The children’s daily prayers this week have focused on God’s amazing love, it’s hard for us to fully understand. On Monday, the children were asked to celebrate the different aspects of God’s love and show love to others through their words and actions throughout the week.

Our Learning this week..

In English, we have continued our focus on the Iron Man. The children used their learning from last week, around the descriptive language of the cliffs and sea, when writing their own setting descriptions. They have also been preparing for writing their own narrative about an approaching threat (as we currently see the Iron Man as this, having only read Chapter 1 and part of Chapter 2).

Our class novel at the moment is The Sheep Pig, we read this daily. I wonder if the children have mentioned this? We are really enjoying this story time together.

Now we are able to access the Star Reader in school, the children will soon all have an up to date ZPD, which means they will select home reading books that are appropriate for their current reading ability. They will also complete a quiz about the book which they have read, in school, once they have finished the book. Please ensure you keep updating the reading log when the children read at home.

In Maths, we have continued our number line work and comparing numbers up to 1000. Using greater than and less than, and solving problems about this. Next week, we are moving onto addition and subtraction.

In Science, we have looked into the importance of exercise to keep our bodies fit and healthy. Now the children have a clearer understanding of what we need to do to keep our bodies and mind in the best shape it can be. Eating a balanced diet with a variety of nutrients and doing regular exercise. For children in our class, we would hope they are exercising for atleast 60 minutes per day.

The children had their photos taken on Monday so they should be with you soon!

Award Winners:

Golden - Sienna

Maths - Ava

Writing - Elsie

Important Notices:

  • Please ensure the children bring their reading logs and books, water bottles and a coat every day.

  • Please see the homework on the Year 3 - homework section of the website.

  • PE Days are Tuesday and Thursday, no earrings on this day please. We do not want children to be taking them out in class.

  • Please ensure children can tie their own shoe laces, if they are wearing shoe laces to school.

  • Please make sure you contact the office if there is somebody else picking up your child at the end of the day, this includes other parents/carers at our school and family members/friends who do not regularly pick them up and are not known to us. There are an awful lot of children telling me that they are being picked up by other people and this has not been communicated to us by their known adult. This is a safeguarding issue and I cannot let children go, unless I have been informed officially.

  • I now have access to the Year 3 email account, please be aware that these are only checked once, weekly. This is not my preferred method of contact with you, I would prefer you to catch Mrs Dunford at the beginning of the day, myself at the end of the school day or a phone call to the office. Any emails received before now will be treated as non-urgent, as I would expect any queries should now have been resolved. Any emails received from now will be read, when I can, but they may not receive an email as a response. If I think it requires a response, you may get a phone call or I may catch you at the end of the day.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Holden and Mrs Dunford

AuthorLeanne Dixon

In our class worships this week, our focus has been on forgiveness. As a class, the children have been spending time thinking about this and putting it into practice, which is great to see. In RE, we have been looking closely at the poetry and symbolism in the first creation story from Genesis, noticing the language within it that helps us to understand how the world was formed. We went to Mass on Tuesday and enjoyed our first service at Church of this academic year.

In English, we have continued looking at chapter 1 and 2 of the Iron Man. We have paid particular attention to the descriptive language of the cliffs and sea. The children went on to read a poem called The Sea by James Reeves, in small groups they have performed their poem to the class. We will use this as inspiration next week, as the children will be writing their own setting descriptions.

In Maths, we have continued our number line work and comparing numbers up to 1000. Using greater than and less than, and solving problems about this.

In Science, we have looked further into food groups and the 7 main nutrients that foods can provide. The children selected 10 foods that they could buy which would include a healthy balance of the food groups and nutrients.

In Spanish, the children enjoyed finding Spain on the Map and learning about the traditions in Spain.

Award Winners:

Golden - Matilda

Maths - Willow

Writing - Noah

  • Please ensure the children bring their reading logs and books, water bottles and a coat every day.

  • Please see the homework on the Year 3 - homework section of the website.

  • PE Days are Tuesday and Thursday, no earrings on this day please. We do not want children to be taking them out in class.

At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters. 

Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.

This month’s online safety guides give helpful advice about…

  • Live streaming - This free online safety guide profiles live streaming – a hugely popular activity among young people that’s certainly not without hazards.

  • Setting boundaries around gaming - This looks at the benefits of setting boundaries around video gaming to help young people learn healthy online habits.

  • WhatsApp - This is an updated examination of WhatsApp – the globally popular messaging platform which contains both old and new hazards for young users.

We hope you find these guides informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all.

Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Holden and Mrs Dunford

AuthorLeanne Dixon

In RE this week, we have been thinking about how we are all made in God’s image. The children were identifying the fruits of the Holy Spirit that they can see in their Learning Partner and in theirself. The children have been reflecting and thinking of any fruits that they may choose to work on for themselves.

We have also been…
Using our place value knowledge to complete number lines in Maths, some of these activities have been quite challenging but the children have shown great resilience this week!

In English, we have had lots of creativity this week. For the first few days, the children were looking at illustrations from a book and writing superb sentences; containing nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. The children were not aware of our book focus until Wednesday… The Iron Man! We have been thinking about how he moves, sounds and looks this week and we will be doing lots of activities related to The Iron Man for the coming weeks.

In PE, we have continued our invasion games activities and the children have practiced using chest passes and bounce passes. They also started their PE with Mr Monks on a Tuesday, with a focus on tag rugby.

In History, we have been learning about the Stone Age. Our focus for this half term is the Stone Age to the Iron Age.

In Art, the children have started their painting focus, experimenting with mixing colours.

Homework - Please see the Year 3 Homework section of the website. It is due back in on Wednesday 20th September. Spellings will be tested on Friday 22nd September.

Notices -

  • PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays, thank-you for taking your children’s earrings out on these days. They cannot actively participate in PE if they have earrings in.

  • If your child is wearing shoes with shoe laces, please ensure they are able to tie their own shoelaces.

  • Please ensure your child brings their school water bottle, reading book and reading record on a daily basis.

Award Winners -

Golden - George

Maths - Annie

Writing - Alistair

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Holden and Mrs Dunford

AuthorLeanne Dixon

We have had a lovely week together in Year 3. I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with our wonderful Year 3 class again. Wow, how they have grown since Reception! I have been really impressed with their development academically, socially and spiritually!

We started the week with a welcome assembly on Monday, referring to the scripture: “If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me.” Matthew 16: 24

Throughout the week, we have thought about Jesus being with us as we start our Year 3 journey together during our daily class worships.

 Here is what else we have been learning:

In English, we have been looking at word classes. Particularly nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives. The children have been identifying which word class a word belongs to and writing their own sentences containing a variety of words. They have also written a short story inspired by the picture ‘A Sunday in the Park.’.

In Maths, we have been looking at place value using 3 digit numbers. The children have enjoyed extending their knowledge from looking at 2 digit numbers in Year 2.

In RE, we have started by showing our thanks to God for his creation. The children have written their own prayers, independently, thanking God for specific things of their choosing. We have also created a class prayer to ask the Lord for his support this year, in Year 3. 

In PE, we have started our invasion games and the children have practiced using chest pass. They then enjoyed playing an attacking and defending game using their chest passes. 

The children have thought about the three very important words at our school: care, learn and respect, and we can show these on a daily basis. We have also worked together to create our class charter. 

As it is our first week back and we are finding our feet, the only homework requirement this weekend is reading, now the children have selected their home reader books. Please ensure you write in the children’s reading logs each time they read and if they have completed the book.

I have been really impressed with the children, they have returned to school ready to learn and develop on the juniors. I hope they have enjoyed their first week in Year 3! 

Our PE days are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure that children do not have earrings in on these days.

Please continue to bring school water bottles, filled with water, on a daily basis. 

Our Award Winners:

Golden - Alicia
Writing - Erin
Maths - Nicholas

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Holden and Mrs Dunford

AuthorLeanne Dixon