Maths page 23

English pages 48 & 49

Times tables -x3 to x6 ready for a test next week (These will include divisions)

Read your book and get your diary signed regularly.

Year 5 spellings - ready for a test next week. These are taken from the Year 5 spelling lists.

Bedrock lesson which can be can be found at

AuthorKay McVey

Times tables -x2 to x12 ready for a test next week (These will include divisions)

Read your book and get your diary signed regularly.

Year 5 spellings - ready for a test next week. These are taken from the Year 5 spelling lists.

Bedrock lesson which can be can be found at

AuthorKay McVey

Maths  - page 48 & 49

English - pages 64

Hand in by Wednesday.

Times tables - x12 ready for a test next week (These will include divisions) If you’re confident with these ones then concentrate on the ones you still need to learn.

Read your book and get your diary signed regularly.

Year 5 spellings - ready for a test next week. These are taken from the Year 5 spelling lists.

Bedrock lesson which can be can be found at

AuthorKay McVey

Maths  - page 28

English - pages 62 & 63

Hand in by Wednesday.

Times tables - x11 ready for a test next week (These will include divisions) If you’re confident with these ones then concentrate on the ones you still need to learn.

Read your book and get your diary signed regularly.

Year 5 spellings - ready for a test next week. These are taken from the Year 5 spelling lists.

Bedrock lesson which can be can be found at

AuthorKay McVey

Maths  - page 19 & 20

English - pages 52 & 53

Hand in by Wednesday.

Times tables - x9 ready for a test next week (These will include divisions) If you’re confident with these ones then concentrate on the ones you still need to learn.

Read your book and get your diary signed regularly.

Year 5 spellings - ready for a test next week. These are taken from the Year 5 spelling lists.

Bedrock lesson which can be can be found at

AuthorKay McVey

Maths  - page 18

English - pages 36 & 37

Hand in by Wednesday.

Times tables - x8 ready for a test next week (These will include divisions) If you’re confident with these ones then concentrate on the ones you still need to learn.

Read your book and get your diary signed regularly.

Year 5 spellings - ready for a test next week. These are taken from the Year 5 spelling lists.

Bedrock lesson which can be can be found at

AuthorKay McVey

Maths  - page 21

English - page 12

Hand in by Wednesday.

Times tables - x5 and x10 ready for a test next week (These will include divisions) If you’re confident with these ones then concentrate on the ones you still need to learn. We currently have access to which will support your child with learning their times tables. Year 5’s username and password is the same one they use for their reading quizzes on Accelerated Reader (they all know it).

Read your book and get your diary signed regularly.

Year 5 spellings - ready for a test next week. These are taken from the Year 5 spelling lists.

Bedrock lesson which can be can be found at

AuthorKay McVey

This week instead of the usual English and Maths work, the children have been asked to complete a geography and science task.

Science work Hand in on Monday for use in the lesson

Geography work Hand in by Wednesday.

Times tables - x6 ready for a test next week (These will include divisions) If you’re confident with these ones then concentrate on the ones you still need to learn. We currently have access to which will support your child with learning their times tables. Year 5’s username and password is the same one they use for their reading quizzes on Accelerated Reader (they all know it).

Read your book and get your diary signed regularly. For every three times they read, they will receive a golden ticket for a chance to win a prize at then end of each half term.

Year 5 spellings - ready for a test next week. These are taken from the Year 5 spelling lists.

Bedrock lesson which can be can be found at

AuthorKay McVey

Maths  - on sheet

English - pages 10 & 11

Hand in by Wednesday.

Times tables - x3 ready for a test next week (These will include divisions) If you’re confident with these ones then concentrate on the ones you still need to learn.

Read your book and get your diary signed regularly.

Year 5 spellings - ready for a test next week. These are taken from the Year 5 spelling lists.

Bedrock lesson which can be can be found at (Letter and login sent home on Friday. Parents can sign up for their own account to track progress - see letter for details).

AuthorKay McVey

Maths  - pages 14

English - pages 8 & 9

Hand in by Wednesday.

Times tables - x4 ready for a test next week (These will include divisions) If you’re confident with these ones then concentrate on the ones you still need to learn.

Read your book and get your diary signed regularly.

Year 5 spellings - ready for a test next week. These are taken from the Year 5 spelling lists.

AuthorKay McVey

Maths  - pages 7

English - pages 4 & 5

Hand in by Wednesday.

