Good morning and welcome to week 3 of home learning! I hope you have all managed to have a lovely Easter, even under the current circumstances. Thank goodness for the beautiful weather we have been blessed with this past week. I hope you all managed to take a moment to reflect this weekend on the Resurrection of Jesus and the events of Holy Week. It is such a special time for us as Catholics, and whilst we were unable to celebrate in Church, I am sure you celebrated in your own way at home. Father Jim is recording Mass regularly and putting these on the Church website, so some of you may have taken part in his Easter Sunday Mass.

I just wanted to recap my home learning expectations with you. Please prioritise the tasks I set on Class Dojo. In a previous blog I explained what tasks I would be setting weekly (daily LBQ quiz, a reading task, a writing task, a tell me about your week task, a creative task and three Maths activities). I totally understand that we have some parents who are key workers and therefore time is limited for you at home to complete these activities. If this is the case, prioritise the Maths and English tasks if possible. Above everything, I understand this is a tricky time at home in general even if you aren’t a key worker as the children’s routines have changed and (like my son at the moment) their motivation to do school work might be quite low. Please be reassured that if you don’t complete a particular task, there is no judgement on my part. I really appreciate the effort and work that is being done and I am very grateful for your support. I am always on hand for you to e-mail me or message me on Class Dojo if you do have any concerns (the e-mail address is I cannot tell you how lovely it is to be able to still be in contact with the children and to see what they are up to at home.

I will be logging on to Dojo very shortly to set the activities for this week. Thank you to all who took part in the Easter activities I set - I can’t wait to have a look through those today! The children can also do activities on Sumdog and Education City, and they can also keep practising their times tables on TTRS. I will post a link below to the Learning Project for Week 3 for those who find it useful:

Home Learning Project - Week 3

Sending you all lots of love and stay safe!

Miss Heim-Sarac

He is risen.jpg
AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Firstly, I just want to say a huge thank you for all the hard work you have been putting in at home with your children. We are currently going through an unprecedented challenge in our lives; yet the children have shown great resilience and positivity and for that I am so unbelievably proud. The work and pictures I have received on Class Dojo are so heart-warming and have made me smile over the past couple of weeks. I am looking forward to the time when we can get back to normality and have our little year 3 family together again. Until then, keep up the amazing work you are doing and just know that I am thinking of you all.

I also wanted to say a huge thank you to our key workers who are putting themselves at risk daily for us - I am in awe of you all, thank you. My Our Lady’s colleagues certainly deserve a special mention, they are all amazing!

This Sunday is Palm Sunday and marks the start of our Easter holidays. I will not be setting any work next week, however, I will post some fun Easter tasks on Class Dojo for the children to complete. I won’t be checking these or my e-mails until Tuesday 14th April, however it will be lovely for me to log on then and see what you have been up to. So, feel free to also post pictures to the children’s portfolios for me to see when we return. On the 14th I will start setting tasks on Class Dojo as usual.

Here is a link to some other Easter activities you might want to have a go at with your child:

Easter Home Learning Pack

Father Jim has also created a Children’s Page on the Church website where they can ask him questions and look at some video clips he has posted. Please take a look!

Father Jim’s Children’s Page

Have a happy and holy Easter with your families, and stay safe.

Miss Heim-Sarac

Happy Easter.jpg
AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Good morning!

Firstly, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all the hard work the children are putting in at home. I was blown away last week with the work, photos and videos I received. Just to be clear, I would like the children to prioritise the tasks I am setting on Class Dojo. I have now invited you all to this site using your e-mail addresses. If you haven’t done so yet, please finish the set up process so you can access the tasks I will be setting the children. Here are the tasks I will be setting each week:

  • Daily LBQ quizzes (these do have a time limit so they need to be completed the day they are posted)

  • A writing task

  • A reading task

  • Three Maths tasks (to be completed in order)

  • A ‘tell me about your week’ task

  • One creative task

Aside from the LBQ quizzes, all tasks are to be completed by the Sunday of that particular week. I will award the children one dojo for each task they do. We are aiming, across lower key stage 2, for a target of 3,000 dojos. If we reach this target, the children will receive a lovely reward on their return to school (even if it is September when this happens).

