Maths pages 64 & 65
English pages 62 & 63
Hand in by Wednesday
Finish book chosen for Lenten class challenge by Monday
Maths pages 64 & 65
English pages 62 & 63
Hand in by Wednesday
Finish book chosen for Lenten class challenge by Monday
Maths on sheet
English pages 54 & 55
Times tables - x3 ready for a test next week
Hand in by Wednesday
Please remember to bring in your water booklet with the water cycle sheet filled in - thanks to those children who have already brought theirs in.
Details about the BBC 500 word competition...
Maths on sheet
English pages 33, 34 & 35
Times tables - x9 ready for a test next week
Hand in by Wednesday
English This half term we are studying Shakespeare’s Macbeth in our English lessons. For homework draw the character of Macbeth and write, in your best neatly joined handwriting, a character description. What does he look like? What kind of person is he? How does he act? Make sure your homework is suitable for display. You should write in sentences, remembering your capital letters, punctuation and use good descriptive vocabulary.
Maths on sheet
Hand in by Wednesday
Maths pages 36 & 37
English pages 30 & 31
Times tables - x7 ready for a test next week
Hand in by Wednesday
Remember to bring in your moon watch work if you've not already done so.
Maths (see sheet Simplifying fractions)
English pages 82 & 83
Times tables - x4 & x8 ready for a test next week
Hand in by Wednesday
Don't forget to keep watching the moon to see how the moon changes over time.
Maths pages 18 & 19
English pages 26 & 27
Times tables - x9 ready for a test next week
Hand in by Wednesday
Don't forget to keep watching the moon to see how the moon changes over time.
From the 30th October to the 3rd December I would like you to look up at the moon each night and record its shape and name the phase. Use the moon phases wheel that you made in class to help you. If it's cloudy and you can't see the moon, then just draw in a cloud for that day. Watch out on the 3rd of December for the supermoon - it's when the moon will be closer to Earth and so will appear much bigger!
Just in case...
Maths pages 12 & 13
English pages 4 & 5
Times tables - x7 ready for a test next week
Hand in by Wednesday
Maths pages 21 & 22
English pages 38 & 39
Times tables 5 & 10 - ready for a test next week
Hand in day is by Wednesday
Maths pages 14
English pages 36 & 37
Times tables 3 & 6 - ready for a test next week
Hand in day is by Wednesday
Maths pages 7 & 8
English pages 90 & 91
Times tables 2 & 4 - ready for a test next week
Hand in day is by Wednesday
On the paper provided, draw a detailed map of your route to school labelling roads and important natural and human features along the way. It is not necessary to draw all houses/buildings along the way as there will be too many. For example, you could include your house, trees, fields, places where you cross the road, shops, parks, churches, school crossing patrols.
On the back of your work write down the name of the road and postcode you live on, so you can identify where you live on an ordnance survey map.
Additionally if you want to take photos of different human and natural features that you pass along the way, they will be appreciated and can be used on our display.
Thank you.
The children came home with RE homework which will need to be completed before coming back to school on Tuesday 21st February. The more preparation the children are able to do, the easier they will find it to write about their chosen inspirational person. Here is a copy of the homework letter...
Maths pages 19 & 20
English pages 6 & 7
This week we are focusing on the 2x and 4x tables. Test next week!
Remember the test will be fast paced so you will need to know your multiplication and division facts for this times tables really well! If you know this one, confidently then concentrate on learning another one!
This week some children will be bringing home a new set of spellings as they have moved up in their spelling groups. Well done to you! If you haven't moved up groups this time, then it is most important that you do for the next assessment at the start of next term.
Maths pages 12 & 13
English pages 36 & 37
This week we are focusing on the 6x table. Test next week!
Remember the test will be fast paced so you will need to know your multiplication and division facts for this times tables really well! If you know this one, confidently then concentrate on learning another one!
These spellings are given out weekly and the spellings are based on an assessment done at the beginning of each half term.
Maths pages 21 & 22
English pages 88 & 89
This week we are focusing on the 3x table. Test next week!
Remember the test will be fast paced so you will need to know your multiplication and division facts for this times tables really well! If you know this one, confidently then concentrate on learning another one!
These spellings are given out weekly and the spellings are based on an assessment done at the end of each half term.
Maths page 10
English pages 8 & 9
This week we are focusing on the 8x table. Test next Friday!
Remember the test will be fast paced so you will need to know your multiplication and division facts for these times tables really well! If you know this one, confidently then concentrate on learning another one!
These spellings are given out weekly and the spellings are based on an assessment done at the end of each half term.
Maths page 7 & 8
English pages 90 & 91
This week we are focusing on the 2x table. Test next Friday!
Remember the test will be fast paced so you will need to know your multiplication and division facts for these times tables really well! If you know this one, confidently then concentrate on learning another one!
Weekly spelling lists will be given out soon along with a copy of the Year 5 words which the children need to be able to spell. For now though, the focus is spelling words with silent letters so please concentrate on these.