sites which reinforce the White Rose Resources and allow you to practise the skills (but please prioritise White Rose Maths).
TT Rockstars - Daily for 10 minutes. 🎸
Additional work/resources:
• Learning Project The theme of the project this week is all about Space 🚀.
• This week’s new challenge from Oddizzi is Country close up 🌍
• #OnlineSafetyAtHome pack 6 from ThinkUKnow (if you’ve not already had a look at this) 🖥
• RE Home Activities This has many RE activities that the children can do from home. If you haven’t already, please have a look at the links to the Year 5 and 6 activities. If you have any questions for Father Jim, please look at the Children’s page on the Church Website. He’s looking forward to all your questions. ✝
• ¡Aquí se habla Español ! 🇪🇸 Try out the fun app called Duolingo (free version) to continue your Spanish learning or even try a different language - you can learn a few different languages using the same account. Why not try 10 minutes a day of Spanish and see how much you can learn. Let me know how you get on! Really pleased to hear that so many of you are now using this as part of your daily timetable. Well done Year 5!
Hope you all have a good week. Take care, miss you all!
Mrs McVey🙋🏻
Good morning
I hope you have all enjoyed a well deserved rest and have been able to enjoy some family time over the last two weeks. We were blessed again with some beautiful weather, particularly over the first week, and I hope you were able to make the most of the outside whilst still keeping safe.
As you will be aware, from today school is now open more widely for some children and some Year groups will be returning in the coming weeks. Unfortunately for us, that does not include our Year group. Although I will now be in school more often ( working with other groups of children in school), I will continue to set you work for you whilst you are at home. Thank you for all your hard work , I am so proud of how you continue to show resilience and great strength whilst working from home at this very unusual time - you really are an amazing class! Keep up the great work and remember that if you’re unsure of anything then please do get your parents to email me. Due to the wider opening, I will now be in school more often but I will continue to answer emails. However, I may just need to ask for your patience on certain days. Please continue to send me your finished pieces of writing and photos of things you’ve been doing so that we can share these on our weekly blog - it’s a great way to feel connected and see what your friends are up to.
This week’s learning focus:
Keep up with your daily reading. Aim to read for at least 20 minutes a day.
Bedrock - Complete at least three times this week.
Pie Corbett Talk for Writing Pack (unit 4) You are to complete this new talk for writing pack, called Wonderful Wizards, over the next two weeks. It can be printed off if you can, or just use from the screen with a note book if not. Please send me a copy of the completed writing by 19th June.📝
Sumdog & Education City - If you have additional time, spelling and grammar tasks have been set on these sites.
White Rose Maths - The videos for this week’s lessons can be found at Download this week’s worksheets .
The answers for the worksheets can be accessed here: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. Don’t forget that Friday’s maths lesson is a challenge which you will find on the above link - there are no worksheets for this.
Sumdog, MyMaths & Education City - If you have additional time, I have set tasks on these sites which reinforce the White Rose Resources and allow you to practise the skills.
TT Rockstars - Daily for 10 minutes.
Additional work/resources:
• This week’s new challenge from Oddizzi is Weather and Climate
• #OnlineSafetyAtHome pack 6 from ThinkUKnow
• RE Home Activities This has many RE activities that the children can do from home. If you haven’t already, please have a look at the links to the Year 5 and 6 activities. If you have any questions for Father Jim, please look at the Children’s page on the Church Website. He’s looking forward to all your questions.
• ¡Aquí se habla Español ! Try out the fun app called Duolingo (free version) to continue your Spanish learning or even try a different language - you can learn a few different languages using the same account. Why not try 10 minutes a day of Spanish and see how much you can learn. Let me know how you get on!
Hope you all have a good week. Take care, miss you all!
Mrs McVey🙋🏻
Any children from any class can get involved in these acting or singing challenges.
Good morning Year 5
We are now on week 8 of home learning and I’m so impressed with the continued hard work and resilience that I’m seeing from everyone. I’ve continued to enjoy reading your writing, seeing the success in your maths work and also hearing from your parents about all the other wonderful things that you have all been doing since we last were together. Please continue to share what you are doing, it’s so important to stay connected. Thank you parents for continuing to update me on how your child is getting on at home. Please can parents that have not updated me for a while get in touch by email just to let me know how everything is going (
What have some of Year 5 been up to this week?
This week’s learning focus:
Keep up with your daily reading. Aim to read for at least 20 minutes a day.