I will still set the children activities on Sumdog, TTRS and Education City (although Education City appears to be not working well at the moment) as I know they enjoy using these sites. They also have their home learning packs to complete as well as potentially doing some activities off the learning project I posted about last week. Here is the link to this week’s project:

Home Learning Project Week 2

If you do have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me on: or contact me on Class Dojo.

Father Jim is also posting a weekly Mass on the Church website. To access this, click on the ‘Church’ button on the school website and it will take you directly to it. I personally think this is a lovely idea and it gives the children a way of still being able to connect with Father and to still be able to take part in Mass during this time.

School will be closed next week due to some essential work being done on our water tanks. This ties in with our Easter holidays anyway so I won’t be setting any work next week.

Thank you again for your support and stay well! As always, please tell the children how much I am missing them.

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

I hope you all managed to have a good weekend, and a Happy Mother’s Day for yesterday to all!

Each week, on a Monday, I will post a blog detailing the work for the week ahead that the children need to complete. This will be on Sumdog and Education City mainly - however myself and Mrs Cunningham-Kay are going to trial setting work through Class Dojo. This will mainly be writing and reading tasks. A text will come home to you shortly if your e-mail address is not registered to school as this is how we will be contacting you about this. I have posted work for this week on Sumdog - unfortunately Education City appears to not be working at the moment but I will set work on there as soon as I can. The work set for the week will be due in on the Friday of that week. Please also see the following link to a learning project you could undertake with your child at home. There are lots of fantastic ideas on there and it may help you to structure your week.

Learning Project Week 1

Aside, from this, please continue reading at home and completing the home learning packs that came home last week. The recommendation is that children should be doing school work for two hours a day.

We have also set up year group e-mail addresses so that you can contact us with any questions. The year 3 email address is:

Please note I will only check and respond to e-mails during school hours.

Enjoy your week and stay safe - please tell the children I am missing them already!

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

This week has been unsettling in many ways but through all of it the children have remained positive and I would certainly encourage you to foster that at home! We are in unchartered waters but we will all hopefully be back to normality very soon. I sincerely hope that I have the opportunity to teach your wonderful children again this academic year.

Please see the below post re: home learning - the children have all brought home everything they need to be able to access any work I will be setting. I will be doing a weekly post to the website every Monday so please check here for updates.

I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers - stay safe!

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

In light of the current situation regarding school closure, we have sent home learning packs to support home study. Below is a list of additional useful resources/websites to further enhance their learning. Our blogs will be updated in due course with additional information and support. Under the difficult circumstances of this week’s announcements, we have been very proud of how the children have shown resilience and maturity.

Thank you for your continued support,

KS2 team

Home learning activities


Read as much as you can at home-there’s nothing better than getting engrossed in a good book!


In your home pack you have been given a yellow notebook. The children could keep a diary of the things they do at home or encourage them to write short stories.

Websites we already use and your child has a login for:

Discovery Education : Espresso 

We have a whole school subscription for Espresso which is part of Discovery Education. There are loads of resources and games that you can access that link to the National Curriculum.

Username and password will be sent home to you via text.


Free access has been granted for all resources on Sumdog during school closures. Use your own sumdog login username and password provided in your learning pack.


Keep practising your times tables by logging onto this website using individual username and password that has been sent home.

Other websites that are offering home learning resources are:

Classroom secrets home learning:

The pack we have sent home, comes from this website but they have many more resources on offer for children to use:


Twinkl is also a resource that we use in school and has many resources that can be used at home.

Oxford Owl

Maths and English resources

Third Space

Please see letter regarding access to Third Space maths.

