Good afternoon everyone,

Over the past two weeks in school we have been taking a closer look at our school’s mission: to care, learn and respect. We have heard these words several times but wanted to think more closely about what they mean to us and our learning in school.

We decided on the meaning these words had to us…

Care - we help people and treat them nicely, we help others when they are struggling with their learning, we show kindness and we share with each other.

Learn - we work together, support others in their learning, share our knowledge, try our best and understand that being wrong helps us to learn more.

Respect - We play with everyone, hug people, help them, give to charity, listen to others and shine our light.

We will continue to think about how we can apply these important characteristics in our school life.

This Week In Year 2…

English - We have been learning all about diaries through ‘Diary of a Killer Cat’ and ‘Diary of a Wombat’. We discussed features of a diary, expanded notes into complete sentences, used conjunctions to improve our sentences, sequenced events using time phrases and used thesauruses to develop our adjectives vocabulary.

Maths - We have focused upon place value and partitioning numbers. We learned more about what each digit represents in a two-digit number; used base ten, ten frames, bead strings and drew our chunky chips and peas to create representations of two-digit numbers; we did lots of work with part whole models to find missing parts and have also begun to explore how we can partition two-digit numbers in different ways (54 can be 50 + 4 but can also be 40 + 14, 30 + 24, 20 + 34, 10 + 44, etc)

Science - We revisited how we classify animals into their 5 main groups (mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians and birds) and discussed the main features that make each animal fit into their specific group.

History - We began to compare modern London with the London of 1666. We discussed how the houses, people, clothes, streets and transport have changed and began to understand that certain technologies (such as electricity and cameras) did not exist in 1666. We learned about sources and how these give us information about the past.

RE- We continued to explore how we are chosen by God. We learned that God wants us to use the talents and gifts he gives us to shine our light and help others. We learned that we are all like bricks in a wall and we are stronger when we all use our gifts and talents together. We also thought about God’s gifts to the world and wrote about how they can be used to help each other.

Computing - We explored the parts which make up computers and labelled them on diagrams. We learned that even though laptops, desktop computers and tablets look different they contain many of the same parts.

Art - We used our mark-making skills to create eye-catching feelings posters.

PE - In dance we explored the different ways of moving and began to sequence them together to make a short dance routine. In our outdoor session we developed our skills in throwing and catching and began to consider how we might move into space after passing the ball to a team mate.

Please could we ask that you try and read as regularly as possible with your child at home. We have had much fewer readers this week than we expected and we cannot emphasise enough the importance of regular reading practise. We advise you to read every night but if this is not possible, we ask that you try to read at least 3-4 times per week.

Reading underpins everything we do in school. More reading makes you a stronger reader and the stronger you are as a reader, the better equipped you will be to learn in all other areas.

Please, please continue to read!

Most importantly, please read!

Reading - Dogs comprehension - read through and answer the questions.

Writing - Use the blank fact file template to create a fact file about an animal of your choice.

Maths - Partition the two-digit numbers into their tens and ones (e.g. 45 = 40 + 5)

Spelling - The ‘or’ spelt ‘a’ after ‘l’ and ‘ll’ spelling. Click here to watch a video to support this. We will be having a spelling test on these words in two week’s time.

You do not need to send completed homework into school, however I am happy to look at any writing work if you would like to show me it. Please keep your spelling practise sheet at home as these words needs to be gone over regularly to remember them for the test.

Here are this week’s award winners…

Golden Award - Alicia - for always being ready to learn, persevering and welcoming a challenge.

Writing Award - Ava - for a wonderfully written sequencing of Jack and the Beanstalk.

Maths Award - Nicholas - for his much-improved concentration and great partitioning work.

Class Disciple Award -

On Monday 19th September school will be closed for Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral.

Please don’t forget to return your photo letters as soon as possible.

If you have any questions please catch me at the gate at the end of the day or send me an email!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Gibbons

AuthorLiam Whetnall

Good afternoon everyone,

It has been another very busy week in Year 2! We went on our school trip to the RNLI lifeboat station and the beach and it is safe to say that we had an absolute ball! The children were so well behaved, polite and listened so well and it was an absolute pleasure to take them. We are all so proud of them!

This Week…

In English we have been practising our story telling using our story maps of Chatterbox Ben. We have also been focusing on making inferences about feelings and situations using clues in the text. The children discussed and began to plan their own story set in a school.

In Maths, we have been looking at 3D shapes. We identified edges and faces and learned ways to help us remember this information.

