Blackpool Catholic Deanery will be holding it's Family Fun Day on Sunday July 10th at Our Lady of the Assumption!

This will be a special day of family events which everyone can participate in...  dancing,  treasure hunts, sports activities, plus food tasting from around the world and some craft activities too!

The day begins at 11.30am and will culminate in a special liturgy at Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church at 3.30pm. 

We hope you will be able to come along and join us on this day!

Fun Day Poster

AuthorGuest User

Last month our talented singers and musicians treated us to a wonderful Summer music concert. Take a look at these two videos...

AuthorKay McVey

Well, what an exciting (and extremely busy) start to our last half-term...

I can hardly believe we are coming to the end of another academic year - and my goodness we have started with a bang!!!!    

As you will have seen Our Lady's has had visits from the amazing 'WordPool' authors and artists including an assembly from Dan Worsley. We have had our wonderful times tables event, developed our own'Digital Leaders', had some further 'Anti Bullying Ambassador training, visited St Mary's for a Year 3 Mass.                                                                                     Our Year 6 class had an incredible time at their residential week at 'WaterParks' in the Lake District (Mr Sharrock, Mr Whetnall, Mrs Murray and Miss Evans were incredibly proud of all of them during their time away.)                  

We have also just presented an amazing evening of music at Our Lady's Musical Showcase on Tuesday 21st June. The children were incredible! They sang and played with such confidence and it was wonderful to see all their fabulous achievements due to the time spent with Mrs Bird, Mr Simpson and Miss Benson - and indeed all the other dedicated music staff who have worked with Our Lady's through the years! The children played and sang with gusto - and we were all delighted to have a performance from our own little 'Aker Bilk' (aka Joseph) who gave us an incredible solo of 'Stranger on the Shore'!                                                                               This just goes to show what can be achieved through dedication and practise - and of course, a love of music helps too! A huge thank you to all of our parents who, I'm sure, sit through many an hour of instrument rehearsal!!! It was lovely to see all of your dedication and support for your children's learning of music have a great showcase for all to see.

A huge well done to everyone!

And on top of all of this... we have also witnessed the miracle of several 'births' at Our Lady's in the form of a group of eggs which arrived on the first day we returned to school and due to Year 3's care and attention the chicks all hatched and were even made their own bespoke 'chicken run's' before they left Y3 to go on to the farm!

I can also announce that we have 2 new teachers who will be joining Our Lady's Family in September - Miss Dickson who be teaching our Year 1 class and Mrs Chandler who will be teaching Year 3.

Yes... as you can see, we will be having a little move around of some of our staff from September:

Reception - Mr Whetnall

Year 1 - Miss Dickson

Year 2 - Mrs Hollinghurst

Year 3 - Mrs Chandler

Year 4 - Miss Slater

Year 5 - Mrs McVey

Year 6 - Mrs Ormerod

We are all very excited at the new opportunities that our changes will bring and really look forward to the children meeting their new teacher on our 'Moving-Up Day' (Date to be confirmed)

Don't forget that we will be holding our SPORTS DAY on Thursday morning - weather permitting!!!! so lets pray for a nice day! Then the following week (keeping to our 'Sporting Summer' theme, our PTFA are holding a 'Sports Clothes Day' on Friday 8th July when you can come to school dressed as your sporting hero - or in the clothes of your favourite sport...  I wonder if we'll have any golfers, cricketers or basketball players this year?????

And finally for now... I hope families will be able to join us on Sunday 10th July from 12 noon (or straight after the 10.30am family mass) for our Deanery Family Fun Day. You will have seen the posters outside school and church and we hope you can join us for a lovey afternoon!

Keep your eye on the website for any further details!

AuthorGuest User

On the week of 20th - 24th June 2016, Our Lady's will be holding a week of Sports Themed Dinners.

All children will be invited to have a special dinner each day this week as Our Lady's celebrates all the Summer's sporting events in a special 'School Sports Dinners' Week...   Euro 16, Wimbledon, the Tour De France and of course the Rio Olympics to name but a few.  This will also be the week of the Blackpool Youth Games.  A letter will be coming out after half-term so that you if you do have packed lunches - you can sign up for any or all of these wonderful dinners!

See menu below...

Celebration of Sports Menu

AuthorGuest User

Key Stage 2 SATs

Our Year 6 children all sat the end of year statutory tests in English and Maths last week (SATs). They coped really well with the new, harder style tests produced by the government and ended the week with smiles; knowing they had all tried their best. Our Lady's was very proud of them all. Well done everyone!


First Holy Communion

Many of our Year 3 children will be receiving their First Holy Communion on Sunday 22nd May at a special 12 o'clock mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church.

They have all spent about 12 weeks preparing for this wonderful event and the next great step in their journey of faith. They will be having official photographs taken at church on Friday 20th May at 10.00am. We want to wish them all well and hope you will keep them in your prayers for this special time in their lives.


Congratulations and a fond farewell...

We have had news this week of two of our amazing members of staff who are about to embark on new beginnings.

Mr Sharrock is taking up a post with further responsibilities at the Willows Catholic School in Kirkham and Mrs Harding has been successfully appointed as a teacher in a School for the Deaf. Something for which she has been training for some time.

We wish them both every success in their new ventures and we will keep you posted about our quest to find replacements for September.


Parking Issues

Can parents please be aware that the rear of Thornhill Close is a residential area and therefore priority MUST be given to the residents who may need access to/from their parking spaces at any time.

Some parents/families collecting children have been blocking residents cars or parking spaces and this is simply unfair as many residents have disabilities and need clear access to their vehicles.

Please can I ask you to consider others when you are collecting or dropping off in vehicles. We are usually a very considerate Catholic community and we should set a good example to our children of treating others as you would like to be treated and in the words of Christ: 'loving our neighbours as ourselves'.


Own Clothes Day

A reminder that we have an Own Clothes Day in school on Friday 27th May which is the day we break up for half-term. This will cost £1 and PTA are collecting for a bespoke music storage area for the hall to be used by all pupils when they have music lessons.

Thank you all for your support.

AuthorGuest User

We are very fortunate to be experiencing some sunny weather at long last! At school, we intend to make the most of the good weather and will be taking advantage of our outdoor spaces to deliver the summer term curriculum and of course to play with our friends!

As a school, we take sun safety very seriously and we will be taking lots of measures to make sure children stay safe, cool and hydrated:

Water bottles - Your child has a water bottle in school. The children will have regular water-breaks during lessons and during breaks/lunchtimes.

Sun-cream - School believes that by encouraging sun safe behaviour at school and teaching children about the risks of sunlight, we can prevent them burning and contribute towards good health. The school would like your help and support in this matter.   We ask that parents apply a high factor sun-cream (ideally SPF 50) before bringing their child to school in the morning. A very high SPF will give 8hr protection against harmful rays – therefore your child will be protected for the whole school day. Staff will of course monitor children to ensure they are adequately protected. Unfortunately staff are unable to administer sun cream to a class of children, therefore we would only expect sun-cream to be sent in if your child is at After School Club (Miss Campbell will ask you to sign a form about this)

Further protection - Children are encouraged to wear a sunhat to school in the warm weather. Please ensure your child’s name and class is written on the inside of the hat. (Legionnaire hats are the best as they will provide coverage of the back of the neck)

 If you have any concerns or questions, please do speak to your child’s class teacher who should be able to help.




AuthorGuest User