Physical Exercise Links

Young Champions has been created by sports coaches, movement specialists and sports scientists to provide young children with home practice sessions to develop fitness, motor and sports skills. It will help children of all ages and abilities to play sport to the best of their ability and keep them active and healthy. Parents can sign up here:

An alternative one is The Body coach TV 9am Monday to Friday with Joe Wickes.

AuthorKay McVey

This week in Year 3 we have all been shining our lights for Jesus in lots of lovely ways. The children have worked so hard and produced some fantastic work. Not only this; but we achieved 100% attendance for the second week running and we collected the most stars for lining up beautifully. Well done Year 3! The children have also been thinking about how they can transform in to better people during our worships by thinking about how they can be more grateful, kind, selfless and caring.

Here is what we have been up to this week…

-Maths: we have done two tests this week and recapped how to subtract by counting up.

-English: we have learnt about stage directions and how to include them when writing a playscript. We have also created a new piece of dialogue between two characters in our play, A Tune of Lies.

-Science: we made our own compasses and went on a treasure hunt around school! We also did an experiment on magnet strength by seeing how many paperclips (in a chain) different magnets could hold.

-R.E.: we have learnt about the story of The Prodigal Son and we have also started to learn about the sacrament of reconciliation. We have thought about what we need to do to prepare for this sacrament.

Another busy week!


  •  Coronavirus: we are encouraging all children in school to wash their hands more regularly and thoroughly. Today, our school nurse demonstrated to the children how to do this - by washing their hands for 20 seconds to the tune of happy birthday (approximately twice through). We are also asking all children to catch any coughs and sneezes in tissues which are then to be put straight in the bin and hands washed. Please also encourage this behaviour at home. 

  • A reminder to the parents of children taking their Holy Communion this year - please ensure your child’s ‘I Belong’ book is in school every Tuesday.

  • A date for your diary: Tuesday 31st March, 9.15am - this is the Year 3 Easter assembly on the events of The Last Supper.

Award winners this week are:

-Maths: Maisy

-Golden: Vinny

No writing award was handed out today.

Please see the homework tab for details of this week’s tasks.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

On Thursday, the children celebrated World Book Day and had a wonderful time! I was very sad to have missed it as World Book Day is one of my favourite days of the year. I have seen some lovely pictures of their costumes; thank you very much for all your effort with these! I have been out of school this week to help produce the Shakespeare Festival at the Grand Theatre. Mrs Sinclair, who taught the children in my absence, has said the children behaved brilliantly and she had a great week with them. This doesn’t surprise me, I certainly missed them while I was away! I wanted to say a huge congratulations to all the children who took part in the Shakespeare performance this week - they blew us away with their confidence and commitment. A big thank you also to the parents of these children who have supported them on this journey. Some wonderful memories have been made!

Last week, we also marked the start of Lent with our Ash Wednesday mass over at Church. We then came back to school and made our own Lenten promises. The children really took the time to think carefully about what they wanted to do - not just by fasting, but by praying and giving too. Ask your child if they are managing to stick to their promise!

Here is what the children have been learning over the past couple  of weeks…

-Maths: we have learnt how to find fractions of amounts, how to spot right angles, what the properties of 2D shapes are and how to find the perimeter of a shape!

-English: the children have continued their work on playscripts and have also learnt how to identify and use subordinate clauses.

-Science: the children have continued their work on forces and magnets and have learnt how to identify the poles on a magnet.

-Geography: the children created a fact file on a European country.

Plus lots of other fantastic learning!


  • Last Friday I sent home your child’s mid-term report. I would be very grateful if you could return the slip at the bottom of the report with any comments you may have. Please also feel free to make an appointment to see me if you wish to discuss your child’s progress.