Pie Corbett Talk for Writing Pack (unit 3) Year 5 are to complete this new talk for writing pack. It can be printed off if you can, or just use from the screen with a note book if not. Please work on this over the next week and then as we are then on half term, please send me a copy of the completed writing once you have finished it.📝
Sumdog & Education City - Spelling and grammar tasks have been set on these sites.
White Rose Maths - The videos for this week’s lessons can be found at Download this week’s worksheets .
The answers for the worksheets can be accessed here: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.
Sumdog, MyMaths & Education City - I have set tasks on these sites which reinforce the White Rose Resources and allow you to practise the skills.
TT Rockstars - Daily for 10 minutes. This week TT Rockstars also launched a challenge to become the Guinness World Record title holder by answering as many times tables questions correctly as you can in one minute. Have you got what it takes? Click on the link for details TTRockstar challenge.
Additional work/resources:
• Espresso Learning
• This week’s new challenge from Oddizzi is Places
• #OnlineSafetyAtHome pack 4 from ThinkUKnow (If you’ve not already accessed this, please have a go at the activities.)
• RE Home Activities This has many RE activities that the children can do from home. If you haven’t already, please have a look at the links to the Year 5 and 6 activities. If you have any questions for Father Jim, please look at the Children’s page on the Church Website. He’s looking forward to all your questions.
• ¡Aquí se habla Español ! If you want to continue learning Spanish, a lovely fun app called Duolingo (free version) is a great place to start. Why not try 10 minutes a day and see how much you can learn. Let me know how you get on!
Take care, miss you all!
Mrs McVey🙋🏻
Calling all budding actors from any Year group…
Good morning.
I hope you all had a lovely week and bank holiday weekend, we were certainly blessed with the weather once again☀️. In school, children of key workers learned about VE day and took part in some craft activities. What did you do for VE day?
Thank you once again for all your photos, it is lovely to see what you’re all getting up to. Keep sending those photos so we can continue to share and stay connected. Take a look at what some children in Year 5 have been doing…
This week’s learning focus:
Keep up with your daily reading. Aim to read for at least 20 minutes a day.
Pie Corbett Talk for Writing Pack (unit 2) I would like you to continue with this unit you started last week. You should have completed this work by the end of this week. It can be printed off if you can, or just use from the screen with a note book if not. Please send me a copy of your writing when you’ve finished (By 15.5.20).📝
Sumdog & Education City - Spelling and grammar tasks have been set on these sites.
White Rose Maths - The videos for this week’s lessons can be found at Download this week’s worksheets and answers here.
Sumdog & MyMaths - I have set tasks on these sites which reinforce the White Rose Resources and allow you to practise the skills.
TT Rockstars - Daily for 10 minutes.
Additional work/resources:
• Espresso Learning
• This week’s new challenge from Oddizzi is Global knowledge
• #OnlineSafetyAtHome pack 4 from ThinkUKnow
• RE Home Activities This has many RE activities that the children can do from home. If you haven’t already, please have a look at the links to the Year 5 and 6 activities. If you have any questions for Father Jim, please look at the Children’s page on the Church Website. He’s looking forward to all your questions.
• ¡Aquí se habla Español ! If you want to continue learning Spanish, a lovely fun app called Duolingo (free version) is a great place to start. Why not try 10 minutes a day and see how much you can learn. Let me know how you get on!
Take care, miss you all!
Mrs McVey🙋🏻
Good morning
Well I can’t believe that we’re on week 6 of home learning. I continue to be amazed at how hard working and resilient you are all being and I applaud all your efforts during this very difficult time. I know that it is not easy for any of you and so I want to say thank you to all of you and your parents. I really do miss seeing you all and I continue to appreciate all the photos you are sending of yourselves and your work which is helping us all stay connected at this time. 😊
Thank you to those of you who have sent in your healthy selfies!💃🏃🏻⚽️ I’ve added these to the following animoto, alongside some photos/videos of the key worker children who were in school doing dance with Mrs Frost this week…
This week’s learning focus:
Keep up with your daily reading. You should read for at least 20 minutes. Why not read aloud to someone using good expression.
Remember you can borrow ebooks and eAudio books from your local library. Go to for more information - there are some great titles that will be of interest to everyone. Oxford Owl also has ebooks you can read too.
Bedrock - Complete at least three times this week. It now allows you to do this everyday. Parents, if you have not yet got the login details from me to enable you to look at your child’s Bedrock activity and monitor their success, then please email me and I will send you the access code.
