Lockdown Update

As you will have seen in my last blog, I was very concerned going forward regarding the number of children requiring places at school as numbers were becoming very worrying. I have to say a huge thank you to those parents who have considered their position and are trying now to keep their children at home. It would be very helpful - and certainly safer for all, if we could reduce numbers even further. So I please ask you to keep considering your position and if you could reduce the number of days your child is here - or keep them at home if you can.

The Local Authority have also issued a letter for parents regarding this issue. You can read it HERE.

Limiting social contacts

Worryingly, I have conversations with some children today, who have been telling me that they have been visiting their classmates houses who are at home!!! I sincerely hope this has been an exaggeration - I truly hope no families have been as reckless as to visit another family bubble during this lockdown and put others’ lives in danger. I would therefore draw parents attention to the lockdown guidance, which states:

National lockdown: stay at home

You must stay at home. This is the single most important action we can all take to protect the NHS and save lives.You must not leave your home unless absolutely necessary.

It is against the law to meet socially with family or friends unless they are part of your household or support bubble. You cannot leave home for recreational or leisure purposes (such as for a picnic or a social meeting).

The police can take action against you if you leave home without a ‘reasonable cause’, and issue you with a fine (Fixed Penalty Notice).

You can be given a Fixed Penalty Notice of £200 for the first offence, doubling for further offences up to a maximum of £6,400.

I am sure that everyone is trying to ensure they are taking every precaution to fight this virus and keep yourself and others as safe as you possibly can. I hope all of our school community is doing this as approximately 1 in 3 people who have coronavirus have no symptoms and could be spreading it without realising it.

It is critical that everybody observes the safest possible behaviours:

ParentPay meals payments

We are trying to rota staff currently to limit the amount of staff who are on site at the same time while still being able to run school efficiently and effectively.

Please can I ask that those parents of KS2 children who are having hot lunches keep their ParentPay accounts up to date. This will save Mrs Wilson & Mrs Duffill valuable time as only one of them will be in the office on any given day. Thank you.

I know at the moment we are all struggling to see the light at the end, of what has seemed to be a very long tunnel, but we are a very strong community with Christ at the heart. We have worked together, hand in hand, for such a long time. Please know that we truly value all your support and we are already missing having all our wonderful children together. But we know that there will be a time soon when we can all enjoy just sharing the same space as one community. We just need to work together at the moment to protect each other.

I am more than aware of how much many families may be struggling to engage children at home with their learning. All we ask is that you try your best and that your child/children try to complete whatever they can. Class Teachers will try their best to support and work with you (There is always more than one solution to a problem…) However, please do not be upset if we contact you if we haven’t seen/heard anything from you or your child. We do not want anyone to fall behind and will do all we can to stop this from happening, but it does require you to help your child get into a routine with their daily tasks. Thank you again for all your support with this! We are working hard with the local authority, business and councillors to acquire further devices (laptops) we can lend out to families during this time. Please do let your child’s class teacher know if this is something you are struggling with and we will try to help.

I wish you strength, faith and hope as you journey through the next few weeks. Please remember we are here for you and will do whatever we can to lighten the burden. Please keep in touch by reading the website, as it is here you will find updated information. If there is something you do want to know, please do not hesitate to phone us or email to ask.

Please look after yourselves and take care.

God bless

Miss Haggerty

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Dear Parent/Carer,


On Tuesday, we made the decision that for continuity, places would be offered on a full time basis. Our aim was to ensure that teachers could provide quality remote learning which children could work through both at home and at school. Staff within class bubbles would then be able to work together to ensure each class teacher could be released to prepare and deliver lessons online.

Unfortunately, we have created a situation which is now not sustainable. Due to the expansion of the Critical Worker criteria we now have almost 50% of children in school. This has meant that teachers’ working hours are unmanageable as essentially they now have two full time jobs.

At this moment we have to pause and remember that the Prime Minister has closed all schools to try to stop the spread of infection. The instruction is to stay at home. The more children we have in school, the greater the potential for the infection to spread.

On Tuesday, we confirmed for many of you the offer of a critical worker place in school.