Award winners:

-Golden: Sam & Millie

-Maths: Summer

-Writing: Leo and Vinny

Please see the homework tab for details of this week’s tasks.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Time really does fly when you’re having fun! I can’t believe we are at the end of another half term; and what a half term it’s been. The children have been fantastic and have worked so hard; I am very proud of every single one of them. This week, in our worships, we have been thinking of the gifts God has given us; and how we can use these gifts to shine God’s light. Well, the children have certainly done just that this term. They have been kind, respectful, hard working, curious, active and faith filled. A joy to teach!

Here is what we have been up to this week…

-Maths: we have been learning about equivalent fractions.

-English: we have learnt all about the present perfect and simple past tenses - very tricky but the children used their growth mindsets to rise to the challenge!

-Computing: we spent Tuesday afternoon learning about how we can be safer online for Safer Internet Day. We learnt all about our online identity and how we can choose what information we share online.

-Art: the children completed their artwork of The Wild Robot using watercolours and poster paints. I am very impressed!


  • World Book Day - 5th March. The children can come dressed as their favourite character from a book or they can bring a prop based on their character. If the children choose the second option they will still need to be in school uniform.

  • Thank you for all your kind donations for silly sock day.

  • Please spread the word about our Reception/Year 1 Julia Donaldson event on the 28th February - 5-6.15pm. Tickets are £3 from the office.

  • After half term we will be starting our Daily Mile! The track has been painted on the playground and the children are excited to begin. More information to follow after half term.

  • On February 28th mid term reports will be sent home.

Awards this week went to:

-Golden: Ebony

-Writing: Kyran

-Maths: Abigail

There will be no homework over the holiday however please encourage your child to still read daily.

Have a lovely half term,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

In our worships this week we have had a focus on faithfulness. We have discussed what this means and learnt about some of the Saints who showed their faithfulness in beautiful ways. We spoke about Anna, who fasted and worshipped at the temple for 60 days before Jesus was presented at the temple. There must have been times when Anna wondered what she was doing but she still carried on with her mission. That is because she had true faith in God. For the children, we discussed that being faithful means doing everything we do with great love; however small those things are.

I have been super proud of the children this week; they have done some fantastic learning…

-Maths: we have been focusing on our times tables this week and their matching division facts.

-English: we have now completed our new episodes of A Tale of Two Robots and we have now planned a new episode of The Iron Man. The children have also recounted the book we have just finished reading in class, The Wild Robot. Lots of wonderful writing this week!

-Science: we spoke about how we use magnets in our everyday lives and came up with inventions that include magnets that could make our everyday lives easier. There were some interesting suggestions!

-R.E: we learnt about the story of The Lost Sheep - a story that tells us that whenever we sin and stray off our paths; God will always be there to find us and bring us home.

-Geography: we learnt about the different features of various European countries.

-Art: the children have started to create some fantastic watercolour pictures of The Wild Robot. Some of these entries will be entered in to our local Seasiders art competition. Watch this space!


  • Silly Sock Day on the 13th February - children are still to wear school uniform but with their silly socks/tights. Please bring a £1 donation on this day.

  • We have our last Yoga session with Mrs Ward this coming Tuesday. After half term the children will only need to wear their PE kits on Mondays and Thursdays.

  • Safer Internet Day is on Tuesday 11th February. We will be spending the whole morning learning about how we can be safer online.

  • School finished for half term on the 14th February at normal finishing time.

  • On February 28th there is a Julia Donaldson Reception and Year 1 event, tickets are £3 at the office. Please spread the word about this.

Award winners this week:

-Golden: Leo & Lily

-Maths: Summer

-Writing: Idana & Livia

Please see the homework tab for this week’s tasks and have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Today we went to Church to celebrate the feast day of St John Bosco; who is the patron saint of children; and magicians apparently! We also decorated a candle to take to Church as Sunday is the Presentation (Candlemas). The children were so well behaved at Mass and made me very proud. It really is a lovely experience for the children to attend Mass and it also gives them an opportunity to practice their prayers and responses in preparation for their Holy Communion journey later this year.