Pie Corbett Talk for Writing Pack (unit 2) Year 5 are to complete this new talk for writing pack over the next two weeks. It can be printed off if you can, or just use from the screen with a note book if not. Please send me a copy of your finished piece of writing when you’ve finished at the end of the two weeks (By 15.5.20).📝
Sumdog & Education City - Spelling and grammar tasks have been set on these sites.
White Rose Maths - The videos for this weeks lessons can be found at We now subscribe to White Rose Maths so accompanying worksheets, from next week, will now need to be downloaded here and will no longer be available on the link. Download this week’s Worksheets & Answers here.
Sumdog & MyMaths - I have set tasks on these sites which reinforce the White Rose Resources and allow you to practise the skills.
TT Rockstars - Daily for 10 minutes.
RE Home Activities This has many RE activities that the children can do from home. If you haven’t already, please have a look at the links to the Year 5 and 6 activities!
Can I also remind you that Fr Jim has set up a Chidren’s page on the Church Website. He’s looking forward to all your questions.
Additional work/resources:
• Espresso Learning
• This week’s new challenge from Oddizzi is Food and farming
If you’ve not already accessed these:
• #OnlineSafetyAtHome pack 3 from ThinkUKnow
• Lancashire Stay at Home Programme has some physical activities the children can do.
• ¡Aquí se habla Español ! If you want to continue learning Spanish, a lovely fun app called Duolingo (free version) is a great place to start. Why not try 10 minutes a day and see how much you can learn. Let me know how you get on!
A competition…
Blackpool Schools Games/Active Blackpool are looking for children to design a mascot for Team Blackpool that can be featured on next year’s School Games banners. I have attached the details to this link, Design a mascot competition, but just ignore the year groups and entry dates - it’s open to all children now. If you want to get involved, all you need to do is draw your mascot design on a sheet of paper and ask a parent to e-mail it over to They want to see lots of colour on the mascot designs and most importantly a really creative name.
Have a lovely week Year 5. If you’ve not yet sent in your healthy selfie then please do ask your parents to email me one so we can share more next week.
Take care, miss you all!
Mrs McVey🙋🏻
Good morning Year 5, I hope you’ve all had a wonderful weekend.
Thank you once again for you’re amazing efforts with your learning at home. I’m really pleased to see so many of you working so hard on Bedrock - most of you are now completing three or more lessons a week which is fantastic. There has also been a great effort with maths on Sumdog and MyMaths too. If any of you have forgotten your logins for any of these sites then please do email me and I can send the details to you. I know that many of you have also been working on the lessons from White Rose Maths and the Pie Corbett writing now too - thank you to those parents who have been sending me copies of the work completed.
I also want to say a big thank you👏🏻 to those of you who had a go at the #ShareYourShakespeare challenge. Please take a look at our Twitter page @OLABlackpool to see your entries. If you still want to have a go at this, it’s not too late to send me your entry - remember it can be anything Shakespeare 🎭 🎨.
This week’s learning focus:
Read daily for at least 20 minutes. If you can, share what you have read with someone else.
Remember you can borrow ebooks and eAudio books from your local library. Go to for more information - there are some great titles that will be of interest to everyone. Oxford Owl also has ebooks you can read too.
Bedrock - Complete three times this week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). Can be completed every 48 hours.
I would also like you to continue with the writing task from the Pie Corbett Learning pack you started last week - Year 5 Pie Corbett learning pack You should have completed this work by the end of this week. It can be printed off if you can, or just use from the screen with a note book if not. Please send me a copy of your writing when you’ve finished.📝
Sumdog & Education City - Spelling and grammar tasks have been set on these sites.
Lots of you followed the White Rose Maths lessons last week, well done! I would like you to continue using this resource. The focus this week is Week 2 lessons which can be found at:
Sumdog & MyMaths - I have set tasks on these sites which reinforce the White Rose Resources and allow you to practise the skills.
TT Rockstars - Daily for 10 minutes.
RE Home Activities This has many RE activities that the children can do from home. Please have a look at the links to the Year 5 and 6 activities!
Can I also remind you that Fr Jim has set up a Chidren’s page on the Church Website:
Just like the ‘Ask Fr Jim’ book we have in school, Fr Jim is asking you to email ( him any questions that the children want to ask him, along with their name and year group. Fr Jim will then respond to these questions and puts the video response on the children’s page. It’s a lovely way to keep the children connected to the church and to Fr Jim, who also misses all the children dearly!