However, at this point I must ask you to now consider exactly what Critical Worker places are for.  Many people are entitled to the provision, but in supporting the national lockdown and the NHS, they have chosen not to use it as they are working from home.  Does this make it challenging for them? Absolutely.  But they recognise that the only way to stop a virulent strain of this virus is to limit contact.

In the last 72 hours we have had a surprisingly large number of people request Critical Worker provision. You will have noticed at drop off and collection how busy it is already.  I am asking you to reflect on the following:

Do you absolutely have to send your child into school?

What you can and cannot do during the national lockdown…

Coronavirus cases are rising rapidly across the country.  You must stay at home. The single most important action we can all take is to stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives.   (GOV.UK)

It is important to stress that the facility for sending your child into school during this lockdown is only to be used for emergency childcare for critical worker families when they really require it.

 This is not what I wanted to have to do or a message I wanted to send but I am so fearful that this request for places is threatening the whole of our critical worker provision in school and, more importantly, risks bringing too many children and adults into our school site.

I know the work pressures people are under and I also know that the expectation of children continuing their education at home remotely makes things incredibly difficult for working parents.  This is why we have significantly increased our offer from school for remote learning.

Although we expect children to engage in home learning we recognise that, for working parents, this may mean flexibility in the timetable we have set or in supporting with access to technology.  There are other ways we can support education at home beyond just sending children in to school.  We will work with you on this if it is needed.

If numbers do remain too high, we will be faced with the unwanted task of prioritising using the following criteria.  This may mean your place is no longer available.

The criteria we would prioritise by is:

1.      Vulnerable children

2.      Children where both parents are critical workers or children with single parents who are critical workers.  NHS and education critical workers to take priority if needed

3.      Children where only one of two parents is a critical worker. NHS and education critical workers to take priority if needed

I have already had some parents contact me and decline the offer of a place, as they have reflected and seen ways they could change work arrangements recognising the need to stay home and stay safe and to look after the NHS.  I am hoping that after the initial shock of lockdown that you can think carefully about not whether you can access a place but if you truly need to, and considering the larger numbers, if you really want to.

 Again, this is a virulent strain of the coronavirus and there is a reason that primary schools closed so suddenly.  Let us not under estimate the difficult job we need to do together to prevent transmission.

However, if you are a critical worker, in need of our support, at what must be an incredibly stressful time, know we are here for you.  I can only imagine how challenging this time is for our NHS colleagues.  I ask you to please consider your place under these extremely difficult circumstances.

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Dear Parents,

Thank you so much for your quick response to reading the news feed and completing the attached form.

If you haven't completed the form, we are now presuming that you do not need school provision during lockdown.

We have now collated numbers and those of you who have requested provision can now be offered a place in school, commencing tomorrow. I know some of you have said that you are happy to have certain days and we have also accommodated this. We now need to be able to establish systems and routines for the coming weeks.

Further Information for children attending school from tomorrow

The school day will commence at 9am for all children, please arrive at your normal gate.

The school day will finish at 3:30pm Monday - Thursday and 1:30pm on Fridays. NB: Although we are unable to start straight away with any After School provision; we are looking to put some provision in place hopefully by next week and are trying to ensure that we can do this in a safe and consistent way for pupils and available staff.

Your prompt collection and drop off for the present times will be greatly appreciated.

Please can you also confirm tomorrow if your child will be having school lunches. We would ask that the children attending full time would take a hot school dinner each day and not bring any extra items into school. (This also includes rucksacks/bags)

We are urging everyone to strictly follow government guidance which clearly asks us all to stay at home outside school hours.

Whilst attending school please avoid mixing with any other households. This will help to keep all staff and children safe.

Further Information for children at home

Commencing tomorrow all teachers will have placed learning in their class ‘home learning’ areas. This can be located by clicking on the Home Learning tab on your child’s class page. All teachers can be contacted using their class emails/dojo. Please do be aware that teachers will also be teaching during the day so their response to you may be delayed. Please be patient. Emergencies can be dealt with by phoning the school office.