Here is what we have been learning this week…

-Maths: this week we have had a focus on place value addition of two and three digit numbers. We even challenged ourselves and added two 4 digit numbers by partitioning! Wow!

-English: we created a conversation between Robert and Nita to add to our new episode. We then created a boxed up plan so we are ready to write up our episodes on Monday.

-Science: we conducted an experiment to see whether the surface of a table would affect the speed a plastic tub would travel on it. We used lots of different materials to do this and spoke about friction.

-R.E: we continued to look at Zaccheus and wrote about a time when we had sinned but were forgiven.

-Geography: we labelled, on a map, the different countries that make up Europe.


-Maths: Henri

No other awards were handed out this week due to us being at Mass. These will be handed out in Monday’s assembly instead.


  • On Thursday 13th February we will be having a ‘Silly Sock Day!’. The children are still to wear their school uniform; along with their silly socks or tights. We are asking the children to bring in £1 on this day as we are raising funds to revamp our school library.

  • The children have been given the opportunity to design the front cover of the programme for the RSC’s Taming of the Shrew at the Grand Theatre in March. If your child would like to take part; please can they bring their design in no later than Monday. It needs to be on an A4 sheet of paper; and portrait. No text allowed; just pictures!

  • On Friday 28th February we are having our Julia Donaldson event for Reception and Year 1. Please spread the word about this event as it promises to be lots of fun! Tickets are available from the office for £3.

Please see the homework tab for this week’s tasks.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

This week we have started our new R.E. topic ‘Called to Change’. We will be learning all about sin this term and this week we spoke about how God will always forgive us as long as we say sorry and really mean it. We role played an argument with a friend and then added in a resolution where we apologised to one another. We also spoke about how important it is to forgive someone who apologises to us; which isn’t always easy. The power of God’s forgiveness is so strong that he forgave St Peter; who committed one of the greatest sins - denying Christ.

We have, as always, worked very hard this week in all of our learning…

-Maths: we have compared and ordered numbers.

-English: we have planned and started to write our new episodes of ‘A tale of two robots’. We have also learnt all about inverted commas.

-Science: we have started to think about how objects move on different surfaces ready for an experiment next week.

-Geography: we started a new topic on Europe. We located Europe on a map and thought about the different countries that make up this continent.

Award winners this week were:

-Maths: Flo

-Writing: Leo

-Golden: Livia

Please see the homework tab for this week’s tasks.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

We were super lucky to have a writing workshop with our patron of reading Dan Worsley on Wednesday. Dan is a fantastic author and guided us through how to create an opening to a story about an alien encounter! The children learnt how to describe a character effectively and also how to show the reader how a character is feeling without actually saying it. The children loved every second and have written some fantastic pieces of writing to show Dan when he next visits us.

Here is what we have been learning about this week…

-Maths: we have continued our theme on measurement and have learnt all about capacity. We did this practically by estimating how much we thought containers could hold; and then we filled them with water and poured that water into a measuring jug to find out each container’s capacity. Thank you to all who sent in containers - I have returned any that I know you will want back; and will recycle the rest.

-English: we have started to think about writing our own science fiction story! Next week we will be writing a new episode of the text we have been looking at this term (A tale of two Robots). I am excited to see what Robert and Nita (two room cleaning robots!) are going to get up to on their adventures!

-R.E.: this week we have been thinking about questions relating to Mary that are difficult to answer. We thought of our own questions and then had a go at trying to answer each other’s. Father Jim popped in to see us today and he helped us to answer some of the trickier questions the children had come up with!

-Science: we learnt all about pushes and pulls.

-DT: we made our very own Iron Man models which have now come home. The children worked very hard on these despite them being quite tricky to make!

Our award winners this week are:

Maths: Vinny

Writing: Sophie

Golden: Maia

Well done!