Additional work/resources:
• Espresso Learning
• #OnlineSafetyAtHome pack 3 from ThinkUKnow
• This week’s new challenge from Oddizzi is Country close up
• Lancashire Stay at Home Programme has some physical activities the children can do.
• ¡Aquí se habla Español ! If you want to continue learning Spanish, a lovely fun app called Duolingo (free version) is a great place to start. Why not try 10 minutes a day and see how much you can learn. Let me know how you get on!
Have a lovely week Year 5. I look forward to seeing all your hard work but I would also like to hear about the other things you are doing…What are you reading? Have you done any baking? Have you drawn/painted/made anything? Please send photos of these things that we can share on our next blog. I would also like to challenge you to send me a photo of a healthy selfie (a photo of yourself engaging in some form of physical exercise). I will look forward to receiving those too!
Take care, miss you all!
Mrs McVey🙋🏻
Good morning Year 5
First of all I just wanted to say a big thank you for all your hard work last week and for all the pieces of writing - I have really enjoyed reading them. I also want to say a big thank you for the photos you’ve sent in of your creative work, your book recommendations and the great resilient moves you’re all making to get through this tough time. I miss you all so much so keep those coming as they are a joy to receive and to be able to share.
#ShareYourShakespeare initiative from the RSC
Before we look at this week’s learning focus, I want to tell you about the Royal Shakespeare Company’s #ShareYourShakespeare initiative to celebrate Shakespeare’s birthday on 23rd April.. This could be anything Shakespeare - perform a speech, paint a picture, get your pets involved or even your teddies… They would then like you to film or photograph your Shakespeare in any way you like and upload to instagram, twitter or Youtube, tagging @theRSC and using the hashtag #ShareYourShakespeare. I would really like as many of you to get involved if you can and make sure you mention @OLABlackpool, which is our Twitter handle, so that they know you are from our school and so I can retweet them for our school community to see. Alternatively, send me any photos/film clips and a caption or brief description of your photo/film clip and I will upload to our school Twitter account with your first name and Year group. Please note that film clips for Twitter must not exceed 2 minutes 20 seconds. I really look forward to seeing what you come up with! Any children from other Year groups can also submit entries to me too, or perhaps even the whole family could be involved! I think I might have a go myself! For more information please see
This week’s learning focus:
Read daily for at least 20 minutes. If you can, share what you have read with someone else. In addition to the sites I’ve mentioned in previous posts, you can also borrow ebooks and eAudio books from your local library. Go to for more information - there are some great titles that will be of interest to everyone.
Bedrock - Complete on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Can be completed every 48 hours.
Writing tasks from the Pie Corbett Learning pack (see below)
Year 5 Pie Corbett learning pack -This pack will provide two weeks work which can be printed off if you can, or just use from the screen with a note book if not. These resources are specifically for Year 5 and will hopefully support the children in moving them forward in their home learning. I’d really like Year 5 to all have a go at completing this over the next two weeks if possible.
Sumdog & Education City - Complete all focus tasks in spelling and grammar.
Maths learning up till now has focused on reinforcing work that the children had already been taught in Year 5. Now, as lockdown continues and home learning is entering the fourth week, it is becoming increasingly important that the children continue to move their learning forward. White Rose Maths Team have developed lessons for the Summer Term, focusing on skills that I would have been teaching the children had we been in school. The resources include a teaching video and then activities that go with it. The focus this week is Week 1 lessons which can be found at:
Sumdog & MyMaths - Complete the focused tasks which reinforce the White Rose Resources and allow you to practise the skills.
TT Rockstars - Daily for 10 minutes.
Additional work/resources:
• Espresso Learning
• #OnlineSafetyAtHome pack 2 from ThinkUKnow (if you didn’t get chance to have a go at the activities last week).
• Compete against other members of Year 5 and see if you can get to the top of the Leaderboard in the quiz section! You could have a go at this Weather and Climate activity pack from Oddizzi too - we’d have been looking at lines of latitude and climate in Geography this term.
I hope you enjoy your week and I really look forward to seeing your #ShareYourShakespeare entries to send to the Royal Shakespeare Company. Also, remember to keep those resilient moves photos coming so we can share more next week.
Mrs McVey
Good morning.
I hope you have all kept safe and have had a lovely Easter despite the circumstances that we are all in. I just want to thank you all for your continued hard work and support and although we’re not together in class, I’m still here to support and help in any way that you need me to be.