Times tables - x2 ready for a test next week (These will include divisions) If you’re confident with these ones then concentrate on the ones you still need to learn.

Read your book and get your diary signed regularly.

Year 5 spellings - ready for a test next week. These are taken from the Year 5 spelling lists.

AuthorKay McVey

It is the expectation that Year 5 should read every night at home and parents please sign your child's reading diary each time they read so that they can collect their bookmark stickers. For each time your child reads three times in a week they will also receive a golden ticket which will be collected up and at the end of each half term we will draw out a reading champion. I want to see all of Year 5 receiving reading certificates and golden tickets in class!

The focus of our homework continues to be English and Maths. Each Friday the workbooks will be given out with the pages dated and highlighted and should be completed and handed in by the following Wednesday ready to mark together as a class.

Spellings will also be given out on a Friday. These spellings are taken from the Year 5 spelling list and it is the expectation that they will know how to spell them all by the end of Year 5. (These spellings are half of the ones taken from the Year 5&6 list so when they know these ones, they can start to work on the Year 6 ones.)

Each week Year 5 will also bring home a times table challenge and will be tested on these the following week. The children will need to learn off by heart the multiplication and division facts for each times table we are focusing on, but will also need to show through the test that they have remembered the facts they learnt from previous challenges! Knowing times tables to 12 x 12 is hugely important in many areas of maths and so it is imperative that Year 5 take time to learn these. The tests will be very fast paced so get learning Year 5!

The children will also be bringing home Bedrock homework, using an online website, which develops vocabulary through reading. I will share with you the expectations for this, once we’ve received their username and password.

Please don’t forget you can also access our safe home learning websites that Our Lady’s subscribes to to support and enhance every child’s daily learning experience:

If your child no longer has this password, please ask.

Thank you for all your support.

AuthorKay McVey

Year 5 should continue to read regularly at home and parents please sign your child's reading diary each time they read so that they can collect their bookmark stickers. I want to see all of Year 5 regularly receiving reading certificates in our whole school assemblies!

AuthorKay McVey

Maths  - pages 66 & 67

English - pages 82 & 83

Bedrock lesson which can be can be found at

Hand in by Wednesday.

Times tables - x4 x8 ready for a test next week (These will include divisions) If you’re confident with these ones then concentrate on the ones you still need to learn.

Read your book and get your diary signed regularly.

Year 5 spellings - you need to know all these.

AuthorKay McVey

Maths  - pages 64 & 65

English - page 57

Bedrock lesson which can be can be found at

Hand in by Wednesday.

Times tables - x3 x6 ready for a test next week (These will include divisions) If you’re confident with these ones then concentrate on the ones you still need to learn.

Read your book and get your diary signed regularly.

Year 5 spellings - you need to know all these. Remember school will be having a KS2 spelling bee this term so get preparing!

AuthorKay McVey

Maths  - pages 68 & 69

English - page 56

Bedrock lesson which can be can be found at

Hand in by Wednesday.

Times tables - x2 x4 ready for a test next week (These will include divisions) If you’re confident with these ones then concentrate on the ones you still need to learn.

Read your book and get your diary signed regularly.

Year 5 spellings - you need to know all these. Remember school will be having a KS2 spelling bee this term so get preparing!

AuthorKay McVey

Maths  - pages 32 &33

English - page 20

Bedrock lesson which can be can be found at

Hand in by Wednesday.

Times tables - x12 ready for a test next week (These will include divisions) If you’re confident with these ones then concentrate on the ones you still need to learn.

Read your book and get your diary signed regularly.

Year 5 spellings - you need to know all these. Remember school will be having a KS2 spelling bee next term so get preparing!

AuthorKay McVey

Read your book and get your diary signed regularly.

Bedrock lesson which can be can be found at

Times tables - Keep up learning these.

Year 5 spellings - you need to know all these. Remember school will be having a KS2 spelling bee next term so get preparing!

AuthorKay McVey

Maths  - Finding fractions of numbers (On sheet)

English - pages 16 & 17

Bedrock lesson which can be can be found at

Hand in by Wednesday.

Times tables - x3 & x9 ready for a test next week (These will include divisions) If you’re confident with these ones then concentrate on the ones you still need to learn.

Read your book and get your diary signed regularly. Don’t forget our Lenten challenge books to be finished for next week.

Year 5 spellings - you need to know all these. Remember school will be having a KS2 spelling bee next term so get preparing!

AuthorKay McVey