I also wanted to say a huge well done to all the Y3 children who auditioned today for our upcoming performance of the RSC’s Taming of the Shrew at the Grand theatre. I was blown away by their confidence and enthusiasm! We wish we could take all of you with us! Unfortunately; only 30 children (across years 3,4,5 & 6) can take part. Children who have gained a place in the performance will be told next week.

Finally, a message from Ebony in Year 3…

From Fri 28th Feb - Sun 1st March 2020, I will be performing in a fantastic show for all the family. ‘The world at your feet 2020’ is a production that celebrates the best of song and dance including Riverdance, Tap, Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary and Musical Theatre by the elite students from Blackpool’s Whittaker Dance and Drama Centre (est 1952). Tickets can be bought from The Grand Theatre Box Office either in person, over the telephone (01253 290190) or online at

Please see the homework tab for this week’s tasks.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

It has been a joy to welcome the children back to school this week after the Christmas break. I had missed them! They have come back refreshed and ready for 2020. I have been amazed at the fantastic work they have produced this week and with their mature attitudes to each other and school life.

Our first day back at school saw us celebrating the Epiphany. We had a whole school assembly to learn and talk about this special day. This term our own gifts to God will be to show him how we can be curious and active as followers of Jesus; just like the wise men were.

Here is what we have been learning about this week…

  • Maths: we have had a focus on measurement; in particular, length. We have learnt all about measuring and drawing lines to the nearest cm and mm; tricky stuff!

  • English: we have started a new unit of work on fantasy stories. We are all enjoying immersing ourselves in our text; A Tale of Two Robots. We have also been reading The Iron Man alongside this as our class reader.

  • Science: we have started a new topic - Forces & Magnets. We created concept maps to work out what we already know about this subject; and we will add to these as our topic progresses. We also conducted an experiment where we measured how many Newton’s were needed to lift certain objects using force meters.

  • R.E.: we imagined we were Mary being interviewed about the events that had happened to her after The Annunciation up to the visit from the wise men. First of all we acted out this interview and then we wrote down what we thought her answers would be to various questions.

  • Art: we have created some fantastic chalk and oil pastel drawings of the Iron Man.

Our award winners this week were:

  • Writing: Lily

  • Golden: Idana

Please see the homework tab for details of this week’s tasks.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Here we are; at the end of our Autumn term. I just wanted to take the opportunity to wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas. It really is the most wonderful time of the year! Your children have worked unbelievably hard this term and I couldn't be prouder. I am extremely excited to see what 2020 brings.

It goes without saying that this final week in school has been incredibly busy in various ways; but we have finished off today with a lovely party to celebrate the festive season and our achievements in Year 3 so far. Thank you very much to those who attended our Carol Service on Wednesday. The children were fantastic and played their parts brilliantly; I was smiling from ear to ear throughout!

Our award winners this week are:

Maths: Abigail

Golden: all of Year 3 - for all the hard work they put in to our Carol Service

Writing: Idana

Have a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

This week we have continued to prepare ourselves for Christmas and the coming of Jesus. We have focused on this during our daily worships and took time to reflect on what we need to do to prepare. We have thought about the importance of saying sorry when we have done wrong but we have also discussed how important it is to accept an apology when it comes our way. Above all, we have remembered that we need to have a loving heart at all times.

Most of our week has been taken up with Carol Service practice! The children have blown me away with how hard they have worked and I know they will impress you all on Wednesday.

Despite the busyness we have managed to fit in some fantastic learning…

-Maths: we have been learning how to choose an appropriate strategy when faced with an addition or subtraction.

-English: the children completed their instruction text on How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth and then wrote another instruction text on How to Catch Santa! Some amazing writing has been produced this week.

- R.E: we unpicked the Hail Mary and had a go at writing this special prayer in our own words. We also role played the visit between Mary and Elizabeth; and wrote a letter to Elizabeth explaining why Mary said yes to God.


  • Our carol service is this Wednesday at 2.30pm over at Church.