The expectations for this week’s home learning are set out for you below, it is important that these are completed over the course of the week. If there are any problems accessing any of the online learning then please email me at
This week’s learning focus:
Read daily for at least 20 minutes. If you can, share what you have read with someone else.
Bedrock - Complete on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Can be completed every 48 hours.
Sumdog - Complete all focus tasks in Spelling, Reading and Maths.
MyMaths - complete all focused ‘homework’ tasks.
TT Rockstars - Daily for 10 minutes.
Education City - Complete the classwork tasks set.
Do a writing task from the learning project. Email me a copy.
Additional work/resources:
• Espresso Learning
• Home Learning work pack sent home in folder
• #OnlineSafetyAtHome pack 2 from ThinkUKnow
Also, if any of you did manage to engage in any of the activities that were set for you for Holy week, or have photos of you making resilient moves, then do please email photos of them as I’d love to see what you have all been up to.
A reminder to look at the children’s page on the church website. Father has already had a few questions and has made another video for you to watch. Don’t forget to ask your parents to email Father Jim with your own questions.
Have a great week, I look forward to seeing all your hard work.
Mrs McVey
Firstly I just wanted to say a big thank you to all of you. It is a very difficult time that we are all living through at the moment but I have been amazed and proud of how resilient and hard working the children have continued to be. It has been a pleasure to see how hard Year 5 are all working, I know it’s not easy, and I’ve been particularly pleased to read the work that so many of you have been doing - Thank you parents for emailing those to me! Please do continue to send photographs/copies of the work the children are doing to our email address I will look forward to receiving them, however, I will not be checking my accounts during the holidays until Tuesday 14th April.
Holy Week begins this Sunday with what would normally be our Palm Sunday service in Church. As this also marks the beginning of our Easter Holidays, I will not be setting a Home Learning Project this week but the sites can still be accessed if you wish - don’t forget the Sumdog Pre-Easter National Contest we have entered does not finish till 9th April 8pm. Instead, I have attached a pack of Easter home learning resources and some other activities for you to have a go at during the break. Please do not feel that you have to complete the whole pack, pick and choose what you would like.
Easter home learning pack Why do Christians explore Easter? Explore Easter through fun and creative activities. Please send photos of your creations so we can share them here!
Story of Easter Try this reading comprehension.
Easter Story writing Write up the Easter story and send me a copy to read.
Easter chocolate mystery maths game You are the detective and you have to solve the clues to to eliminate all-but-one of the suspects.
Easter code breaker Find the punch line to the Easter joke.
Easter mosaics Solve the maths problems to reveal the hidden picture.
Easter coordinates Write the coordinates of the Easter eggs.
Please don’t forget to take a look at Father Jim’s CHILDREN’S PAGE of the Church website. Year 5 can access this through the following link Please take a look at the lovely video that Father has made for the children, giving them the opportunity to ‘Ask Father Jim’ questions just like they would normally do in school. There are great resources to keep the children linked with Fr Jim and our Church family, we are so lucky to have! Why not ask Father Jim something about the Easter story that you’re not sure of?
Resilient Moves Don’t forget, now more than ever it is important to look after our health and wellbeing during this time. Try to make as many resilient moves as you can over the next week and send your photos to me so we can share these. These resilient moves could be anything: reading a book, dancing to your favourite music, playing in the garden, baking, watching a film…
Blackpool FC Community Trust have also asked us to let you know about a new writing competition, #BlackpoolRhyme,that they have just launched. They are asking pupils, teachers, residents and those who work in the town, to write a poem based on Blackpool.
They’ve put together a short video which can be found on the link below, which has more details of topics the children could write about and information on how to enter.
Finally, can I just say a massive thank you to all the many key workers, including many in our school community, who are working selflessly through this difficult time to keep us all safe. We are eternally grateful for everything you do…
I wish you all a Happy and Holy Easter. Take care, stay safe and enjoy the family time.
Mrs McVey
More resources that the children can access from home…
Father Jim has added some lovely resources for the children on the CHILDREN’S PAGE of the Church website. Year 5 can access this through the following link Please take a look at the lovely video that Father has made for the children, giving them the opportunity to ‘Ask Father Jim’ questions just like they would normally do in school. There are great resources to keep the children linked with Fr Jim and our Church family.
Year 5 have now been signed up to Oddizzi which is a geography website accessed at: Our username is OLAYear5 and I’ll send the password by text.
It has lots of great resources and many articles to read and answer questions on. I have uploaded the children’s names to the site, so any quizzes they take will be recorded in their name. This half term we had begun looking at rivers so that will be a great starting point to explore…
1 - On the explore tab click onto physical features and then onto rivers.
2 - On the quiz tab play the rivers quiz. There’s a class leaderboard for a bit of competition too!
For reading, you can access e-books at
Also, if you download the kindle app onto a tablet, or have a kindle, you can download some free children’s books to read. See amazon for more details. In addition, if you go to you can find a range of stories to listen to including the first Harry Potter book.
Another website to look at for those Harry Potter fans amongst us, is the newly launched “Harry Potter at Home” hub where you can find articles, puzzles and videos
Sumdog Pre-Easter National Contest. I have signed Year 5 up for this. Its starts tomorrow at 8am until Thursday 9th April 8pm. Each member of Year 5 will need to answer 1000 questions over the course of the week and we will compete against other schools and classes across the Nation. Try your best Year 5 and I hope to see your names on the Leaderboards. Good luck!
Have fun!
Mrs McVey
Good morning everyone,
I hope you’re all well and have had a good week. I can see that many of Year 5 managed to log in to the sites and complete the challenges I had set for them last week. Well done Year 5!
As I mentioned in my last post, please do make time to access these sites as these will give me assessment data to continue to assess your child’s learning. To give you some idea of what I expect to be completed, I have made a list focused tasks and then work that can be done in addition.
This week’s learning focus:
Read daily for at least 20 minutes. If you can, share what you have read with someone else.
Bedrock - Complete on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Can be completed every 48 hours.
Sumdog - Complete all focus tasks in Spelling, Reading and Maths.
MyMaths - complete all focused ‘homework’ tasks.
TT Rockstars - Daily for 10 minutes.
Education City - Complete the classwork tasks set. Please note - We are experiencing problems with this site at the moment but I’ll let you know when it’s working properly once again.
Try some writing tasks from the Learning project tasks.
Additional work/resources:
• Espresso Learning
• Home Learning work pack sent home in folder
Any problems with the work or accessing the sites, please email me at
Thank you so much for your continued support during this difficult time.
Happy learning Year 5!
Mrs McVey
Good afternoon everyone,
Firstly well done to the children who are already completing tasks that I have set on the sites that you have access to. Although I appreciate that you won’t want your child to be online-learning all the time, please do make time to access these sites as these will give me assessment data to continue to assess your child’s learning.
I’ve now also set Year 5 up on MyMaths which is another online learning resource to support Maths learning at home. I will set weekly tasks on here, the same as I have with the other sites, and their work will be monitored through my account to help with assessment. Through this site they will also have access to a wealth of other maths resources too including lessons with accompanying worksheets - results from these will also be monitored too.
At the end of this post is a copy of the letter to help parents set up but I will need to send usernames and passwords by text - the first will be our school details and the second username and password is unique to your child to enable them to log in to their own portal.
Online safety
This continues to be extremely important, moreso now they are accessing their school work online, and so here are some activities from Thinkuknow to help keep your child safe online.
#OnlineSafetyAtHome for ages 8 to 10
Resilient moves
In class we have been recording and sharing our resilient moves (things we do to get us through tough times) and I’d really like to continue doing this. If you’d like to share a picture/photo of your child completing any resilient moves over the course of the week then I’ll try to share them on here each week. Please make sure you only send a photo that you are willing for others to see on here. Send your photo, only one or two a week please to make it manageable, to our Year 5 email address:
Happy learning Year 5!
Thanks and keep safe,
Mrs McVey
MyMaths guidance for parents:
Good morning everyone,
I hope you’re all well and had a wonderful weekend and lovely Mother’s day.
Every Monday I will update the website with home learning tasks for the children to complete during the week. Some of the tasks will require the children to do online learning using the logins provided in the home packs that they were given last week. At the moment Education city is not working as it is undergoing maintenance so as soon as I have set the work I will text all parents to let you know.
In addition to this, below is an attachment to the year 5 weekly learning project. There are lots of learning ideas across the curriculum, for the children to have a go at. I will upload a new learning project each week.
Aside from this, please continue reading at home and completing the home learning packs that came home last week. The recommendation is that children should be doing school work for two hours a day.
We have also set up year group e-mail addresses so that you can contact us with any questions. The year 5 email address is:
Please note I will only check and respond to e-mails weekly and during school hours.
I hope you all have a good week, and are staying safe. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this very difficult time. I’ll miss you all.
Mrs McVey