In RE, we learned about Peter and his responsibilities in leading the early Christian church. We learned about why he was chosen and how he showed his bravery and courage.

In Science, we have been product designer. We were given a description of a product and had to choose the best materials for that job, explaining the exact properties which would make it suitable.

In Geography, we looked at some physical features we might find in Australia and created our own maps to show their locations, complete with keys.

In PE, we continued our learning on athletics, focusing upon running, hurdling and relay races.


There is no spelling or times table homework this week as we only have one and half weeks of school left.

English - write a letter to a friend to tell them about your favourite book. What is it about? Why do you like it? Who else would like? What is your favourite part? Who is your favourite character?

Maths - describe the properties of the 3D shapes.

Award Winners

Golden Award - All of year 2 - for their wonderful behaviour on their visit to the RNLI.

Writing Award - Matilda - for working hard on her presentation in her written work.

Maths Award - Roma - for her super reasoning about 3D shapes.

Our Trip

We had a wonderful time on our trip and all of the adults were blown away by the behaviour of the children. They were respectful, kind and polite. Several members of the public told us just how amazed they were with the behaviour of such young children!

Thank you all for your donations towards the RNLI. We raised over £40, which is amazing! Thank you so much for your kindness.

AuthorLiam Whetnall

Good afternoon everyone,

This week marks the feast of St Peter and St Paul, two incredibly important people in Jesus’ life. Both men made bad choices in their lives but were given the chance by Jesus to start again and devote themselves to helping others. We talked about how Jesus always gives us a fresh start if we say sorry and try to change our ways. Being sorry and showing forgiveness are two very important things for us to do.

This Week…

In English, we continued our unit of work on stories with a familiar setting and read the story of Chatterbox Ben. We compared this to the Night Shimmy and thought about how each character would get on if they swapped stories. We made story maps of Chatterbox Ben and used these to tell the story to our friends. We also revisited question sentences in our GPS work.

In Maths, we continued our work on shapes. We learned how to identify the sides on 2D shapes and began drawing them. We learned about symmetry and identified lines of symmetry on a variety of shapes. We learned how to draw the other sides of a shape from the mirror line.

In Science, we learned about a property of some materials: absorbency. We carried out an investigation to see whether paper, tissue, kitchen roll or cloth was best for absorbing water effectively.

In RE, we learned about early Christian communities and the important role that disciples had in spreading Jesus’ message after he had ascended to heaven. We learned about St Peter and St Paul’s important roles in the early church and made crafts about this.

In Geography, we focused upon cardinal directions (compass points). We used maps to label Australian cities and then used compass directions to describe their position in relation to each other.

Sports Day

Thank you all for your attendance and support on Sports Day this week. We were incredibly disappointed with the weather but are glad you got to return to school to see your children compete in some events.

We remind you not to post pictures of any other children than your own on any social media platforms.


Next Thursday 7th July we will attend our RNLI and beach trip. There will be no change to drop off or pick up times for this.

Please be aware of the following points

  • Wear school PE kit on the trip day. You can wear shorts and comfortable shoes but make sure they are suitable for walking.

  • Please bring a small backpack to carry possessions in. Make sure it is clearly labelled with your child’s name.

  • Please bring a water bottle and small hand towel in the backpack. Your school bottle is fine.

  • If you have a bucket and spade please bring this too for our time on the beach.

  • The RNLI is a charitable organisation so any cash donations, no matter how small, would be greatly appreciated.

  • Children will be given a packed lunch from school to bring with them. If your child usually has school dinners but would like to bring a packed lunch of their own on this day, please let us know.


Homework this week is to practise the four times tables for a test in a fortnight’s. There is a sheet to help with this.

There is also a maths sheet to practise addition. This can be completed mentally or by drawing tens and ones.

Award Winners

Golden Award - Nevaeh - for her fantastic, expressive work in our practical English lessons.

Writing Award - Emily - for consistently putting her all into her written work.

Maths Award - Willow - for super knowledge of 2D shapes and excellent sorting skills.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Gibbons

AuthorLiam Whetnall

Good afternoon everyone,

Year 2 have begun their SATS work this week (our ‘special work’) and I would just like to express how incredibly proud I am of them and how well they have worked so far. It hasn’t always been easy but we have all perserved and accepted the challenge! Well done, Year 2.

This Week…

In English we have been focusing on our SATS work this week and have done plenty of reading activities. Much of our written work has been undertaken through other curriculum areas, such as Science, RE and History.

In Maths, we have continued our work on fractions to ensure we are confident when completing our SATs work. We have revised addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and have ensured we are confident with our written methods.

In Science, we have learned all about the life cycle of a plant. We have learned that all plants eventually die and that this means they will never regrow. We have also explored whether plants need soil to grow by planting beans in ziplock bags.

In RE, we learned about the story of Jesus telling his disciples that he would soon be leaving them again but would send the Holy Spirit to support them. We created comic strips to retell this, explaining the disciples feelings throughout.

In History, we continued our work on Grace Darling. We learned about her life and discussed how this was different that our lives. We learned about how she and her father rescued sailors from a shipwreck and wrote newspaper articles about this.


Please continue the maths revision booklets sent home last week.

Spellings - practice your groups’ spellings for a test in a fortnight’s time.

Computing - We have been using Scratch for programming this term. Please visit or download the Scratch app on a tablet or phone to practise moving your sprite along the screen.

Award Winners

Golden Award - Matilda - for a real improvement in her effort and listening. Matilda has shown lots of maturity this week.

Writing Award - Charlotte - for great morning GPS work.

Maths Award - Beaux - for her hard work in her Maths arithmetic paper.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Miss Collins.

AuthorLiam Whetnall

Good afternoon everyone,

This Week in Year 2

In English we have been writing our traditional tales which explain how the Beast become the Beast. We have thought about the key features we need and have worked hard to include expanded noun phrases to give more detail to our writing.

In Maths, we have been learning about fractions with a focus on both halves and quarters. We learned how to find these fractions and how fractions are linked to division.

In Science, we have been observing changes in the seeds and bulbs we planted last week. We have also begun a new investigation to find out what things plants need to best grow.

In History, we have been learning about an important person in the history of lifeboats, Grace Darling, we learned about her early life and used photograph sources to make conclusions about her life.

In RE, after making our Paschal candles last week, we have been writing about the symbols on them and what they represent. We have also been learning about the first time Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection on the shores of Tiberius and wrote about this.

In computing, we continued our programming work and learnt more about the various motion blocks and what they do. We used them to make our sprites move along the screen when we used keyboard inputs.


I have sent home a SATS revision booklet for children to practise their maths skills learned this year.

Our ‘times table test’ this week will be a focus on division by 5. Try to learn this both ways, e.g. 50 divided by 10 = 5 and 50 divided by 5 = 10.

SATS Arrangements

We will begin our SATS on Tuesday 3rd May. These will be done in small groups throughout the mornings and will be made as stress free for the children as possible. There are 6 SATS papers in all: 2 reading papers, an arithmetic paper, a maths reasoning paper, a grammar and punctuation paper and a spelling test. We will begin next week with our reading papers. Please continue to practise reading everyday to ensure children are confident when completing their papers.

Award Winners

Golden Award - Zachary - for always welcoming a challenge.

Writing Award - Oscar-James - for working independently in his RE writing.

Maths Award - Eleena - for pushing herself to complete more complex problems.

Have a lovely long weekend,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell, Miss Collins and Mrs Gibbons

AuthorLiam Whetnall

Good afternoon everyone,

We have reached the end of a very long and challenging half term for us all and await a well-earned rest. The children have worked very hard, many have come into school whilst feeling under the weather but have still tried to grow their brains and develop their learning.

This week marks the end of our Walk For Hunger laps of the field, which we have done every day during the last 3 weeks of Lent. I have enjoyed hearing the children tell me about the sponsorship they have received from their families so I would like to thank you for this. Please send any money collected via ParentPay where it will be transferred to our charities.

This Week…

In English we have continued our work on traditional tales. We have explored different tales, identifying key language and features found across these. We have also written our own book review for our favourite fairy tale.

In Maths, we have continued our division work. We have learned that division can be either for sharing into equal groups or making equal groups. We have explored word problems and used practical and written methods to solve these problems.

In Science, we carried out our end of unit assessment for our animals and their habitats unit. The children did very well!

In RE, we learned about the full order and sequence of the Mass and have written about key events in each of the four main parts of Mass.

We have also made our own lovely Easter cards for you!


As it is the holidays, I will not be setting homework this week. However, please do practice your 3 times tables ready for a test on our second Friday back.

House Points Award

We have finally got round to counting up our class house points. Our winners were Newton and as a reward, on the first Wednesday after half term (20th April), the children in Newton will be able to come to school in their own (practical) clothes.

Please note this is only for Year 2 children and not for other year groups.

Support and Activities During Easter

Click here or here for documents with support and activities available during Easter.

Award Winners

Golden Award - Aibhin - for her car, kindness and compassion towards others. She is a true disciple of Jesus!

Writing Award - Jacob - for working hard on his handwriting.

Maths Award - Emily - for always pushing herself to learn more and taking on any challenge she is given!

Have a lovely Easter break and we will see you on Tuesday 19th April.

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Gibbons

AuthorLiam Whetnall

Good afternoon everyone,

It has been another busy and exciting week in year 2. We have been busy completing our daily walk for hunger pilgrimage around the school grounds. Please do keep trying to collect donations for this, if possible… Every little counts and the children are so pleased with their progress.

This Week…

In English, we have continued our topic on traditional tales. We have explored fairy tale language, used semantic mapping to create definitions of key vocabulary, have used thesaurus’ to identify better adjectives to describe characters and have used these to write our own character descriptions.

In Maths, we have finished our work on multiplication and will now move on to division. Please do continue learning your 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables facts as these are vital for the work on both multiplication and division.

In Science, we revisited living, once alive and non-living and discussed how we can group and classify things into these areas. We discussed the 7 life processes and how all living things do this.

In RE, we have continued to look at the Mass with a focus on the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This week we have discussed and wrote about the consecration and how this is linked to Jesus’ Last Supper. We have also discussed and identified things that happen in each part of the Mass.

In Geography we have looked at items we might find on an island and what their function might be.


This week’s homework is…

Spelling practise for a test in two week’s time and

Maths - sharing into equal groups worksheet.


Although we have had warmer weather recently please could I ask that children bring a suitable cat into school everyday to ensure that they are equipped for their break times. As we have seen int he past two days, our weather can quickly change.

Water Bottles

There are some children who are coming into school without their water bottles. Unfortunately, we have already given out all of our spare class water bottles, which have not been brought back into school. We therefore do not have any spare water bottles left for those children who are not bringing one to school. Please ensure your child brings their water bottle into school everyday. We encourage the children to take their water bottles home each day so they can be cleaned regularly to ensure they remain safe to drink from.


We break up for the Easter holidays next Friday (8th April) at 2pm.

Award Winners

Golden Award - Elsie - for super focus and a great character description.

Writing Award - Florence - for using great vocabulary to describe Beauty.

Maths Award -Willow - for great focus in her division work.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall, Miss Collins, Mrs Gibbons and Mrs Bowdell

AuthorLiam Whetnall

Good afternoon everyone,

It has been another busy week in Year 2. We have begun our walking pilgrimage to help us to become closer to Jesus during Lent. We have walked around the far grounds of our school and it has been lovely to be able to do this in such glorious weather. God is certainly with us!

Thank you for your support in helping us to raise money with our lenten pilgrimage. We are so grateful for your kindness at a time that I know is difficult for us all financially.

This Week…

In English, we have begun our topic on traditional tales. We explored some fairy tale language, heard and answered questions about the story of Beauty and the Beast, matched important objects to the fairytale characters and developed our understanding of exciting vocabulary through semantic mapping.

In Maths, we have continued our work on multiplication and have solved a variety of problems involving the 2 and 5 times tables. We have learned that multiplication problems can be solved in either order and this has helped us with trickier problems.

In Science, we have explored food chains, identifying producers and consumers as well as prey and predators. We learned that energy begins with the sun and green plants are important for providing all animals with this energy through important life processes.

In RE, we have looked at the offertory as part of the Mass. We have learned what is offered during this time and why it is offered and have made links to stories and beliefs we have about Jesus.

On Friday, we engaged in some World Book Day activities during the afternoon. We performed a book scavenger hunt, talked about our favourite books and took part in a world book day quiz. We also designed a new front cover for the book character’s book we came as.

In Computing, we developed our skills in operating and navigating laptops. This has been quite a tricky skill for us but we are learning how to log in, use a trackpad and shut down laptops.


Please practise the 10 times tables (both ways, e.g. 5 x 10 and 10 x 5). For an extra challenge develop your skills in larger times tables, e.g. 15 x 10, 17 x 10 etc)

English - expanded noun phrase worksheet. Add adjectives to create more exciting expanded noun phrases.

Maths - 2 and 5 times table word problems.

Year 2 SATS

Just to inform you that Year 2 SATS assessments will take place during the month of May. These assessments will be done in ways which will ensure children do not worry or panic and will take place in small groups. We ask that if you have any plans to be out of school at any time in May that you let us know in advance so that we can ensure the assessments are taken as they cannot be done outside of the month of May.

Award Winners

Golden Award - Hallie-Jayne - for showing kindness and selflessness in trying to cheer up her friend in class.

Writing Award - Beaux - for working hard to write independently.

Maths Award - Elsie - for super times table word problem skills.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall, Miss Collins, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Gibbons

AuthorLiam Whetnall

This week, Year 2 have all come home with a sponsorship form. During Lent Our Lady of the Assumption is looking to fundraise for both CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) in its campaign to ‘Walk Against Hunger’ and also our local children’s cancer charity – Brian House. We will make our own ‘Pilgrimage’ during Lent knowing that each little step we take will make a BIG difference. Each class will set its own Lenten walking target and in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 we will be walking daily laps around the school field. We are asking parents/families to sponsor their child/children to undertake their special ‘Pilgrimage Walk’. Once we’ve completed our walk, we will add our kilometres to CAFOD’s ‘ Walk Against Hunger Totaliser’. The aim nationally is 40,000 km! This is a massive challenge, but by joining together we can all help stamp out hunger one step at a time. CAFOD is also supporting the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. Thank you for your support!

Here is a copy of the sponsorship form that can be printed if you need more.

This Week In Year 2…

In English we have finished off our history topic with a focus upon Florence Nightingale. We have described the changes she made to hospitals by writing a letter from her to her parents, describing her journey. We have also been looking at various suffixes, such as -ness, -ment, -ful and -less and have been creating words and sentences using these.

In Maths, we have continued our work on multiplication and have been creating our own number sentences using pictures of equal groups. We have also begin to create arrays as a way of representing multiplication problems and have learned that multplication can be done in any order, e.g. 4x5 will give the same answer as 5x4.

In Science, we have looked at dependency in various habitats. We have learned about how all living things in a habitat need each other for a purpose. Some need others for food, some for water, some for shelter and some plants need other living things to help them spread their seeds.

In Geography, we looked at and explained the functions of key items found on islands. We marked where they might be on a map of an island and wrote an explanation of each.

In RE, on Tuesday we visited our church to identify and discuss some of the key features we find there. We explored the tabernacle, sanctuary light, altar, crucifix and other items such as the confessional booth, organ and pulpit. We also followed the stations of the cross around our church. We also learned about the importance of the readings as part of the Mass. We looked at the Greatest Commandment and discussed how we would apply this to our day-to-day lives.

In Computing, we developed our knowledge of algorithms and discussed actions we would want our sprite to complete, using Scratch. We discussed which lines of code might help us to do this.

In PE, we continued creating gymnastics sequences and further developed our racket and ball skills.


Spelling words to practise for a test in a fortnight’s time.

Maths - Use the arrays (equal groups) to find both multiplication sentences, e.g. 3 x 6 = 18 and 6 x 3 = 18

English - Compound nouns worksheet. Compound nouns are two nouns that are often written together to make a single noun, e.g. backpack, sandcastle, football.

Year 3’s Bits and Bobs Sale

We would just like to express a huge thank you to all of you who have brought money in to buy items from Year 3’s bits and bobs sale. We have been entirely overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of our class and of our school as a whole.

We have managed to raise a breath-taking £655 pounds to support those escaping the conflict in Ukraine. Thank you all for your support and a massive well done to Miss Heim-Sarac and the Year 3 children for their hard work.

I have written a list of those children in Year 2 who have yet to receive their purchased item. I will send this to Year 3 and hopefully get them next week. The shop was much bigger than expected and so some orders are taking slightly longer to honour!

World Book Day

Just a reminder that we will celebrate the dressing up aspect of World Book Day on Friday 25th March.

Award Winners

Golden Award - Olivia - for a fantastic, positive attitude towards her learning. Olivia is a super Year 2 role model!

Writing Award - Leo - for working so hard on his handwriting in his informal letter.

Maths Award - William - for super work on arrays.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell, Mrs Gibbons and Miss Collins

AuthorLiam Whetnall

Good afternoon everyone,

We have now entered into our first few days of Lent. In class, we have been reflecting on the importance of the journey we are about to undertake. One that is filled with both sadness but also hope and joy. We have discussed how during Lent we must try to give more of ourselves to others, resist temptations from things that are not so good for us and try to bring ourselves closer to God through our thoughts, actions, words and prayers.

This Week…

In English we have finished off our quest stories. These have been a little tricky for us and it has been quite a challenge at times for us to develop and sustain our stamina for writing to produce a detailed piece of writing. However, we have worked hard to develop our skills and focus on the importance aspects of story writing.

If you would like to support your child’s writing at home, please feel free to set them tasks which they can write about, particularly creative stories. In class, we have been trying to focus upon our cohesion. To make our writing cohesive it needs to: make sense, be in a sensible order, use time phrases to signpost time moving forwards, stay in the right tense (past or present), use conjunctions to give more detail (because, when, if, then, that, but, or so).

As a class we are still struggling with cohesion and we have been trying not to use ‘so’ or ‘and then’ to start lots of our sentences because this won’t engage our reader.

In Maths we have finished our work on money by making pounds and pence amounts in different ways and using different combinations of coins. We then began looking at finding change. We learned that this is often a two or three-step process. First, we need to add up the total of our items, then we need to do a subtraction to find the amount left over. Finally we need to work out which coins/notes make that amount of money.

In Science, we have been researching different world habitats: deserts, rainforests and oceans. We collected information about what their conditions are like and also learned about some animals and plants that live there and why they are suited to that environment. Next week we will write our own non-chronological report about our habitat.

In Geography, we began our new topic by learning all about islands. We have identified them on maps and learned that they can be connected to other countries and are always part of a continent.

In RE, we learned all about Lent. We made our own lenten promises, thinking about what we can give, give up and pray for. We also learned about some of the symbols of the Lenten period and why they are used.

In Computing, we had a focus on using laptops. We have been learning the different parts and focusing on how to log in, navigate to a specific program and shut down. Next week, we will focus upon programming.

This week was World Book Day and although we didn’t dress up (yet!), we engaged in some exciting book-related activities, such as quizzes, book reviews and scavenger hunts. It was a great time!


This week’s homework is…

Spellings. Ready for a test in 2 weeks time.

Maths - addition and subtraction word problems.

English - Using conjunctions because, if and when.

Award Winners

This week’s award winners are…

Golden Award - Stephen - for trying really hard to develop his independence.

Writing Award - Luna - for listening carefully to feedback and adapting her writing for her quest story.

Maths Award - Callum - for fantastic money work.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell, Miss Collins and Mrs Gibbons

Our Monster Bookmarks

AuthorLiam Whetnall

Good afternoon everyone,

I would like to take this chance to thank you all for your support and attendance at parent meetings on Monday. It was lovely to catch up with you all and be able to celebrate the children’s successes with you.

The children have been proudly telling me about the school challenges you have set them and it is lovely to see their involvement in their learning with you! Many thanks!

This Week…

In English, we have planned and begun to write our own quest story based upon Lost and Found and The Way Back Home by Oliver Jeffers. We thought about the purpose of our quest, what would start it, where we might travel and what problems we might face in these places. I cannot wait to read the finished pieces.

In Maths, we have continued our work on money and all the teachers have been blown away by the children’s knowledge and what they have remembered. We have been making amounts in pence, pounds and then in both pounds and pence together and have learned the need to keep these amounts separate.

In Science, we learned about woodland habitats. We described some animals and plants that live there and explained some ways in which they are suited and adapted to that habitat.

In RE, we learned about why Mass is so important to Catholics. We discussed how we should behave when we go to church and created poster to explain to others how to be their best during Mass.

In PE. we continued our gymnastics and net and ball games lessons and further developed our skills.

In History, we summarised our knowledge of Florence Nightingale, Edith Cavell and Mary Seacole and used this to make comparisons between the nurses.

In Computing, we began our work on algorithms, learning what they are and sequencing real world algorithms of our own.


Please continue to practise the spelling words sent home before half term.

I have also sent home a maths worksheet to draw coins to make amounts of money in 2 different ways. (e.g. 12p might be 10p + 2p, 5p + 5p + 2p, 5p + 5p + 1p + 1p, 5p + 2p + 2p + 1p + 1p + 1p, etc)

Finally, I have sent home a past Y2 SATS reading paper to practise with your child and allow you to see how these look in preparation for May.

World Book Day

World Book Day this year is on the 3rd March. However, we will not be doing a dressing up event in school for this until 25th March. World Book Day activities will still occur on the 3rd of March though.

PE Days

Just to remind you all that for the forseeable future, Year 2’s PE days are now Thursday and Friday.

Award Winners

Golden Award - Natalia - for a wonderful ‘can do’ approach to her learning and a fabulous quest story opening.

Writing Award - Eleena - for great ideas and beautiful presentation in all her writing.

Maths Award - Charlotte - for excellent reasoning about money.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell, Miss Collins and Mrs Gibbons.

AuthorLiam Whetnall