  • On Thursday we are holding our Christmas Jumper Day. Please bring a £1 donation to Cafod.

  • Instead or bringing in individual Christmas cards this year we are asking the children to bring in just one card for the whole class and to make a £1 donation to Cafod. Thank you for your donations and cards so far.

  • If your child has been suffering with a tummy bug please only send them back to school 48 hours after their last incident of sickness/diarrhoea. This will help us greatly in the battle against bugs at this time of year!

  • School finishes this Friday at 2pm for the Christmas holidays.

Awards this week:

  • Maths: Lillie

No other awards were handed out this week due to us watching the fantastic dress rehearsal of the Reception nativity.

Please see the homework tab for this week’s tasks.

I hope you’re having a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

The past couple of weeks in Year 3 have flown by! I cannot believe that we are nearly at the end of our first week of Advent. During our worships this week we have focused on how we can prepare for the coming of Jesus. We have spoken about the true meaning of Christmas; and how we need to keep this at the forefront of our minds when we find ourselves focusing too much on all the excitement Christmas brings (although it is important to also enjoy this wonderful time in all its glory!)

Here is what we have been up to in our learning over the past two weeks:

  • English: we have immersed ourselves in the text How to wash a Woolly Mammoth which is an instruction text. The children have really enjoyed this book and have performed role plays, created posters and learnt all about prepositions and bossy verbs to prepare for writing their own instruction texts. Today we have planned our instructions ready for writing on Monday.

  • Maths: we have been dividing with remainders, looking at our times tables and matching division facts, subtracting by counting up and adding using partitioning. Phew!

  • History: we have finished our topic on The Stone Age. Our final task was to design a piece of Iron Age jewellery. The children have also written an information text on the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. Their writing is coming on in leaps and bounds!

  • Science: we have also completed our topic on Animals including Humans. We finished with a focus on the functions of the skeleton and how our muscles help us to move.

  • R.E.: we have focused on Advent and made our Advent promises.

In class we are also reading The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch. There is a section of the book where the children visit the North Pole and come across a forest full of wishes. The children have spent time creating their own wishes and they will be on display soon.


  • 19th December: Christmas Jumper Day. Please bring a £1 donation for Cafod.

  • Instead of bringing in individual Christmas cards this year we are asking the children to bring in just one card for the whole class and donate £1 to Cafod. Thank you for your donations so far.

  • KS2 Carol Service will be held on the 18th December at 2.30pm. Practice starts next week! We look forward to seeing you there.

  • Just a reminder that if your child has been off with sickness please keep them off school for 48 hours after the last symptom.

  • Our Advent services at school started this morning. We have a further two scheduled for the next two Fridays - these will be held in school at 8.15am. Please join us! There will be tea and toast available afterwards.

Our award winners for this week and last week are:

  • Golden: Franchesca & Maisy

  • Writing: Malachy, Ollie & Sam

  • Maths: Idana & Malachy

Everyone really is working so hard, well done Year 3! I am very proud of you all.

Please see the homework tab for details of this week’s tasks.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

We have finished off our week with an internet safety afternoon. It is so important that we teach the children not only how to stay safe online; but how to use the internet effectively. We focused on three elements: reliability, safety and accepting. We spoke about how if we receive anything from an unknown person, we shouldn’t open it. We should also tell an adult. We also discussed how we can stay safe online by not sharing our personal information (address, phone number, passwords, email, name). Finally we learnt about the relatability of information on the internet. We spoke about sites such as Wikipedia where anybody can contribute; so it is important to double check the information we have found on trustworthy sites or in books.

This is what we have learnt this week…

-English: we have finished our information texts and have now moved on to learning about instruction texts using the book How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth.

-Maths: we learnt how to use place value to solve additions and subtractions of money.

-History: we started to learn about the Iron Age and the hillforts where they lived.

-Science: we recapped our learning on animal and human skeletons.

