Our Lady of the Assumption PE / Sports News

There are a variety of sporting activities arranged all of our children throughout the year, some of which lead on to intraschool competitions. We have fantastic ambassadors of the school who represent the school at football, high 5, athletics, cricket, tennis and swimming. We have varied sporting activity clubs for both KS1 and KS2 pupils each week.


Whole School PE Curriculum Map

Our School Vision, Objective, Intent, Implementation and Impact for PE

Lancashire’s Physical Education Development Approach - ‘Intent’
As a school, we use the Lancashire planning for our PE planning and adapt it to suit the needs of our children. The above document shows the intent for each of the key stages which we follow at our school.


Thank-you to all 122 of you who took part in our special sports day this year! It has been lovely to see all of your photos, it looks like lots of fun was had! We have added all of the points and I can announce that the winning house teams for 2020 are:

KS1 - Newton
KS2 - Layton

Congratulations to both of our winning teams! The scores were quite close, well done to all of our house teams.

It has been great to bring the school community together before the summer, I hope you have a wonderful summer holiday. Enjoy the photos! I wonder if you can spot some of your friends…

Sports day banner.jpg

Sports Day 2020! From home and in school

This year Our Lady’s are doing Sports Day from home! We are taking part in ‘Blackpool 20 20 Sports Day’ which has been created by Blackpool FC Community Trust. It is vital that all pupils participate because we will have a winning house from KS1 and KS2 based on your participation!

The Sports Day challenge is: 20 challenges for 20 reps or for 20 seconds. We would like you to use the resources sheet to guide you through the challenges (if you do not have access to a printer, you can write the challenges on a piece of paper and tick and record as you complete the challenges). Then send a message to your class’ email with your child’s name and house team as the subject and attach a photo of the resources sheet/list of challenges that shows how many of the challenges have been completed with a tick or the number recorded for that activity. Please also write final score in your email, just to confirm for your teacher. We will add the points together in the children’s houses. The house with most points will win Sports Day 2020!

Our Sports Day is from Monday 6th July - Wednesday 8th July. Please complete the challenges between these dates and email your class teacher by 4pm on Wednesday 8th July. We will not add points for any results sent in after 4pm on that Wednesday. Children can only have 1 entry. Children currently coming into school may have the opportunity to do it in school too, they will only have 1 entry even if they do it at home and school. Just to keep everything fair!

Please attach one photo (pick your favourite!) of your children completing the challenges within your results email to your class teacher. I would like to share them on here when we announce the winners!

Sports Day is a wonderful opportunity to bring the school family together, although we cannot be together in school this year, we can work together as a team from our homes and have lots of fun doing it!

You will need the following items:

  • A type of ball (or rolled up socks/paper)

  • A bat (or object to strike with)

  • A step

  • 2 tins

  • 2m track

  • Egg and spoon (or alternative)

  • A bag or bucket

Here is the link to the video to support the challenge: http://www.bfcct.co.uk/health-education/school-sport/blackpool-sports-day-2020/

You could also share your scoresheet and photos with Blackpool FC Community Trust on any of their social media platforms using the Hashtag #BFCCT2020 #ACTIVEWITHBFCCT

Good Luck!!

P.S. Have you tried a new way of getting active? You could apply for a limited edition 2020 Sport Badge from Blue Peter! https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/joinin/bp-sport-badge-2020

School year 2019-2020

Spring 1 - Activity Trail, Boccia and Bollywood Dancing

The children at Our Lady’s have had a very exciting sporting half term!

Six children went to a Boccia competition, after just a few weeks practising they won 3 out of 5 games! The children had a fantastic time and represented Our Lady’s beautifully.

Ten children have been to a Bollywood Dancing event, where they learned a dance routine to Jai Ho and performed it to the other schools. They loved trying a new type of dancing and the children worked very well together.

Our Lady’s is very excited to have a brand new activity trail on our large playground, 13 laps of the trail is one mile. We encourage the children to complete 13 laps every day to complete their daily mile! There will be exciting information about using the trail given to the children in the next few weeks.

Year 6 have been enjoying their Sport4Champions in class and we have had some great extra-curricular clubs this term, including: badminton, dance, boccia, Sport4Champions and dodgeball.

Athletics competitions at Stanley Park

What a fantastic start to our competitive sports for the academic year! Our athletics teams represented Our Lady’s so well at Stanley Park for their competitions. Not only as individuals, but as a team.
Our Year 3 and 4 athletes did fantastically well in their first competition and they got through to the final at Stanley Park, welldone! The competition was extremely high this year for Year 3 and 4 and Year 5 and 6.


We have celebrated Blackpool Youth Games week with our seven High 5 players from year 5, who played 5 close matches at Stanley Park on Monday! We won two matches and the children played so well in the humid conditions. On Tuesday, we took 10 children from year 1 and 2 to Blackpool Cricket Club, we played two friendly matches and practised lots of skills. The children had a fantastic time!
All of the children represented Our Lady’s very well with great manners and super sportsmanship!

Welldone Vinny, Gabriella, Lennon and Lila for reaching the Lancashire School Games Tennis County Final! They all played some fantastic tennis and represented Our Lady’s beautifully. What an achievement,

Well done and thank-you to our fantastic football and high 5 teams who competed this week.
The football team played against St Nicholas and won 4-2.
The High 5 team also played St Nicholas and lost 5-3, a close match!
Our High 5 team also played Roseacre this week and won 3-2.

A special welldone to Matthew, man of the match and Bethany, woman of the match! Both of whom were voted by their teammates.

All of the children were fantastic ambassadors of our school and I look forward to celebrating more throughout the Summer term.

Netball clubs are available for children from Reception upwards! Get your children involved! Blackpool Netball Club offer a range of sessions for a range of age groups. Have a look at this flyer.

Thank-you to Daniel Gilbert who has now coached Year One, Two and Three. The children have loved having a go at cricket. If you would like to join a local cricket club, there are a few to choose from! Go to allstarscricket.co.uk to find your local teams.

We had a fantastic time at the finals of the Year 3 and 4 athletics competition at Stanley Park. The children came 6th which is a great achievement and I am already excited to see what we can achieve next year, I hope you are too!

Welldone to our fantastic athletes who took part in the athletics competition at Stanley Park. Miss Haggerty and I were so proud of each and every one of you. Year 3 and 4 are through the the final in January, good luck!