We will continue to communicate on a weekly basis so please do read the weekly newsletter and the teacher's blogs. Effective communication is so important and will help us to all work as one caring team to keep everyone safe. We can do this!

We will keep everyone in our thoughts and prayers and ask that everyone try to say the Rosary (even if it is just 3 Hail Mary’s) to keep the health and wellbeing of our whole community in the hands of Mary, the patron of our Church and school.

Tomorrow is also the Feast of the Epiphany: Please look at the Church website (link on our home page) to see Fr Jim’s special (virtual) mass for school.

Please do take care and look after yourselves

God bless

Miss Haggerty and the Our Lady’s Team

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Dear Parents,

I appreciate that this has not been an easy time for you and I know that many of you have had to find childcare arrangements today. I also know that after missing so much of the previous school year it was a relief to us all to be finally back in school. The children have thrived during the autumn term and attendance has been fantastic. Although routines and systems have been different we have all worked together to create a safe environment which has helped to bring a small slice of normality back. It has been a joy watching the children falling back in love with their learning, something you all managed to nurture over those many months of home schooling.

Yesterday’s announcement has left us all feeling a sense of disappointment and weariness and for us in school, frustration that learning once again will be disrupted. Please know that the staff within school have also found it extremely difficult too.

Moving forward our aim now is to try our very best to meet the needs of our special school community and to endeavour to keep learning going so that all children are engaged and continue to develop that curiosity for finding out more.

Our plan is to reopen school tomorrow until half term for any children who are classed as vulnerable or those whose parents are Critical Workers. The criteria can be found at the end of this blog. To provide consistency we are only offering full time places which will follow the current school day. Depending on numbers starting and finishing times may vary but these will be published once numbers are collated.

For those children who remain at home, Remote Learning will be made available on a weekly basis on the school website within the class learning areas. This will follow a very similar pattern to what you experienced during the previous lockdown and children will be using platforms they are familiar with.

To help us with our planning, if you feel you urgently need a full time place for your child at school during lockdown as you are a critical worker, please could you complete the online form which can be accessed using the button below before noon this morning. This will greatly help the teachers as they plan their lessons to support learning both at home and school.

Throughout these next five weeks we will try our very best to support every family and continue to offer advice when needed. We have to remember that we have been here before and although this was not wished for we have already proven that together we can ride the storm and emerge triumphant. We are all in the hands of God and together we can gain the strength that He fills us with so that we can each do that very task He has given us to do.

You are all in our thoughts and we pray that we will all be able to return safely to school soon.

God bless

Miss Haggerty

Vulnerable children and young people

Vulnerable children and young people include those who:

·         are assessed as being in need under section 17 of the Children Act 1989, including children and young people who have a child in need plan, a child protection plan or who are a looked-after child

·         have an education, health and care (EHC) plan

·         have been identified as otherwise vulnerable by educational providers or local authorities (including children’s social care services), and who could therefore benefit from continued full-time attendance. 


Critical Worker

Parents whose work is critical to the coronavirus (COVID-19) and EU transition response include those who work in health and social care and in other key sectors outlined in the following sections.


Health and social care

This includes, but is not limited to, doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics, social workers, care workers, and other frontline health and social care staff including volunteers; the support and specialist staff required to maintain the UK’s health and social care sector; those working as part of the health and social care supply chain, including producers and distributors of medicines and medical and personal protective equipment.


Education and childcare

This includes:

·         childcare

·         support and teaching staff

·         social workers

·         specialist education professionals who must remain active during the coronavirus (COVID-19) response to deliver this approach


Key public services

This includes:

·         those essential to the running of the justice system

·         religious staff

·         charities and workers delivering key frontline services

·         those responsible for the management of the deceased

·         journalists and broadcasters who are providing public service broadcasting


Local and national government

This only includes those administrative occupations essential to the effective delivery of:

·         the coronavirus (COVID-19) response, and the delivery of and response to EU transition

·         essential public services, such as the payment of benefits and the certification or checking of goods for import and export (including animal products, animals, plants and food), including in government agencies and arms length bodies


Food and other necessary goods

This includes those involved in food:

·         production

·         processing

·         distribution

·         sale and delivery

·         as well as those essential to the provision of other key goods (for example hygienic and veterinary medicines)


Public safety and national security

This includes:

·         police and support staff

·         Ministry of Defence civilians

·         contractor and armed forces personnel (those critical to the delivery of key defence and national security outputs and essential to the response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and EU transition)

·         fire and rescue service employees (including support staff)

·         National Crime Agency staff

·         those maintaining border security, prison and probation staff and other national security roles, including those overseas


Transport and border

This includes those who will keep the air, water, road and rail passenger and freight transport modes operating during the coronavirus (COVID-19) response and EU transition, including those working on transport systems through which supply chains pass and those constructing or supporting the operation of critical transport and border infrastructure through which supply chains pass.


Utilities, communication and financial services

This includes:

·         staff needed for essential financial services provision (including but not limited to workers in banks, building societies and financial market infrastructure)

·         the oil, gas, electricity and water sectors (including sewerage)

·         information technology and data infrastructure sector and primary industry supplies to continue during the coronavirus (COVID-19) response

·         key staff working in the civil nuclear, chemicals, telecommunications (including but not limited to network operations, field engineering, call centre staff, IT and data infrastructure, 999 and 111 critical services)

·         postal services and delivery

·         payments providers

·         waste disposal sectors

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As this school year draws to a close, I would like to thank everyone for their kindness, patience and understanding through what has been one of the most testing times of my professional career. It has been a joy to welcome back the children this academic year and humbling to see how they have relished returning to their classes, their friends and their learning.

As a staff we have tried to keep school as ‘normal’ as possible for the children and it is testament to our wonderful staff that the children have been able to enjoy their broad and balanced curriculum. We have ensured that the children have enjoyed lots of high quality physical activity, art, drama, excellent music teaching and even yoga!

Some of our instrumentalists have put together a little concert of the pieces learned this term. As they were unable to visit any homes/hospitals this year; they wanted to give a little ‘virtual concert’ for everyone: (See below)

COVID latest…

Thank you to those families who have really considered any illness of your child during this past week and not sent them in to school. We want everyone to have the safest Christmas you possibly can. Also thank you to parents for keeping us informed if you or your child have either been a contact of a positive case or have had to take a test. It is imperative we are informed of positive COVID results of children up to 23rd December as this could affect others in your child’s class bubble. We would need to inform families as children may need to isolate.                                                                                                                                   

You can now use a specific email to inform us of a child’s positive result and we want you to continue to do this right up until 23rd December. In this way, a text would then be sent to others in that child’s bubble who would have to isolate due to this. It is vital therefore that we know if your child has a positive result from any test taken. If so please use the email below to inform us.


Christmas Break…

A reminder that we break for Christmas on Friday 18th December. Year 4, 5 & 6 (and Family Groups) finishing at 1.05pm (from your usual entrances) and our Year 1, 2, 3 and Reception finishing at 1.15pm on that day. There will be After School Club as usual until 3.30pm.

As we will still have to follow safety guidance in January, school times/structure will remain in place during the Spring Term and be assessed/revised as we are issued with new guidance and safety measures. Therefore, to keep your children as safe as we possibly can, our bubbles and staggered entry and exit times will remain in place.

School reopens at 8.40am for Family Groups - Y6, Y5 & Y4 on Monday 4th January 2021 and for Year 3, 2, 1 & Reception (not in family bubbles) at 9am.


It has seemed very strange this year not to celebrate with our usual carol services or nativities. Our classes have therefore put together some special celebration video’s which you can view on your child’s class page on our website. We hope you enjoy watching them as much as the children enjoyed making them!

A final ‘Thank You’…

Thank you so much to parents and families for sending in toys & gifts for church ‘Just Giving’ appeal and for the donations you gave for our Christmas Jumper Day. We raised £179 which is now on its way to Brian House Children’s Hospice.

I hope and pray that you have the best Christmas you can in these current circumstances and that you all get the rest and relaxation you all deserve. Lets hope that 2021 brings joy and happiness (even if in the smallest of ways).

Have a blessed Christmas and Holy New Year.

Miss M Haggerty


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