The children have had yet another fantastic week of showing perseverance and resilience. They are also starting to work together very well as a team; I couldn’t be prouder!


  • next Friday we have a Julia Donaldson event on in school for reception and year 1 children. Whilst the children in my class can’t attend; if they have any younger siblings I would encourage them to come along! It promises to be a fun evening with lots of activities and a fabulous raffle at the end! £3 a ticket and parents do not need to stay.

  • some dates for your diaries: 19th December Christmas jumper day and 18th December ks2 carol service at church.

  • a big thank you again for all your donations to the shoebox appeal - we managed to fill approximately 30 boxes altogether!

  • please can you send in this coming week an empty 4 pint milk carton with your child? They need to be clean please!

  • a North Face coat has gone missing that belongs to a child in Year 3. Please can you check that this has not been brought home in error; we would love to reunite this coat with its owner!

Maths: Ebony

Golden: Max

Writing: Henri

Please see the homework tab for this week’s tasks and I hope you are all having a lovely weekend!

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

We have had another fantastic week in Year 3. I am so proud of the children this week as they have shown perseverance and resilience in all they have done. We have had a big focus on growth mindset this week; and I think the children are beginning to understand how important mistakes are in our learning.

Here is what we have been up to this week…

-Maths: we have continued our work on fractions by finding fractions of amounts.

-English: we have started and nearly finished our own information texts - an entry for an A-Z holiday guide.

-Science: we have named the bones in our skeletons we made last week - not only using the common bone names, but the scientific bone names as well.

-R.E.: we retold the story of the Annunciation this week. We also looked at different pieces of art showing the Annunciation and decided which ones were our favourite and why.

-History: we continued our learning on the Bronze Age by focusing on the grave goods Bronze Age people were buried with. We learnt what these items could tell us about the person. The children also picked 5 items they would pick for someone in thousands of years to find about them and whether they would be able to tell what kind of people we were from these objects.

Our award winners this week were:

Maths: No award this week due to our Remembrance Day assembly on Monday

Writing: Izzy

Golden: Abigail

I haven’t set the children any homework this week, however, please can the children be reading nightly and practicing on times tables rockstars at least three times a week. I will be testing the children next Friday on the division facts for the 2s, 5s and 10s.

I hope you have had a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

We have spent some time this week learning about Remembrance Day and discussing why this is a day of reflection. We spoke about WW2 and Hitler; as well as Anne Frank. The children were fascinated by her story. We made our own poppies which we will display with pride on Monday. We will also observe a silence to honour the fallen and the victims of our world wars.

We’ve had a very busy week in Year 3 and have done some amazing learning…

-English: we have been continuing our focus on information texts; and have been having a go at summarising information with a focus on the positives and minuses of different places when deciding where to go on holiday.

-Maths: we have been doubling and halving this week as well as starting a new unit on fractions!

-Science: we made our own skeletons using split pins and we are going to name the different bones next week. You might be able to spot the skeletons in our classroom window!

-History: we have moved on to looking at the Bronze Age. We role played how bronze is made (smelting) and then ordered this process in our books.

-R.E: we are looking at Mary Our Mother this term. We have spoken this week about the Annunciation and why Mary was chosen to be the Mother of Jesus. We discussed special jobs we had been given to do and how that made us feel; as well as making sure we pick the right person when a job needs doing!


-We have now finished our Yoga sessions with Mrs Ward on a Tuesday. There will therefore be no need for children to come in their P.E. kit on a Tuesday. We have really enjoyed learning how to be mindful and we will definitely be putting this in to practice in the classroom!

-A date for your diary: the KS2 carol service will be held on the 18th December at 2.30pm over at Church. We look forward to seeing you there!

-We will be having a Christmas Jumper day on the 19th December - we are asking for a £1 donation on the day.

Award winners this week:

Maths: Livia

Writing: no award this week

Golden: Malachy

Please see the homework tab for details of this week’s tasks.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac